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常见地质专业英文词汇 篇一

The field of geology is a fascinating and diverse discipline that encompasses the study of the Earth's solid materials, its structures, and the processes that shape and transform them over time. In order to effectively communicate within the geology community, it is essential to have a strong grasp of the various specialized terms and vocabulary used in the field. In this article, we will explore some of the most common geology-related English words and phrases.

1. Igneous: This term refers to rocks that are formed from the solidification of molten material, such as lava or magma.

2. Sedimentary: Sedimentary rocks are formed when layers of sediments, such as sand, silt, or clay, are compacted and cemented together over time.

3. Metamorphic: Metamorphic rocks are formed when pre-existing rocks undergo changes in response to heat, pressure, or chemical reactions.

4. Stratigraphy: This branch of geology focuses on the study of rock layers and their arrangement in chronological order.

5. Paleontology: Paleontology is the study of ancient life forms through the examination of fossils.

6. Tectonic plates: These are large, rigid pieces of the Earth's lithosphere that move and interact with each other, causing earthquakes, volcanic activity, and the formation of mountain ranges.

7. Fault: A fault is a fracture or break in the Earth's crust along which rocks on either side have moved relative to each other.

8. Erosion: Erosion is the process by which rocks and soil are transported and worn away by wind, water, or ice.

9. Weathering: Weathering refers to the breakdown and alteration of rocks and minerals at or near the Earth's surface due to various physical and chemical processes.

10. Geochronology: Geochronology is the science of determining the age of rocks, fossils, and geological events.

11. Mineralogy: Mineralogy is the study of minerals, which are naturally occurring inorganic substances with characteristic chemical compositions and crystal structures.

12. Geomorphology: Geomorphology is the study of landforms and the processes that create and shape them.

13. Geothermal: Geothermal refers to the heat energy derived from the Earth's interior, often used for power generation or heating purposes.

14. Hydrogeology: Hydrogeology is the study of groundwater and its movement through rocks and sediments.

15. Seismology: Seismology is the study of earthquakes and seismic waves.

By familiarizing yourself with these essential geology terms, you will be better equipped to understand and participate in discussions and research within the geology community. Whether you are a student, a professional, or simply someone with a keen interest in the Earth sciences, building a strong foundation of geology vocabulary is a crucial step towards becoming a proficient geologist.

常见地质专业英文词汇 篇二

The field of geology is a vast and complex discipline that encompasses the study of the Earth's solid materials, processes, and history. As a geologist, it is essential to have a solid understanding of the specialized vocabulary used in the field in order to communicate effectively with colleagues and convey complex concepts. In this article, we will explore some additional common geology-related English words and phrases.

1. Geophysics: Geophysics is the study of the Earth's physical properties and processes, such as gravity, magnetic fields, and seismic waves.

2. Geotechnical engineering: Geotechnical engineering involves the application of geological principles to the design and construction of structures such as buildings, bridges, and dams.

3. Fossil fuel: Fossil fuels are hydrocarbon-based energy sources, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, that are formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals.

4. Geomagnetic reversal: A geomagnetic reversal is a change in the Earth's magnetic field, where the North and South magnetic poles switch places.

5. Geologic time scale: The geologic time scale is a system used by geologists to organize and divide Earth's history into different time intervals, based on significant geological events and fossil evidence.

6. Geohazard: A geohazard refers to a natural event or phenomenon, such as an earthquake, landslide, or volcanic eruption, that poses a risk to human life or property.

7. Geospatial analysis: Geospatial analysis involves the use of geographic information systems (GIS) and other tools to analyze and interpret spatial data in a geological context.

8. Paleomagnetism: Paleomagnetism is the study of the Earth's ancient magnetic field as preserved in rocks, providing insights into past plate tectonic movements and the positions of continents.

9. Geologic mapping: Geologic mapping involves the creation of detailed maps that depict the distribution and characteristics of rocks, sediments, and other geological features in a specific area.

10. Geotechnical investigation: Geotechnical investigation entails the collection and analysis of soil and rock samples to assess their properties and suitability for engineering projects.

11. Geochemistry: Geochemistry is the study of the chemical composition and behavior of elements and compounds in rocks, minerals, and fluids.

12. Geostatistics: Geostatistics is a branch of statistics that deals with the analysis and interpretation of spatially distributed data, commonly used in geological modeling and resource estimation.

13. Exfoliation: Exfoliation is a process by which rocks shed outer layers due to the release of pressure, resulting in the formation of curved or rounded rock surfaces.

14. Glacial: Glacial refers to processes, landforms, and deposits associated with glaciers, such as moraines, cirques, and glacial lakes.

15. Geologic hazard assessment: Geologic hazard assessment involves the identification, evaluation, and mitigation of potential geological hazards in a given area, to inform land-use planning and infrastructure development.

By expanding your knowledge of geology-related English vocabulary, you will enhance your ability to engage in meaningful discussions, conduct research, and contribute to the field of geology. Whether you are studying geology, working as a professional geologist, or simply have a passion for Earth sciences, developing a comprehensive understanding of geology terms and concepts is crucial for success in the field.

常见地质专业英文词汇 篇三




  Relative Time 相对年代 / Absolute Time 绝对年代

  isotopic age 同位素年龄

  law of superposition 地层层序律

  law of faunal succession 生物层序律

  fossil 化石

  index fossil 标准化石

  chronologic scale 地质年代表

  eon宙/ era代/ period纪/ epoch世

  eonothem宇/arethem界/ system系/ series统

  Archaeozoic era(erathem) 太古代(界)

  Proterozoic era(erathem) 元古代(界)

  Palaeozoic era(erathem) 古生代(界)

  Mesozoic era(erathem) 中生代(界)

  Cenozoic era(erathem) 新生代(界)

  Sinian period(system) 震旦纪(系)

  Cambrian period(system) 寒武纪(系)

  Ordovician period(system) 奥陶纪(系)

  Silurian period(system) 志留纪(系)

  Devonian period(system) 泥盆纪(系)

  Carboniferous period(system) 石炭纪(系)

  Permian period(system) 二叠纪(系)

  Triassic period(system) 三叠纪(系)

  Jurassic period(system) 侏罗纪(系)

  Cretaceous period(system) 白垩纪(系)

  Tertiary period(system) 第三纪(系)

  Quaternary period(system) 第四纪(系)


  element 元素

  isotope 同位素

  radioactive isotope 放射性同位素

  stable isotope 稳定同位素

  clarke number 克拉克值

  mineral 矿物

  crystal 晶体

  crystalline 结晶质

  amorphous substance 非晶质

  crystal form 晶形

  classification 分类

  chemical bond 化学键

  polymorphism 同质多像

  isomorphism 类质同像

  aggregate 集合体

  degree of rounding 磨圆度

  degree of grains 粒度

  transparency 透明度

  luster 光泽

  streak 条痕

  color 颜色

  hardness 硬度

  cleavage 解理

  fracture 断口;断裂

  silicate minerals 硅酸盐矿物

  silicon oxygen tetrahedron 硅氧四面体



  petrology 岩石学

  igneous rock 火成岩

  structure 构造texture 结构

  mineral composition 矿物组成

  magmatism 岩浆作用

  magma 岩浆

  Extrusion 喷出作用(火山作用):

  pyroclastic rocks 火山碎屑岩

  lava 熔岩

  ash 火山灰

  bomb 火山弹

  columnar joint 柱状节理

  pahoehoe lava 波状熔岩

  block lava 块状熔岩

  komatiite 科马提岩

  crater 火山口

  caldera 破火山口

  circum pacific volcanic belt


  intrusion 侵入作用

  country rock 围岩

  assimilation 同化混染作用

  xenolith 捕虏体

  fractional crystallization 结晶分异作用

  continuous reaction 连续反应系列

  discontinuous reaction 不连续反应系



  cryptocrystalline texture 隐晶质结构

  phanerocrystalline texture 显晶质结构

  porphyritic texture斑状结构

  porphyaceous texture似斑状结构

  massive structure 块状构造

  flowed structure 流动构造

  fumarolic structure 气孔构造

  layered structure 层状构造

  intrusive(invade)rock 侵入岩

  effusive rock 喷出岩

  plutonic rock 深成岩

  pypabyssal rock 浅成岩

  acid rock 酸性岩

  intermediate rock中性岩

  basic rock基性岩

  ultrabasic rock超基性岩

  granite 花岗岩

  porphyry 斑岩

  porphyrite 玢岩

  rhyolite 流纹岩

  syenite 正长岩

  trachyte 粗面岩

  diorite 闪长岩

  andesite 安山岩

  gabbro 辉长岩

  basalt 玄武岩

  aplite 细晶岩

  pegmatite 伟晶岩

  lamprophyre 煌斑岩

  diabase 辉绿岩

  dunite 橄榄岩

  pumice 浮岩


  fossil 化石

  sedimentary rock 沉积岩

  atmosphere 大气圈

  biosphere 生物圈

  hydrosphere 水圈

  transportation 搬运作用

  sedimentation 沉积作用(广义)

  deposition 沉积作用(狭义)

  clastic deposits 碎屑沉积物

  chemical sediments 化学沉积物

  biogenic sediment 生物沉积物

  compaction 压固作用

  cementation 胶结作用

  recrystallization 重结晶作用

  detrital texture 碎屑结构

  sorting 分选性

  roundness 圆度

  sedimentary structure 沉积构造

  bedding 层理

  cross bedding 交错层理

  stratification plane 层面

  ripple/wave/swash mark 波痕

  mudcrack/desiccation crack 泥裂

  stylolites 缝合线

  concretion/nodule 结核

  casts/ Molds 印模

  agate 玛瑙

  clastic 碎屑

  sediment(deposit) 沉积物、沉积层

  boulder 漂石、顽石

  cobble 卵石

  gravel 砾石

  sand 砂

  silt 粉土

  clay 粘土

  sandy clay 砂质粘土

  clayey sand 粘质砂土

  sandy loam 壤土、亚黏土

  regolith(topsoil) 浮土(表土)

  loess 黄土

  laterite 红土

  peat 泥炭

  ooze 软泥(海泥)

  clay rock 黏土岩

  chemical rock 化学岩

  biolith 生物岩

  conglomerate 砾岩

  sandstone 砂岩

  siltstone 粉砂岩

  mudstone 泥岩

  shale 页岩

  saline rock 岩盐

  limestone 石灰岩

  dolomite 白云岩

  marl 泥灰岩

  volcanic breccia 火山角砾岩

  volcanic agglomerate 火山块集岩

  tuffite 凝灰岩

  warmkalk 竹叶状灰岩

  oolitic limestone 鲕粒灰岩

  Mudstone 泥晶灰岩


  Metamorphism 变质作用

  metamorphic rock 变质岩

  geostatic pressure 静压力

  coesite 柯石英

  crystalloblastic texture 变晶结构

  blast 变晶

  palimpsest texture 变余结构

  slaty structure 板状构造

  phyllitic structure 千枚状构造

  schistose structure 片状构造

  schistosity 片理

  gneissose structure 片麻状构造

  palimpsest structure 变余构造

  contact-metasomatic metamorphism


  contact-metasomatic metamorphism


  regional metamorphism


  burial metamorphism




  slate 板岩

  phyllite 千枚岩

  schist 片岩

  gneiss 片麻岩

  quartzite 石英岩

  marble 大理岩

  mylonite 糜棱岩

  migmatite 混合岩

  cataclasite 碎裂岩


  Fault 断层

  normal fault 正断层

  reversed fault 逆断层

  paralled fault 平移断层

  gouge 断层泥

  stria 擦痕

  joint 节理

  primary joint 原生节理

  secondary 次生节理

  tension joint 张节理

  unloading joint 卸荷节理

  schistosity 片理

  bedding 层理

  foliation 板理(叶理)

  ripple mark 波痕

  mud crack 泥痕

  rain print 雨痕

  orientation of bedrock 岩层产状

  strike 走向

  dip 倾向

  angle of dip(dip angle)倾角

  fold 褶皱

  anticline 背斜

  syncline 向斜

  monocline(homocline) 单斜

  dome 穹隆

  soft stratum 软弱岩层

  zone of fracture(broken zone)破碎带

  affected zone 影响带

  platy structure 板状构造

  cleavage 解理


  fissure(crack fracture)裂隙

  crustal movement 地壳运动

  contour map 等高线图,构造图

  old shoreline 古岸线

  pinchout 地层尖灭

  truncation of beds 地层截断

  sand trend 砂层趋势

  strata / beds 岩层,地层

  symme trical anticline 对称背斜

  plunging asymme trical anticline


  plunging syncline 倾伏向斜

  thrust fault 逆掩断层

  lateral fault 平移断层

  rotational fault 旋转断层

  upthrust fault 仰冲断层

  conformity 整合

  unconformity 不整合

  disconformity 假整合

  angular unconformity 角度不整合

  salt dome 盐丘

  dome with deep salt core


  vitrinite 镜质体

  geological profile 地质剖面

  outcrops 露头

  unweathered outcrops


  cuttings 岩屑

  core 岩心


  Hypocenter 震源

  Epicenter 震中

  Tsunami 海啸

  tectonic earthquake 构造地震

  volcanic earthquake 火山地震

  seismograph 地震仪

  longitudinal wave 纵波

  transversal wave 横波

  epicentral distance 震中距

  isoseismal line 等震线

  magnitude 震级

  aerolite 石陨石

  aerosiderite 铁陨石

  pallasite 石铁陨

  mohorovicic discontinuity 莫霍面

  gutenberg discontinuity 古登堡面

  crus 地壳

  mantle 地幔

  core 地核match

  asthenosphere 软流圈

  lithosphere 岩石圈

  oceanic crust 大洋地壳

  continental crust 大陆地壳

  continental drift 大陆漂移


  Laurasia (old) land劳亚古陆

  gondwana land冈瓦纳古陆


  mantle convection hypothesis


  ocean floor spreading 海底扩张

  plate tectonics 板块构造

  mid oceanic ridge 洋脊

  rift 裂谷

  active continental margin


  stable continental margin


  volcanic arc 火山弧

  Trench 海沟

  benioff zone 毕鸟夫带

  collisional orogenic belt


  guyot 海底平顶山

  island chain 岛链

  mantle plume 地幔柱

  hot spot 热点

  magnetic inclination 磁倾角

  magnetic declination 磁偏角

  geomagnetic reversal 地磁逆转

  transform fault 转换断层

  wilson cycle 威尔逊旋回

  plate margin 板块边缘


  physical weathering 物理风化

  chemical weathering 化学风化

  spheroidal weathering 球状风化

  differential weathering 差异风化

  soil 土壤

  weathering crust 风化壳


  sheet flow 片流

  torrent 洪流

  deluvium 坡积物

  proluvial fan 冲积扇

  gully 冲沟

  valley 河谷

  river bed 河床

  base level of erosion 侵蚀基准面

  head erosion 溯源侵蚀

  crescent lake 牛轭湖

  capture 袭夺

  turbulence 紊流

  aggradation 加积作用

  delta 三角洲

  terrace 阶地

  erosion plain 准平原


  snow line 雪线

  continental glacier 大陆冰川

  mountain glacier 山岳冰川

  piedmont glacier 山麓冰川

  glacial valley 冰蚀谷

  kar 冰斗

  roche moutonnee 羊背石

  glacial scratches 冰川擦痕

  glacial till 冰碛物

  tillite 冰碛岩

  glacial erratic boulder 冰川漂砾

  varve 季候泥


  Aquifer 含水层

  aquiclude 隔水层

  water table 潜水层

  hypogene spring 上升泉

  gravity spring 下降泉

  groundwater 潜水

  confined water 承压水

  pore water 孔隙水

  crack water/ fissure water 裂隙水

  cavern water 溶洞水

  geothermal field 地热田

  stalactite 钟乳石

  sinter 泉华


  Benthos 底栖生物

  Haloplankton 浮游生物

  Wave 波浪

  tidal current 潮流

  turbidity current 浊流

  lagoon 泻湖





  tectonic lake 构造湖

  paternoster lakes 串珠湖

  barrier lake 堰塞湖

  salt lake 盐湖

  peat 泥炭

  fen 沼泽


  Corrosion 磨蚀

  Ventifact 风棱石

  sand hill 砂丘

  barchane/ barkhan新月形砂丘

  desert 沙漠

  loess 黄土

  desertification 沙漠化


  gravitative differentiation 重力分异

  protoatmosphere 原始气圈

  ediacara fauna 埃迪卡拉动物群

  continental nucleus 陆核

  shield 地盾

  trilobite 三叶虫

  graptolites 笔石

  cephalopoda 头足纲

  Brachiopoda 腕足类

  Dinosaurs 恐龙

  Archaeopteryx 始祖鸟

  Paleogeography 古地理


