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网络社交英语词汇「」 篇一

With the rise of social media, online communication has become an essential part of our daily lives. Whether we are chatting with friends, sharing photos, or posting updates, networking platforms offer a wide range of opportunities for social interaction. To make the most of these platforms, it is important to understand and use the appropriate English vocabulary. In this article, we will explore some key terms related to online socialization.

1. Friend request: This term refers to a request sent to someone on a social media platform to become friends. When you send a friend request, you are expressing your interest in connecting with someone and gaining access to their posts and updates.

2. Like: This term is used to express appreciation or approval of someone's post, photo, or status update. By clicking the "like" button, you are indicating that you enjoyed or agree with what the person shared.

3. Comment: A comment is a response or feedback left on someone's post. It allows you to share your thoughts, ask questions, or start a conversation about the content.

4. Share: When you come across a post or article that you find interesting or useful, you can share it with your network. Sharing allows others to see the content and can help spread information or ideas.

5. Hashtag: A hashtag is a word or phrase preceded by the pound sign (#) used to categorize and organize content. By using a hashtag, you can make your post more discoverable to others interested in the same topic.

6. DM: DM stands for direct message, which is a private message sent to someone on a social media platform. It allows for more personal and confidential conversations that are not visible to the public.

7. Follow: When you follow someone on a social media platform, their posts and updates will appear in your feed. This allows you to stay updated with their activities and interests.

8. Influencer: An influencer is someone who has a significant following on social media and has the power to influence the opinions and actions of others. Influencers often collaborate with brands to promote products or services.

9. Viral: When something goes viral, it means that it quickly spreads and becomes popular on the internet. Viral content can be a funny video, a heartwarming story, or a controversial discussion that captures the attention of many users.

10. Troll: A troll is someone who intentionally provokes or upsets others on the internet by posting inflammatory or off-topic comments. Trolling behavior is often seen in online discussions and can create a negative and hostile environment.

By familiarizing yourself with these online socialization terms, you can navigate social media platforms more effectively and engage in meaningful interactions with others. Whether you are connecting with friends, following influencers, or participating in discussions, using the appropriate vocabulary will enhance your online experience.

网络社交英语词汇「」 篇二

In today's digital age, online socialization has become an integral part of our lives. From connecting with friends and family to networking with professionals and sharing our thoughts with the world, social media platforms offer endless possibilities for communication. To make the most of these opportunities, it is important to understand and use the appropriate English vocabulary related to online socialization. In this article, we will explore some essential terms in this context.

1. Profile: Your profile is your personal page on a social media platform. It contains information about you, such as your name, photo, bio, and interests. Your profile serves as your online identity and is the first thing others see when they visit your page.

2. Timeline: Your timeline is a chronological display of your posts, photos, and updates. It allows others to see your activities and track your online presence over time.

3. Newsfeed: The newsfeed is a constantly updating stream of content from the people and pages you follow on a social media platform. It includes posts, photos, videos, and articles that are relevant to you based on your interests and connections.

4. Privacy settings: Privacy settings allow you to control who can see your posts, photos, and personal information. By adjusting your privacy settings, you can choose to share content with everyone, specific groups, or only your approved friends.

5. Tag: When you tag someone in a post or photo, you are mentioning them and linking their profile to the content. This allows others to easily find the person's profile and notifies them that they have been mentioned.

6. Emoticon/Emoji: Emoticons or emojis are small digital icons used to express emotions or convey meaning in online communication. They are often used to add context or tone to a message.

7. Meme: A meme is a humorous image, video, or piece of text that is shared and spread rapidly on the internet. Memes often reference popular culture and can be used to convey a common experience or reaction.

8. Trending: When something is trending, it means that it is currently popular or widely discussed on a social media platform. Trending topics can include news, events, hashtags, or viral content.

9. Selfie: A selfie is a self-portrait photograph taken with a smartphone or webcam. Selfies are often shared on social media platforms to document personal experiences and connect with others.

10. Block: If someone is harassing or bothering you online, you can block them. Blocking someone means they will no longer be able to contact you or see your posts and updates.

By familiarizing yourself with these online socialization terms, you can navigate social media platforms more effectively and participate in the digital conversation. Whether you are sharing your thoughts, connecting with others, or keeping up with the latest trends, using the appropriate vocabulary will enhance your online experience.

网络社交英语词汇「」 篇三



  poke: 戳,社交网站上常用的和朋友问候的一种方式。如果你在社交网站上"戳"别人一下,打个招呼,就可以说成是poke someone。

  twitter: 一个用户可以经由手机短信,电子邮件,即时通讯,或 Twitter 网站来更新的微型社交网络。

  blog: 博客

  social networking: 社交网络

  online community: 网络社区

  create a personal profile:注册个人信息

  online marketplace:网上市场

  google:谷歌搜索引擎,现在也用来做动词表示在网上搜索信息。Have you googled someone lately?


  bump/bump up:顶。看到一个好帖子、好提议,忍不住要 "顶"一下,就是用的这个词啦!你可以来个简单的"Bump!", 或者完整的"I'm going to bump the thread (up)。"

  troll:可以指发恶意帖进行挑衅、使正常的讨论无法继续的'行为,也可以指"潜水"(就是"只看帖不回帖")。它还可以当名词, 指干上述勾当的人。另外,"潜水"最常用的是lurk,"潜水员"就是lurker。 troll虽然也有这层意思,但不常用。


  hacker: 黑客,电脑入侵者与破坏者,以进入他人防范严密的计算机系统为一大乐趣。

  spam: 垃圾邮件,也可以用作动词,例如:It is illegal to spam Internet users with unsolicited commercials。(不征求互联网用户同意而发送商业广告等垃圾邮件是非法行为。)

  FAQ: 常见问题解答,frequently asked questions的缩写。

  My two cents:意思相当于my opinion/take on this issue,往往可以起到避免纷争的作用。比如,在表达完自己对某个问题的看法后, 你可以说一句:Just my 2 cents. 潜台词就是:May or may not be right. Others may or may not agree。

  post:帖子,是用户发表的一篇文章(A post is a single public message by a user. )。可以是一个new subject(新的主题), 也可以是对已有topic的回复。

  BBS:Bulletin Board System,公告牌系统或电子公告板。用户可以通过公告牌发布消息,也可以给某一特定的人或一组用户发送信息。

  Usenet:新闻论坛,user network的缩写,是全世界最大的电子布告栏系统。


NewsGroup:新闻组,通过Internet的电子邮件发表个人关于某个问题的观点和看法。这些信息以电子邮件的方式发送到某个新闻组服务器(News Server),并以不同的新闻组名组织起来。然后由这个服务器再通过Internet向世界各地的新闻组服务器传送。

  RSS:也叫聚合RSS,在线共享内容的一种简易方式,是really simple syndication的缩写。


