彼得潘经典语录英汉 篇一:探索内心的童话世界
1. "To die would be an awfully big adventure."(死亡将是一次非常大的冒险。)
2. "All you need is faith, trust, and a little bit of pixie dust."(你所需要的只是信仰、信任和一点点仙子的魔尘。)
3. "Never say goodbye because saying goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting."(永远不要说再见,因为再见意味着离开,离开意味着忘记。)
4. "Dreams do come true, if only we wish hard enough."(梦想会实现,只要我们足够努力地希望。)
5. "To live would be an awfully big adventure."(生活将是一次非常大的冒险。)
彼得潘经典语录英汉 篇二:童心未泯的梦想家
1. "To live will be an awfully big adventure."(生活将是一次非常大的冒险。)
2. "All you need is faith, trust, and a little bit of pixie dust."(你所需要的只是信仰、信任和一点点仙子的魔尘。)
3. "Never say goodbye because saying goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting."(永远不要说再见,因为再见意味着离开,离开意味着忘记。)
4. "Dreams do come true, if only we wish hard enough."(梦想会实现,只要我们足够努力地希望。)
5. "To die would be an awfully big adventure."(死亡将是一次非常大的冒险。)
彼得潘经典语录英汉 篇三
Peter: Second star to the right and straight on to morning.
Peter: Come away to Neverland where you'll never, never have to deal with grown up things again.
Wendy: Never is an awfully long time.
Peter: Promise me one thing... leave Hook to me.
Peter: [whispering] Forget them... forget them all. Come away to Never Land.
Peter: Hold on to this... both hands
Captain Hook: If I were you, I'd give up.
Peter: If you were me, I'd be ugly.
Peter: I do, I do, I do believe in fairies, I do, I do.
Peter: If you wi** **.
Slightly: If you wi** **?
Peter: IF YOU WI** **.
Wendy: This belongs to you, and always will
Peter: I want always to be a boy, and to have fun.
Wendy: You say so, but I think it is your biggest pretend.
Captain Hook: Peter... you're pink.
Captain Hook: She was leaving you. Your Wendy was leaving you. Why should she stay? What have you to offer? You are incomplete. Let's take a look into the future, shall we? You fly to Wendy's nursery and... what's this? The window's closed.
Peter: I'll open it.
Captain Hook: I'm afraid the windows barred.
Peter: I'll call out her name.
Captain Hook: She can't hear you.
Peter: No.
Captain Hook: She can't see you.
Peter: Wendy.
Captain Hook: She's forgotten all about you.
Peter: Stop it. Please. Stop it.
Peter: To live, would be an awfully big adventure.
Hook: Old... Alone... Done for.
Wendy: Peter... I should like to give you a kiss.
[Peter holds his hand out]
Wendy: Don't you know what a kiss is?
Peter: Well I shall know when you give me one.
Slightly: I remember kisses, let me see. Aye, that is a kiss. A powerful thing.
Wendy: Will you forget me Peter?
Peter: Me? Forget? Never.
Wendy: the secret kiss belongs to you jeremy and it always will.
1.Peter: Forget them, Wendy. Forget them all. Come with me where you'll never, never have to worry about grown up things again.
Wendy: Never is an awfully long time.
2.Smee: Captain, the ice is melting, the sun is out, and the flowers are all in bloom...
Captain Hook: He's back.
3.Wendy: Why do you hate him so?
4.Pirate: Beg for your lives.
John: My brother and I are English gentlemen. English gentlemen do not beg.
[Michael gets on his knees]
Michael: ...Please. Please.
5.Peter: Ready to lose the other one?
Captain Hook: Not this time.
6.Captain Hook: [to Wendy] Didst thou ever want to be a pirate?
7.Wendy: We must leave at once... before we, in turn, are forgotten.
8.Wendy: Might I have time to consider your generous offer?
Captain Hook: Absolutely.
Captain Hook: My new obsession is you.
Captain Hook: None of my crew will follow you... I swear it.
Wendy: What would mother think of my becoming a pirate?
9.Smee: Pan did you a favor, did he, Captain?
Captain Hook: A favor? He threw my hand to a crocodile, the beast liked it so much, it's followed me ever since, licking its lips for the rest of me... YOU CALL THAT A FAVOR?
10.[Wendy sews Peter's shadow to his feet]
Peter: Oh, the cleverness of me.
Wendy: Of course, I did nothing...
Peter: You did a little.
Wendy: Oh, the cleverness of you.
11.Peter: If you wi** **.
Slightly: If you wi** **?
12.Captain Hook: If I were you, I'd give up.
Peter: If you were me, I'd be ugly.
13.Peter: I do believe in fairies, I do, I do.
14.[Wendy has just become the Lost Boys' mother]
Peter: Discipline. That's what fathers believe in. We must spank all of the children now before they try to kill you again. Better yet, we should kill them.
Wendy: Father. I agree that they are... perfectly horrid, but... kill them and they should think themselves... important.
The Lost Boys: So important, Peter.
Curly: And unique.
Wendy: I, however, propose a much more vile punishment. Medicine. The dreadful, sticky, sweet kind.
The Lost Boys: Please kill us, Peter.
15.Wendy: This belongs to you, and always will
Peter: I want always to be a boy, and have fun.
Wendy: You say so, Peter, but I think it is your biggest pretend.
16.Wendy: Where do you live?
Peter: Second to the right, and then straight on till morning.
Wendy: They put that on the letters?
Peter: Don't get any letters.
Wendy: But your mother gets letters.
Peter: Don't have a mother.
Wendy: No wonder you were crying.
Peter: I wasn't crying about mothers. I was crying because I can't get this shadow to stick. And I wasn't crying.
17.Mr. Darling: [Shouting] No. I must become a man that children fear and adults respect, or we shall all end up in the street.
Mrs. Darling: George, not so loud.
Aunt Millicent: George, the neighbors will hear.
Mr. Darling: Let them hear. Let the whole world know. This
[indicating Nanna]
Mr. Darling: is not a nurse. This... is a dog.
[to Wendy]
Mr. Darling: Tomorrow, you will begin your instruction with Aunt Millicent. It's time for you to grow up.
18.Peter: There's mermaids.
Wendy: Mermaids?
Peter: Indians.
John and Michael: Indians?
Peter: Pirates.
John and Michael: Pirates? Wahoo.
19.[Wendy kisses Peter Pan and he starts to glow]
20.Captain Hook: Pan... you're pink.
21.Wendy: Surely you must have felt love once for something... or someone.
Peter: Never. Even the sound of it offends me.
[Wendy tries to touch his face, and he jumps away]
Peter: Why do you have to spoil everything? We have fun, don't we? I taught you to fly and to fight. What more could there be?
Wendy: There is so much more.
22.Peter: [after bumping his head on waking up] I was not asleep.
23.[Peter and Wendy land to talk to mermaids to find John and Michael]
Wendy: Oh, How sweet.
[Peter looks disgusted]
Wendy: What? Are mermaids not sweet?
Peter: They'll sweetly drown you if you get too close
24.Slightly: Well... we have our orders. Shoot the Wendy bird. Ready... Aim... FIRE.
25.[Peter sees a boy flying next to him, forgetting he has just met him minutes before]
Peter: Who are you?
John: I'm John.
Peter: John.
26.[Mr. and Mrs. Darling are rushing
Narrator: It would be delightful to report that they reached the nursery in time... but then, there would be no story.
27.Captain Hook: She was leaving you. Your Wendy was leaving you. Why should she stay? What have you to offer? You are incomplete. Let's take a look into the future, shall we? You fly to Wendy's nursery and... what's this? The window's closed.
Peter: I'll open it.
Captain Hook: I'm afraid the windows barred.
Peter: I'll call out her name.
Captain Hook: She can't hear you.
Peter: No.
Captain Hook: She can't see you.
Peter: Wendy.
Captain Hook: She's forgotten all about you.
Peter: Stop it. Please. Stop it.
28.[During a swordfight between Peter and Wendy]
Tootles: Mother and father are fighting again...
19.Peter: You be quiet or I'll banish you just like Tink.
Peter: Then leave. And take your feelings with you.peter: i do believe in fairies, i do, i do.
wendy: this belongs to you, and always will
peter: i want always to be a boy, and have fun.
wendy: you say so, peter, but i think it is your biggest pretend.
wendy: surely you must have felt love once for something... or someone.
peter: never. even the sound of it offends me.
[wendy tries to touch his face, and he jumps away]
peter: why do you have to spoil everything? we have fun, don't we? i taught you to fly and to fight. what more could there be?
wendy: there is so much more.
.captain hook: she was leaving you. your wendy was leaving you. why should she stay? what have you to offer? you are incomplete. let's take a look into the future, shall we? you fly to wendy's nursery and... what's this? the window's closed.
peter: i'll open it.
captain hook: i'm afraid the windows barred.
peter: i'll call out her name.
captain hook: she can't hear you.
peter: no.
captain hook: she can't see you.
peter: wendy.
captain hook: she's forgotten all about you.
peter: stop it. please. stop it.
.mrs. darling: there are many different kinds of bravery. there's the bravery of thinking of others before one's self. now, your father has never brandished a sword nor... nor fired a pistol, thank heavens. but he has made many sacrifices for his family, and put away many dreams.
michael: where did he put them?
mrs. darling: he put them in a drawer. and sometimes, late at night, we take them out and admire them. but it gets harder and harder to close the drawer... and he does. and that is why he is brave.
peter: forget them, wendy. forget them all. come with me where you'll never, never have to worry about grown up things again.
wendy: never is an awfully long time
.peter: you can't catch me and make me a man.
.wendy: peter... i should like to give you a kiss.
[peter holds his hand out]
wendy: don't you know what a kiss is?
peter: i shall know when you give me one.
1. 对不起,我必须要长大,但这,这个吻是你的,永远是你的。
I'm sorry,I must grow up but...this is yours,this belongs to you,an always will.
2. 我相信有小精灵!
I do believe in fairies,I do I do.
3. 人永远拒绝不了长大。当你不是一个孩子时,你就会失去了你的想象力,你的身躯会变得日益沉重,一些美好单纯的东西会渐渐被忘却,只剩下世俗的纷扰。
4. 永远不要长大,这是一个孩子童话般的梦想。每一个孩提时拥抱过童话的人心底都曾存在过一个彼得潘,可是他最终会在你成长的过程中从你的心中淡去。
5. 尽管一个个孩子总要长大,可孩子的梦想却世世代代,传承不息。
6. 如果可以的话,永远都不要长大。因为成人的世界有太多纷扰,意味着要失去换来成长。
7. 即使长大后的世界远不像所想象的那样美好,我也要去勇敢面对。
《彼得·潘》是苏格兰小说家及剧作家詹姆斯·马修·巴利(James Matthew Barrie,1860年——1937年)创作的文学作品,该故事原本为舞台剧,作者将剧本小说化于1911年首次在英美出版,原名《彼得·潘与温迪》(Pet耿r Pan and Wendy)。
小说讲述一个会飞的淘气小男孩彼得·潘和他在永无岛的冒险故事,同他相伴的还有温蒂·达令(Wendy Darling)及她的两个弟弟、精灵婷科·贝尔(Tinker Bell,或译奇妙仙子)、迷失少年们(Lost Boys),以霍克船长(Captain Hook)为首的一群海盗是他们最大的威胁。这是一个小女孩的冒险故事,生活在维多利亚时代的女孩温蒂(雷切尔·霍伍德饰),出生在压抑的环境中,还整天被一个呆板顽固的父亲,扼杀她童年的快乐和梦想。温蒂的好朋友约翰和迈克尔,也遭受着同样的痛苦,他们梦想着有一天,能够学会在天上飞,这样他们就可以飞离令他们讨厌的家了。活着才是最大的冒险。生活是一场很大的冒险。幻想童话剧全名《肯辛顿公园里的彼得·潘》,是一个与成长有关的童话。1904年12月27日(圣诞节)首次在伦敦公演,引起轰动性赞誉。后作家埃利诺·格雷厄姆将剧本改成中篇童话,评价也很高。
《小飞侠彼得潘》:2003年。 《彼得·潘》
中文名:彼得·潘外文名:peter pan主演:杰瑞米·桑普特、蕾切儿·哈伍德上映:2003年12月13日类型:奇幻、冒险地区:美国语种:英语时长:113分钟颜色:彩色出品:环球影业
导演: clyde geronimi,wilfred jackson,汉密尔顿·卢斯克
类型: 动画|音乐片长: 76分钟上映日期: 1953-02-05颜色: 彩色拍摄年份: 1953对白语言: 英语国家/地区: 美国分级: usa:g发行公司: 雷电华影片公司
tinker bell 动画电影
tinker bell 动画电影1
片 名 tinker bell译 名 小叮当∕工匠贝儿∕奇妙仙子出品年代 2008年国 家 美国类 别 动画/家庭/幻想语 言 英语片 长 77 mins导 演 bradley raymond