
时间:2017-07-07 06:38:12
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一些和旅行相关的常用英语词汇 篇一

Traveling is an exciting experience that allows us to explore new places, cultures, and cuisines. Whether you are a frequent traveler or just planning your first trip, it is essential to familiarize yourself with some common English vocabulary related to travel. In this article, we will discuss a few essential travel-related terms that will help you navigate through your journey smoothly.

1. Destination: The place you are traveling to is called your destination. It could be a city, country, or any specific location you want to explore.

2. Itinerary: A detailed plan or schedule of your travel arrangements, including flights, accommodations, and activities.

3. Passport: An official document issued by your home country that allows you to travel internationally. It contains your personal information and serves as proof of identity.

4. Visa: A document that grants you permission to enter and stay in a foreign country for a specific period. It is usually obtained from the embassy or consulate of the country you plan to visit.

5. Ticket: A document that serves as proof of purchase for transportation, such as a flight, train, or bus ticket.

6. Accommodation: A place where you can stay during your trip, such as a hotel, hostel, or vacation rental.

7. Check-in: The process of registering yourself and your luggage at the airport or hotel before your flight or stay.

8. Boarding pass: A document that allows you to board a plane. It is usually obtained after check-in and contains information about your flight and seat number.

9. Departure: The act of leaving a place, such as your home country, to start your journey.

10. Arrival: The act of reaching your destination or the place where you will be staying.

11. Currency: The type of money used in a particular country. It is essential to exchange your currency for the local currency of your destination.

12. Exchange rate: The value at which one currency can be exchanged for another. It can fluctuate, so it is advisable to check the exchange rate before exchanging your money.

13. Souvenir: A memento or keepsake that you buy during your travels to remind you of the places you have visited.

14. Tourist attraction: A place or site that is popular among tourists and is worth visiting. It could be a historical monument, natural landmark, or cultural site.

15. Guidebook: A book that provides information about a particular destination, including attractions, maps, and travel tips.

By familiarizing yourself with these travel-related terms, you will be better prepared to communicate and navigate through your journey. Additionally, it will enhance your overall travel experience and make it easier for you to interact with locals and fellow travelers.

一些和旅行相关的常用英语词汇 篇二

In the previous article, we discussed some essential English vocabulary related to travel. In this article, we will continue our exploration of travel-related terms to further enhance your travel experience.

1. Airport: A place where airplanes take off and land, and passengers board or disembark from flights.

2. Terminal: A building or section of an airport where passengers check-in, pass through security, and wait for their flights.

3. Immigration: The process of entering or leaving a country's borders. It involves passport control and customs.

4. Customs: The process of inspecting and verifying goods and belongings to ensure compliance with the country's regulations and laws.

5. Duty-free: Shops or stores in airports or other designated areas where goods can be purchased without paying import or export taxes.

6. Luggage: The bags or suitcases that contain your belongings during your trip.

7. Carry-on: A small bag or suitcase that you are allowed to take with you into the cabin of an airplane. It usually contains essential items or valuables.

8. Checked baggage: The larger suitcases or bags that are stored in the cargo hold of an airplane during the flight.

9. Security check: The process of screening passengers and their belongings for prohibited items before entering the boarding area.

10. Boarding gate: The designated area where passengers wait to board their flights.

11. Delay: When a flight or transportation is postponed or rescheduled to a later time.

12. Connection: A transfer between two flights or transportation modes to reach your final destination.

13. Lost and found: A service or department that handles lost or misplaced items during your travel. If you lose something, you can inquire about it at the lost and found desk.

14. Travel insurance: An insurance policy that provides coverage for unexpected events or emergencies during your trip, such as flight cancellations, medical emergencies, or lost luggage.

15. Jet lag: The feeling of tiredness, disorientation, and fatigue caused by traveling across multiple time zones.

By familiarizing yourself with these additional travel-related terms, you will have a better understanding of the processes and procedures involved in traveling. It will also help you communicate effectively with airport staff, fellow travelers, and locals during your journey. Remember, learning these vocabulary terms will make your travel experience more enjoyable and stress-free.

一些和旅行相关的常用英语词汇 篇三




  姓:family name,surname

  名:first name,given name



  国籍:nationality,country of citizenship

  护照号:passport number

  原住地:country of origin

  前往国:destination country

  登机城市:city where you boarded

  签证签发地:city where visa was issued

  签发日期:date of issue

  出生日期:date of birth,birth date


  偕行人数:accompanying number


  官方填写:official use only





  商务签证:business visa

  观光签证:tourist visa



  入境大厅:arrival lobby

  出境大厅:departure lobby

  登机门号码:gate number

  登机证:boarding card,boarding pass

  机场税:airport tax

  登机手续办理处:check in counter

  海关申报处:customs service area

  货币申报:currency declaration

  免税商品:duty-free items




  托运的行李:checked baggage

  行李领取处:baggage claim area

  随身行李:carry-on baggage

  行李牌:baggage tag

  行李推车:luggage cart

  退税处:tax-free refund


  w.c.=water closet,rest room






  机内免税贩卖:in-flight sales


  外币兑换店:currency exchange shop

  汇率:exchange rate

  旅行支票:traveler"s check


  银行买入价:we buy(bid)

  银行卖出价:we sell(ask)



  客房服务:room service

  退房(时间):check out(time)

  前台:front desk,reception


  咖啡馆:coffee shop


  电话叫醒服务:wake up call,morning call


  你好,很高兴认识你:how do you do,i’m glad to meet you.(it"s nice meeting you.)

  请问你叫什么名字:may i have your name, please?

  我可以试穿一下吗:may i try

it on?

  多少钱:how much?

  请把菜单给我:please show me the menu.

  干杯:cheers! bottoms up!

  我迷路了,您能告诉我怎么回饭店吗:i"m lost.could you do me a favor to find my hotel?

  你能帮我拍照吗:could you take a picture for me?

  非常感谢:thank you very much.

  不客气:you"re welcome.

  我就是忍不住:i just couldn"t help it.

  让我们保持联系:let"s keep in touch.

  我怎样能跟你联络上:how can i get in touch with you?

  我将会尽我最大努力:i"ll do my best.

  请稍等一下:wait a moment please.

  你先请:after you

  我们该走了:we"d better be off.

  我真要累死了:i"m really dead.

  真是那样吗:is that so?

  我不确切知道:i don"t know for sure.

  太好了,太棒了:that"s something.

  这主意真棒:brilliant idea!

  此话当真:do you really mean it?

  你帮了大忙:you are a great help.

  我身无分文:i"m broke.

  我一直不太喜欢这东西:i never liked it anyway.

  别跟我耍花招:don"t play games with me!

  看情况再说:that depends.


