价格调整通知范文 英文(经典6篇)

时间:2017-09-04 09:16:29
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Title: Price Adjustment Notice - Sample 1

Dear Valued Customers,

We hope this notice finds you well. We are writing to inform you about an upcoming price adjustment for our products/services. We understand that price changes can be inconvenient, but we want to assure you that this decision was not taken lightly and is necessary to sustain the quality and reliability of our offerings.

In recent months, our company has faced various challenges, including rising production costs, inflation, and increased competition. These factors have put significant pressure on our profitability, making it difficult for us to maintain our current pricing structure. Therefore, after careful consideration and analysis, we have decided to adjust our prices slightly.

Effective from [date], the prices for our products/services will increase by [percentage or specific amount]. This adjustment will allow us to continue providing you with the highest quality products/services while ensuring our long-term sustainability. We believe that the value and benefits you receive from our offerings will outweigh the minimal increase in price.

We understand that this adjustment may impact your budget and purchasing decisions. To ease the transition, we are offering a special promotion for the next [time period]. During this period, you will have the opportunity to purchase our products/services at the current prices before the adjustment takes effect. We hope this will give you ample time to plan and make the necessary adjustments to accommodate the new pricing structure.

We value your continued support and loyalty as our valued customers. We assure you that this price adjustment is a necessary step for us to maintain the quality and reliability you expect from us. We are committed to providing exceptional customer service and are always available to address any questions or concerns you may have regarding this change.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We look forward to serving you and continuing our mutually beneficial partnership.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Company Name]

Title: Price Adjustment Notice - Sample 2

Dear Esteemed Customers,

We hope this notice finds you in good health and high spirits. We are writing to inform you about an important change regarding the pricing of our products/services. As a company that values transparency and open communication, we want to ensure that you are well-informed and understand the reasons behind this adjustment.

Over the past few years, our company has experienced various economic challenges, including inflation, increased production costs, and market fluctuations. Despite our best efforts to absorb these costs and maintain competitive prices, we have reached a point where a price adjustment is necessary to sustain the quality and value we offer.

Starting from [date], we will be implementing a moderate price increase for our products/services. This adjustment will allow us to continue investing in research and development, enhancing our offerings, and providing you with the best possible experience. The new prices are carefully calculated to reflect the value, quality, and benefits you receive from our products/services.

We understand that any change in price may require adjustments to your budget and purchasing decisions. As a token of appreciation for your continued support and loyalty, we are offering a limited-time loyalty discount. This discount will be available for the next [time period], giving you the opportunity to purchase our products/services at the current prices before the adjustment takes effect.

We want to assure you that this price adjustment is not a decision we have taken lightly. We have thoroughly analyzed market trends, cost structures, and customer feedback to arrive at this decision. Our goal is to maintain our commitment to excellence and ensure long-term sustainability for the benefit of all our valued customers.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this price adjustment, our customer service team is readily available to assist you. We value your trust and will continue to provide the highest level of service and support throughout this transition.

Thank you for your understanding and continued partnership. We look forward to serving you and meeting your needs with our enhanced products/services.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Company Name]

价格调整通知范文 英文 篇三

We e

nclose our new catalogue and price list. The revised prices will apply from 1 April 1997. You will see that there have been number of changes inour product range. A number of improved models have been introduced. Out range of washing machines has been completely revamped. Many popular lines, however,have been retained unchanged. You will be aware that inflation is affecting industry as a whole. We have been affected like everyone else and some price increases have been unavoidable. We have not, however, increased our prices across the board. In many cases, there is a small price increase, but inothers, none at all. We can assure you that the quality of our consumer durables has been maintained at a high standard and that our service will continue to be first class. We look forward to receiving your orders.


价格调整通知范文 英文 篇四


In 20xx year, as the domestic enterprises face the fact that is suffering raising price of labour force and raw materials, bearing the trend of inflation and government policy changing. Our company is not exception. At present, the price we offered to you before is so low that our margin of profit would be either very little or nil, which is hard to keep going on further cooperation.

Insist on long turn credible service, common developing, quality first, creating value and sharing profit concepts, .so for sustainable development and better service to your esteem company, we need to adjust the price based on the current market, the new price as follows.





In view the good business relation ship between us as before ,Now we inform your esteem company that the new price policy will be completed form March 1st ,20xx. Hope you could understanding and your continue supporting.

Best wishes.

Sales Manager: Magicbook20xx.

价格调整通知范文 英文 篇五

尊敬的 业主:

我公司系 物业服务有限公司。分别于20xx年、xx年、xx年开始先后为小区提供物业管理服务至今。由于当时社会经济现状,所以物业费标准偏低,现在随着劳动力成本的不断提高,最低收入标准的推行以及各项维护性开支的不断上涨,使我物业公司愈来愈入不敷出,直接影响到物业服务质量。

几年来,企业收入是不变的,但是支出却不断增加。几年来,生活中涨价的信息比比皆是,连方便面、馒头、水、电等都在不断涨价。就拿物业来说,一把小小的扫把、拖布就比五年前贵了一倍多。建筑垃圾清运每车涨了近八十元。购买一辆保洁手推车的价格比五年前贵了三百多元。并且质量还不是很好! 根据中国物业协会提供的数据,大约有53%的企业存在人员缺编15%左右,有26%的企业人员缺编20%以上。而且尤其以保安和保洁缺编最为严重。大约98%的企业存在这种情况。人员需要生存就会走向第二产业,但是小区物业得有人管理,服务业必须有人做。不提高物业收费标准,类似问题仍然得不到解决, 就 小区目前的低标准物业费,收费率就是达到百分之百才勉强维持正常的员工开支及各项物业服务的支出。这个原因使我司不敢提高员工工资,导致用工荒越来越严重。低工资肯定招不上合适的工作人员。人员少岗位不变,各部门岗位均会存在经常性空岗,工作质量不合格或滞后现象。而招聘回来各个岗位的员工均工作量大、工资低、生活艰难。实在是我司良好发展的一个瓶颈。更是为广大业主提供良好物业服务的一个障碍!因此,为了改善物业管理的生存环境。同时能够大幅度提高 小区的物业服务质量。业主物业共建和谐社会。我们做出以下决定:


物业费价格由原/㎡ 调为元/㎡,

价格调整通知范文 英文 篇六


您们好!自我公司成立以来,公司从无到有,从小到大,到今天成为华中地区知名的保健茶龙头生产企业,产品畅销国内外,为上千家企业提供了优质产品和服务,并开拓电视购物、保健商城等多种销售模式,这些都离不开您的精诚合作! 也正因为我们品质卓越、先进的生产设备、高效生产效率、丰富的生产经验以及精锐团队、诚信经商和完善的管理制度,得到了众多合作伙伴的广泛认可,使万松堂成为了各类保健茶加工和加盟代理的首选。



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价格调整通知范文 英文(经典6篇)

