
时间:2014-01-05 07:49:42
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人体部位英语词汇 篇一

The Human Body: An Exploration of Body Parts in English


The human body is a fascinating and complex structure composed of various parts that work harmoniously to ensure our survival and well-being. In this article, we will delve into the vocabulary associated with different body parts in English.

Head and Neck:

Starting from the top, the head is comprised of the skull, which protects the brain, and the face, which includes features such as the eyes, nose, and mouth. Moving down to the neck, we have the throat, which helps with swallowing and speaking.

Upper Body:

The upper body consists of the chest, where vital organs like the heart and lungs are located, and the back, which supports the spine. Additionally, we have the shoulders, arms (including the upper arm, forearm, and hand), and the hands themselves, which consist of fingers and a thumb.

Lower Body:

Moving on to the lower body, we have the abdomen, which houses organs such as the stomach and intestines. The pelvis, located at the base of the abdomen, is responsible for supporting the upper body and protecting reproductive organs. Continuing down, we have the hips, thighs, knees, calves, and feet, which include the ankles and toes.

Internal Organs:

While some body parts are visible externally, many vital organs are hidden inside. These include the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, and intestines. Each organ plays a crucial role in maintaining our overall health and functioning.


Our sensory organs enable us to perceive the world around us. The eyes allow us to see, the ears help us hear, the nose enables us to smell, the tongue allows us to taste, and the skin allows us to feel sensations such as touch and temperature.


Understanding the vocabulary associated with different body parts is essential for effective communication, especially when discussing health-related matters. Whether we are describing symptoms to a doctor or simply expressing discomfort, being familiar with the names of our body parts in English helps facilitate clear and accurate communication.

人体部位英语词汇 篇二

Exploring the Human Body: A Journey Through Body Parts in English


The human body is a marvel of nature, with each body part serving a specific function. In this article, we will explore the vocabulary associated with different body parts in English, highlighting their significance and role in our daily lives.

The Extremities:

Starting with the extremities, we have the arms and legs, which enable us to perform various activities. The arms consist of the upper arm, forearm, and hand, with each part contributing to our ability to grasp, hold, and manipulate objects. Similarly, the legs consist of the thighs, calves, and feet, allowing us to walk, run, and maintain balance.

The Senses:

Our senses play a vital role in how we interact with the world. The eyes enable us to see the beauty around us, while the ears allow us to hear the sounds of nature and human voices. The nose helps us smell the fragrances of flowers and taste the flavors of food, while the tongue allows us to savor different tastes. Lastly, the skin enables us to feel sensations such as touch and temperature.

The Head and Neck:

Moving to the head and neck, we have the skull, which protects our brain, and the face, where we find features like the eyes, nose, and mouth. The throat, located in the neck, allows us to swallow and speak, making it an essential part of our ability to communicate.

The Trunk:

The trunk of our body consists of the chest and abdomen. Within the chest, we find vital organs such as the heart and lungs, which are responsible for circulating blood and enabling us to breathe, respectively. The abdomen houses organs like the stomach and intestines, which aid in digestion and nutrient absorption.

Internal Organs:

While many body parts are visible externally, several crucial organs are hidden inside. These include the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, and intestines. Each organ performs specific functions necessary for our survival and overall well-being.


Exploring the vocabulary associated with different body parts in English allows us to better understand and communicate about our bodies. Whether discussing health issues with medical professionals or simply describing our physical sensations, having a good grasp of body part vocabulary is fundamental. Let us appreciate the complexity and beauty of the human body and the role each part plays in our daily lives.

人体部位英语词汇 篇三




  waist 腰

  hip 臀部

  buttock 屁股

  skull 颅骨, 头盖骨

  collarbone 锁骨

  rib 肋骨

  backbone 脊骨, 脊柱

  shoulder joint 肩关节

  shoulder blade 肩胛骨

  breastbone 胸骨

  elbow joint 肘关节

  pelvis 骨盆

  kneecap 膝盖骨

  head 头

  throat 喉咙, 咽喉

  armpit hair 腋毛

  nipple 乳头

  chest 胸部

  pit 胸口

  navel 肚脐

  abdomen 腹部

  private parts 阴部

  thigh 大腿

  neck 脖子

  shoulder 肩

  back 背bone 骨

  skeleton 骨骼

  stomach 胃

  liver 肝脏

  gall bladder 胆囊

  pancreas 胰腺

  spleen 脾

  duodenum 12指肠

  small intestine 小肠

  large intestine 大肠

  blind gut 盲肠

  vermiform appendix 阑尾

  rectum 直肠

  anus 肛门

  bite 咬

  chew 咀嚼

  knead 揉捏

  swallow 咽下

  digest 消化

  absord 吸收

  discharge 排泄

  excrement 粪便

  spinal marrow 脊髓

  brain 脑

  respiration 呼吸

  windpipe 气管

  lung 肺

  heart 心脏

  diaphragm 隔膜

  exhale 呼出

  inhale 呼入

  internal organs 内脏

  gullet 食管

  kidney 肾脏

  bladder 膀胱


  testicles 睾丸

  scroticles 阴囊

  urine 尿道

  ovary 卵巢

  womb 子宫

  vagina 阴道

  hair 头发

  forehead 额

  temple 太阳穴

  eyebrow 眉毛

  eye 眼睛

  ear 耳朵

  cheek 面颊

  nose 鼻子

  lip 嘴唇

  mouth 口


