医学英语中神经病学英语I开头的词汇 篇一
Introduction to Neurology in Medical English
Neurology is a branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the nervous system. It focuses on the study of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves, and the conditions that affect them. In medical English, there are numerous terms related to neurology that begin with the letter "I". In this article, we will explore some of these terms and their significance in the field of neurology.
1. Ischemia: Ischemia refers to a lack of blood supply to a specific organ or tissue, leading to a deficiency of oxygen and nutrients. In neurology, cerebral ischemia is a common condition that occurs when the blood flow to the brain is restricted, resulting in a stroke. Ischemic strokes can cause temporary or permanent damage to the brain, depending on the severity and duration of the ischemia.
2. Intracranial: Intracranial refers to anything located within the skull or relating to the structures inside the skull. Intracranial pressure, for example, is the pressure exerted by the cerebrospinal fluid within the brain. Increased intracranial pressure can be a result of various conditions, such as brain tumors, traumatic brain injury, or intracranial bleeding. It can lead to serious complications and requires immediate medical attention.
3. Inflammation: Inflammation is a natural response of the body to injury or infection. In neurology, inflammatory conditions can affect the nervous system, leading to various neurological disorders. For instance, multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease characterized by inflammation and damage to the protective covering of nerve fibers in the central nervous system. The inflammation disrupts the normal flow of electrical impulses, resulting in a wide range of symptoms.
4. Idiopathic: Idiopathic refers to a disease or condition that arises spontaneously or for which the cause is unknown. In neurology, idiopathic epilepsy is a common condition characterized by recurrent seizures without an identifiable cause. It is believed to have a genetic predisposition, but the exact cause remains unknown. Idiopathic Parkinson's disease is another example, where the cause of the degeneration of dopamine-producing cells in the brain is unclear.
5. Intravenous: Intravenous administration refers to the delivery of medication or fluids directly into a vein. In neurology, intravenous therapies are commonly used for the treatment of acute conditions, such as migraines or status epilepticus. Intravenous medications can provide rapid relief and are particularly useful when oral medications cannot be tolerated or when immediate action is required.
These are just a few examples of the numerous terms related to neurology in medical English that begin with the letter "I". Understanding and familiarizing oneself with these terms is crucial for healthcare professionals working in the field of neurology. By having a solid knowledge of these terms, healthcare providers can effectively communicate with their colleagues and provide optimal care to patients with neurological disorders.
医学英语中神经病学英语I开头的词汇 篇三
intermittent 间歇
internal band of Baillarger 拜劳格氏内带
internal capsule 内囊
internal granular layer 内颗粒层(大脑皮质)
internal limiting membrane 内界膜
internal medullary lamina 内髓板
internal meningitis 硬脑膜内层炎
internal pyramidal layer 内锥体层(大脑皮质)
internuclear ophthamoplegia 核间性眼肌麻痹
interoceptor 内感受器
interpeduncal fossa 脚间窝
interpeduncular cistern 脚间池
intersegmental reflex 节段间反射
interventricular foramen 室间孔
intracephalic 脑内的.
intracerebellar 小脑内的
intracerebral 大脑内的
intracranial pressure 颅内压
intracranial 颅内的
intradural 硬脑膜内的
intrameningeal 脑膜内的
intraneural plexus 神经内丛
intraneural 神经内的
intraparietal suleus 顶内沟
intrasegmental reflex 节段内反射
involuntary 不随意
involution syndrome 更年期综合征
ipsilateral 同侧
iris 虹膜
ischaemia 缺血
ischemic cerebrovascular disease 缺血性脑血管病
ischemic infract 缺血性梗塞
ischemic myelomalacia 缺血性脊髓软化
ischemic myopathy 缺血性肌病
ischemic neuropathy 缺血性神经病
ischialgia 坐骨神经痛
isoniazid 异烟肼
isoprinosine 异丙肌苷
isothermognosis 等温感觉
isothiazine 异噻嗪
ibuprofen 布洛芬
idiopathic 特发性
idoxuidinum 碘苷(疱疹净)
illegible 字迹模糊
illogical attitude 不自然姿势(癔症性癫痫)
illusion 错觉
imbecility 痴愚
imipramine 丙咪嗪
impinge 侵犯
impotence 阳萎
incisura 切迹
incitogram 冲动发放
inclusion body encephalitis 包涵体脑炎
incomplete hemianopia 不全偏盲
incongruous hemianopia 非对称性同侧偏盲
incontinence 失禁
incoordination 失协调
increased intracranial pressure 颅内压增高
indomethacin 吲哚美辛(消炎痛)
indusium griseum 灰被
infantile dementia 婴儿痴呆
infantile encephalopathy 婴儿脑病
infantile hemiplegia 婴儿偏瘫
infantile myopathy 婴儿肌病
inferior cerebellar peduncle 小脑下脚
inferior colliculus 下丘
inferior fovea 下凹
inferior frontal gyrus 额下回
inferior frontal suleus 额下沟
inferior horn of lateral ventricle 侧脑室下角
inferior longitudinal fasciculus 下纵束
inferior petrosal sinus 岩下窦
inferior quadrigeminal brachium 下丘臂
inferior sagittal sinus 下矢状窦
inferior tempotal gyrus 颞下回
inferior tempotal suleus 颞下沟
infundibular recess 漏斗隐窝
infundibulum 漏斗
infusion 注射
inhibitory area 抑制区
inhibitory postsynaptic potential 抑制性突触后电位
initial segment of axon 轴突起始段
inoccipitia 枕叶缺失
inosine 肌苷
inositol nicotinate 烟酸肌醇酯
inositol 肌醇
insidious 隐袭的
instantaneous 瞬时
insula 岛叶
insula, island of Reil 脑岛
insulin 胰岛素
intention neuralgia 肋间神经痛
intention spasm 意向性痉挛
intention tremor 意向性震颤
interferon 干扰素
interleukin-2 白细胞介素-2
intermediolateral column 中间柱
intermesenteric plexus 肠系膜间丛
intermittent claudication 间歇性跛行
intermittent cramp 间歇性痉挛