
时间:2014-01-01 04:14:36
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人老了的幽默句子 篇一


1. “年轻时,我以为年龄只是个数字,现在我发现,它是一个完整的句子。”

2. “我现在不需要闹钟了,早上阳光一照进来,我的关节声就会叫醒我。”

3. “我不再关心时尚潮流,我的目标是选择一件舒适的衣服,然后把它穿到破烂不堪。”

4. “我现在喜欢逛超市,不是为了购物,而是为了享受免费的空调。”

5. “我不再关心体重问题,因为我发现,重量不是问题,而是地心引力的坚定追求。”

6. “我现在喜欢逛菜市场,因为那里有各种水果蔬菜,可以让我感受到时间的流逝。”

7. “年轻人总是问我,‘你老了怎么还这么开心?’我告诉他们,‘因为我已经过了为别人活的时代,现在是为自己活的时候了。’”

8. “我现在不再关心追求完美,我只关心追求一杯好喝的茶和一本好看的书。”

9. “我不再追求刺激和冒险,因为我发现,每天都是一个新的冒险,只要我能从床上起来。”

10. “我现在不再惧怕老去,因为我知道,老去是一种荣幸,是活过很多人梦寐以求的经历。”


人老了的幽默句子 篇二


1. “我现在不再担心遗忘事情,因为我已经忘记自己到底担心了什么。”

2. “我不再关心年龄,因为我已经记不清自己多大了。”

3. “我现在喜欢逛花园,因为那里的花朵无需纤尘不染,就像我这颗老心一样。”

4. “我不再关心别人的看法,因为我已经记不住别人是谁了。”

5. “我现在喜欢看电视,因为那里的剧情总是新鲜刺激,就像我这颗老心一样。”

6. “年轻人总是问我,‘你老了怎么还这么开心?’我告诉他们,‘因为我已经过了为别人活的时代,现在是为自己活的时候了。’”

7. “我现在不再关心体力问题,因为我已经发现,每天都是一场马拉松,只要我能从床上起来。”

8. “我不再追求完美,因为我已经发现,完美只是一个幻觉,而我更在乎的是内心的平静和快乐。”

9. “我现在喜欢逛菜市场,因为那里有各种水果蔬菜,可以让我感受到时间的流逝。”

10. “我不再惧怕老去,因为我知道,老去是一种荣幸,是活过很多人梦寐以求的经历。”


人老了的幽默句子 篇三

;现在是爱吃饭了,导致又胖又矮。心疼的抱住胖胖的自己。When I was a child, I didn't like eating, which made me short now; now I love eating, which makes me fat and short. The heart hugs the fat oneself.

人老了的幽默句子 篇四


Do you want to get rich overnight? Do you want to be a billionaire? Do you want food and clothing? Do you want to live without worries? It's better to be with me. Let's think about it together.


Women, when they were young, they had father's pain, when they grew up, they had husband's pain, and when they were old, they had son's pain. Men listen to their mothers when they are young, to their wives when they grow up, and to their daughters when they grow old.


Men like women's beautiful faces, women like men's sweet words, so women learn to make up, men learn to lie.


Life tells us that when you meet a second-class goods, you should be determined to stay away from him, or you will probably become good friends in the future.


From today on, as long as it's my friend, anyone who has no money will squeak with me. I can tell you how I spent my days without money.


They say that fish and bear's paw can't be both, but God really cares for me. I'm poor and ugly. Fat and short go hand in hand.

十六、看你手撕快递包裹时那种气吞山河的姿态,一点都不像连矿泉水瓶盖都拧不开的弱女子。Look at the way you tear up the express package. It's not like a weak woman who can't even unscrew the cap of a mineral water bottle.

十七、前女友和我分手有两个原因,一是我当时没什么钱,二是她猜到了我将来也不会有什么钱。My ex-girlfriend broke up with me for two reasons. One was that I didn't have much money. The other was that she guessed that I would not have any money in the future.

十八、男女之间一定有纯真的友谊,因为每一个认识我的女生,都说最多只能跟我做朋友。There must be pure friendship between men and women, because every girl who knows me says that at most she can only make friends with me.


In the big stall and friends drinking, it suddenly occurred to me that my daughter-in-law was still hungry at home, and gave herself a slap instantly. How can we be distracted by drinking? Come here and do one!

二十、像你这么彪悍的女汉子,如果一个男生突然对你很好,那就只有一个原因:他敬你是条汉子。A tough woman like you, if a boy suddenly treats you well, there is only one reason: he respects you as a man.


