
时间:2011-08-09 06:23:21
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水利相关英语词汇 篇一

Water Conservation: Key Terms and Practices

Water conservation is an essential aspect of sustainable development and plays a crucial role in ensuring the availability of this precious resource for future generations. Understanding the key terms and practices related to water conservation is important in promoting responsible water use. In this article, we will explore some of the most commonly used English vocabulary in the field of water conservation.

1. Water scarcity: Refers to the limited availability of freshwater resources in a region. Water scarcity can occur due to various factors such as increased demand, climate change, and pollution.

2. Water efficiency: Refers to the optimal use of water resources to achieve maximum output with minimal waste. This includes implementing technologies and practices that reduce water consumption without compromising productivity.

3. Water footprint: Represents the amount of freshwater used by an individual, community, or organization in their daily activities, including direct and indirect water consumption.

4. Rainwater harvesting: The collection and storage of rainwater for future use. This practice helps to reduce the demand for freshwater sources and can be used for various purposes such as irrigation and household needs.

5. Greywater recycling: The process of treating and reusing wastewater generated from domestic activities such as bathing, laundry, and dishwashing. Greywater recycling helps to reduce the strain on freshwater resources by utilizing this water for non-potable purposes.

6. Water infrastructure: Refers to the systems and structures designed to manage, distribute, and treat water. This includes dams, reservoirs, pipelines, and wastewater treatment plants.

7. Water conservation measures: Refers to the strategies and actions taken to reduce water consumption and promote responsible water use. Examples include fixing leaks, using water-efficient appliances, and practicing responsible irrigation techniques.

8. Desalination: The process of removing salt and other impurities from seawater or brackish water to make it suitable for drinking or irrigation purposes. Desalination is often used in areas with limited freshwater resources.

9. Water reuse: The practice of treating and reusing water for various purposes, including industrial processes, irrigation, and toilet flushing. Water reuse helps to minimize the demand for freshwater sources and reduce wastewater generation.

10. Water management: Refers to the planning, implementation, and monitoring of strategies and policies aimed at ensuring the sustainable use and conservation of water resources.

By familiarizing ourselves with these water conservation terms, we can better understand the importance of responsible water use and contribute towards a more sustainable future.

水利相关英语词汇 篇二

Flood Management: Key Terms and Strategies

Floods are natural disasters that can cause significant damage to infrastructure, agriculture, and human lives. Effective flood management strategies are essential in mitigating the impact of floods and reducing the risk to vulnerable communities. In this article, we will explore some of the most commonly used English vocabulary related to flood management.

1. Floodplain: Refers to the flat or low-lying areas adjacent to rivers and streams that are prone to flooding during periods of heavy rainfall or snowmelt.

2. Flood warning system: A system that provides timely and accurate information about potential flooding events, allowing communities to take necessary precautions and evacuate if necessary.

3. Flood risk assessment: The process of evaluating the likelihood and potential consequences of flooding in a specific area. Flood risk assessments help to identify vulnerable areas and inform the development of flood management plans.

4. Flood control measures: Refers to the strategies and structures implemented to manage and reduce the impact of floods. Examples include the construction of levees, flood walls, and flood channels.

5. Floodplain zoning: The practice of designating specific land uses and development regulations in flood-prone areas to minimize the risk to human lives and property.

6. Flood forecasting: The process of predicting the occurrence and magnitude of floods based on historical data, weather patterns, and hydrological models. Accurate flood forecasting helps to improve preparedness and response efforts.

7. Flood mitigation: Refers to the strategies and actions taken to reduce the impact of floods. This includes structural measures such as dams and reservoirs, as well as non-structural measures such as land-use planning and floodplain management.

8. Flood response: The immediate actions taken during and after a flood event to protect lives and property. This includes emergency evacuation, search and rescue operations, and the provision of relief and assistance to affected communities.

9. Flood recovery: The process of rebuilding and restoring infrastructure, agriculture, and communities following a flood event. This includes repair and reconstruction efforts, as well as the implementation of measures to prevent future flood damage.

10. Flood insurance: Insurance coverage specifically designed to protect against losses caused by floods. Flood insurance helps to provide financial assistance to individuals and businesses affected by flood events.

By understanding these key terms and strategies related to flood management, we can work towards building more resilient communities and minimizing the impact of floods on both human lives and the environment.

水利相关英语词汇 篇三



  生态开发整治工程 ecological exploitation and regulation project

  南水北调 south-to-north water persion. ,

  南水北调工程 pert water from the south to the north project

  总规划面积the total planning area

  干燥少雨 dry and rainless

  水系 water system

  断流discontinuous flow


  污染源pollution source

  水源地waterhead area

  地下水开采量amount of groundwater mining

  供水量service discharge

  总体规划general planning

  一期工程first phase of construction

  总投资gross investment

  污水治理工程waste water treatment project

  污水处理厂sewage treatment plant

  排水管网network of drains

  生态防护林 ecological shelter forest

  总面积gross area

  两岸side banks

  防洪工程flood control project

  导流堤training wall

  基础设施 infrastructure

  路网road net

  防洪prevent or control flood



  河道river course

  复式断面compound cross section

  现浇混凝土on-site concrete


混凝土precast concrete

  防渗结构seepage prevention

  示意图schematic diagram


  绿化带 green belt


  橡胶坝rubber dam


