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跟亲属的英语词汇 篇一

Family is an important part of our lives. Whether it's our parents, siblings, grandparents, or cousins, they play a significant role in shaping who we are. In this article, we will explore some common English vocabulary related to family and how to use them in sentences.

1. Parents: Mother and father are the most common terms used to refer to our parents. For example, "My mother cooks delicious meals for us" or "I have a close bond with my father."

2. Siblings: Brothers and sisters are our siblings. We can use these terms to talk about our family members. For instance, "I have two sisters and one brother" or "My older brother is very protective of me."

3. Grandparents: Our grandparents are our parents' parents. We can refer to them as grandmother (grandma) and grandfather (grandpa). For example, "I love spending time with my grandma" or "My grandpa tells the best stories."

4. Aunts and Uncles: Our parents' siblings are our aunts and uncles. We can use these terms to talk about them. For instance, "My aunt is a doctor" or "My uncle is a talented musician."

5. Cousins: Our parents' siblings' children are our cousins. We can use this term to talk about our relatives. For example, "I have many cousins, and we often have family gatherings" or "My cousin and I are best friends."

6. Nieces and Nephews: Our siblings' children are our nieces and nephews. We can use these terms to talk about them. For instance, "I love playing with my nieces and nephews" or "My nephew is very mischievous."

7. In-laws: When someone gets married, they gain new family members through their spouse. We can use the terms mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, and brother-in-law to refer to these new family members. For example, "I have a great relationship with my mother-in-law" or "My sister-in-law and I enjoy shopping together."

8. Extended Family: Besides our immediate family members, we also have extended family members. These include our aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. We can use this term to refer to our larger family. For instance, "During holidays, we gather with our extended family for a big feast" or "I have a large extended family, and we are all very close."

Understanding these terms and using them correctly will help you communicate effectively when talking about your family in English. Family is an important aspect of our lives, and being able to discuss our relatives using the appropriate vocabulary is essential.

跟亲属的英语词汇 篇二

Family is a universal concept, and English has a rich vocabulary to describe our various relatives. In this article, we will explore more English words related to family and how to use them in sentences.

1. Spouse: A spouse refers to a husband or wife. For example, "My spouse and I have been married for ten years" or "She introduced her spouse at the family gathering."

2. Children: We can use the term children to refer to our sons and daughters. For instance, "My children are all grown up now" or "She has three beautiful children."

3. Grandchildren: Our children's children are our grandchildren. We can use this term to talk about them. For example, "I love spending time with my grandchildren" or "My grandparents dote on their grandchildren."

4. Siblings-in-law: When we marry, we gain new siblings through our spouse. We can use the terms brother-in-law and sister-in-law to refer to these new family members. For instance, "My sister-in-law and I are very close" or "My brother-in-law is a great cook."

5. Stepfamily: A stepfamily consists of a spouse and their children from a previous marriage. We can use this term to describe our blended family. For example, "I have a stepbrother from my father's second marriage" or "She has a stepsister who lives in another city."

6. Niece and Nephew: Our siblings' daughters and sons are our nieces and nephews. We can use these terms to talk about them. For instance, "My niece is a talented artist" or "I love playing with my nephew."

7. Godparents: Godparents are individuals chosen to play a special role in a child's life, usually in a religious context. We can use this term to describe these individuals. For example, "My godparents have always been there for me" or "She asked her best friend to be her child's godparent."

8. Ancestors: Our ancestors are our family members from previous generations. We can use this term to talk about our family history. For instance, "I am proud of my ancestors' accomplishments" or "She researched her family tree to learn more about her ancestors."

Understanding these additional terms related to family will help you expand your vocabulary and communicate effectively when discussing your relatives in English. Family is a significant part of our lives, and being able to describe and talk about our various family members is important.

跟亲属的英语词汇 篇三


  relations, relatives, kinfolk, kin 亲属

  my family 我家

  my people 我家人

  next of kin 近亲

  family life 家庭生活

  caste 社会地位

  generation 代

  branch 支,系

  tribe 部族,部落

  clan 氏族

  race, breed 种族

  lineage 宗族,世系

  stock 门第,血统

  of noble birth 贵族出身

  of humble birth 平民出身

  dynasty 朝代

  origin 出身

  ancestry 祖先,先辈

  ancestors, forebears, forefathers 祖先

  extraction 家世

  descent, offspring 后代,后辈

  descendants 后代,晚辈

  progeny, issue 后裔

  succession 继续

  consanguinity, blood relationship 血缘

  kinsmen by blood 血亲

  affinity 姻亲关系,嫡戚关系

  kinsmen by affinity 姻亲

  blood 血

  family tree 家谱

  marriage 夫妻

  couple 配偶

  husband 丈夫

  foster parents 养父母

  progenitor 前辈

  patriarch 族长

  head of the family, head of the household 家长

  father 父亲

  family man 有家室的人

  papa, dad 爸爸

  daddy 爸

  foster father, adoptive father 养父

  father-in-law 岳父,公公

  stepfather 继父

  godfather 教父

  mother 母亲

  mama, mum, ma 妈妈

  mummy 妈

  wife 妻子

  better half 配偶(妻子)

  foster mother, adoptive mother 养母

  stepmother 继母

  godmother 教母

  mother-in-law 岳母,婆母

  son 儿子

  daughter 女儿

  child 孩子

  children 孩子们

  legitimate child 婚生子

  natural child 非婚生子,婚前生子

  bastard child 私生子(女)

  illegitimate child 非婚生子(女)

  adulterine child 奸生子

  adopted child, foster child 养子(女)

  stepson, stepchild 继子,过继的`儿子

  stepdaughter, stepchild 继女,过继的女儿

  son-in-law 侄子,外甥

  daughter-in-law 侄女,外甥女

  only child 独生子

  first-born 头生

  second-born 二儿子

  youngest, youngest child 最小的儿子

  eldest child 大儿子

  godchild, godson 教子

  goddaughter 教女

  dauphin 太子,公主

  heir 嗣子

  orphan 孤儿

  foundling 弃婴

  brother 兄弟

  sister 姐妹

  full brother, brother-germane 亲兄弟

  full sister, sister-german 亲姐妹

  half brother 同父异母兄弟,同母异父兄弟

  half sister 同父异母姐妹,同母异父姐妹

  stepbrother 继兄弟

  stepsister 继姐妹

  foster brother 同奶兄弟

  uterine brother 异父兄弟

  twin brother 双胞胎

  brother-in-law 堂兄弟,表兄弟

  sister-in-law 堂姐妹,表姐妹

  brother of one's brother-in-law 姻兄弟

  sister of one's sister-in-law 姻姐妹

  brotherhood 手足情,兄弟之情

  brotherly love 兄弟之爱

  fraternity 友爱

  confraternity 友爱关系

  grandparents 祖父母

  grandfather 祖父

  grandad, grandpa 爷爷

  grandmother 祖母

  granny, gran, nanny, grandma 奶奶

  step-grandfather 教祖父

  step-grandmother 教祖母

  great-grandfather 曾祖父

  great-grandmother 曾祖母

  great-great-grandfather 高曾祖父

  great-great-grandmother 高曾祖母

  grandchildren 孙子女

  grandson 孙

  granddaughter 孙女

  great-grandson 曾孙

  great-granddaughter 曾孙女

  great-great-grandson 玄孙


ter 玄孙女

  uncle 叔父,伯父,舅父,姑父

  aunt 婶母,伯母,舅母,姑母

  aunty, auntie 婶婶,大妈,姑妈,舅妈

  my uncle on my mother's side 舅父

  great-uncle, granduncle 叔祖父,伯祖父,舅老爷,姑老爷

  great-aunt, grandaunt 婶祖母,伯祖母,姑姥姥

  nephew 侄,外甥

  niece 侄女,外甥女

  great-nephew 侄孙,甥孙

  great-niece 侄孙女,甥孙女

  cousin 堂兄妹,表兄妹

  cousin-in-law 姻堂兄妹,姻表兄妹

  first cousin 第一代堂兄妹,第一代表兄妹

  second cousin 第二代堂兄妹,第二代表兄妹

  first cousin once removed 远堂兄妹,远表兄妹

  distant cousin 远表兄妹


