
时间:2019-05-08 03:46:31
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关于毕业文案英文 篇一

Graduation: A Journey to Remember

Graduation is not just a simple ceremony, but a significant milestone in our lives. It marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. It is a time to reflect on our achievements, celebrate our growth, and embrace the future with open arms.

As we stand here today, on the threshold of a new beginning, let us take a moment to look back at the journey we have embarked upon. From the first day of freshman year, we were filled with excitement and anticipation. We were eager to explore new subjects, make new friends, and discover our passions. We faced challenges and setbacks along the way, but we never gave up. We persevered, and each hurdle only made us stronger.

Graduation is not just about receiving a diploma; it is about the memories we have created and the bonds we have formed. We have laughed together, cried together, and supported each other through thick and thin. The friendships we have forged will forever hold a special place in our hearts. As we say goodbye to our classmates and teachers, let us cherish the moments we have shared and carry them with us wherever we go.

But graduation is not just about looking back; it is also about looking forward. It is about embracing the unknown and stepping out of our comfort zones. It is about pursuing our dreams and making a difference in the world. As we leave the familiar halls of our alma mater, let us remember that the future is ours to shape. Let us have the courage to take risks, the determination to overcome obstacles, and the resilience to bounce back from failures. Let us never stop learning and growing, for education does not end with a diploma.

Graduation is a time of celebration, a time to acknowledge our hard work and dedication. It is a time to honor our achievements and the people who have supported us throughout our journey. To our parents, teachers, and mentors, thank you for believing in us and pushing us to reach our full potential. Your guidance and encouragement have been invaluable, and we are forever grateful.

So, as we stand here today, let us remember that graduation is not an end, but a new beginning. It is the start of a new chapter filled with endless possibilities and opportunities. Let us embrace the challenges that lie ahead, knowing that we are equipped with the skills and knowledge to overcome them. Let us be fearless in pursuing our dreams and making a positive impact on the world.

Congratulations, Class of [year]! We have made it, and the best is yet to come.

关于毕业文案英文 篇二

The Journey Continues: A Farewell to the Past, an Embrace of the Future

Graduation is a bittersweet moment, as it marks the end of an era and the beginning of a new chapter. It is a time to bid farewell to the familiar and embrace the unknown. It is a time to reflect on the past and envision a future filled with endless possibilities.

As we gather here today, we cannot help but reminisce about the memories we have made. From the first day of freshman year, we were filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness. We were like blank canvases, ready to be filled with knowledge, experiences, and friendships. We have grown and evolved over the years, shaped by the challenges we faced and the lessons we learned. The late-night study sessions, the group projects, the extracurricular activities – each moment has contributed to our personal and academic growth.

Graduation is not just about receiving a diploma; it is about the connections we have formed. The friendships we have cultivated have become our support system, our cheerleaders, and our confidants. We have laughed together, cried together, and celebrated each other's successes. These bonds will endure even as we part ways and embark on our individual journeys. Let us treasure the memories we have created and hold onto the cherished friendships that have shaped our time here.

But graduation is not just about looking back; it is about looking forward with hope and anticipation. It is about stepping out of our comfort zones and embracing the challenges that lie ahead. It is about pursuing our passions and making a difference in the world. As we leave the familiar halls of our educational institution, let us be bold in our pursuits. Let us be unafraid to dream big, to take risks, and to push ourselves beyond our limits. Let us remember that we are capable of achieving greatness and making a positive impact on the world.

Graduation is a time for gratitude and appreciation. It is a time to thank those who have supported us throughout our journey. To our parents, who have sacrificed so much to provide us with the best opportunities, thank you for your unwavering love and support. To our teachers and mentors, who have guided and inspired us, thank you for believing in us and pushing us to reach our full potential. To our friends, who have stood by us through thick and thin, thank you for the laughter and the memories.

So, as we stand here today, let us bid farewell to the past and embrace the future with open arms. Let us be courageous in the face of uncertainty and resilient in the face of adversity. Graduation is not an end, but a continuation of our journey. It is the start of a new chapter, brimming with opportunities and possibilities. Class of [year], let us go forth and make our mark on the world.

Congratulations, and may our futures be as bright as our dreams.

关于毕业文案英文 篇三



品牌的娱乐的类型advertainment,允许为最大的产品参与,就像在1950年的sponsor-owned shows17。这些类型的advertainment通常有一手,co-created资助与娱乐生产者背后的驱动力是展示内容创作的一种特定的产品或品牌。这种类型的advertainment一直被认为是“最大的消息转移将]…[m].北京:世界的真正集中麦迪逊大道。“好莱坞电影短片的宝马5网上发布2001年夏天,通常认为是作为现代形式的品牌的娱乐。为聘请系列的电影,德国宝马公司雇佣顶级好莱坞的导演们如王家卫和李安和可辨认的天赋,如麦当娜在这些影片。每部电影围绕一个中心人物,司机,世界上最好的在搬运人或物脱离险境。自然,驱动使用不同的宝马在每部电影来完成他的使命。这个电影是在一个新的宝马电影网站作为一个拉的策略,在消费者将会寻求信息,而不是自己的品牌战略,推动他们只是讲brand.31公司希望消费者






⑴isi web of knowledgeengineering village2

⑵elsevier sdol数据库ieee/iee(iel)







⑼推荐使用isi web of knowledgeengineering village2



















The advertisement nature is propagation , the advertisement soul is an innovative idea. That word , evidence once research textually advertisement is one word of foreign origin. It originates from Latin advertere first , it's intention is guidance , propagation pay attention to. Middle English times (makes an appointment with A.D. 1300 develops into Advertise in 1475), that it's import spreads out Hua Wei "makes a certain person pay attention to arriving at some matter " , "informs others of or some matter, to arouse others's paying attention to ". Until 17 ends of the century , United Kingdom begin to carry out large-scale commerce use personal influence. At this time, advertisement one word convenience is popular for and is put into use broadly. But "advertisement" now , already not only finger one items of advertisement, point to the advertisement activity a train of. Conceptual motionless thing noun Advertise , quilt give modern significance to , conversion becomes "Advertising". The word once originates from the Chinese character advertisement Japan. "Webster is lexicographic ", checking the advertisement definition is: Advertisement is that the finger is growing doctrine or information by the fact that direct or indirect way strengthening the marketing commodity , spreading some , open-minded possessions tells that sex flexible form (Webster under the intention calling together for participating in various party and rally etc. Thesaurus 1977 printing plate). One kind of form being regarded as the information wielding a medium but being not that the verbal form is hereditary having teleonomy in modern times , advertisement, it aims at calling up people producing the acquaintance and favorable impression to the commodity need and to the enterprise producing or selling these commodities's , some grow (Webster dictionaries such as significance and view as well as expounding the service suing that provides some nonprofit species purpose 1988 printing plate). That "concise Great Britain encyclopaedias " (15 printing plate) check the advertisement definition is: Advertisement is to spread one kind of way of information , with a view to, whose promotes sales of commodity , labour service service , gets politics support , pushes close one kind of cause or arouses to advertise be what person hopes other report. Advertisement information passes the various instrument of propaganda , transfers to audience or audience wanted to attract by it. Advertisement is unlike the form transferring information other , it must be paid to the intermediary spreading with certain reward by advertiser. The sociologist , critic Ai your "the present age business expertise " being come out by modern press in 1994 expound like this to advertisement concept problem , finish reading some advertisement definition , no difficult to find that some so to speak be comparatively entire definition, some simple however pair of advertisement field judges. Being worth deliberating more is that some definition does not make an explanation understand advertisement what's all this about, word of making an explanation middle repetition has appeared "advertisement". Or advertisement should become polishing terms appearing, if advertisement speaks, advertising client , advertisement person , advertisement information, ... This is just like three ask about Li four: "What calls art "? Four reply Li: Work "creating or performing by artist, ,'' . People just is ab

le to ask about: Without the definition explaining art, do not know what calls art, why artist appears on meeting? The Ai monarch thinks, before making advertisement definition clear , that the primo asks advertisement in taking a look at life to use personal influence is how to move round. (, the demand setting up an image , promoting the sale of products for purpose buy the he is understood and explained in order, organizing or particular (advertisement host) , the declaration, enrolls new students , job wanted waits for support (pay cost) to ascertain a medium) , pushes down set time , the request, activity spreading information's truly. From advertisement travel law , procedure,the Ai monarch defines in order advertisement goes down such one: Advertisement, be that organization or inpidual ascertaining that pays cost for certain purpose , support, medium being appointed as within the fixed time, according to the request , the reason, that true information propagation goes out one kind exchange is exercised. He thinks that this comes in secondary practice of definition, can reflect the advertisement nature attribute inevitably , also is able to make an explanation exchange some advertisement phenomenon except commercial advertisement. If "the lonely-hearts ad " ", government public notice ", "get together inform equal few of " the public good advertisement having nothing to do with economy. Before China , commercial advertisement return back to a peak not getting to jolt, already existence is burning the immense foam constitutive and is not reason behavior; With consumer's maturity , the industry norm, enterprise also meeting trend reason , natural meeting make fall after rise , start using the average model will become main current; At the same time, advertisement will appear all of a sudden and the trend is gradually mature, avoid challenge without end. Enterprise starts using the image spokesman , possibility has various purpose, age thinking that "subchord wind of effect " and speculation is in vogue especially. The author has been in the summary carrying out theory on the viewpoint that the image spokesman "sells according to accurate camp" , has discovered the modern marketplace image spokesman basic characteristic property, unique , distinct inpiduality advocates through advertisement way janitor brand, make a product manage to build some species connection with target consumption group , enter consumer's life and ken smoothly , reach with that intelligent deep communicate with, in and the person sets up some species impression and position at heart, using a brand becomes a meaningful with additional value magic figure code. He accepts the masses by the fact that the certain intermediary or carrier propagation appeals to a target , thereby, sets up and makes the brand image inpiduation in the brand if the marketplace saying is middle. His image having personality charm alone possibly by the fact that the brand founds person replaces a word, distinct brand inpiduality and confidence are used by the masses by target; The affinity advertisement replaces a word or by the fact that the movie and TV star , the society celebrity pole have , the purchase making brand product prompt to target consumption group exerts one's influence on sb; Or narrate by the fact that the fiction personage deduces a brand, idea and value take the janitor brand face, win a target accept numerous acception; Or by the fact that image of dyadic cartoon cartoon animal replaces a word, mold lively the brand image lovable , finding everything fresh and new, lets person produce fine association and impression in looking at one each other laughing at to the brand. His image is equal to enterprise image , reason why not completely on behalf of a word , his walking makes red being going to being able to be in favour not implying a product. The enterprise supervision and their composition appear pretty important right away. They also should have but the self-control responsibility mental consciousness , melt really to enter this corporate culture, real intention goes to deduce a product propagating idea, only meaning that can bulge cash publicizing我的论文题目是《广告用于中合作原则的遵守与违反》是英文论文,也不知道你需不需要,要的话给我发邮件,724439143@qq.com


