
时间:2014-05-05 09:35:17
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关于抗疫情的句子英文_ 篇一

The Importance of Unity in Fighting the Epidemic

The outbreak of the novel coronavirus has posed a great threat to people's health and safety worldwide. In the face of this unprecedented challenge, it is crucial for every individual and every country to come together and fight against the epidemic as one.

First and foremost, unity is essential in sharing information and resources. In order to effectively combat the epidemic, it is necessary for countries to share accurate and timely information about the virus, its transmission, and prevention measures. Only by sharing such information can we collectively develop effective strategies to control the spread of the virus. Additionally, countries should also unite in sharing medical resources, such as masks, testing kits, and ventilators. By pooling resources and distributing them to areas with the greatest need, we can ensure that everyone has access to the necessary medical supplies.

Furthermore, unity is crucial in implementing public health measures. In order to effectively contain the spread of the virus, it is important for individuals to follow guidelines and regulations set by health authorities. This includes wearing masks, practicing good hygiene, and maintaining social distancing. By adhering to these measures, we can protect ourselves and others from contracting the virus. It is also important for governments to implement and enforce these measures consistently and fairly. This requires unity among policymakers and citizens to work together towards a common goal.

Moreover, unity is essential in supporting and protecting vulnerable populations. The impact of the epidemic is not evenly distributed, with certain groups being more vulnerable to the virus and its economic consequences. It is important for society to come together and provide support to these vulnerable populations, such as the elderly, low-income individuals, and healthcare workers. This can be done through initiatives such as providing financial assistance, delivering groceries to those in need, and ensuring that healthcare workers have the necessary protective equipment. By standing together and supporting one another, we can ensure that no one is left behind during this crisis.

In conclusion, unity is of utmost importance in the fight against the epidemic. By coming together and working as a global community, we can effectively combat the spread of the virus, protect vulnerable populations, and ultimately overcome this crisis. Let us remember that in times of adversity, unity is our greatest strength.

关于抗疫情的句子英文_ 篇二

The Role of Technology in Combating the Epidemic

In the battle against the novel coronavirus, technology has played a crucial role in various aspects of epidemic control and prevention. From contact tracing to vaccine development, technology has greatly contributed to our ability to combat the epidemic effectively.

One of the key uses of technology in epidemic control is contact tracing. By using mobile applications and data analysis, health authorities can track the movements and interactions of individuals who have tested positive for the virus. This allows for the identification of potential contacts who may have been exposed to the virus and enables timely testing and isolation. Contact tracing technology has proven to be instrumental in breaking the chain of transmission and preventing further spread of the virus.

In addition to contact tracing, technology has also played a significant role in facilitating remote work and online education. With the implementation of social distancing measures, many people have had to adapt to working and studying from home. Thanks to technology, this transition has been made possible. Online platforms and communication tools have allowed for seamless collaboration and learning, ensuring that work and education can continue despite the physical barriers imposed by the epidemic.

Furthermore, technology has accelerated the development of vaccines and treatments for the virus. Through advanced computational modeling and data analysis, scientists have been able to identify potential drug candidates and accelerate the process of clinical trials. Additionally, technology has enabled the rapid sharing of research findings and collaboration among scientists around the world. This has greatly expedited the development of effective vaccines and treatments, bringing us closer to ending the epidemic.

Moreover, technology has played a crucial role in disseminating accurate and timely information about the virus. Through various digital platforms and social media, health authorities and organizations have been able to reach a wide audience and provide essential information about the virus, its symptoms, prevention measures, and available resources. This has helped to combat misinformation and ensure that the public is well-informed about the epidemic.

In conclusion, technology has been instrumental in our fight against the epidemic. From contact tracing to remote work and vaccine development, technology has played a vital role in controlling the spread of the virus and mitigating its impacts. As we continue to combat the epidemic, it is important to harness the power of technology and continue to innovate in order to overcome this global challenge.

关于抗疫情的句子英文_ 篇三


With so many people sticking it out, why wouldn't we try.

stick it/sth out 坚持到底;忍受下去

She didn't like the course but she stuck it out to get the certificate.



All over China is waiting for you to recover. We will meet you in spring to watch the cherry blossoms!


Having a meal together will not break the family relationship; eating together will add chaos to society.

chaos [?ke?ɑ?s] n.混乱;杂乱;紊乱[U]

economic/political/domestic chaos

经济 / 政治 / 国内的混乱

Heavy snow has caused total chaos on the roads.


The house was in chaos after the party.


The government's political and economic reforms threaten

to plunge the country into chaos


Whatever troubles arise, we'll have peace of mind amidst seeming chaos.


That's a sure recipe for destroying the economy and creating chaos



Tribute to the most beautiful retrograde! This is the role of medical workers! Come on!

tribute [?tr?bju?t] n.(尤指对死者的)致敬,颂词;悼念;致哀;吊唁礼物;(良好效果或影响的)体现,显示;(尤指旧时一国向他国交纳的)贡品,贡金

All rose and stood in silent tribute.



a tribute to sth/sb

(良好效果或影响的)体现,显示 ;是对……的致敬;充分证明了……

showing the good effects or influence of sth/sb

His recovery is a tribute to the doctors' skill.


His success has been a tribute to hard work, to professionalism


The song is a tribute to Roy Orbison


They called the event 'a tribute to heroes', which was a nice touch


It is a tribute to Mr Chandler's skill that he has fashioned a fascinatingbook out of such unpromising material.


pay tribute to 对……(高度)赞扬;向……朝贡

She digressed from her prepared speech to pay tribute to thePresident.


He paid tribute to the organising committee



At her funeral her oldest friend paid tribute to her life and work.


Many conquered nations had to pay tribute to the rulers of ancient Rome.



a tribute to sb


This book is a fitting tribute to the bravery of the pioneers.


floral tributes (= gifts of flowers at a funeral)


5. 隔离病毒但不隔离爱,因为爱是最好的桥梁。

Isolate viruses but not love, because love is the best bridge.

isolate [?a?s?le?t] v.(使)隔离,孤立,脱离;将…剔出(以便看清和单独处理);使(某物质、细胞等)分离;使离析

They are finding themselves increasingly isolated within the teaching profession.


isolate sb/yourself/sth (from sb/sth)


When he was thinking out a problem Tweed's habit was never to

isolate himself in his room


Patients with the disease should be isolated.


He was immediately isolated from the other prisoners.


This decision will isolate the country from the rest of Europe.


This policy could isolate the country from the other permanent members of the United Nations Security Council...


isolate sth (from sth) 将…剔出(以便看清和单独处理) ; 使(某物质、细胞等)分离;使离析 ;隔离

It is possible to isolate a number of factors that contributed to her downfall.


Researchers are still trying to isolate the gene that causes this abnormality.


Researchers have isolated a new protein from the seeds of poppies.



Patients will be isolated from other people for between three days

and one month after treatment



You don't have to isolate them from the community.



6. 疫情无情人有情,相信春天总会到来!

The epidemic is ruthless, and |believe that

spring will always come!

epidemic [?ep??dem?k] n.




复数: epidemics

the outbreak of a flu epidemic


an epidemic of measles


an epidemic of crime in the inner cities


A flu epidemic is sweeping through Moscow.


an epidemic of serial killings...


The major impact of this epidemic worldwide is yet to come



Ten years ago today the US Center for Disease Control published the first faint warnings of a worldwide epidemic.



Health officials have successfully confined the epidemic to the Tabatinga area


They estimated that between 17,000 and 20,000 cows would die before the epidemic had run its course


We are dealing with an epidemic the likes of which we have never seenin this century.



That kind of epidemic disease has long been stamped out.


It is feared that a similar epidemic will soon reach the shores of Europe


ruthless [?ru?θl?s]


派生词: ruthlessly adv. ruthlessness n.

a ruthless dictator


Fascists is the most ruthless enemy of the people.



He is a ruthless adversary.他是个冷酷无情的对手。

We couples who have been separated hate the ruthless “ The MilkyWay ”.



The way she behaved towards him was utterly ruthless.


He has a ruthless determination to succeed.


The Party has ruthlessly crushed any sign of organised opposition.


a ruthlessly efficient woman.


be ruthless in 对……毫不留情;对……非常坚决;为……不择手段

The President was ruthless in dealing with any hint of internal political dissent.


Her lawyers have been ruthless in thrashing out a porce settlement


The dictator was ruthless in getting what he wanted.



