
时间:2018-07-05 02:22:24
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旅游英语:遇到紧急情况口语 篇一


1. 失去护照(Losing passport)

- I lost my passport. What should I do?(我丢了护照,我应该怎么办?)

- Where is the nearest embassy?(最近的大使馆在哪里?)

- Can you help me contact the embassy?(你能帮我联系大使馆吗?)

2. 遭遇盗窃(Being robbed)

- I was robbed. Can you call the police for me?(我被抢劫了,你能帮我报警吗?)

- My wallet was stolen. What should I do?(我的钱包被偷了,我应该怎么办?)

- Is there a lost and found office here?(这里有失物招领处吗?)

3. 生病(Getting sick)

- I'm not feeling well. Is there a hospital nearby?(我感觉不舒服,附近有医院吗?)

- I have a fever. Can you help me find a pharmacy?(我发烧了,你能帮我找一家药店吗?)

- Can you call an ambulance for me?(你能帮我叫救护车吗?)

4. 迷路(Getting lost)

- I'm lost. Can you show me the way to the hotel?(我迷路了,你能告诉我去酒店的路吗?)

- Excuse me, can you help me find the nearest subway station?(打扰一下,你能帮我找到最近的地铁站吗?)

- Is there a tourist information center around here?(这附近有旅游信息中心吗?)

5. 紧急情况下的求救(Emergency help)

- Help! I need immediate assistance!(救命!我需要紧急帮助!)

- Is there a phone nearby? I need to call for help.(附近有电话吗?我需要求助。)

- Can you please call an ambulance for me?(你能帮我叫救护车吗?)


旅游英语:遇到紧急情况口语 篇二


1. 失去护照(Losing passport)

- I lost my passport. What should I do?(我丢了护照,我该怎么办?)

- Where is the nearest embassy?(最近的大使馆在哪里?)

- Can you help me contact the embassy?(你能帮我联系大使馆吗?)

2. 遭遇盗窃(Being robbed)

- I was robbed. Can you call the police for me?(我被抢劫了,你能帮我报警吗?)

- My wallet was stolen. What should I do?(我的钱包被偷了,我该怎么办?)

- Is there a lost and found office here?(这里有失物招领处吗?)

3. 生病(Getting sick)

- I'm not feeling well. Is there a hospital nearby?(我感觉不舒服,附近有医院吗?)

- I have a fever. Can you help me find a pharmacy?(我发烧了,你能帮我找一家药店吗?)

- Can you call an ambulance for me?(你能帮我叫救护车吗?)

4. 迷路(Getting lost)

- I'm lost. Can you show me the way to the hotel?(我迷路了,你能告诉我去酒店的路吗?)

- Excuse me, can you help me find the nearest subway station?(打扰一下,你能帮我找到最近的地铁站吗?)

- Is there a tourist information center around here?(这附近有旅游信息中心吗?)

5. 紧急情况下的求救(Emergency help)

- Help! I need immediate assistance!(救命!我需要紧急帮助!)

- Is there a phone nearby? I need to call for help.(附近有电话吗?我需要求助。)

- Can you please call an ambulance for me?(你能帮我叫救护车吗?)


旅游英语:遇到紧急情况口语 篇三



  I lost my credit card 我丢了我的信用卡 。

  My purse was stolen.我的钱包被偷拉。

  I left my bag in the taxi我把钱包忘在出租车上拉。

  My pendant was stolen while I was away from my room.当我离开的时候发现我的首饰不见拉。

  My wallet was taken by a pickpocket.我的钱包叫扒手偷拉。

  Did you see a bag here?你看见这有个包了吗?

  Whom should I inform?我应该告诉谁?

  Where is the lost-and-found?失物招领处在哪?

  Where is the police station?警察局在哪?

  I left my bag here but it was gone when I came back.我把包放在这拉,但是我回来就不见拉。

  Could you help me to find it?你能帮我找一下吗?

  What kind of bag?什么样的包?

  A black bag黑色的包

  It has a name tag有名字标签

  What’s in it?什么东西在里面?

  My extra cloth and a city map我的多余的衣物和市区地图

  We’ll call you if we find it如果我们找到了会给你打电话

  Could you fill out this form?能把表填一下吗?

  Please write d

own your contact address here请写下联系地址

  How long will you stay here你在这多久拉?

  When can you let me know the result?什么时候我能知道结果?

  Where should I come to get it?我上哪去得到他

  I’ve lost my passport.我的`护照丢拉

  Where is Chinese Embassy?中国大使馆在哪?

  Could you call for a Chinese speaking staff?能找个中文员工给我吗?

  I’ve lost my traveler’s checks.我的旅行支票丢拉

  May I have a certificate of the accident, please?可以给我这次事故的证明书吗?

  Could you make out a certificate of the theft?能给我这起偷盗事件的证明吗?

  I’ve lost my purse with my credit card.我丢了钱包和信用卡

  Could you please cancel my card number?可以把我的卡号取消吗?



  Come with me!和我在一起

  Open up!打开

  Stop it!停

  Get out of here!从这出去

  Call the police!叫警察

  A robber!强盗

  An accident has happened.发生了一起交通事故

  It’s on route 91在91号线路

  Could you call the R company你能打电话给R 公司吗?

  Could you take me to a hospital?能带我去医院吗?

  Please hurry请快点

  I was hit by a car我被车撞拉

  I don’t remember what happened我不记得发生什么拉

  Please give me first aid.请给我急救

  My blood type is A我是A型血

  I have a pain here我这疼

  I feel dizzy我晕

  I fell sick我恶心

  I sprained my ankle我扭了脚踝

  What is wrong with me?我怎么拉

  How long does it take to get well?多长时间能好

  I feel much better.我感觉好多拉

  I don’t feel better我感觉不好

  Can I continue my trip?我能继续我的旅行吗?

  I have a stomachache. May I have some medicine?我胃痛,我想吃些药

  Please call a doctor请叫医生

  Is there a hospital near here?这附近有医院吗?

  Could you take me to a hospital, please?能带我去医院吗?

  Is there a doctor who speaks Chinese?有会说中文的医生吗?

  Can I make an appointment?我能做预约吗

  I have a fever我发烧

  I feel chilly我很冷

  I feel languid我全身无力

  I have a poor appetite我没有胃口

  I have a diarrhea.我痢疾

  I caught a cold我感冒了

  I have a sore throat.我嗓子疼

  I have difficulty breathing我呼吸困难

  I feel nauseous.我恶心

  I’ve been vomiting.我不停的吐

  I go to the toilet every 10 minutes.我每十分钟去遍厕所

  I can’t sleep well我睡眠不好

  My friend is seriously injured我朋友伤的很重

  He is bleeding heavily他大量流血

  He is unconscious.他神志不清

  How long do I have to stay in bed?我得呆在床上多久?

  How long does it take to get well?多长时间才能好转

  Do I have to stay in the hospital?我还得呆在医院吗?

  Can I continue my trip?我能继续我的旅行吗?

  What should I eat?我应该吃些什么?

  I don’t feel better我感觉不好

  I feel a little better我感觉好点拉

  Can I have a medical certificate?我能要个医院证明吗?

  May I have your signature on this form?你可以在这表上签名吗?

  Don’t move别动

  Where does it hurt?伤在哪拉?

  What kind of pain is it?是什么样的疼痛?

  It’s a dull (sharp/throbbing/constant) pain.是迟钝(急剧/抽动/固定)的疼

  How long have you been feeling as you do now?这样做多久有感觉

  Have you had this for the first time?是第一次吗?

  I’ll check your blood pressure (temperature).我要量一下血压(体温)

  Roll up your sleeve, please卷起你的袖子

  Inhale deeply深呼吸

  Cough, please咳嗽

  Where does it hurt?伤在哪拉?

  Take off the clothing to the waist把衣服脱到腰处

  Please lie down there请躺下

  Open your mouth张开嘴

  What kind of treatment are you receiving?你正在接受什么样的治疗

  What medicine are you using?你用什么药物

  What is your regular dose?你的常规剂量?

  Is it an injection or oral?是注射还是口服

  I’ll give you an injection我要给你注射

  You need to stay in bed for 2 days.你要在床上呆2天

  We’ll have to apply a bandage我们要一个绷带

  You need to see a specialist.你要看专家

  You should go to the hospital for a general checkup.你要去医院做常规检查

  You need to have an operation你要做手术

  You should be hospitalized immediately你要立刻就医

  Please stop smoking and drinking请不要再吸烟引酒

  Please refrain from taking any stimulants.请避免接受任何刺激

  I want you to come back in two days我要你两天后回来

  You’d better return home to China你最好会中国

  Can you give me a prescription?你能给我开药方吗?

  Take this prescription to a pharmacy and buy medicine拿着这个药方去药房买药

  How many times a day should I take it?我一天要吃几次

  Take it three times a day before meals每天3次饭前服用

  Take 2 teaspoons of this medicine每次两茶勺

  Take one pill with a glass of water用水服用一片

  How should I take this?怎么吃啊?

  You should take it three times a day, after meals.你要每天3次,饭后服用

  Please fill this prescription请开药方


