建筑专业用语英语词汇 篇一
In the field of architecture, there are numerous specialized terms and vocabulary that professionals use to communicate effectively. These words and phrases are essential for describing architectural elements, construction techniques, and design principles. In this article, we will explore some of the key terms used in the field of architecture.
1. Architectural Styles:
- Gothic: Characterized by pointed arches, ribbed vaults, and flying buttresses.
- Renaissance: Influenced by classical Roman and Greek architecture, featuring symmetry and proportion.
- Modernism: Emphasizes functionality, simplicity, and the use of new materials such as steel and glass.
2. Structural Elements:
- Foundation: The lowest part of a building that transfers loads to the ground.
- Beam: A horizontal structural element that carries loads along its length.
- Column: A vertical structural element that supports loads from above.
3. Building Materials:
- Concrete: A mixture of cement, sand, water, and aggregate used for construction.
- Brick: A rectangular building material made from clay or shale.
- Steel: A strong and durable alloy of iron used for structural support.
4. Construction Techniques:
- Reinforced Concrete: Concrete reinforced with steel bars to increase strength.
- Prefabrication: Manufacturing building components off-site and assembling them on-site.
- Sustainable Design: Incorporating environmentally friendly practices and materials into the design and construction process.
5. Architectural Elements:
- Fa?ade: The front exterior face of a building.
- Roof: The top covering of a building.
- Balustrade: A row of small posts or pillars supporting a handrail.
6. Design Principles:
- Proportion: The relationship between different parts of a building or its components.
- Scale: The size of an object or space in relation to other elements.
- Harmony: The visual coherence and balance achieved through the use of consistent design elements.
Understanding these architectural terms is crucial for effective communication within the industry. Whether you are discussing design concepts, construction techniques, or historical references, having a solid grasp of these terms will enable you to convey your ideas accurately.
In conclusion, the field of architecture has a rich vocabulary of specialized terms and phrases that professionals use to describe architectural elements, construction techniques, and design principles. By familiarizing oneself with these terms, architects and those in the industry can effectively communicate their ideas, collaborate on projects, and create stunning architectural works.
建筑专业用语英语词汇 篇二
The field of architecture is filled with unique terms and vocabulary that are essential for professionals to understand and use. These words and phrases help describe architectural elements, construction methods, and design concepts. In this article, we will explore some more specialized terms used in the field of architecture.
1. Architectural Drawings:
- Floor Plan: A 2D drawing that shows the layout of a building, including walls, rooms, and other features.
- Elevation: A drawing that shows the exterior view of a building from a specific angle.
- Section: A cut-through drawing that reveals the internal structure of a building.
2. Building Systems:
- HVAC: Stands for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning, which are systems that control temperature, humidity, and air quality in a building.
- Plumbing: The system of pipes, fixtures, and fittings that distribute water and remove waste from a building.
- Electrical: The system that provides power and lighting to a building.
3. Sustainability:
- Green Building: Designing and constructing buildings with a focus on reducing energy consumption and environmental impact.
- LEED: Stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, a certification program that recognizes sustainable building practices.
- Renewable Energy: Energy derived from sources that are naturally replenished, such as solar or wind power.
4. Interior Design:
- Space Planning: Organizing and arranging interior spaces to optimize functionality and flow.
- Color Palette: The range of colors used in a design scheme.
- Furniture: The movable objects within a space, such as chairs, tables, and sofas.
5. Building Codes:
- Zoning Regulations: Rules that dictate how land can be used and buildings can be constructed in a specific area.
- Accessibility Standards: Guidelines that ensure buildings are accessible to people with disabilities.
- Fire Safety Codes: Regulations that aim to prevent and protect against fires in buildings.
6. Architectural History:
- Classical Orders: The architectural styles developed by the ancient Greeks and Romans, including Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian.
- Bauhaus: A modernist design movement that emerged in the early 20th century, emphasizing the integration of art, craft, and technology.
- Postmodernism: A reaction against modernism, characterized by eclectic styles, historical references, and playful design elements.
By familiarizing oneself with these specialized architectural terms, professionals in the field can enhance their understanding, effectively communicate with colleagues and clients, and create innovative and sustainable designs. The language of architecture is a reflection of the complex and multidisciplinary nature of the profession, and mastering these terms is essential for success in the field.
建筑专业用语英语词汇 篇三
环境设计 :environmental design
环境标准 :environmental standards
能源保护 : energy conservation
基础设施 :infrastructure
主干道 : arterial road
辅助道路 :collector street
快速干道 :freeway
林荫公路 :parkway
居住面积密度 :density of living floor area
居住建筑面积密度 :density of residential floor area
居住人口密度 : density of registered inhabitants
人口密度 : population density
人口分布 :population distribution
人口机械增长 :population growth from migration
居住密度 : residential density
高层高密度 :high-rise/high density
高层低密度 : high-rise/low density
建筑面积比容积率 : FAR - floor area ratio
居住建筑面积 :residential floor area
建筑高度 :building height
建筑红线 :building line
城市设计 :urban design
城市景观 : cityscape
天际线 :skyline
空间布局 :space planning
城市网络 :urban network
临街面 : frontage
历史文化名城保护 :conservation of historic cultural cities
古建筑保护 :conservation of historic buildings
文物古迹保护 :conservation of historic landmarks and sites
历史性建筑保护 :historic preservation
风景名胜保护 : conservation of scenic spots
历史性市区 :historic district
绿 带 :greenbelt
城市规划 :urban planning
总体规划 :comprehensive planning
详细规划 :detailed planning
城市分区规划 :city district planning
功能规划 :functional planning
住房建设规划 :housing program
实体规划 :physical planning
城市性质 :designated function of a city
竖向规划 :site engineering
国土规划 :territorial planning
建设场地规划 : site planning
城市人防规划 :civil defense planning
城市防灾规划 :disaster planning
城市抗震规划 :seismic planning
临界分析(门槛理论) :threshold analysis
用地平衡 :land use banlance
土地使用控制 :land use controls
土地利用规划图 :land use plan
土地利用调查 :land use survey
城市用地评价 : land use assessment
城市规模 :city size
商业网点 : commercial network
城市改造 :urban redevelopment
地形测量 :topographic survey
区位理论 :location theory
可持续发展 : sustainable development
混凝土 :concrete
钢筋 :reinforcing steel bar
钢筋混凝土 :reinforced concrete(rc)
钢筋混凝土结构 :reinforced concrete structure
板式楼梯 :cranked slab stairs
刚度 :rigidity
徐变 :creep
水泥 :cement
钢筋保护层 :cover to reinforcement
梁 :beam
柱 :column
板 :slab
剪力墙 :shear wall
基础 :foundation
加载 :loading
抗压强度 :compressive strength
抗弯强度 :bending strength
抗扭强度 :torsional strength
抗拉强度 :tensile strength
裂缝 :crack
荷载 :load横截面:cross section
承重结构 :bearing structure
弹性模量 :elastic modulus
预应力钢筋混凝土 :prestressed reinforced concrete
预应力钢筋 :prestressed reinforcement
预制板 :precast slab
主梁 :main beam
次梁 :secondary beam
弯矩 :moment
悬臂梁 :cantilever beam
延性 :ductileity
受弯构件 :member in bending
受拉区 :tensile region
受压区 :compressive region
可靠性 :relia
外力 :external force
跨度 :span
框架结构 :frame structure
集中荷载 :concentrated load
分布荷载 :distribution load
设计荷载 :design load
设计强度 :design strength
构造 :construction
简支梁 :simple beam
截面面积 :area of section
主入口大门/岗亭(车行 & 人行) :main entrance gate/guard house (for vehicle& pedestrian )
次入口/岗亭(车行 & 人行 ) :2nd entrance gate/guard house (for vehicle& pedestrian )
商业中心入口 : entrance to shopping ctr.
水景 :water feature
小型露天剧场 mini amphi-theatre
迎宾景观-1 :welcoming feature-1
观景木台 : timber deck (viewing)
竹园 :bamboo garden
漫步广场 :walkway plaza
露天咖啡廊 : out door cafe
巨大迎宾水景-2 :grand welcoming feature-2
木桥 :timber bridge
石景 : rock's cape
水瀑 : waterfall's grotto
观景台viewing terrace
吊桥 :hanging bridge
休憩台地(低处) : lounging terrace (lower )
休憩台地(高处) :lounging terrace (upper )
特色踏步 : feature stepping stone
儿童乐园 :children's playground
旱冰道 : slide
羽毛球场 :badminton court
观景台 :viewing deck
游泳池 :swimming pool
嬉水池 : wading pool
儿童泳池 :children's pool
蜿蜒水墙 :winding wall
石景雕塑 :rock sculpture
中心广场 :central plaza
健身广场 :exercise plaza
桥 :bridge
交流广场 :meditating plaza
停车场 :paring area
雕塑小道 :sculpture trail
每栋建筑入口 :entrance paving to unit
篮球场 :basketball court
网球场 :tennis court
广场 :main plaza
森林、瀑布 : forest garden waterfall
石景园 :rockery garden
凉亭 :pavilion
拉膜结构 :tensile structure
台阶 :stair
高尔夫球车停车场 :parking ( golf car )
晨跑小路 : jogging footpath
车道/人行道 :driveway /sidewalk
人行漫步道 : promenade
特色入口 :entry feature
石景广场 : rockery plaza