
时间:2017-07-01 04:10:33
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基督山伯爵的经典语录 篇一


1. "我不是神,但我会让你感受到神的力量。" 这句话出自主人公爱德蒙·唐泰斯,他在复仇的过程中展现了非凡的智慧和力量。他用智慧和计谋化解了敌人的挑衅,用力量和勇气对抗了困难和逆境。这句话告诉我们,每个人都有潜在的力量,只要我们相信自己,充分发挥自己的优点和特长,就能够做到惊人的事情。

2. "生活是一场战斗,我们必须战胜困难和逆境。" 这句话表达了爱德蒙·唐泰斯对生活的看法。他认为生活就像一场战斗,我们需要面对各种挑战和困难,只有不畏艰难、勇往直前,才能够获得胜利。这句话告诉我们,面对困难时,我们不要退缩,而是要积极应对,勇敢面对,相信自己的力量。

3. "复仇是一道冷酷的菜肴,但它是最好的菜肴。" 这句话出自小说中的敌人之一费尔南·蒙德戈。他是唐泰斯复仇的对象,他在这句话中表达了对复仇的观点。他认为复仇虽然残忍,但是它能够满足内心的愿望,给予人满足感。这句话告诉我们,复仇虽然不是一个积极的行为,但是在某些情况下,它可以成为一个人追求正义的手段。

4. "人类的心灵是最复杂的迷宫,只有真正的智者才能够解开它的秘密。" 这句话出自小说中的一个智者蒙蒂·克里斯托。他是唐泰斯的导师,他通过对人类心灵的研究,揭示了人们内心深处的欲望和情感。这句话告诉我们,人类的内心是一个复杂的迷宫,我们需要通过深入思考和观察,才能够洞察人心,理解自己和他人。


基督山伯爵的经典语录 篇二


1. "复仇是一道菜,要一口一口地吃。" 这句话出自小说中的敌人之一费尔南·蒙德戈。他在这句话中表达了对复仇的理解。他认为复仇需要耐心和毅力,不能急躁和冲动。这句话告诉我们,复仇是一个漫长而曲折的过程,我们需要耐心和毅力,一步一个脚印地迈向复仇的目标。

2. "复仇是一种解脱,一种重获自由的方式。" 这句话出自主人公爱德蒙·唐泰斯。他在复仇的过程中,逐渐解脱了自己内心的痛苦和仇恨,重获了自由和平静。这句话告诉我们,复仇不仅仅是为了让敌人付出代价,更是为了让自己摆脱心理的枷锁,重新获得内心的平静和自由。

3. "复仇并不是终点,而是一个新的起点。" 这句话出自小说中的一个智者蒙蒂·克里斯托。他在这句话中表达了对复仇的理解。他认为复仇只是一个阶段,完成复仇并不意味着一切都结束了,而是为了迎接新的生活和机遇。这句话告诉我们,复仇只是人生中的一个过程,我们需要在复仇之后重新审视自己的人生和目标。

4. "复仇是一种力量,但也是一种负担。" 这句话出自小说中的一个智者蒙蒂·克里斯托。他在这句话中表达了对复仇的看法。他认为复仇虽然能够给予人力量和勇气,但是也会给人带来沉重的负担和心理压力。这句话告诉我们,复仇并不是一件轻松的事情,我们需要承担复仇带来的后果和负面影响。


基督山伯爵的经典语录 篇三


God wills it that man whom he has created , and in whose heart he has so profoundly rooted the lore of life , ahould do all in his power to preserve that existence , which ,however painful it may be ,is yet always so dear.


Time , which encrusts all physical substances with its mossy mantle , as it inrets all things of the mind with forgetfulness.


The mind has its organ of rision as well as the body ,with this additional perfction ,that the objects presented to its view are indelibly impressed.


The friends that we hare las

t do not repose in the bosom of the earth , but are buried deep in our hearts ; and it has been thus ordained , that we may always be accompanied by them.


Never forget , that until the day when god will deign to reveal the future to man , all human wisdom is contained in these two words ,——“Wait and Hope”.

永远不要忘记,在上帝揭露人的未来以前,人类的一切智慧是包含在这四个字里面的:“等待”和“希望”。God wills it that man whom he has created , and in whose heart he has so profoundly rooted the lore of life , ahould do all in his power to preserve that existence , which ,however painful it may be ,is yet always so dear.


Time , which encrusts all physical substances with its mossy mantle , as it inrets all things of the mind with forgetfulness.


The mind has its organ of rision as well as the body ,with this additional perfction ,that the objects presented to its view are indelibly impressed.


The friends that we hare last do not repose in the bosom of the earth , but are buried deep in our hearts ; and it has been thus ordained , that we may always be accompanied by them.


Never forget , that until the day when god will deign to reveal the future to man , all human wisdom is contained in these two words ,——“Wait and Hope”.

永远不要忘记,在上帝揭露人的未来以前,人类的一切智慧是包含在这四个字里面的:“等待”和“希望”。God wills it that man whom he has created , and in whose heart he has so profoundly rooted the lore of life , ahould do all in his power to preserve that existence , which ,however painful it may be ,is yet always so dear.


Time , which encrusts all physical substances with its mossy mantle , as it inrets all things of the mind with forgetfulness.


The mind has its organ of rision as well as the body ,with this additional perfction ,that the objects presented to its view are indelibly impressed.


The friends that we hare last do not repose in the bosom of the earth , but are buried deep in our hearts ; and it has been thus ordained , that we may always be accompanied by them.


Never forget , that until the day when god will deign to reveal the future to man , all human wisdom is contained in these two words ,——“Wait and Hope”.





