
时间:2019-07-05 03:42:32
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小学生爱读书英语演讲稿 篇一

Title: The Magic of Books - Igniting the Love for Reading in Elementary Students


Good morning/afternoon/evening, respected teachers, parents, and fellow students. Today, I stand before you to share my thoughts on the importance of reading and how it can ignite a love for books in elementary students. As a young reader myself, I have experienced the magical power that books possess, and I believe that every child should have the opportunity to explore this world of wonder.


1. Expanding Knowledge:

Books have the incredible ability to transport us to different worlds, exposing us to new ideas, cultures, and perspectives. When we read, we acquire knowledge that expands our minds and broadens our horizons. As elementary students, reading allows us to learn about different subjects, from science and history to literature and beyond. With each book we read, we gain new knowledge and insights that will stay with us for a lifetime.

2. Enhancing Imagination:

Reading sparks our imagination like nothing else. When we dive into the pages of a book, we can visualize the characters, the settings, and the events in our minds. Our imagination takes flight, allowing us to create vivid images and scenarios. This creativity nurtures our ability to think outside the box and develop innovative ideas. By encouraging elementary students to read, we are fostering their imagination and helping them become imaginative thinkers.

3. Language Development:

Reading is a fundamental pillar in language development. It exposes us to a wide range of vocabulary, sentence structures, and writing styles. As elementary students, reading helps us improve our language skills, such as grammar, spelling, and comprehension. The more we read, the more we understand the nuances of language, and the better equipped we become to express ourselves both verbally and in writing.

4. Emotional and Social Development:

Books also play a crucial role in our emotional and social development. Through reading, we can empathize with different characters and understand their emotions and experiences. This empathy helps us develop compassion, kindness, and a deeper understanding of others. Furthermore, books provide us with opportunities to discuss and share our thoughts and opinions, promoting healthy and meaningful conversations among elementary students.


In conclusion, reading is a magical journey that every elementary student should embark upon. It expands our knowledge, enhances our imagination, develops our language skills, and nurtures our emotional and social growth. Let us encourage and support our young readers, providing them with a wide range of books that will ignite their love for reading. Together, we can empower the next generation to become lifelong learners and avid readers. Thank you.

小学生爱读书英语演讲稿 篇二

Title: The Adventure Begins - Encouraging Elementary Students to Fall in Love with Reading


Good morning/afternoon/evening, respected teachers, parents, and fellow students. Today, I want to share with you the importance of fostering a love for reading in elementary students. Reading is not only a vital skill but also a gateway to adventure and endless possibilities. Let us embark on this journey together and inspire our young readers to unlock the magic of books.


1. Diverse Book Selection:

To ignite a love for reading, we must provide elementary students with a wide range of books that cater to their varied interests and preferences. By offering diverse genres, such as fantasy, mystery, adventure, and non-fiction, we allow students to explore different worlds and discover their favorite literary genres. When students find books that resonate with their interests, they are more likely to develop a genuine passion for reading.

2. Creating a Reading Culture:

As educators and parents, it is our responsibility to create a reading culture that surrounds elementary students. This can be achieved by setting aside dedicated reading time in schools and homes, organizing book clubs, and hosting author visits. By immersing students in a reading-friendly environment, we show them that reading is not just a solitary activity but an opportunity to connect with others who share their love for books.

3. Role Models and Mentorship:

Elementary students look up to their role models, and we can leverage this admiration to encourage reading. Teachers and parents can serve as reading mentors, recommending books, and sharing their own reading experiences. By showcasing our own love for reading, we inspire young readers to follow in our footsteps. Additionally, inviting authors and other reading enthusiasts to speak to elementary students can further ignite their passion for books.

4. Rewards and Recognition:

We all thrive on recognition and rewards, and elementary students are no exception. By implementing reading challenges, book clubs, and reading contests, we create a sense of excitement and motivation. Recognizing and rewarding students' reading achievements, such as completing a certain number of books or writing book reviews, encourages them to continue their reading journey and fuels their love for books.


In conclusion, let us join hands in encouraging elementary students to fall in love with reading. By providing diverse book selections, creating a reading culture, acting as reading role models, and offering rewards and recognition, we can ignite the spark of curiosity and adventure within them. Together, let us embark on this literary voyage and empower our young readers to become lifelong learners and avid bookworms. Thank you.

小学生爱读书英语演讲稿 篇三


  导语:何为开卷有益呢?开卷有益通俗的说就是读书有好处。为什么读书有好处呢?因为知识就是力量,知识就是财富。而读书是获取知识的重要方法,也是知理的一种方式。读可以广博学识,增长智慧,明晓事理。 下面是小编为大家整理的:爱读书的英语演讲稿!希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


  Reference model:

  Dear every leader, teacher, dear students: hello, everyone, the title of my speech today is: "I love reading!

  In the blue sky, who is the most happy? Is the bird, because the blue sky gave the bird a pair of hard wings; In the vast sea, who is the most cheerful? Is the fish, because the sea gave the fish a vast world; If you ask me what is the most happy, I will not hesitate to answer: read! Because the book gave me infinite knowledge, gave me the wisdom of the mind, the book gave me a broad world. I think the happiest thing in the world is reading a book. In the book to read, in the hands of the a treasure, opened the read that a pious. When you read, your mind in it in the book, your emotional ups and downs in the book, this is the charm of the book.

  When I was a child, I grew up in mother's story. In each night, under the soft light, mother began to tell me interesting story books, listened, I slowly, unwittingly entered the sweet dreams - in blue in the night sky leisurely, I seem to become a star with wings, flying freely in the universe... Suddenly, I dreamed that he turned into a story of bambi, kindhearted dwarfs, poor stray dogs, stray cats... Listen to mother those amazing beautiful story, staring at the mother's hand book, I started to know, the original there are so many interesting stories in the book! From then on I began to love books,

  In my spare time, I like a man immersed in the sea of book, taste the story in the book quietly. I was down to the little match girl sympathize with tears; Had to "the emperor's new clothes" stupid emperor and laugh; More Madame Curie, Nobel they pursue science, strong dedication spirit and moved. I was like a busy little bees, tirelessly to collect pollen in gardens, and like a sponge, day and night to water in the ocean of knowledge. I learned from the book in infinite wisdom and power. When I grow up, I have a more profound meaning of the story in the book. Great poet johann Wolfgang von Goethe once said "reading a good book, like with a group of noble person dialogue." Yes, a good book, can give us the power of the spirit. Literary masters have insight and vision, to infiltrate seen their own ideas, communicate with the reader in the book, therefore, in the book there is the spirit of the masters. "Notre Dame DE Paris" is full of fury, Hugo to corrupt society is permeated with he to love, to humanitarian yearning, always flashing the light of human nature in the book; The true story of ah Q like needle pierced Chinese callousness of skin; "The analects" midstream shows the figure of Confucius' teaching; Pushkin's poetry is permeated with the hate evil rule... They taught me to identify good and evil, taught me to do good, to hate evil. From the book, I learned to appreciate and learn the true, the good and beautiful, I feel the love from the book, to understand the evil.

  In the process of reading, I also met difficulties. When I read something when swallowed, the teacher taught me: to read without thinking, is equal to eat without digestion; When I was on the words in the book after, mother encouraged me: read a book hundreds of times, its righteousness; When I write a diary to write a composition was dried up, the author's teacher told me, reading books and do not accumulate, like a person in baoshan, but came back; When is indiscriminate in bookstores optional I borrow, mother advised me: read a good book, and many noble people talk, instead it is better to don't read. Gradually, I see, one to read a good book, reading to accumulate, to read more to think about.

  I love reading. Book is the treasure house of knowledge, it is her, broadened my horizons and enriched my life; Book is the ladder of human, is she, help me to improve and progress; Books are the source of happiness, is her, to give me happiness, brings me satisfaction. Reading, how nice!

  "Asked canal which had so much, to have a source to." Boys and girls, let's drink the "origin", climbing the ladder of human progress, become a knowledge of the rich, the spirit of the giant! With the book, we have the whole world; With a book, we will have a better tomorrow! The classmates, and I love reading together! Let elegant companion we grow happily, let books to nourish our life!

  My speech finished, thank you.








  “问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来。”同学们,让我们畅饮这“源头活水”,攀登这人类进步的阶梯,成为知识的富翁,精神的巨人!拥有书,我们就拥有了整个世界;拥有书,我们就拥有美好的明天! 同学们,和我一起热爱读书吧!让书香伴我们快乐成长,让书籍滋润我们的'人生!



  Books are the ladder of human progress. Goes the: "has its own gold room in the book, the book has its own treasure to." Books are the food of the human spirit. In the book I have ever with god Li Baidou poems best article; And fan zhongyan "to the world of sorrow, sorrow, after the world of joy but joy." Reading let me heart not only, also let me feel the "suddenly look back, that person but in the lights decayed place of artistic conception." Therefore, the book as the indispensable mentor in my life.

  I'm in the study to enjoy the beauty of art, enjoy the fun. I can swim in the sea of book, sitting in the three gorges ahead, canoe to feel li bai "cross-strait YuanSheng crow, boats already past thousands of mountains", can also walk on the Great Wall open grasslands, to appreciate wang wei lit by the solitary smoke into the sky, enjoy the charming and make people linger "long river down the yen", but also enjoy the "bit distant mountains, swallowing the Yangtze river, the majestic, transverse JiYa, from zhaohui sunset" so grand yueyang tower.

  While watching "Notre Dame DE Paris" impressed me is the author's those buildings at that time, the power of the church, the symbol of luxury people don't know can have their own thoughts, and for the sake of his desire to do something, all under the guise of sacred religious, all under the guise of holy church to show, show architect aesthetics, namely personal talent, or display their abilities, I think people at that time, the human nature deeply buried under a sacred religious coat, the typical character is vice bishop, Claude. From the many intricate complex unstructured, it is easy to see that people at that time what is the heart of depression, manic, those who like spring up from underground come out the spire of the church, it is people distort the soul in the heaven do this silent cry! This let me connect to book also have rotten turbid darkness.

  And reading a book that I learned a lot, such as: "when danger comes" taught me when danger comes to brave face, as well as the measures taken by the mystery of life, let me know the human evolutionary history, and many people all sorts of strange habits. "Journey to the west" to make me know how to be brave, kind, like sun wukong, dare to take responsibility, have a stick to it even perseverance, courage to overcome difficulties and eventually will win. The romance of The Three Kingdoms, let me enjoy the zhuge liang debate QunRu elegance; "How the steel was practice let me realize the true meaning of life and the meaning of life; "Sherlock Holmes", let me appreciate its solve a lot of strange case of wit and brave.

  I think reading is a happy thing. It has become an essential part of my life, was "the night dream book when pillow, never signed, breakfast area." The sun rising in the morning how many, how many stars all over the sky of the night, I all potter soars in the books. Reading is the spirit of freedom of flying, is untamed imagination soar, is beyond time and space of thinking. It

can not only rich knowledge, increase intelligence, also can cultivate moral personality. Is the book made me open the vision, increased knowledge; Is the book let me find the lost the compass; Is a book that I obtain spiritual nutrition let me grow in learning; Is the book changed my life.








