阿甘正传经典语录英文 篇一
"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get." This iconic quote from the movie "Forrest Gump" has become a timeless piece of wisdom that resonates with people across the globe. Forrest Gump, the lovable and simple-minded protagonist, teaches us valuable life lessons through his journey of triumphs and tribulations. In this article, we will explore some of the most memorable quotes from "Forrest Gump" and delve into the profound messages they convey.
1. "Stupid is as stupid does."
These words spoken by Forrest's mother encapsulate the idea that a person's actions define their true character, rather than their intelligence or appearance. It teaches us to judge others based on their deeds rather than superficial qualities, highlighting the importance of empathy and understanding.
2. "You have to do the best with what God gave you."
Forrest's life is filled with challenges, but he never lets his limitations define him. This quote reminds us to make the most of our circumstances and embrace our unique qualities. It encourages us to focus on our strengths and strive for personal growth, regardless of the obstacles that come our way.
3. "I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is."
Despite his intellectual limitations, Forrest's unwavering love for Jenny is pure and unconditional. This quote emphasizes the power of love and the ability to understand its essence without intellectual prowess. It reminds us that love transcends logic and reasoning, and can be understood by the heart rather than the mind.
4. "Sometimes, there just aren't enough rocks."
Forrest utters this line when he is being bullied as a child. It represents the harsh reality of life and the presence of cruelty in the world. It serves as a reminder that we must stand up against injustice and strive to make the world a better place, even when faced with overwhelming challenges.
5. "I'm sorry I ruined your Black Panther party."
This humorous quote showcases Forrest's innocence and lack of understanding of societal norms. It reminds us not to take ourselves too seriously and to find joy in the simplest of things. It highlights the importance of embracing our authentic selves and finding happiness in the present moment.
"Forrest Gump" is not just a heartwarming tale of one man's journey through life, but also a treasure trove of wisdom and life lessons. These quotes capture the essence of the movie and offer valuable insights into the human experience. Whether it's embracing our unique qualities, standing up against injustice, or finding joy in the simplest of things, "Forrest Gump" teaches us to navigate life's challenges with resilience, love, and an unwavering spirit. As we reflect on these timeless quotes, let us strive to embody the wisdom and lessons they impart, and create a life filled with love, compassion, and purpose.
阿甘正传经典语录英文 篇二
"Forrest Gump" is a cinematic masterpiece that has touched the hearts of millions around the world. Through its memorable quotes, the film imparts valuable life lessons that resonate with people of all ages and backgrounds. In this article, we will explore some of the most profound quotes from "Forrest Gump" and delve into the profound messages they convey.
1. "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get."
This famous quote serves as a metaphor for the unpredictability of life. It reminds us that life is full of surprises and that we must embrace the unknown with open arms. It encourages us to take risks, seize opportunities, and make the most of every moment, even when faced with uncertainty.
2. "You've got to put the past behind you before you can move on."
Forrest's journey is riddled with hardships and heartbreak, but he never allows his past to define him. This quote teaches us the importance of letting go of past grievances, forgiving ourselves and others, and embracing the present. It emphasizes the power of resilience and the ability to create a brighter future by releasing the burdens of the past.
3. "My mama always said, 'Life is like a box of chocolates.'"
Forrest often recalls his mother's wisdom throughout the film. This quote reflects the influence of parental guidance on shaping our perspectives and values. It reminds us of the importance of the lessons we learn from our loved ones and the impact they have on our lives. It encourages us to cherish the wisdom passed down to us and to appreciate the role of family in shaping who we are.
4. "I may not be a smart man, but I know what love is."
Forrest's simple yet profound understanding of love is encapsulated in this quote. It reminds us that love is not confined to intellectual prowess or societal norms. It teaches us that love is a universal language that can be understood by all, regardless of intelligence or social status. It highlights the power of love to transcend boundaries and unite people in a shared experience of compassion and connection.
5. "Run, Forrest, run!"
These three words, spoken by Forrest's friend Jenny, have become an iconic symbol of determination and perseverance. They represent the power of encouragement and the ability to overcome obstacles through sheer willpower. This quote inspires us to push through our limitations, face our fears, and keep moving forward, no matter the challenges that lie ahead.
"Forrest Gump" is more than just a movie; it is a source of inspiration and a reminder of the beauty and complexity of life. Its quotes encapsulate profound wisdom that continues to resonate with audiences worldwide. Whether it's embracing the unknown, letting go of the past, cherishing the lessons of loved ones, understanding the true meaning of love, or finding the strength to keep going, "Forrest Gump" teaches us valuable life lessons that can guide us on our own journey of self-discovery and personal growth.
阿甘正传经典语录英文 篇三
1.If I was going somewhere, I was running!
2.I happen to believe you make your own destiny. You have to do the best with what God gave you.
3.Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.
4.Since I’d gone this far, I might as well turn around and keep on going.
5.When I got tired, I slept. When I got hungry, I ate and when I had to go… you know, I went.
6.You’ve got to put the past behind you before you can move on”. And I think that’s what my running was all about.
7.Sometimes it would stop raining long enough for the stars to come out and then it was nice.
严格对照电影台词,请抓紧处理勿让问题过期,谢谢!阿甘 momma, what's vacation mean?
甘太太 vacation?
阿甘 where daddy went?
甘太太 vacation's when you go somewhere, and you don't ever
come back.
forrest lies down on his bed and looks up.
阿甘 (voice-over) anyway, i guess you could say me and
momma was on our own.
ext. gump boarding house - day
a cab driver closes the trunk of the car as two women walk toward the house. a milkman steps down from the porch.
阿甘 (voice-over) but we didn't mind. our house was never
empty. there was always folks comin' and goin'.
甘太太 (voice-over) suppa.
int. gump boarding house
mrs. gump steps forward and speaks to all the boarders.
甘太太 it's suppa, everyone. forrest...
a man with a cane steps left across the hall.
man with cane my, my. that sure looks special.
mrs. gump looks into a sitting room and informs the boarders about dinner.
甘太太 gentlemen, would you care to join us for supper?
hurry up and get it before the flies do. i prefer you
don't smoke that cigar so close to mealtime.
阿甘 (voice-over) sometimes we had so many people stayin'
with us that every room was filled with travelers. you know,
livin' out of their suitcases, and hat cases, and sample cases.
甘太太 well, you go ahead and start. i cant find forrest.
mrs. gump walks up the stairs.
甘太太 forrest... forrest...
阿甘 (voice-over) one time a young man was staying with us,
and he had him a guitar case.
mrs. gump looks into forrest's room. she hears singing coming from another room and walks over to a closed door. mrs. gump opens the door, revealing a young man with long sideburns as he plays the guitar and sings. forrest holds onto a broom and dances oddly. the young man is elvis presley.
elvis presley (sings) "well, you ain't never caught a rabbit,
and you ain't no friend of mine."
forrest's legs rock back and forth to the guitar.
甘太太 forrest! i told you not to bother this nice young man.
elvis oh, no, that's all right, ma'am. i was just showin'
him a thing or two on the guitar here.
甘太太 all right, but your supper's ready if y'all want to eat.
elvis yeah, that sounds good. thank you, ma'am.
mrs. gump leaves and closes the door. elvis sits back down. forrest stands left, and looks himself in a mirror.
elvis say, man, show me that crazy little walk you just did
there. slow it down some.
forrest begins to dance again as elvis plays the guitar and sings.
elvis (sings) "you ain't nothin' but a hound, hound dog..."
阿甘 (voice-over) i liked that guitar.
forrest dances as he watches himself in the mirror.
阿甘 (voice-over) it sounded good.
elvis (sings) "... cryin' all the time"
forrest rocks up and down on his braced legs, then begins to step.
elvis (sings) "you ain't nothin' but a hound dog..."
阿甘 (voice-over)
i started moving around to the music, swinging my hips.
this one night we and momma...
ext. greenbow - night
mrs. gump and forrest walk along a sidewalk. a television inside a store window reveals elvis presley as he performs "houng dog" on a stage.
阿甘 (voice-over)
...was out shoppin', and we walked right by benson's
furniture and appliance store, and guess what.
the television reveals elvis as he thrusts his hips and sings.
elvis (sings) you ain't nothin' but a hound dog...
mrs. gump and forrest watch the television. elvis dances around in the same manner forrest did. a woman in the audience screaming and applauding.
elvis (sings) you ain't nothin' but a hound dog...
甘太太 this is not children's eyes.
mrs. gump walks away, pulling forrest with her. forrest stops and takes one last look. elvis continues to perform over the television.
elvis (sings)
"well, you ain't never caught a rabbit and you ain't no
friend of mine."
阿甘 (voice-over)
some years later, that handsome young man who they
called "the king," well, he sung too many songs, had
himself a heart attack or something.
ext. savannah/bus bench - day
forrest is still sitting on the bus bench. the black nurse looks at him.
阿甘 must be hard being a king. you know, it's funny how you
remember some things, but some things you can't.
ext. country road/alabama - morning - 1954
mrs. gump and forrest wait for the school bus. the bus pulls up as mrs. gump prepares forrest for his first day of school.
甘太太 you do your very best now, forrest.
阿甘 i sure will, momma.
阿甘 (voice-over)
i remember the bus ride on the first day of school very well.
the bus driver opens the door and looks down. forrest walks to the steps of the bus and looks at the bus driver. she is smoking a cigarette.
bus driver are you comin' along?
阿甘 momma said not to be taking rides from strangers.
bus driver this is the bus to school.
阿甘 i'm forrest gump.
bus driver i'm dorothy harris.
阿甘 well, now we ain't strangers anymore.
the bus driver smiles as forrest steps up into the bus.
int. bus
forrest steps up onto the bus. mrs. gump waves to forrest as the bus drives away. forrest begins to walk down the aisle. two young boys look up from the seat.
boy #1 this seat's taken.
boy #2 it's taken!
forrest looks around. a larger girl slides over so forrest can't sit next to her. she shakes her head. forrest looks to the other side where a boy sits alone on a larger seat. they boy glares up at forrest.
boy #3 you can't sit here.
阿甘 (voice-over)
you know, it's funny what a young man recollects.
'cause i don't remember being born.
ext. savannah/bus bench - day
forrest continues talking as he sits on the bus bench.
阿甘 i, i... don't recall what i got for my first christmas and
i don't know when i went on my first outdoor picnic. but,
i do remember the first time i heard the sweetiest voice...
int. bus - morning (1954)
young forrest is still standing in the aisle on the bus.
阿甘 (voice-over) ...in the wide world.
女孩 you can sit here if you want.
forrest looks back at 珍妮 curran, a young girl about forrest's age.
阿甘 (voice-over)
i had never seen anything so beautiful in my life.
she was like an angel.
珍妮 well, are you gonna sit down, or aren't ya?
forrest sit
珍妮 what's wrong with your legs?
阿甘 um, nothing at all, thank you. my legs are just fine and
阿甘 (voice-over)
i just sat next to her on that bus and had conversation
all the way to school.
珍妮 then why do you have those shoes on?
阿甘 my momma said my back's crooked like a question mark.
these are going to make me as straight as an arrow.
they're my magic shoes.
阿甘 (voice-over)
and next to momma, no one ever talked to me or asked
me questions.
珍妮 are you stupid or something.
阿甘 mommy says .."stupid is as stupid does, sir."
jenny puts her hand out toward forrest. forrest reaches over and shakes her hand.
珍妮 i'm jenny.
阿甘 i'm forrest gump. forrest gump.
阿甘 (voice-over)
from that day on, we was always together. jenny
and me was like peas and carrots.
ext. oak tree - day
young jenny and forrest run toward a large oak tree.
阿甘 (voice-over) she taught me how to climb...
jenny sits on a large branch and calls down to forrest.
珍妮 come on, forrest, you can do it.
forrest dangles from the branch.
阿甘 (voice-over) ... i showed her how to dangle.
jenny and forrest sit on a tree branch and read.
阿甘 ".....a good little moneky and..."
阿甘 (voice-over) she helped me to learn how to read.
forrest hangs upside down from a branch and swings back and forth. forrest's braces are wedged in the tree.
阿甘 (voice-over) and i showed her to swing.
night. the silhouete of the oak tree, jenny and forrest as they sit on a branch.
阿甘 (voice-over)
sometimes we'd just sit out and wait for the stars.
阿甘 momma's gonna worry about me.
jenny puts her hand on forrest's hand.
珍妮 just stay a little longer.
阿甘 (voice-over)
for some reason, jenny didn't never want to go home.
阿甘 okay, jenny. i'll stay.
阿甘 (voice-over) she was my most special friend.
int. savannah/bus stop - day
forrest nods as he remembers.
阿甘 my only friend.
forrest continues talking to the black woman. she doesn't seem to be listening as she reads her magazine. she looks up from her magazine.
阿甘 now, my momma always told me that miracles happen
every day. some people don't think so, but they do.
ext. oak alley - another day (1954)
jenny and forrest walk. a dirt clod hits forrest in the back of the head. jenny looks as forrest rubs his head. three young boys get off their bikes and pick up more rocks.
boy #1 hey... dummy!
forrest is hit in the eye with another dirt clod. forrest falls backward onto the ground as the boys glare at him.
boy #2 are you retarded, or just plain stupid?
boy #3 look, i'm forrest gump.
jenny helps forrest back up. boy #1 and boy
Forrest: Hello! My name's Forrest. Forrest Gump. You wanna Chocolate? I could eat about a million and a half o'these. My momma always said life was like a box o'chocolates. You never know what you are gonna get. Now, when I was a baby momma named me after the great civil war hero, General Nathan Bedford Forrest. She said we were related to him in some way. What he did was: he started up this club called the Ku Klux Klan. They'd all dress up in their robes and their bed sheets and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something. They 'd even put bed sheets on their horses and ride around. And anyway, that's how I got my name: Forrest Gump. 阿甘:你好!我叫福雷斯特,福雷斯特·甘普。要巧克力吗?我可以吃很多很多。我妈常说:生命就像一盒巧克力, 结果往往出人意料。我出生的时候,妈妈用内战大英雄的名字给我命名,他叫内森·贝德福德·福雷斯特将军。她说我们在某方面跟他有点关系。他所做的是:搞了个帮派,叫三K党。他们穿着白袍披床单,装神弄鬼的,甚至还把床单罩在马上,骑着到处跑。总之,我就是这样叫福雷斯特·甘普了。 Jenny: Run Forrest ,run! Run Forrest! 珍妮:跑,福雷斯特,快跑! Forrest: And you wouldn't believe it if I told you that I can run like the wind blows ! That day on, if I was going somewhere , I was running. 阿甘:我说出来你也许不信,我可以跑得象风一样快!那天开始,如果我去什么地方,我都跑着去。 John F. Kennedy: Congratulations, how do you feel? 肯尼迪:祝贺你,你感觉怎么样? Forrest Gump: I gotta pee. 阿甘:我想撒尿。 John F. Kennedy:(turning to camera) I believe he said he had to go pee. Heh heh. 肯尼迪:(对着镜头)我相信他刚才说的是他想去撒尿,呵呵 Mother : It's my time. It's just my time.Oh. now ,don't you be afraid sweetheart. Death is just a part of life .Something we are all destined to do .I didn't know it ,but I was destined to be your momma .I did the best I could . 妈妈:我的时辰到了,时辰到了。哦,别害怕,宝贝。死亡是生命的一部分,是所有人命中注定的事。过去我并不知道,但我注定做你妈妈。我已尽我所能。 Forrest Gump: Will you marry me? 阿甘:嫁给我吧? (Jenny turns and looks at him) (珍妮回头看着他) Forrest Gump: I'd make a good husband, Jenny. 阿甘:我会成为一个好丈夫的,珍妮。 Jenny Curran: You would, Forrest. 珍妮:你会的,福雷斯特。 Forrest Gump: But you won't marry me. 阿甘:但你不肯嫁给我。 Jenny Curran: You don't wanna marry me. 珍妮:你不会想娶我这样的人。 Forrest Gump: Why don't you love me, Jenny? I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is. 阿甘:为什么你不爱我呢,珍妮?我不是个聪明人,可我知道什么是爱。 1. Mama says,"Stupid is as stupid does. " 妈妈说,“做傻事的才是傻瓜”。 2. If God intended everybody to be the same, he'd have given us all braces on our legs. 如果上帝要让人人都一样的话,他会给每人一双脚撑。 3. Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get. 人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力,你永远不知道下一块将会是哪种。 4. Jesus loves you more than you will know。 “耶稣对你也特别垂青” 5. You said it all. 你说得很好。 6. A promise is a promise. 要信守诺言。 7. I paid my respect to Bubba himself. 我也去看望了布巴本人。 8. You got to put the past behind you before you can move on. 你只有忘记以往的事情,才能够继续前进。 9.When I got tired,I slept.When I got hungry,I ate.When I had to go,you know, I went. 当我累了,我就睡觉。当我饿了,我就吃饭。当我想去,你知道的, 我就去。 阿甘:妈妈是自成一派的,只有我能明白她的意思。