
时间:2015-04-07 01:23:48
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说一个句子的英文 篇一


"Time heals all wounds."

Time is a powerful force that has the ability to heal emotional pain and suffering. It is often said that with the passing of time, wounds will eventually heal, and people will find solace and peace in their hearts. This statement holds true for many individuals who have experienced heartbreak, loss, or any other form of emotional trauma.

When we are faced with a difficult situation or a painful experience, it can feel as if the pain will last forever. However, as time goes by, we begin to realize that the intensity of our emotions starts to fade. The wounds that once felt raw and unbearable become less painful, and eventually, they heal completely.

One reason why time heals all wounds is that it allows us to gain perspective. When we are in the midst of a painful experience, our emotions cloud our judgment and make it difficult to see beyond our pain. However, as time passes, we start to see the situation from a different angle. We may gain new insights or realize that what seemed like a devastating event at the time was actually a blessing in disguise.

Moreover, time gives us the opportunity to grow and learn from our experiences. As we navigate through life, we encounter various challenges that mold us into stronger and more resilient individuals. With the passage of time, we gain wisdom and develop coping mechanisms that help us deal with future pain and suffering more effectively.

It is important to note that while time heals all wounds, it does not mean that the scars completely disappear. The pain may subside, but the memories and lessons learned from the experience remain. These scars serve as a reminder of our strength and resilience, and they shape us into the people we are today.

In conclusion, the saying "time heals all wounds" holds true for many individuals. Time allows us to gain perspective, grow, and learn from our experiences. While the pain may fade, the scars serve as a reminder of our resilience. So, let us embrace the healing power of time and trust that with its passing, our wounds will eventually heal.

说一个句子的英文 篇二


"Time heals all wounds."

The concept of time healing all wounds is a widely accepted idea, but is it always true? Can time truly heal every wound, both physical and emotional? While time can be a powerful force in the healing process, there are certain wounds that may never fully heal, regardless of how much time has passed.

Physical wounds, for example, can often heal with time. Our bodies have a remarkable ability to regenerate and repair damaged tissue. With proper care and treatment, wounds can gradually heal, leaving behind scars as a reminder of the injury.

However, when it comes to emotional wounds, the healing process is not always as straightforward. While time can certainly help to lessen the intensity of emotions and provide some relief, there are instances where the pain remains deeply ingrained, even after years have passed.

Emotional wounds can be caused by various traumatic events such as the loss of a loved one, betrayal, or abuse. These wounds often leave a lasting impact on a person's psyche, shaping their beliefs, behaviors, and relationships. While time may help to dull the pain, the scars left behind can continue to affect a person's emotional well-being.

In some cases, individuals may seek professional help in the form of therapy or counseling to aid in the healing process. Therapy can provide a safe space for individuals to explore their emotions, gain insights, and develop coping mechanisms. It is through this process that some emotional wounds can begin to heal, allowing individuals to move forward in their lives.

However, it is important to acknowledge that there are certain wounds that may never fully heal, regardless of the amount of time that has passed. These wounds become a part of who we are, shaping our identities and influencing our interactions with the world. While they may not define us, they serve as a reminder of our strength and resilience.

In conclusion, while time can be a powerful force in the healing process, it is not a guarantee that all wounds will heal completely. Physical wounds can often heal with time, but emotional wounds may leave lasting scars. It is important to seek support when needed and to understand that healing is a unique and individual process. Let us embrace the healing power of time while also recognizing that some wounds may never fully disappear.

说一个句子的英文 篇三

How to say in English?这句话哪有毛病?问题就出在了how to say。单单看这3个单词的组合,那是没什么错的,比如“I don’t know how to say”或与他相似的“I don’t know what to say”。但是如果把它放在句首,变成“How to say...?”用来提问,那就错了,这不符合英文语法和语言习惯。以 how to say 开头的句子并不是一句完整且独立的句子,也就是俗称的“病句”。举个例子:How to say this thing?How to say this in English?'How to say this sentence?How to say, it’s fine, just let it be.以上这些都是错误地表达!因为它没有主语虽然我们在社交网络平台经常看到how to 开头的标题但是那只能用作标题来使用日常生活是不用how to开头来提问的用英语怎么说正确说法

How do you say it?

How should I say?

How do I put it?

How should/can/do I say in English?

How do you say(this)in English?

How do I say (foreign word) in English?

What do you call (word) in English?



How do you spell that please?


How do you pronounce this word?





What means?


What does (word) mean?


What do you mean?

"mean" 做动词有“意思”的含义但需要借助助动词来完成疑问。当你对别人说的话不理解的时候可以用这句表达。

What do you mean? I've got enough money? I'm as broke as you are. 你什么意思?我的钱还富余吗?我已和你一样分文不剩了。


