
时间:2013-07-08 04:26:30
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态度决定一切的英语演讲稿 篇一

Good morning/afternoon/evening, ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I want to talk to you about the power of attitude. As we all know, attitude is everything. It is the driving force behind our actions and the key to our success. Our attitude determines how we approach challenges, how we interact with others, and ultimately, how we achieve our goals.

Firstly, attitude determines how we approach challenges. When faced with a difficult situation, those with a positive attitude see it as an opportunity for growth and learning. They embrace challenges, believing that they can overcome any obstacle that comes their way. On the other hand, those with a negative attitude often give up easily and see challenges as insurmountable. They are more likely to be defeated by setbacks and never reach their full potential.

Secondly, attitude affects how we interact with others. A positive attitude is contagious and can inspire and motivate those around us. It allows us to build strong relationships and work effectively in teams. On the other hand, a negative attitude repels people and creates a toxic environment. It hinders collaboration and can lead to conflict and division.

Lastly, attitude determines how we achieve our goals. Those with a positive attitude believe in themselves and their abilities. They have a growth mindset and are willing to put in the effort and hard work required to achieve their goals. They are resilient in the face of failure and setbacks, always finding a way to bounce back and keep moving forward. On the other hand, those with a negative attitude doubt themselves and their abilities. They are easily discouraged and give up when faced with obstacles, preventing them from reaching their full potential.

In conclusion, attitude plays a crucial role in determining our success and happiness in life. It affects how we approach challenges, how we interact with others, and ultimately, how we achieve our goals. So, let us always maintain a positive attitude, be resilient in the face of adversity, and believe in ourselves and our abilities. With the right attitude, we can overcome any challenge and achieve our dreams. Thank you.

态度决定一切的英语演讲稿 篇二

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I want to talk to you about the power of attitude. Attitude is not just a state of mind, but a way of life. It is the lens through which we view the world and shape our reality. Our attitude determines our approach to challenges, our relationships with others, and ultimately, our overall happiness and success.

Firstly, attitude determines our approach to challenges. When faced with difficulties, those with a positive attitude see them as opportunities for growth and learning. They embrace challenges and see them as stepping stones towards their goals. They believe that they have the power to overcome any obstacle that comes their way. On the other hand, those with a negative attitude are more likely to give up easily and see challenges as insurmountable. They view them as roadblocks that hinder their progress and prevent them from reaching their full potential.

Secondly, attitude affects our relationships with others. A positive attitude is contagious and can inspire and uplift those around us. It allows us to build strong and meaningful connections with others. People are drawn towards those with a positive attitude because they radiate positivity and create a harmonious environment. On the other hand, a negative attitude repels people and creates a toxic atmosphere. It hinders effective communication and collaboration, leading to strained relationships and conflict.

Lastly, attitude determines our overall happiness and success. Those with a positive attitude approach life with optimism and gratitude. They appreciate the little things and find joy in the present moment. They have a sense of purpose and are driven to achieve their goals. On the other hand, those with a negative attitude often dwell on the negatives and fail to appreciate the positives in life. They are more likely to feel dissatisfied and unfulfilled, hindering their ability to achieve true happiness and success.

In conclusion, attitude is a powerful force that shapes our lives. It determines our approach to challenges, our relationships with others, and our overall happiness and success. So, let us always strive to maintain a positive attitude, embrace challenges, and appreciate the blessings in our lives. With the right attitude, we can overcome any obstacle and lead a fulfilling and successful life. Thank you.

态度决定一切的英语演讲稿 篇三





  Dear every leader, dear colleagues:

  Everybody is good! Today, the title of my speech is: attitude decides everything.

  I work from to attend to now, has been for half a year. Half a year, no matter what kind of work I do, always with a conscientious and down-to-earth attitude to treat, and gradually found pleasure in work, experienced the values of life. Although, this half year, what I do is very ordinary, very ordinary, at work, also encountered setbacks and failures, experienced confusion and lost, but in this half a year's practice, I really experienced "attitude is everything". Now we are still young, as the saying goes: the flower of life is the spring of life, it is beautiful, but short-lived. As a new generation of young people should take the time during this period, work hard, study hard, to find a belongs to own sky.

  There is a philosopher once said: "a lot of walking in the dream, wake up still in bed". It vividly tells us a truth: people can't lie in the dream of the ideal life. Yes, people should not only bold fantasy, but also to have the ideal, more to do, in the ideal lay waiting for new start, the results not only elusive, even have to lose. So no matter what we all want to have a goal, adjust good mentality, conscientious, steadfast toward the goal to struggle.

  (I've seen such a story: a crow to fly to the east, on the way met a pigeon, it both parked in a tree to rest, the dove saw a crow fly very hard, and asked with concern: "where are you going to fly?" the crow resentfully, said: "in fact, I don't want to leave, but the inhabitants of the place is too my sound is not good, so I want to fly to somewhere else." the pigeon kindly tell crow don't bother, if you don't change your voice, fly there won't be welcome.) Told us this story is not only simple to learn to change yourself, more should adjust their mentality, cannot escape because one of his bad, want to have the courage to surpass ourselves, will reach the real goal.

  Lu xun once said, "discontent is the soul of the upward." The progress of The Times to make new things incredible speed of development. No iron rice bowl, no shelf life. No matter what time, must be in the starting line of posture to meet the challenge. Only by constantly learning and improving to keep up with the pace of this great big time.

  To meet the reality is not equal to self-sufficiency, keep a positive attitude, love for one's own work is a kind of meet, as you would like to work for you to create more value, content with the status quo is self-sufficient, it will allow you to recover, will make you more towards the abyss of failure, but I think the most important thing is not to meet but ambitions, ambitious, just can have passion, ambition will have pursuit, ambitious, will create the miracle, make impossible to possible, let everything is possible.

  Maybe, some people would say to me these words feel incredible, think I am Shouting the odds. But I think this is the most realistic. Don't know if you have heard of such a story, said three bricklayer asked, "what are you doing," the first workers said: "I'm bricklaying." The second worker said: "I'm making money." Third workers said: "I is building the world's most distinctive house." The result of the story is in the end, the first two workers or ordinary bricklayer, while the third workers has become a great architect. Through this story, is nothing but sarcasm before two kinds of the heart, so nothing. Praise a third person has great ideal, and to accomplish. But I have another comment on this story is: even the most mundane work, also can have flash, in the ordinary course of post, also can create the value of life.

  French famous thinker Rousseau once said: "each work contains the infinite joy, some people just don't know how to find them." At work, some people always complain about other people's good luck, met better teacher ordered list, this attitude is wrong, you know, god always only to have the opportunity to prepare the people, some people may ask, how to prepare? Actually very simple, we do the telephone marketing, a phone call to play in the past, in the process of communication with each other too seriously, formality, customers will be partial to rational thinking, if this contract is rational thinking hard to succeed, if the call out is cheerful, the client will feel joy, this is the perceptual thinking. If we call a smile, as you smile at the mirror, the mirror will smile to you, believe in your feelings can communicate to each other by telephone directly, so that we will be more pleasant and customer communication, customer will be pleased the perceptual thinking, and when we telephone marketing communication is there a way to see each other, there is no way, so the sound expression becomes very important. As long as he's happy, feel about you by the way, the contract is easy to success. So as long as we work to explore will find contains the joy. The footsteps of successful will slowly close to you, isn't it?








  也许,有些人会对我说的这些话感到不可思议,认为我是在说大话。但我却认为这是最真实的。不知道大家有没有听说过这样一个故事,说有人问三个砌砖工人:"你们在做什么 "第一个工人说:"我正在砌砖。"第二个工人说:"我正在赚钱。"第三个工人却说:"我正在建造世界上最富有特色的房子。"故事的结果就是到了最后,前两个工人还是普普通通的砌砖工人,而第三个工人却成了伟大的建筑师。人们通过这个故事,无非是想讽刺前两种人胸无大志,所以一事无成。而赞美第三种人有远大的理想,能够成就大业。但我对这个故事却有另一种看法:即使是最平凡的工作,也会有闪光的地方,在普通的岗位上,也能创造出人生价值。



