心如止水英文句子转汉字 篇一
In the fast-paced society we live in, it's easy to get caught up in the chaos and lose sight of inner peace. However, there is a Chinese saying that perfectly captures the essence of tranquility - "心如止水" (xīn rú zhǐ shuǐ), which can be translated as "a calm heart is like still water". This profound phrase reminds us of the importance of maintaining a peaceful state of mind amidst the turbulence of life.
When our heart is like still water, it means that we are able to find serenity within ourselves regardless of external circumstances. Just like how the surface of water remains undisturbed even when there are ripples or waves, our inner state should remain composed and undisturbed by the ups and downs of life. This doesn't mean that we should suppress our emotions or ignore the challenges we face, but rather, it encourages us to cultivate a sense of inner stability and resilience.
Having a heart like still water allows us to approach life's challenges with grace and clarity. When our mind is calm and our heart is at peace, we are able to think more clearly and make sound decisions. Instead of being overwhelmed by stress or anxiety, we can navigate through difficulties with a sense of ease and composure. This state of inner peace also enables us to have better relationships with others, as we are able to listen attentively, empathize, and respond with kindness.
In order to cultivate a heart like still water, it is important to practice mindfulness and self-awareness. Taking moments throughout the day to pause, breathe, and check in with ourselves can help us become more attuned to our emotions and thoughts. Engaging in activities that bring us joy and relaxation, such as practicing meditation, journaling, or spending time in nature, can also contribute to a sense of inner calmness.
Ultimately, embodying the spirit of "心如止水" allows us to live a more balanced and fulfilling life. It reminds us to prioritize our mental and emotional well-being, and to seek inner peace amidst the chaos of the world. By nurturing a heart like still water, we can navigate through life's challenges with grace and resilience, and find solace in the tranquility that lies within us.
心如止水英文句子转汉字 篇二
In today's fast-paced and demanding world, finding inner peace can be a challenge. However, there is a beautiful Chinese phrase that encapsulates the concept of tranquility - "心如止水" (xīn rú zhǐ shuǐ), which can be translated as "a calm heart is like still water". This profound saying reminds us of the importance of cultivating a sense of tranquility and serenity within ourselves.
The metaphor of a calm heart being like still water is incredibly powerful. It suggests that even in the midst of chaos and turmoil, we can find a sense of stillness and peace within our hearts. Just like how still water reflects the world around it without any disturbances, a calm heart allows us to observe and experience life without being overwhelmed by external circumstances.
Having a heart like still water brings numerous benefits to our well-being. It allows us to approach challenges with a sense of clarity and composure, enabling us to make better decisions and find effective solutions. When our mind is calm, we are more likely to think rationally and respond to situations in a balanced and thoughtful manner. This not only benefits us personally, but also enhances our relationships with others, as we are able to communicate and connect with empathy and understanding.
Cultivating a heart like still water requires practice and self-awareness. It involves finding ways to quiet the mind and create space for inner stillness. Engaging in activities such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises can help to calm the mind and bring a sense of tranquility. Additionally, finding time to disconnect from technology and spend time in nature can also contribute to a greater sense of inner peace.
It is important to remember that cultivating a heart like still water is a continuous journey. Life is filled with ups and downs, and it's natural to experience moments of turbulence and unrest. However, by consistently nurturing our inner calmness, we can weather these storms with grace and resilience.
In conclusion, "心如止水" serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of finding inner peace in our lives. By cultivating a heart like still water, we can navigate through life's challenges with clarity and composure. This allows us to experience a greater sense of well-being and fulfillment, and to find solace in the tranquility that lies within us.
心如止水英文句子转汉字 篇三
心如止水英文句子转汉字 精选65句
1. 心外無物,閑看庭前花開花落;去留無意,漫隨天外云卷云舒。
2. 你不能因為一個人常去夜店說他不好,你也不能老看到一個人吊兒郎當就說他沒前途,你更不能看到一個人老笑嘻嘻就覺得怎么傷害他他都不會往心里去。每個人都有每個人的價值觀,這個世界本就光怪陸離,你只需要向著自己堅持的正確觀走到最后就好了,自有人在終點等你。
3. 自卑心最傷害自己,是最大的障礙。
4. 那些過往的青春里,有眼淚輕輕地,輕輕地,被曬干了。
5. 愛什么人,照顧他、保護他、給他自在,才是真正高雅的愛。
6. 今日的執著,會造成明日的后悔。
7. 不寬恕眾生,不原諒眾生,是苦了你自己。
8. 當你快樂時,你要想,這快樂不是永恒的。當你痛苦時你要想這痛苦也不是永恒的。
9. 好好的
10. 如果你不給自己煩惱,別人也永遠不可能給你煩惱。因為你自己的內心,你放不下。
11. 認識自己,降伏自己,改變自己,才能改變別人。
12. 其實很多時候,人無法改變命運,就像那盞花燈一樣力量薄弱,只能無奈地被流水推著走,流到哪兒是哪兒。在這個時候,我會想,一邊流一邊想法子改變,實在改變不了就算了,就這樣流唄,看我可以流到什么地方去,可以去到什么地步,就算結果很糟,我也算是沿路觀賞過岸邊風光。
13. 小人以己之過為人之過,每怨天而尤人;君子以人之過為己之過,每反躬而責己。
14. 這個世界本來就是痛苦的,沒有例外的。
15. 你隨時要認命,因為你是人。
16. 別說別人可憐,自己更可憐,自己修行又如何?自己又懂得人生多少?
17. 沒有煩惱不要惹煩惱,有了則盡量解決它。 摘自 ChineseWords.org
18. 一個人總要走陌生的路,看陌生的風景,聽陌生的歌,然后在某個不經意的瞬間,你會發現,原本費盡心機想要忘記的事情真的就這么忘記了。
19. 道不是知識能夠分析的,它是內邊的悟解。
20. 我們只談過去,不說將來。
21. 你什么時候放下,什么時候就沒有煩惱。
22. 最怕的東西,最應該去突破。
23. 如果我們靜心,喚醒內在的意識,我們會知道自己的偉大,知道自己和宇宙源頭有溝通,而且是其中一分子,我們和整個宇宙是一體的,因此我們會更有耐心、更堅強、更有智慧,可以做更多神奇的事。
24. 笑,開懷地笑,忘形地笑,恣意地笑,縱情地笑,笑出了眼淚。
25. 不要浪費你的生命在你一定會后悔的地方上。
26. 愛情并不會讓兩個人白頭到老,愛情的力量很有限。帶給一個女人希望的不是愛情,而是男人的責任感。帶給一個男人安全的也不是愛情,而是女人對家庭的付出。愛情讓兩個人走在一起,而想要繼續走下去的動力,并不只靠相愛。白頭到老的秘訣,無非就是兩件事情,負責和付出。
27. 你每天若看見眾生的過失和是非,你就要趕快去懺悔,這就是修行
28. 內心如果平靜,外在就不會有風波。
29. 單純的生活是隨遇而安,有什么享受什么。笑著接受一切。
30. “心中有花,眼中有花,口中有花”。生命是一只水杯,生活就是杯中水,我就是杯中花。杯子只有一個,水也要淡淡地,花才能靜靜地綻放。
31. 人之所以痛苦,在于追求錯誤的東西。
32. 千里之行,始于足下。改變將來,從現在開始。改變現在,就是改變未來。
33. 在順境中修行,永遠不能成佛。
34. 與其說是別人讓你痛苦,不如說自己的修養不夠。
35. 修改自己就是修改世界,天生我材必有用,自己是整個宇宙中很重要的一個程序。要相信自己的潛力。
36. 世界上最殘忍的事,不是沒遇到愛的人,而是遇到卻最終錯過;世界上最傷心的事,不是你愛的人不愛你,而是他愛過你后,最后卻不愛你。
37. 古之立大事者,不惟有超世之才,亦必有堅韌不拔之志。
38. 學佛是對自己的良心交待,不是做給別人看的。
39. 我們最終都要遠行,最終都要跟稚嫩的自己告別。也許路途有點艱辛,有點孤獨,但熬過了痛苦,我們才能得以成長。
40. 修行是點滴的工夫。
41. 懺悔心、謙卑心很重要,不過對自己的愛心更重要。
42. 要感謝痛苦與挫折,它是我們的功課,我們要從中訓練,然后突破,這樣才能真正解脫。
43. 每一種創傷,都是一種成熟。
44. 你可以擁有愛,但不要執著,因為分離是必然的。
45. 放下自己的小我,自然變得偉大。
46. 你永遠要感謝給你逆境的眾生。
47. 愛一個人就是這樣,什么都包涵,什么都原諒,老覺得對方可愛、長不大、稚氣,什么都是可憐的,總是舍不得。
48. 你永遠要寬恕眾生,不論他有多壞,甚至他傷害過你,你一定要放下,才能得到真正的快樂。
49. 當我們往內靜觀時,會發現什么都沒有,沒有身體,沒有物質,只有真實的能量存在,那就是我們的源頭。只要我們不把自己當成這個肉體,就可以明白我們的來處,真實的能量才是萬物的源頭。形容心如止水的句子
50. 不能貪求任何東西,一旦喜歡就執著在那里,應該心無掛礙。
51. 內心沒有分別心,就是真正的苦行。
52. 無悲無喜,仿佛自己已經達到了一直追求的境界——心如止水。但我知道這是假象,如果不是有這清風徐徐,談何心如止水。
53. 隨時保持警覺心,做事要獨立,合乎邏輯,合乎自己良心。
54. 學佛第一個觀念,永遠不去看眾生的過錯。你看眾生的過錯,你永遠污染你自己,你根本不可能修行。
55. 業障深重的人,一天到晚都在看別人的過失與缺點,真正修行的人,從不會去看別人的過失與缺點。
56. 處在思想控制一切的世界中,這些先入為主的概念、偏見及所收集的資料控制了一切,使我們忘記了本性,忘記了自己不是那個先入為主的概念。我們不應忘記自己的判斷力,必須找出自己本有的智慧。
57. 靜以修身,儉以養德,非淡泊無以明志,非寧靜無以致遠。
58. 找到自己內在的愛力之后,才能真正地愛人。
59. 心如止水,亂則不明。很多事,你越是想去弄個清楚,反而越是困惑,心中一旦有了執念。就像線團,只會越扯越亂。子欲避之,反促遇之。凡事順其自然就好。既來之。則安之,這才是生存之道。
60. 如果認為自己很弱小,我們就成為弱小;如果認為自己很偉大,我們就變成偉大。
61. 不想說話,不想開門,不想面對任何人,總想著能做個繭,把自己封起,安靜地睡,不帶一絲心情地睡去。
62. 最好的改變方式,是我們跟內在力量溝通,然后它會改變我們。
63. 其實對你好的人,你一輩子也遇不到幾個,不喜歡就不要選擇,喜歡了就要堅持,錯過了就永遠錯過了,別再有從新來過的想法。
64. 人在寂寞中有三種狀態。一是惶惶不安,茫無頭緒,百事無心,一心逃出寂寞。二是漸漸習慣于寂寞,安下心來,建立起生活的條理,用讀書、寫作或別的事務來驅逐寂寞。三是寂寞本身成為一片詩意的土壤,一種創造的契機,誘發出關于存在、生命、自我的深邃思考和體驗。
65. 福報不夠的人,就會常常聽到是非;福報夠的人,從來就沒聽到過是非。