
时间:2015-06-02 09:46:16
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开心英文句子说说心情短语 篇一

In this article, we will explore different happy English phrases that can be used to express our emotions and uplift our spirits. Happiness is a state of mind that can be achieved through positive thinking and a grateful attitude. Let's take a look at some of these phrases and how they can help us bring joy into our lives.

1. "Every day is a new beginning." This phrase reminds us that each day is a fresh start and an opportunity to make the most of our lives. It encourages us to let go of past disappointments and focus on the present moment.

2. "Life is full of possibilities." This phrase reminds us that there are endless opportunities waiting for us. It encourages us to embrace new challenges and take risks, knowing that success and happiness are within our reach.

3. "Happiness is a choice." This phrase reminds us that we have the power to choose our own happiness. It encourages us to let go of negative thoughts and focus on the positive aspects of our lives.

4. "Smile and the world smiles with you." This phrase emphasizes the contagious nature of happiness. It encourages us to spread joy and positivity to those around us, knowing that it will come back to us in return.

5. "Count your blessings." This phrase reminds us to be grateful for the things we have. It encourages us to focus on the positive aspects of our lives and appreciate the small things that bring us joy.

6. "Live in the present moment." This phrase reminds us to enjoy the present moment and not worry about the past or future. It encourages us to savor every experience and find happiness in the here and now.

7. "Laughter is the best medicine." This phrase highlights the healing power of laughter. It encourages us to find humor in everyday situations and not take life too seriously.

8. "Follow your passion." This phrase reminds us to pursue our dreams and do what makes us happy. It encourages us to find fulfillment in our hobbies and interests, knowing that it will bring us joy.

9. "Surround yourself with positive people." This phrase emphasizes the importance of surrounding ourselves with supportive and uplifting individuals. It encourages us to seek out relationships that bring us joy and inspire us to be our best selves.

10. "Choose happiness every day." This phrase serves as a daily reminder to prioritize our happiness. It encourages us to make conscious choices that bring us joy and to let go of anything that doesn't serve our well-being.

By incorporating these happy English phrases into our daily lives, we can cultivate a positive mindset and experience greater joy and fulfillment. Remember, happiness is a choice, and we have the power to create our own happiness. So let's choose to be happy and spread joy to those around us.

开心英文句子说说心情短语 篇二

In this article, we will continue exploring more happy English phrases that can help us express our emotions and bring positivity into our lives. Happiness is a state of mind that can be nurtured through gratitude, self-care, and a positive outlook. Let's dive into more of these phrases and how they can contribute to our overall well-being.

1. "Today is a gift." This phrase reminds us to cherish each day and make the most of it. It encourages us to seize opportunities and appreciate the beauty of life.

2. "Be kind to yourself." This phrase emphasizes the importance of self-care and self-compassion. It encourages us to prioritize our well-being and treat ourselves with love and respect.

3. "Celebrate the small victories." This phrase reminds us to acknowledge and celebrate even the smallest accomplishments. It encourages us to recognize our progress and find joy in every step of our journey.

4. "Do what makes your soul happy." This phrase encourages us to prioritize our passions and do things that bring us joy. It reminds us to listen to our hearts and follow our intuition.

5. "Surround yourself with beauty." This phrase highlights the impact of our environment on our mood. It encourages us to create a space that brings us joy and surround ourselves with things that inspire us.

6. "Let go of what doesn't serve you." This phrase reminds us to release anything that no longer contributes to our happiness. It encourages us to let go of negative relationships, limiting beliefs, and self-doubt.

7. "Find joy in the little things." This phrase emphasizes the importance of appreciating the small moments of happiness in our daily lives. It encourages us to find joy in simple pleasures like a warm cup of tea or a beautiful sunset.

8. "Embrace change." This phrase reminds us that change is inevitable and can bring new opportunities for growth and happiness. It encourages us to embrace uncertainty and see it as a chance for personal development.

9. "Surprise yourself." This phrase encourages us to step out of our comfort zones and try new things. It reminds us that we are capable of more than we think and that taking risks can lead to great rewards.

10. "Love yourself unconditionally." This phrase emphasizes the importance of self-love and acceptance. It encourages us to embrace our flaws and celebrate our uniqueness.

By incorporating these happy English phrases into our daily lives, we can cultivate a positive mindset and experience greater joy and fulfillment. Remember, happiness is a journey, and it is up to us to create a life that brings us joy. So let's choose happiness, practice gratitude, and spread positivity to those around us.

开心英文句子说说心情短语 篇三

1. 哇!wow!


2. 好极了!great!

= terrific!

= fantastic!

3. 我兴奋得睡不着觉。i’m too excited to go to sleep。

= i’m so excited that i can’t go to sleep。

4. 太令人激动了!it’s very exciting!

a: what do you think of the football game? 你认为这场足球比赛怎么样? b: it’s very exciting! 太令人激动了!

5. 我高兴极了。i’m wild with joy。

= i’m as happy as i can be。

= i’m beside myself with joy。

6. 我确实对此有强烈的兴趣。i’m really very enthusiastic about this。

a: will you take part in our research program?


b: i’m really very enthusiastic about this。


enthusiastic [in7wju:zi5astik] a. 热心的,热情的

7. 我真不敢相信。i can’t believe it。

a: you won the championship. 你得了冠军。 b: i can’t believe it. 我真不敢相信。

championship [5tfampjenfip] n. 冠军

8. 听到这个消息,我很兴奋。i’m excited by the news。

a: we’re going camping next week。


b: i’m excited by the news。


9. 我兴奋得说不出话了。i’m too excited to say one word。

a: i’m too excited to say one word。


b: congratulations! 祝贺你!

too … to …“太……以致于不能……”

10. 我就像中了头奖一样兴奋。i’m excited like i won the jackpot。

i hit the jackpot. 我中头彩了。

i jumped for excitement. 我兴奋得跳了起来。

jackpot n. 首奖,头彩,累积奖金

11. 太激动人心了!how exciting!

a: i’ve just received a

notice of acceptance from peking university。


b: how exciting! 太激动人心了!

12. 我很高兴。i’m happy. = i feel happy。

13. 没有比这更让人高兴的了。nothing could be more wonderful。

= nothing could be nicer。

= nothing would please me more。

14. 我活得非常幸福。i’m on cloud nine.

i’m in seventh heaven。


cloud nine“极乐心境,狂喜状态” seventh heaven“极乐世界,最高幸福”

15. 我很快乐。i’m happy as a clam。

a: how’s your life after marriage?


b: i’m happy as a clam。


happy as a clam“非常快乐,非常幸福”

16. 我太高兴了。i’m so happy. = i’m really delighted。

17. 我高兴极了。i’m as happy as i can be。

a: i’ve heard you got promotion。


b: yes, i’m as happy as i can be。


18. 我从没有这么高兴过。i’ve never been this happy as i am now。 = this is the happiest moment in my life. = this is the best moment of my life。

19. 我感到飘飘欲仙。i’m walking on air。

a: how do you feel?


b: i’m walking on air。


● walk on air“洋洋得意”

20. 我活得很快乐。i’m high on life。

a: you look happy every day. 你每天看上去都很快乐。 b: yes, i’m high on life. 是的,我活得很快乐。 ■ high在这里是“高兴的,快活的”意思。

21. 我今天心情很好。i’m in a great mood today.

a: i’m in a great mood today. 我今天心情很好。 b: tell me why. 告诉我为什么。

22. 今天的运气真好。i lucked out today。

= i’m in luck today。

= i feel lucky today. = it’s my lucky day. ● luck out“运气很好,侥幸成功”

23. 你高兴怎么样就怎么样。you’re to do exactly as you please。 = please do exactly as you please。

24. 你使我感觉到了幸福。you made me happy。

a: happy birthday! here is a small gift. 生日快乐!这是个小礼物。 b: thank you! you made me happy. 谢谢!你使我感觉到了幸福。

25. 简直不敢相信有这样的好事。this is too good to be true.

○ it’s unbelievable. 真难以置信。

26. 我太高兴了。i’m on top of the world. = i’m sitting on top of the world。

a: you won the first prize. 你得了一等奖。 b: i’m on top of the world. 我太高兴了。

27. 我非常高兴。i’m in high spirits. = i’m over the moon。


