商务英语中含猫狗的用语 篇一
1. The top dog: 这个短语指的是在某个领域或组织中最重要或具有最高地位的人。例如,"In this company, John is the top dog. He makes all the important decisions."(在这家公司里,约翰是最重要的人,他做出所有重要的决策。)
2. Dog-eat-dog: 这个短语形容商业竞争的残酷和无情。例如,"The business world can be dog-eat-dog. You have to be tough to survive."(商业世界可以是残酷无情的。要想生存下去,你必须要坚强。)
3. Work like a dog: 这个短语指的是勤奋工作,努力奋斗。例如,"I've been working like a dog all week to finish this project."(我整个星期都在努力工作,为了完成这个项目。)
4. Let sleeping dogs lie: 这个短语意味着不要去触碰或激怒某人,不要触及敏感的话题。例如,"I know she made a mistake, but let's just let sleeping dogs lie and move on."(我知道她犯了个错误,但是我们就让事情过去吧,继续前进。)
1. Copycat: 这个词指的是模仿他人的行为或做法。例如,"Their new product is just a copycat of ours."(他们的新产品只是我们的一个模仿品。)
2. Let the cat out of the bag: 这个短语意味着泄露秘密或暴露某事的真相。例如,"I accidentally let the cat out of the bag and told her about the surprise party."(我不小心说漏嘴,告诉她有关惊喜派对的事情。)
3. Curiosity killed the cat: 这个格言意味着过分的好奇心可能会导致问题或麻烦。例如,"Don't ask too many questions. Remember, curiosity killed the cat."(不要问太多问题。记住,好奇心会害死猫。)
4. Like herding cats: 这个短语意味着试图控制或管理一群行为难以预测的人或事物。例如,"Managing this project is like herding cats. It's difficult to keep everyone on track."(管理这个项目就像是赶群猫一样。很难让每个人都保持在正确的轨道上。)
商务英语中含猫狗的用语 篇三
The business world is full of animal idioms like fat cats, loan sharks and other animals.
商务中充满了像fat cats——有钱有势的人,loan sharks——高利贷债主,和含有其它动物的习语。
Indeed, the business idiom fat cats has been widely used in the last few years to describe all those bankers who have earned huge bonuses during the credit crunch.
事实上,fat cats近几年用来形容所有在信贷危机中赚了一大笔的'银行家。
As an English Language Learner, if you want your English to sound more natural especially when dealing with native speakers, using some of these business idioms in the correct way would certainly help.
In this blog post, I’d like to concentrate on our two favourite domestic animals, the cat and dog. I’ve selected just ten, but there are plenty more out there.
1. Let sleeping dogs lie – do not make trouble if you don’t have to.
1. Let sleeping dogs lie——不要自找麻烦
Ex: “There’s absolutely no point pursuing this issue. We should just let sleeping dogs lie“.
2. Not enough room to swing a cat – not enough space.
2.Not enough room to swing a cat——没有足够的空间
Ex: “You should see my new office, it’s tiny. There’s not enough room to swing a cat!” (In old English, a cat was a whip not a real cat!)
3. To be dog tired – to be exhausted
3. To be dog tired——累趴下
Ex: ” I have worked 70 hours this week. I am dog tired“.
4. Let the cat out of the bag – to reveal a secret
4. Let the cat out of the bag——透露秘密
Ex: ” Great! George in Finance knows about our new product. That’s all we need. Who let the cat out of the bag?”
5. Go to the dogs – not as successful as in the past (usually used in the continuous tense)
5. Go to the dogs——不如过去成功(通常使用进行时)
Ex: “That company will go bankrupt if it’s not careful. It’s going to the dogs“.
6. To put the cat among the pigeons – to cause trouble
6. To put the cat among the pigeons——惹出乱子
Ex: ” Sending the most unpopular manager to talk to the team was like putting the cat among the pigeons.”
7. A dog’s dinner or dog’s breakfast – to make a mess
7. A dog’s dinner or dog’s breakfast——搞砸了
Ex: “They made a real dog’s dinner of the website. It’s terrible.”
8. To fight like cats and dogs – to argue and fight with someone
8. To fight like cats and dogs——和某人争吵
Ex: ” It’s a miracle how Sally and John manage this company. They’re always fighting like cats and dogs.
9. Top dog – the most important person in an organization
9. Top dog—
Ex: “If you want a decision on that, you’re going to have to get it approved by the top dog“.
10. More than one way to skin a cat – more than one way to do something
10. More than one way to skin a cat——不止一种方法
Ex: “No problem. If we cannot get our proposal through this way, we’ll try something else. There’s more than one way to skin a cat“.