荒岛余生英文观后感The Impression Of Cast Away【优选6篇】

时间:2016-03-09 06:12:44
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荒岛余生英文观后感The Impression Of Cast Away 篇一

The movie "Cast Away" left a deep impression on me. The story revolves around a FedEx executive named Chuck Noland, played by Tom Hanks, who becomes stranded on a deserted island after a plane crash. Throughout the film, Chuck must learn to survive on his own and find a way back to civilization.

One of the aspects that stood out to me was the incredible performance by Tom Hanks. He portrayed the character of Chuck Noland with such authenticity and vulnerability. Hanks's ability to capture the emotions of a man who is isolated and facing the unknown was truly remarkable. From the initial shock and despair to the determination and resilience he develops, Hanks's performance was captivating and drew me into the story.

Another aspect of the film that I found impressive was the cinematography. The shots of the deserted island were breathtaking, showcasing the beauty and harshness of nature. The camera work effectively captured the isolation and vastness of the island, making me feel as if I were right there with Chuck. The use of natural lighting and the absence of music during certain scenes added to the realism of the film, allowing me to fully immerse myself in Chuck's journey.

The theme of survival and self-discovery was also explored in a thought-provoking manner. Chuck is forced to rely on his instincts and resourcefulness to find food, shelter, and water. The film highlights the importance of adaptability and resilience in the face of adversity. It made me reflect on my own ability to overcome challenges and the strength of the human spirit.

Additionally, the relationship between Chuck and Wilson, a volleyball he befriends on the island, was both heartwarming and heartbreaking. It showcased the human need for companionship and the lengths we will go to maintain our sanity. The scenes where Chuck interacts with Wilson were incredibly moving, and I found myself emotionally invested in their bond.

Overall, "Cast Away" is a powerful film that explores the themes of survival, isolation, and self-discovery. Tom Hanks delivers an outstanding performance, and the cinematography captures the beauty and harshness of the deserted island. The film left me reflecting on the importance of adaptability and resilience in the face of adversity. It is a thought-provoking and emotionally charged journey that will stay with me long after watching it.

荒岛余生英文观后感The Impression Of Cast Away 篇二

"Cast Away" is a film that left a profound impact on me. The story follows the journey of Chuck Noland, a FedEx executive who finds himself stranded on a deserted island after a plane crash. Throughout the film, Chuck must learn to survive in this harsh and unforgiving environment while holding onto hope for a chance to return home.

One aspect of the film that struck me was the portrayal of isolation. Through the brilliant performance of Tom Hanks, the audience could feel the solitude and loneliness that Chuck experiences on the island. The lack of human interaction and the absence of modern conveniences highlighted the stark reality of being stranded in a remote location. This depiction made me appreciate the value of human connection and the importance of relationships in our lives.

The film also explores the theme of resilience and the human spirit's ability to overcome adversity. Chuck's transformation from a stressed and time-obsessed executive to a resourceful survivor was inspiring. His determination to survive and find a way back to civilization showcased the strength of the human will. This theme resonated with me and made me reflect on my own ability to face challenges and persevere.

Furthermore, the cinematography in "Cast Away" was exceptional. The picturesque shots of the island's natural beauty juxtaposed with the harsh reality of survival created a captivating visual experience. The use of wide shots and long takes allowed the audience to fully immerse themselves in Chuck's surroundings. The absence of dialogue during certain scenes further emphasized the isolation and solitude that Chuck experiences on the island.

One particular aspect of the film that left a lasting impression on me was the symbolic representation of time. Throughout the movie, the concept of time is explored through various means, such as the consistent ticking of a pocket watch and the passing of seasons. This portrayal reminded me of the fleeting nature of time and the importance of making the most of every moment.

In conclusion, "Cast Away" is a thought-provoking film that delves into the themes of isolation, resilience, and the passage of time. The exceptional performances, stunning cinematography, and compelling storytelling make it a must-watch. The film left me with a heightened appreciation for human connection, a renewed determination to face challenges head-on, and a reminder to cherish every moment in life.

荒岛余生英文观后感The Impression Of Cast Away 篇三

  Tom Hanks does a su

perb job of carrying Cast Away all by himself for about two-thirds of its running time, but isn't much helped by additional characters in the opening and closing sequences. Here is a strong and simple story surrounded by needless complications, and flawed by a last act that first disappoints us and then ends on a note of forced whimsy.

  Hanks plays Chuck Noland, a time-obsessed Federal Express executive who troubleshoots all over the world, arranging hurry-up package transfers in Moscow before flying off to solve problems in Asia. Helen Hunt plays his fiancee, Kelly Frears, who tries her best to accept a man ruled by a beeper. She comes from clock-watching stock, and for Christmas gives Chuck her grandfather's railroad watch.

  Noland hitches a ride on a FedEx flight across the Pacific, which is blown off course before crashing after an onboard explosion. That seems like two catastrophes when one would have done, but director Bob Zemeckis uses the storm for scenes of in-flight fear, wisely following Alfred Hitchcock's observation that from a suspense point of view, an explosion is over before you get your money's worth.

  Spoiler alert: If you have not seen ads for the movie, read no further.

  Noland survives the crash, and floats in a life raft to a deserted island. And …… may I telling too much of the story? I doubt it, since the trailers and commercials for this movie single-mindedly reveal as much of the plot as they can, spoiling any possible suspense. Not only do they tell you he gets off the island, they tell you what happens then. What am I to do? Pretend you haven't seen the ad, or discuss what we all know happens? The early scenes are essentially busy work. Exotic locales like Moscow add a little interest to details about Noland's job. An airport farewell to the fiancee is obligatory, including the inevitable reassurances about how Chuck will be right back and they'll have a wonderful New Year's Eve. Then the crash.

  The movie's power and effect center on the island. Chuck, the time-and-motion man, finds himself in a world without clocks, schedules, or much of a future. There's something wonderfully pathetic about the way he shouts Hello? Anybody? at the sand and trees. Those are his last words for a time, as he tries to remember childhood lessons about firemaking and shelter construction. Then there's a four-year flash-forward and we see the formerly plump Chuck as a gaunt, skinny survivor. (Zemeckis shut down the movie while Hanks lost weight.) I find it fascinating when a movie just watches somebody doing something. Actual work is more interesting than most plots. Chuck splits coconuts, traps fish, builds fires, and makes use of the contents of several FedEx boxes that washed up with him (too bad nobody was mailing K-rations). And he paints a face on a volleyball and names it Wilson--a device which, not incidentally, gives him an excuse for talking out loud.

  Hanks proves here again what an effective actor he is, never straining for an effect, always persuasive even in this unlikely situation, winning our sympathy with his eyes and his body language when there's no one else on the screen.

  I liked every scene on the island and wanted more of them. There's a lovely moment when he squats on the ground, contemplating a crate that has washed up, and the shot is composed as homage to 2001: A Space Odyssey, Hanks' favorite film. I also liked the details of his escape.

荒岛余生英文观后感The Impression Of Cast Away 篇四

  "Castaway" read three times, I am on this level, no matter what the movie does not look three times, not what to write. I share these views, only people who have seen the film.

  No wonder at the beginning of the intersection and the manor wings to take a shot, and later know that they affect the grams under different circumstances will make what kind of life decision.

  Mrs. Pedersen: all right. See you Thursday". It's time to meet again, but four years later!

  No Cha Ke, first heard from a time ruthless dominate us "let us begin to gradually realize he is a FedEx staff, because of work, all flying, receive mail, mail classification, mail delivery, supervision of staff, these things make him a must to deal with time, to race with time. "The appalling, relentless taskmaster tries to put us out of business, we have only so much time......." this is a very clear and powerful.

  People work hard. He's a great worker.

  Although the work is heavy, but Richard has the confidence and ability to organize it well. At the same time, he didn't spend much time in other life, so he met his fiancee Kylie, and his date was pushed to the point where he couldn't push any more. Even for Kelly's new year's Eve gifts, there was no way to wait until that day. I guess that might be a wedding ring, and that's what Kylie should have guessed, or how excited she was when she saw this gift, and she said, "I'm so nervous". Although he was busy, he knew how to care for his friends. When he learned that his friend Stan's lover, Marie, was sick, he said enthusiastically, "I heard that there was a doctor in Atlanta... I went to find the phone number."". Never forget to chuck his fiancee Kylie sent more care, three gifts carefully prepared for her Christmas as evidenced by: Kylie in Phnom Penh notebook to write their chemical papers; pagers -- wherever they are, how far, can let each other to hear each other's voices; - in the words of Kylie when I wash the towel, will think of you. So Kylie is in love with chuck. When chuck saw Kylie gave his Christmas gifts when said: "I love this paper... I love this box...", for work in the FedEx staff, he deserves praise only two kinds of packaging, or love, as long as we send a gift on even the packaging will be beautiful, or is indeed very beautiful, see Kylie's heart of love. Look at what's inside, a pocket watch, a pocket watch left by grandpa, a picture of Kylie's favorite, and then, when he flies around, he carries his watch and carries Kylie's sincere love. "I kept it on Memphis time - Kylie time". No need to explain, everyone can feel the chic of their love, love of comfort!

  Chuck is full of life in such a tense, busy and happy, love love and be loved in the world, his passion into work, look forward to working with Kylie and married happy happy tomorrow.

  The weather is unpredictable, people have good and bad fortune, the old words have to be talking about people, the fact is such a kind of. Maybe you hope for your life is not very high, perhaps you don't complain about your life is where misfortune, maybe you just have a job every day, something to eat in peace had nothing to do, but not the fate, not because you require a small setback will give you less. There is no sign in the case of chuck riding in a plane crash, in the middle of the night, the South Pacific, all personnel on board on... "...! A part of accident" is life, when it comes, also cannot hide. Ha ha, go to blame who, useless. Some people say that "God is in close to you when the door all don't forget to leave you a window", the aircraft heavy sea, by the pressure of breaking the silo top is not God left a window Chahar grams, if yes, where is the window of the other crew members? Well, I pause here for the fate of fair comment, chuck to accept the fact that only he survived, but also to face alone do not know the end of the island to survive.

  Write help signals on the beach, try to pull away, expect the bow to pass the boat suddenly appear, slowly check grams disappointed. Every day, only merciless waves come to the island and recede, but do not swallow, the sea, you simply together with Rick to the island to drown it!

  There is only one chuck, a buoy, a watch, a volleyball, a storage little flashlight, he will be here, on this island, away from the hustle and bustle of life in the past, can not imagine living conditions alone without life expectations, even the rest of my life! Yes, he thought of poor Dutch act, deprived him of his right to choose a rope to the end of your life. Perhaps he was desperate, or perhaps numb, but Kylie in the pocket watch was still smiling at the head of the man, who was smiling at the top of his head. "Well, I'm still alive, and I still need to eat."."










荒岛余生英文观后感The Impression Of Cast Away 篇五

  The sun rises every day, and the tide rises and falls. The date on which the stone was marked on the wall with a stone on the island, the coconut water has no taste, the first eaten crab should be the world's most delicious food, and later did not have any flavor. " I invented the fire! ” and when he shouted the words excitedly, I really believed in the world's " fire " indeed, it was invented by krishnamurti. It's more exciting than Edison invented the electric light, and is there anything more meaningful than that?

  People can endure the pain of the body, can endure hunger, can endure the cold, but how can people tolerate long-term absolute loneliness? But the pocket watch Kylie, but fortunately there is volleyball become Weixin, followed from the mail. If a man is desperate, what he needs most is not his ideal for tomorrow, but whether he has friends today. Here by a netizen said: " Kylie's watch and make chuck feel love; let friends feel Weixin chuck friendship; open wings let mail chuck feel responsibility. ” even though he has guessed that Kylie must marry another friend, but he is Weixin talking to yourself, encourage a volleyball of their own, the mail sent to almost no possibility, but for now the police grams, their presence is enough, can let him feel the love and affection and responsibility, can let him continue to have the courage to survive and have a glimmer of hope. He is how to cherish these things, an impulse to chuck Wilson thrown out, he was so afraid to go back to " WBL, sorry, I will not leave you ”.

  The sea finally brought a sail &mdash to the crew; a piece of iron. It was so precious that he could not wait to see what God would give him. He spent all the islands he could take as ropes, and made a sailing boat that was as important to him as Noah's ark. With a few coconut, together with the friend Weixin, leave this piece did not dare to think of living alone for four years the island, began to seek the rebirth of the airlines. When he gradually away from the island, looking back, is how complex feelings, perhaps all emotions can not be said, only in the heart of their own exclamation " really can not believe! ”

  The vast sea, a boat, a few nights of rain, is still in the sea, the sea ruthless friend Weixin away, chuck aware he will like this around like whale to stay the sea, but whale ah, here is your paradise of happiness, it is my grave!

  The cargo ship arrived, and the cargo ship came in early, not late. " I'm not going to talk about the movie here; the plot must be arranged like this, ”. It seems not to chuck life. If he dies, you and I and all people will not be reconciled. " Kylie - - ” only the most sincere hope that chuck survived Kylie let chuck in a long call to see the ship, " Kylie - - ”

  Chuck's back, almost all of my friends than he is to be happy, after the disaster, chuck has no daxitaibei, let joy to my friends. If it turns out that Charlie has changed a lot, one of them is to understand how important it is to support and encourage friends. On the plane, he said to Stan."" when Marie died, I wasn't there. I'm sorry. I should be there for you, &rdquo."

  After dinner, chuck face a big table meal, when he saw the crabs, this very common dish, he has become a life-saving food, now think about it, really love a tired! The process lighter, lighter senior human wisdom invention, do not love, no matter how beautiful also, very low but I invented drilling wood fire, how do you appear in the table, rather than on the island!

  Kylie, Kylie's beloved, and the most difficult years to accompany her through his heart. " I don't know what to say to her. What should I say?. &rdquo is going to see Kylie; Chuck! After she first thought lost chuck, was married to be at a loss what to do, chuck saw dental dentist Lucheri. Now, suddenly she appeared, and she was at a loss again. In the rainy night, Richard drove to Kylie. " one thing I want to know ” chuck say this Kylie heart knew he wanted to know what - - how do you marry the dentist Lucheri! But they all understand this reason, on the island of chuck had already foreseen such a result, if not Lucheri, then would be someone else. But Chuck is clever, the director is also clever, chuck asked: " the Tennessee football team in Nashville now? ” " Oh, my days ” Kylie was so relieved, knew each other sadness is not necessary to open it so clear. I quite agree with the director's arrangement.









荒岛余生英文观后感The Impression Of Cast Away 篇六



  "Desert island" to me the greatest inspiration is that life needs to be faith, need courage, need perseverance. Only a firm belief in the people, in order to have the fragrance of roses, to win the title, to create the miracle of life.

  In real life, especially for we have just entered the job of the new people, learn to communicate with people at work, should learn to deal with their feelings, the most important thing is to strengthen our faith to do a good job.

荒岛余生英文观后感The Impression Of Cast Away【优选6篇】

