
时间:2011-01-07 04:32:19
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高中英语演讲稿 篇一:The Importance of Learning English

Good morning, everyone!

I am honored to stand here today to talk about the importance of learning English. English has become a global language and is widely used in many fields such as business, science, technology, and entertainment. Therefore, it is crucial for us, as high school students, to realize the significance of learning English.

Firstly, learning English can greatly enhance our career prospects. In today's competitive job market, being bilingual or multilingual is a valuable asset. English proficiency opens up a world of opportunities in international companies and organizations. Many companies require employees who can communicate effectively in English, and having strong English skills can give us a competitive edge. Moreover, learning English can also broaden our career options. With English proficiency, we can explore job opportunities in various countries and cultures, which can lead to a more diverse and fulfilling career.

Secondly, learning English can expand our knowledge and understanding of the world. English is the language of communication in many academic fields, such as science, medicine, and engineering. By learning English, we can access a vast amount of knowledge and resources that are written or presented in English. We can read scientific journals, research papers, and books written by prominent scholars from around the world. This not only helps us stay updated with the latest advancements in our respective fields but also allows us to contribute to the global academic community.

Furthermore, learning English enables us to connect with people from different cultures and backgrounds. English is the most commonly spoken language among non-native speakers, which means that by learning English, we can communicate with people from various countries and build meaningful connections. This not only enriches our personal lives but also promotes cultural understanding and tolerance. By understanding different perspectives and cultures, we can become global citizens who are open-minded and accepting of diversity.

Lastly, learning English can improve our cognitive abilities. Numerous studies have shown that bilingualism enhances cognitive functions such as problem-solving skills, memory, and creativity. Learning a second language, such as English, forces our brains to think in different ways and adapt to new linguistic patterns. This mental flexibility and adaptability can benefit us in various aspects of our lives, including academic performance and critical thinking skills.

In conclusion, learning English is of utmost importance for high school students. It can greatly enhance our career prospects, expand our knowledge, connect us with people from different cultures, and improve our cognitive abilities. Therefore, let us embrace the opportunity to learn English and strive for proficiency in this global language. Thank you.

高中英语演讲稿 篇二:The Power of Positive Thinking

Good morning, fellow students and teachers!

Today, I want to talk to you about the power of positive thinking. We live in a world that is full of challenges and uncertainties. It is easy to become overwhelmed by negativity and pessimism. However, by cultivating a positive mindset, we can overcome obstacles, achieve our goals, and lead happier and more fulfilling lives.

Positive thinking is not about denying the existence of problems or pretending that everything is perfect. It is about choosing to focus on the good, finding solutions, and maintaining a hopeful outlook. Research has shown that positive thinking can have a significant impact on our mental and physical well-being. It can reduce stress levels, improve our immune system, and increase our overall happiness.

One of the key benefits of positive thinking is its effect on our mental health. When we approach challenges with a positive mindset, we are better able to cope with stress and anxiety. Instead of dwelling on problems, we look for solutions and opportunities for growth. This resilience allows us to bounce back from setbacks and move forward with a renewed sense of determination and optimism.

Positive thinking also plays a crucial role in achieving our goals. When we believe in ourselves and our abilities, we are more likely to take risks, try new things, and persist in the face of difficulties. Our positive attitude attracts positive outcomes and opportunities. As Henry Ford once said, "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right." Our thoughts shape our actions and ultimately determine our success.

Moreover, positive thinking has a ripple effect on those around us. When we radiate positivity, we inspire and uplift others. Our positive energy is contagious and can create a supportive and encouraging environment. By being optimistic and supportive of others, we contribute to a positive community where everyone can thrive and succeed.

So, how can we cultivate a positive mindset? Firstly, we need to practice gratitude. Every day, let us take a moment to appreciate the good things in our lives, no matter how small they may seem. This simple act of gratitude can shift our focus from what is lacking to what we have. Secondly, we should surround ourselves with positive influences. Choose to spend time with people who uplift and inspire us, and engage in activities that bring us joy and fulfillment.

In conclusion, positive thinking is a powerful tool that can transform our lives. By adopting a positive mindset, we can overcome challenges, achieve our goals, and create a happier and more fulfilling life for ourselves and those around us. Let us embrace the power of positive thinking and create a brighter future together. Thank you.

高中英语演讲稿 篇三




  A Young Idler,An Old Beggar

  Almost everyone knows the famous Chinese saying:A young idler,an old beggar. Throughout history,we have seen many cases in which this saying has again and again proved to be true.

  It goes without saying that the youth is the best time of life,during which one's mental and physical states are at their peaks. It takes relatively less time and pains to learn or accept new things in a world full of changes and rapid developments. In addition,one is less likely to be under great pressure from career,family and health problems when young. Therefore,a fresh mind plus enormous energy will ensure success in different aspects of life.

  Of course,we all know:no pains,no gains. If we don't make every effort to make good use of the advantages youth brings us,it is impossible to achieve any goals. As students,we should now try our best to learn all the subjects well so that we can be well prepared for the challenges that we will face in the future.







  my favourite animal is tortoise. tortoise walk not fast. but i like the tortoise. why? because, tortoise is a cute animal. it has a short tail and a four short foot. it has a little head and a hard shell. there are forty-five little and cute tortoises in my home. they like to play in the water. when they afraid of some thing. they will run fast. they like to eat fish. i often buy some small fish for them to eat. they can catch the fish fast. first, they fake(假) sleep. when the fish swim near their mouth. they catch the fish fast and bit the fish's head. so, the fish die. they can eat the fish. in winter. they like to sleep in the sand. when they sleep, they don’t eat any food.because they will hibernation. but, when they are thirsty. they come out of the sand. so, we must give water to them to drink.

  i love the tortoise. i hate the eagle. because, the eagle often eat the tortoise with it sharp mouth.my favourite animal is tortoise.





  Hold Fast To Your Dreams

  I have a dream today.

  I have a dream that one day every vally shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.

  Wow, what a dream it has been for Martin Luther King. But the changing world seems telling me that people gradually get their dreams lost somehow in the process of growing up, and sometimes I personally find myself saying goodbye unconsciously to those distant childhood dreams.

  However, we meed dreams. They nourish our spirit; they represent possibility even when we are dragged down by reality. They keep us going. Most successful people are dreamers as well as ordinary people who are not afraid to think big and dare to be great. When we were little kids, we all dreamed of doing something big and splashy, something significant. Now what we need to do is to maintain them, refresh them and turn them into reality. However, the toughest part is that we often have no ideas how to translate these dreams into actions. Well, just sta

rt with concrete objectives and stick to it. Don’t let the nameless fear confuse the eye and confound our strong belief of future. Through our talents, through our wits, through our endurance and through our creativity, we will make it.

  Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams, for when dreams go, life is a barren field frozen with snow. So my dear friends, think of your old and maybe dead dreams. Whatever it is, pick it up and make it alive from today.









  on my birthday two years ago, many special things happened on me. and i would

  remember them forever.

  that morning, i rode my bike to school happily as usual. on my way to the

  classroom, i saw some of my classmates. but when they saw me, they rushed away. that made me confused. because they would talk to me or play jokes on me before. but it was strange today.

  when i came into the classroom, i found the atmosphere was quite strange.

  everybody looked at me and laughed loudly. suddenly they all said in good order,“happy birthday to you!” then they began to sing “happy birthday to you~~~~~~” that made me moved. i never told anyone about my birthday, how did they know? i believed they must have done a lot of things. at that moment, i found nothing to say but thanks instead!

  after school, a thing coming as a surprise happened on me on my way back home. when i was riding suddenly a crowed of people rushed out to stopped my bike.i recogized them at once. they were my senior classmates. they all comlained to me,“why don't you tell us about your birthday? don't you fear that we will let you stand treat? this time you owe us.” then each of them gave a gift and a card with best wishes to me. i was deeply moved again. i suggested having a dinner together. but they all refused because of the time. then they left me saying we would ask you to pay us another day!

  when i got back home, i thought of everything happened today. suddenly i felt so happy because i had such great friends around me. i thanked them from the bottom of my heart. i would value the precious friendship forever!

  i have so many feelings through that special day. the only rose without thorns in the world is friendship. a true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart. truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget. one friend in a lifetime is much, two are many, three are hardly possible. stick to make friends, forlife without friends is like life on a desert island. to find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune, to keep him is a blessing.

  thank you for your attention!










