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英雄联盟英文句子 篇一

League of Legends English Sentences

League of Legends, also known as LoL, is a popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game developed and published by Riot Games. With millions of players around the world, the game has created its own unique language and culture. In this article, we will explore some of the most popular English sentences used in League of Legends.

1. "GG WP" - This sentence stands for "Good Game, Well Played" and is often used at the end of a match to show sportsmanship and respect to the opposing team.

2. "OP" - Short for "Overpowered," this sentence is used to describe a champion or item that is considered to be too strong or imbalanced.

3. "ADC" - An acronym for "Attack Damage Carry," this sentence refers to a champion whose primary role is to deal high physical damage from a distance.

4. "Jungle Diff" - This sentence is used to acknowledge the skill difference between the junglers on each team. It implies that one jungler performed significantly better than the other.

5. "CS" - An abbreviation for "Creep Score," this sentence refers to the number of minions a player has successfully killed. It is an important indicator of a player's farming ability.

6. "Baron Nashor" - This sentence refers to a powerful neutral monster located in the upper river. Defeating Baron Nashor grants powerful buffs to the team that kills it.

7. "Pentakill" - This sentence is used when a player manages to kill all five enemy champions within a short period of time. It is considered a rare and impressive feat.

8. "AFK" - An abbreviation for "Away From Keyboard," this sentence is used to describe a player who is not actively participating in the game, often due to being disconnected or intentionally not playing.

9. "Flame" - This sentence refers to the act of insulting or criticizing other players in a game. It is considered toxic behavior and is heavily discouraged.

10. "Report" - This sentence is used to request other players to report a player who has exhibited toxic or inappropriate behavior. Reporting such players can result in penalties or bans.

These are just a few examples of the English sentences commonly used in League of Legends. The game's extensive vocabulary and community-driven slang add to the overall experience and make it a unique gaming phenomenon.

英雄联盟英文句子 篇二

League of Legends English Sentences - Part 2

Welcome back to our exploration of the English sentences used in League of Legends. In this article, we will continue to delve into the unique vocabulary and phrases that have emerged from this popular multiplayer online battle arena game.

11. "Gank" - This sentence refers to the act of a player or players from one team ambushing an enemy champion in another lane. It often involves surprise attacks and coordination.

12. "MIA" - An abbreviation for "Missing In Action," this sentence is used to alert teammates that an enemy champion is not visible in their lane and could potentially be roaming to another lane.

13. "CSing" - This sentence refers to the act of focusing on killing minions to gain gold and experience. Good CSing is essential for a player to stay ahead in the game.

14. "Ult" - Short for "Ultimate Ability," this sentence refers to a champion's most powerful and game-changing skill, often with a long cooldown.

15. "Ping" - This sentence refers to the act of using the in-game ping system to communicate with teammates. Pings can be used to indicate danger, request assistance, or provide information.

16. "Snowball" - This sentence is used to describe a situation where a team or player gains an early advantage and continues to build on that advantage, making it difficult for the opposing team to recover.

17. "Tilted" - This sentence describes a player who is frustrated or emotionally affected by the game, leading to poor decision-making and performance.

18. "Squishy" - This sentence is used to describe a champion who has low health and defense, making them vulnerable to being quickly eliminated by the opposing team.

19. "Peel" - This sentence refers to the act of protecting a high-value teammate, such as the ADC, from enemy champions by using crowd control abilities or positioning.

20. "Siege" - This sentence describes a strategy where a team applies pressure to an enemy turret or base, slowly whittling it down and looking for opportunities to engage in a fight.

These sentences are just a glimpse into the vast vocabulary and phrases used in League of Legends. The game's unique language adds depth and complexity to the gameplay experience, making it a beloved and enduring title in the world of esports.

英雄联盟英文句子 篇三


英雄联盟英文句子 篇四

英雄联盟英文句子 篇五

:「XX公司,您好」,接着电话那一端一连串劈哩叭啦快速英文:…… I got your number from your website. I'd like to speak to the person in charge。

顿时,你吓呆了,连最简单的No, problem. I'll put you through.都想不起来。


1、Are you with me?(你同意吗?)

With某人,就是和某人在一起,所以Are you with me?这句话表面上问人家和不和你在一起,实际上就是问大家「同不同意我的意见?」说完自己想法后,就可以用这句型询问别人是否同意。 开会当中如果有成员不专心,主席也会问,Are you with me? 意思是,你在听吗?

2、I'm going (based) on...(于理有据)

I'm going based on...更简单的讲法可以省略掉based,讲成I'm going on...。这个句型里的go,有「遵循」的意思在内。所以要阐述意见,又觉得光是自己的想法不够力时,就搬出这个I'm going (based) on...「我是依照XX行事」当护身符,把做决定的依据扛出来说个清楚,讲个明白。

3、cut all you in(算你一份)

cut有「切、割」的意思在内,所以cut all you in表示你会把这些人算进来,再开始切分。当你有什么好事,可以很有义气地说出I cut all you in.表示你「把大家都算在内」。而这个句型,也可以换个说法,把cut当成名词解,讲成give you a cut,也就是「算你一份」的意思。

4、I mean that.(我是认真的)

无论是I mean that.或是I mean it.都指「我是认真的。」这句话不但好用也好记。当你怕说的话别人不当真,或是想要强调自己说的话是发自内心时,就可以搬出这个句型一用。当然,还有种情境,就是故意讲了很夸张没人相信的话,讲完后也可以搬出I mean that.来用,在这种状况下,就有些故意开玩笑,假装


5、We'll see about that.(看着办!)

当有人大言不惭而你却不以为然时,就可以回他这句「咱们走着瞧吧。」We'll see about that. 或者对于某件方案、计划不确定其可行性,需要再评估时,也可以说We'll see about that. 这时候的意思就该解释为「我们再评估看看。」当然,若是心存不轨地想看某人笑话,We'll see about that.「我们等着看吧。」这句话也是很好用的喔!

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责编 | 张俊 审稿 | 李晨晖 校稿 | 尚继明


