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裁判判决类的英语词汇 篇一


In the field of law, judges and referees play a crucial role in making decisions and judgments. Their knowledge of legal vocabulary is essential to convey their rulings effectively. In this article, we will explore some key English vocabulary related to judges and their judgments.

1. Judge:

- Bench: The seat where a judge sits in a courtroom.

- Judicial: Relating to the judiciary or the branch of government that interprets and applies the law.

- Jurist: A legal expert or scholar in the field of law.

- Adjudicate: To make a formal judgment or decision about a disputed matter.

- Magistrate: A lower-level judicial officer who handles minor cases.

2. Courtroom:

- Plaintiff: The party who initiates a lawsuit or legal action against another party.

- Defendant: The party against whom a lawsuit or legal action is taken.

- Witness: A person who provides testimony or evidence in court.

- Jury: A group of individuals who are selected to hear evidence and decide the outcome of a trial.

- Bailiff: An officer of the court responsible for maintaining order and security in the courtroom.

3. Rulings and Judgments:

- Verdict: The decision or finding of a jury or judge concerning the guilt or innocence of a defendant.

- Acquittal: The judgment of a court that a defendant is not guilty of the crime with which they were charged.

- Conviction: The judgment of a court that a defendant is guilty of a crime.

- Sentencing: The act of determining and imposing a punishment or penalty on a convicted defendant.

- Appeal: The process of seeking a higher court's review of a lower court's decision.

4. Legal Terminology:

- Precedent: A legal case or decision that serves as an authoritative example or guide for future cases.

- Objection: A formal protest raised by an attorney during a trial to challenge the admissibility of evidence or the conduct of proceedings.

- Hearsay: The use of second-hand information or statements as evidence in court.

- Subpoena: A legal document that orders a person to appear in court to provide testimony or produce evidence.

- Contempt of court: Disobedience or disrespect towards the authority or orders of a court.


Understanding the vocabulary related to judges and their judgments is vital for anyone involved in the legal system. Whether you are studying law, working as a legal professional, or simply interested in the field, these terms will help you navigate the complex world of judgments and rulings.

裁判判决类的英语词汇 篇三



  adjudicate v.充当裁判,判决 | arbitrate v.仲裁,公断 | moderator n.调解人,仲裁人

  referee n.裁判员,仲裁者 | tribunal n.法庭,裁判所 | umpire n.裁判,v.对…进行仲裁

  assize n法令,条令,裁判 | trial n.审判,尝试 | verdict n.判决,决定

  judicial adj.法庭的,法官的 | jurisdiction n 司法权,审判权,管辖权 | determinant n 判定

  condemn v.极力谴责,判刑(死刑等) | conviction n.判罪,坚信


  decree n.命令,法令,v.颁布命令,公告 | edict n.法令、命令 | ordinance n.法令,条令

  regulation n.管理,规则,法令 | rescript n.公告,法令,重抄 | stat

ute n.法规,法令

  statutory adj.法定的,受法令所约束的. | assize n法令,条令, 门歇 | dictate v.口述、命令

  enjoin v.命令,吩咐 | fiat n.命令,决断 | injunction n.命令,强制令

  mandate n.命令,指令,v.批准 | mandatory adj.命令的,强迫的

  officious adj.爱发命令的,好忠告人的 | ordain v.任命,命令 | prescript n.命令,规定

  prescribed adj.规定的 | writ n.命令状,书面命令 | behest n 命令,训喻?

  commission n 委任状,命令,委托,犯法v 委任,使服役 | prescribe v 规定,命令,开处方,嘱咐,指示

  norm n.规范,准则 | stipulation n.规定,约定 | gauge n.标准规格,测量仪 | ethics n 道德规范

  praxis n 惯例,常规 | rut n 惯例,常规


