
时间:2012-09-07 08:15:47
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一般过去时造30个句子 篇一


1. She studied English last night.

2. He went to the park yesterday.

3. They played soccer on Saturday.

4. I visited my grandparents last weekend.

5. We watched a movie last night.

6. The cat chased a mouse.

7. The students finished their homework.

8. The sun set in the evening.

9. She cooked dinner for her family.

10. He bought a new car.

11. They traveled to Europe last summer.

12. We saw a shooting star.

13. The dog barked loudly.

14. I ate breakfast this morning.

15. He wrote a letter to his friend.

16. They cleaned their room.

17. She danced at the party.

18. We played board games yesterday.

19. The birds sang in the trees.

20. He fixed the broken chair.

21. They visited the museum last week.

22. I finished reading the book.

23. She painted a beautiful picture.

24. We went swimming in the lake.

25. The car stopped at the red light.

26. He played the piano at the concert.

27. They studied for the exam.

28. She baked cookies for her friends.

29. We watched a fireworks show.

30. The rain stopped in the afternoon.


一般过去时造30个句子 篇二


1. She visited her grandparents last summer.

2. He played basketball with his friends yesterday.

3. They went shopping in the mall.

4. I watched a movie at the cinema.

5. We traveled to a new city last year.

6. The cat caught a mouse.

7. The students listened to the teacher's lecture.

8. The sun rose early in the morning.

9. She baked a cake for her sister's birthday.

10. He studied for the test all night.

11. They visited a famous landmark during their vacation.

12. We ate dinner at a fancy restaurant.

13. The dog wagged its tail happily.

14. I played the guitar at the concert.

15. He cleaned his room before his parents came back.

16. They danced at the party until midnight.

17. She played a musical instrument.

18. We watched a live performance at the theater.

19. The birds flew in the sky.

20. He fixed the broken computer.

21. They swam in the ocean during their beach trip.

22. I finished my homework before the deadline.

23. She painted a beautiful landscape.

24. We hiked in the mountains.

25. The car crashed into a tree.

26. He sang a song at the talent show.

27. They studied history for the exam.

28. She cooked a delicious meal for her family.

29. We watched a football match on TV.

30. The rain started pouring heavily.


一般过去时造30个句子 篇三

1. 造句网是一部在线造句词典,其宗旨是让大家更快地造出更优质的句子.

2. 昨日你们在哪里?Where were you yesterday?

3. Somestudentsareplayingfootballintheplayground

4. 一般疑问句:Didhedohishomeworkladtnight?

5. He didn’t have classes this morning.他今天上午没上课

6. 你没尽自已最大努力去做这件事。You didn’t do your best to do it。

7. When were you together?你们什么时间在一起?

8. Where was she last year?她去年上几年级?

9. 我以前从不喝酒。I never drank wine。

10. He played tennis last week.上星期他们打过网球.

11. You didn’t do your best to do it.你没尽自已最大努力去做这件事

12. 史密斯先生昨日买了一辆新车。Mr。 Smith bought a new car yesterday。

13. 几分钟前他们还在那里。They were here only a few minutes ago。

14. Were you together yesterday?你们昨天在一起吗?

15. 你去年暑假做了什么?What did you do during the last summer vocation?

16. He bought a pen.他买了一支钢笔。

17. 你们昨日在一齐吗?Were you together yesterday?

18. 第二类,含有情态动词(couldwould)举例:couldshereadbookswhenshewasthereyearsold?肯定答语:Yes,shecould.否定答语No,shecouldn't.

19. 第一,含有be(waswere),一般疑问句举例:Wasitintheboxjustnow?肯定答语:Yes,itwas.否定答语:No,itwasn't.

20. 在采用一般过去时叙述研究过程中提到在此过程之前发生的事,最好采用过去完成时。

21. He was late for school yesterday.

22. They weren't in Shanghai last week.他们上周没在上海。

23. I caught my cat in the garden this morning.

24. She wasn't in Grade 1 last year.她不是去年上1年级。

25. Hefinishedhishomeworkatseveno'clock.

26. Thereisgoingtobeameetingintheschooltomorrow

27. Ireadabookyesterday

28. He was not busy yesterday.他昨天不忙。

29. 我不明白你在巴黎。I didn''t know you were in Paris。

30. 划出课文中所有一般过去时、现在完成时和现在完成进行时的动词。

31. 主句若是一般过去时,从句也要用过去时.

32. 冰冰刚吃了点东西。Bingbing ate sonmething before。


