阿姆经典语录 篇一
阿姆,全名马歇尔·布鲁斯·马瑞斯(Marshall Bruce Mathers III),是美国知名说唱歌手,也是全球最畅销的音乐艺人之一。他以其深沉的歌词和独特的嗓音而闻名于世。在他的音乐作品中,我们可以找到许多经典的语录,这些语录不仅反映了他的内心世界,也凝聚了他对生活、音乐和社会的思考。以下是一些阿姆的经典语录,希望能给你带来启发和思考。
1. "人生没有捷径,你必须为你想要的东西努力奋斗。" 这句话表达了阿姆对于成功的理解。他从小就经历了许多困难和挫折,但通过坚持不懈和不断努力,他最终实现了自己的梦想。这句话提醒我们,成功是需要付出努力和奋斗的,没有人能凭空获得成功。
2. "音乐是我的出路,也是我的治疗方式。" 这句话反映了阿姆对音乐的热爱和依赖。在他的音乐中,我们可以看到他对于自己内心世界的真实表达,也能感受到他通过音乐来排解内心的痛苦和困惑。这句话告诉我们,音乐不仅是一种艺术形式,更是一种情感的宣泄和治疗方式。
3. "我并不是为了让别人喜欢我而创作音乐,而是为了让我自己感到好受点。" 这句话展示了阿姆对于音乐创作的真诚态度。他并不追求外界的认可和赞美,而是将音乐视为一种自我表达的方式。这句话提醒我们,做任何事情都应该真实地表达自己,而不是迎合他人的期望。
4. "我在我的歌中讲述的故事是真实的,它们来自我的生活经历和内心的痛苦。" 这句话说明了阿姆音乐的真实性和个人化。他将自己的生活经历和内心的感受融入到歌词中,使得他的音乐更加真实和有力。这句话提醒我们,真实的表达和个性化的创作才能引起他人的共鸣和关注。
5. "我相信音乐有力量,它能够改变人们的生活和观念。" 这句话揭示了阿姆对音乐的信仰和追求。他相信音乐不仅仅是一种娱乐形式,更是一种可以影响人们思想和生活方式的力量。这句话提醒我们,音乐具有强大的影响力,我们应该珍惜并运用好这种力量。
阿姆经典语录 篇二
1. "成功从不是最终目标,而是一种持续的努力。" 这句话展示了阿姆对于成功的理解。他认为成功不是一种结果,而是一种持续的努力和奋斗。这句话提醒我们,成功是一个过程,我们需要坚持不懈地努力,不断追求进步。
2. "音乐是一种力量,它能够改变人们的情绪和观念。" 这句话体现了阿姆对音乐的信仰和追求。他相信音乐具有强大的影响力,能够改变人们的情绪和思想。这句话提醒我们,音乐不仅仅是一种艺术形式,更是一种可以传递情感和启发思考的力量。
3. "在黑暗中寻找光明,这是我的音乐哲学。" 这句话展示了阿姆对于音乐和生活的态度。他相信在困难和挫折中,我们应该寻找希望和光明,而音乐正是他找到内心安慰和力量的方式。这句话提醒我们,无论面对多大的困难,我们都应该保持希望和积极的态度。
4. "我不是为了赞美而创作音乐,我只是想表达自己的内心世界。" 这句话彰显了阿姆对音乐创作的真实和个性化。他并不追求外界的认可和赞美,而是将音乐作为一种自我表达的方式。这句话提醒我们,真实的表达和个性化的创作才能引起他人的共鸣和关注。
5. "我的歌词是真实的,它们来自我的生活经历和内心的痛苦。" 这句话表明了阿姆音乐的真实性和个人化。他将自己的生活经历和内心的感受融入到歌词中,使得他的音乐更加真实和有力。这句话提醒我们,音乐应该是真实的反映和表达,而不仅仅是娱乐和消遣。
阿姆经典语录 篇三
阿姆施特朗啊 我只知道阿姆斯特朗呃 那什么我的一小步是人类的一大步神马的阿姆斯特朗:“对于我个人来说,这是一小步;对于全人类来说,是一大步。”这是我个人的一小步,却是人类的一大步你好!
Check this out. Check this out.
Yo!e68a84e8a2ad62616964757a686964616f31333264656132 This guy's a choke artist!
You catch a bad one, you better off shootin' yourself with Papa Doc's handgun
Climbin' up this mountain You're weak, I leaveyou lost without a paddle
Floatin'up shit's creek You ain't Detroit, I'm the "D'
You the new kid on the block 'bout to get smacked back to the boondocks
Fuckin' Nazi Your squad ain't your type Take some real advice
And form a group with Vanilla Ice
And what I tell you You better use it This guy's a hillbilly
This ain't Willie Nelson music
Trailertrash, I'll choke you to your last breath And have you look foolish
Like Cheddar Bobwhen he shot himself Silly Rabbit
I knowwhythey call you that 'Causeyou follow Future
Like he got carrots up his ass crack
And when you acted up That's when you got jacked up and act stupid
Like Tina Turner when she got smacked up
I crackyour shoulder blade You'll get dropped so hard
That Elvis'll start turnin' in his grave
Now I knowwhythey left youout in the dark
Take your white ass back across 8 Mile to the trailer park
Oh, no, oh! Okay, okay, okay. Okay, okay.
Very nice, very nice! Let me get that mike, man! Pretty good, pretty good!
Hip-hop 1 01! Hey, Bunny Rabbit! It's your turn, baby!
Forty-five seconds! Let this motherfucker feel it!
A'ight?! Yo, D!J!, spin that shit!
Hey, yo!
This guy raps like his parents jerked him He sounds like Erick Sermon
You want a German, eh That's okay, you look like a fuckin' worm with braids
These Leadaz Of Tha Free World rookies Lookie
How could six dicks be pussies
Talkin'bout shit's creek Bitch,you could be up piss creek with paddles
This deep You're still gonna sink You're a disgrace
Yeah, they call me Rabbit. This is a turtle race
He can't get with me spittin' this shit wickedly lyckety-shot
- A spick-a-spickety, Split-Lickety - Oh, no, no!
I'm gonna turn around with a smile and walk mywhite ass back across 8 Mile
别忘了采纳!everybody from the 3-1-3,put your motherfucking hands up and follow me ,look,look ,now while he stands tough ,notice this man did not have his hands up? this free worls's got you gassed up ,now ,who is afraid of the big bad wolf, one ,two,three,and to the four,one pac,2pac,3pac,four ,4pac,3pac,2pac,one ,you're pac,he's pac nomber(no) pac none. the guy no motherfucking ,m!c! i know everyting he's got to say against me , (经典的来了)i am white ,i am a fucking bumi do live in a trailer with my mom ,my boy future is an uncle tom ,i do got a dumb friend named cheddar bob ,who shoots himself in his leg with his own gun i did get jumped by all six of you chumps ,and wink did fuck my girl , i'm still standing here screaming "fuck the free world " , don't never try to judge medude, you don't know what the fuck i been throughbut i know something about youyou went to granbrookthat's a private school what's the matter,dawgyou embarrassed this guy's a gangstahis real name is clarence clarence lives at home with both parents ,clarence's parents have a real good marriagehe don't know how to battle he is shook cause ain't no such things as halfway crooks he's scared to death he's scared to look at his fucking yearbook ,fucking crandrook!"(音乐结束了阿姆还在唱)fuck a beat !i go a cappella!fuck a papa doc!fuck a clock !fuck a trailer!fuck everybody!fucking all if you doubt me!i am a piece of fucking white trash,i say it proudly!and fuck this battle!i don't want to win!i am out it!here ,tell these people something they don't know about me !