x战警经典语录 篇一
x战警经典语录 篇二
另一个经典语录来自于变形女神瑞雯·达克霍尔姆(也就是 Mística)。在《X战警:第一战》中,她说:“我们无法选择我们出生的方式,但我们可以选择我们成为什么样的人。”这句话告诉我们,我们不能选择我们的出身和背景,但我们可以通过自己的努力和选择来改变自己的未来。
x战警经典语录 篇三
Eric Lensherr: They wish to cure us. But I say, we are the cure.
Eric Lensherr:他们想治好我们,但我认为,我们才是治愈的方法。
Logan: Look at me Jean. We can help you. We can fix it. We can make it like it was. Stay with me!
Dr. Jean Grey: Please... kill me.
Dr. Jean Grey:求求你……杀了我。
Logan: (to Rogue)Hey, I'm not your father. If you wanna go, be sure it's what you want.
Eric Lensherr: When the air is still, and the night has fallen, there's only one question you must answer: who will you stand with?
Eric Lensherr:当空气静止,夜幕降临时,你只需回答一个问题:你站在谁那边?
1. Logan:Hey tinman, come here.
2. The President:Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
3. Warren Worthington, Sr.:[as Psylocke and Arclight dangle him from a rooftop] I was only trying to help you people!
Kid Omega:Do we look like we need your help?
4. The Interrogator:Raven?
Raven Darkholme:I don't answer to my slave name.
The Interrogator:Raven Darkholme? That's your real name. Or has he convinced you that you don't have any family?
Raven Darkholme:My family tried to kill me, you pathetic meatsack.
5. Kid Omega:[to Magneto] You talk pretty tough for a guy in a cape.
John Allerdyce:[ignites a fireball] Back off.
Callisto:You're so proud of being a mutant, where's your mark?
Eric Lensherr:I have been marked once, my dear and let me assure you, no needle shall ever touch my skin again.
John Allerdyce:Do you know who you're talking to?
Kid Omega:[spikes protrude from his face] Do you?
6. Eric Lensherr:Charles always wanted to build bridges.
7. Raven Darkholme:'bout time
Eric Lensherr:I've been busy, Did you find what you were looking for?
Raven Darkholme:The source of the cure is a mutant, a boy at Wortington labs.
Eric Lensherr:[to Pyro - grabbing the prisoner manifest] Read us the "guest list"
8. Raven Darkholme:[as a little girl] When I get out of here, I'm gonna kill you myself.
9. Logan:Way to go, Furball.
10. Logan:Grow *those* back.
11. John Allerdyce:You should have stayed in the school.
Bobby Drake:You never should have left.
12. Dr. Hank McCoy:My boy, I've been fighting for mutant rights since before you had claws.
Logan:Did he just call me boy?
13. Logan:The whole world's going to hell, you gonna just sit there?
14. John Allerdyce:Listen to this: "Prisoner is to be kept immobile at all times. If he gets any momentum, no object can stop him."
Eric Lensherr:What's your name?
Cain Marko:Juggernaut.
Eric Lensherr:I can't imagine why.
15. Logan:Who's the furball?
Dr. Hank McCoy:Hank McCoy, Secretary of Mutant Affairs
Logan:Right, right. Secretary. Nice suit.
Prof. Charles Xavier:Henry, this is Logan. He's, uh...
Dr. Hank McCoy:Wolverine. I hear you are quite an animal.
Logan:Look who's talkin'.
16. Scott Summers:Jean?
Dr. Jean Grey:Scott?
Scott Summers:How?
Dr. Jean Grey:I don't know...
17. Logan:That was my last cigar.
18. Eric Lensherr:[from trailer] They wish to cure us... and I say we are the cure.
19. Eric Lensherr:In chess, the pawns go first.
20. Cain Marko:I'm not the guy to play hide and seek with.
Kitty Pryde:Who's hiding, dickhead?
21. Cain Marko:Don't you know who I am? I'm the Juggernaut, bitch.
22. Logan:Don't get your panties in a bunch.
23. Eric Lensherr:[regarding Mystique] Such a shame. She was so beautiful.
24. Raven Darkholme:This man robbed seven banks...
[five copies of Multiple Man walk out of the cell]
Raven Darkholme:At the same time.
Eric Lensherr:I could use a man of your talents.
Multiple Man:I'm in.
25. [last lines]
Prof. Charles Xavier:[after credits] Hello, Moira.
Dr. Moira MacTaggart:Charles?
26. John Allerdyce:Nice helmet.
Cain Marko:It keeps my face pretty.
27. Prison Truck Guard:Keep it up, I'll spray you in the face, bitch.
28. Dr. Hank McCoy:[to Wolverine] You saw Magneto?
29. [after she kills the truck guard]
Raven Darkholme:Told you so.
30. John Allerdyce:Come on, Iceman. Make a move.
31. Cain Marko:You gonna let me outta here? I gotta pee.
32. [after he cuts the wings off his back]
Young Angel:Dad, I'm sorry.
33. Dr. Jean Grey:[turning into Dark Phoenix] GET OUT OF MY HEAD!
34. Raven Darkholme:[as the President of the United States] Let me out of here! I demand that you release me! Do you know who I am? I'm the President of the United States!
Prison Truck Guard:Oh, Mr. President. Shut up.
35. Dr. Hank McCoy:Oh my stars and garters.
36. Warren Worthington, Sr.:Warren, it's a better life. It's what we all want.
Warren Worthington III:No, it's what you want.
37. [from trailer]
Dr. Hank McCoy:A major pharmaceutical company has developed a way to suppress the mutant X-Gene, permanently. They're calling it a cure.
38. Mutant Theatre Organizer:This cure is voluntary. Nobody's is talking about extermination.
Eric Lensherr:No one ever talks about it. They just do it. And you go on with your lives, ignoring the signs all around you. And then one day, when the air is still and the night is fallen, they come for you.
Mutant Theatre Organizer:[interupting] Excuse me...
Eric Lensherr:Only then do you realize that while you're talking about organizing and committees, the extermination has already begun. Make no mistake, my brothers, they will draw first blood. They will force their cure upon us. There is only one question you must answer: Who will you stand with?
39. Kitty Pryde:[Responding to Professor X Previous Statement] But didn't Einstein say "Ethics are an exclusive human concern without any super human authority behind it."
Prof. Charles Xavier:Einstein wasn't a mutant, as far as we know.
40. Prof. Charles Xavier:[to Class] When an inpidual acquires great power, the use or misuse of that power is everything, will it be used for the greater good or will it be used for personal or destructive ends? Now this is a question we must all ask ourselves. why, because we are mutants.
41. Eric Lensherr:Charles Xavier did more for mutants than you will ever know. My single greatest regret is that he had to die for our dream to live.
42. Ororo Munroe:[greets Dr. McCoy] I love what you've done with your hair!
Dr. Hank McCoy:You too.
43. Logan:[while he and Beast are fighting off Magneto's forces] I thought you were a diplomat.
Dr. Hank McCoy:Churchill said that there comes a time when every man must...
[pauses to fight off another baddie, then another, then another]
Dr. Hank McCoy:Oh, you get the point!
44. Logan:Hey Scott, we were looking for you downstairs. You didn't show.
Scott Summers:What do you care?
Logan:Well, for starters, I had to cover your ass.
Scott Summers:I didn't ask you to.
Logan:No, you didn't. The Professor did. I was just passing through.
Scott Summers:So pass through, Logan.
[Scott turns away. Logan grabs his arm]
Logan:Hey, look. I know how you feel.
Scott Summers:Don't.
Logan:When Jean died...
Scott Summers:I said don't.
Logan:Maybe it's time for us to move on.
[Scott walks away, then turns back to Logan]
Scott Summers:Not everybody heals as fast as you, Logan.
45. [talking about "The Cure"]
Logan:Well, for all we know, the government helped cook this up.
Dr. Hank McCoy:I can assure you, the government had nothing to do with this.
Logan:I've heard that before.
Dr. Hank McCoy:My boy, I have been fighting for mutant rights since before you had claws.
Logan:[to the Professor] Did he just call me boy?
46. [first lines]
Eric Lensherr:I still don't know why I'm here.
47. Dr. Jean Grey:You would die for them?
Logan:No not for them... for you.
Dr. Jean Grey:Save me...
Logan:I love you...
48. Logan:I'm the only one who can stop her.
49. Eric Lensherr:I'm...
Logan:One of them?
50. Marie:I'm sorry, I had to...
Bobby Drake:This isn't what I wanted.
Marie:I know. It's what I want.
51. Prof. Charles Xavier:Don't let it control you.
52. Logan:[to Rogue] Hey, I'm not your father. I'm your friend.
求x战警2 中的名言
2、Sometimes anger can help you survive
3、Quill:Do we look like we need your help?
4、Dr. Jean Grey: Please... kill me
5、Logan: (to Rogue):If you wanna go, be sure it's what you want.
6、教授:Jean !Let me in!x教授/professor x 查尔斯·泽维尔 x战警的创始人,致力于人类与变种人和谐共存 最强大的心灵感应及控制能力
万磁王/magneto 埃里克·马格纳斯 致力于以暴力使变种人获得更多权利 能操纵磁场来控制金属,并悬浮于空中
金刚狼/wolverine 罗根(詹姆斯·豪利特) x战警、x特攻队队长 强大的再生能力,天生拥有尖利的骨爪,后在实验中骨骼被灌注艾德曼钢变成钢爪。生于19世纪意大利
独眼龙/镭射眼/ 斯考特 x战警的队长 拥有通过吸收太阳能从眼中放射出高能射线的能力
凤凰女 琴·葛蕾 x战警 拥有心灵感应和控制所有物体的能力,已知唯一一个第五等级变种人
暴风女 奥罗罗 x战警 能操作气候产生冰雪、风暴、闪电等
小淘气/罗刹女 茉莉 x战警 借着肌肤碰触就可以吸收他人生命力同时获得对
夜行者/蓝魔鬼/nightcrawler 库尔特 x战警 瞬间移动,但须知到地形,否则存在风险
冰人/iceman波比 x战警 制造并控制冰,可在自身体覆盖坚硬的冰
x战警 可以把自己身体变成任何物体都摧毁不掉的钢铁,其强度低于艾德曼钢
x战警 可分子拟态穿越并融入各种物体(穿墙)
白女王 艾玛·弗罗斯特 现任x战警领导人,x学院院长 心灵感应,皮肤钻石化。
魔形女 万磁王的得力干将 随意变成其他人的模样,连声音、指纹等身体特征也一样。
死侍/deadpool x-weapon计划核心产物 再生能力,使得一手双刀,由于灭霸给予的不死之身诅咒而变得永远不死。
剑齿虎 金刚狼同父异母的哥哥 再生能力(弱于金刚狼),利爪(指甲),强壮的四肢
野兽/beast 汉克 x战警 犹如野兽般强大的身体能力(猩猩)
黑凤凰/dark phoniex 琴·葛蕾(内在人格) 被x教授禁锢在心灵牢笼中的另一种人格,有强烈的欲望 心灵感应及控制任何物体,具有强大的破坏力可粉碎任何物体
银狐 x-men历史上罗根第一位恋人 通过肌肤接触控制他人思想(催眠)
天使 x战警 背后长有一对巨大的翅膀,可飞翔
火人 约翰 控制火,不能制造火
雷神锤 x教授的弟弟 可积蓄能量籍此爆发出强大的破坏力
夜行 强大的夜视能力,可以超音速移动,感知他人变种层级
x-23 金刚狼的克隆人23号 与金刚狼相同
百合子 史崔克上校的助手 肌体再生,可伸长的指甲(指甲为埃德曼金属)