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Norwegian Wood Classic Quotes (English Version) Part 1

Norwegian Wood, written by Haruki Murakami, is a poignant and introspective novel that explores themes of love, loss, and the challenges of growing up. The book is filled with memorable quotes that resonate with readers long after they have turned the final page. In this article, we will delve into some of the classic quotes from Norwegian Wood.

1. "I was always hungry for love. Just once, I wanted to know what it was like to get my fill of it." - This quote captures the protagonist's longing for love and his desire to experience the all-encompassing feeling of being loved.

2. "Death exists, not as the opposite but as a part of life." - This quote reflects the novel's exploration of mortality and the acceptance of death as an integral part of the human experience.

3. "What happens when people open their hearts? They get better." - This quote emphasizes the transformative power of vulnerability and emotional openness. It suggests that by allowing ourselves to be vulnerable, we can heal and grow.

4. "I was always attracted not by some quantifiable, external beauty, but by something deep down, something absolute." - This quote speaks to the protagonist's preference for authenticity and depth over superficial beauty. It highlights the importance of connecting with someone on a profound level.

5. "No truth can cure the sorrow we feel from losing a loved one. No truth, no sincerity, no strength, no kindness can cure that sorrow. All we can do is see it through to the end and learn something from it, but what we learn will be no help in facing the next sorrow that comes to us without warning." - This quote explores the profound grief that accompanies the loss of a loved one. It acknowledges that there is no easy solution or quick fix for the pain, but rather a process of acceptance and learning.

6. "If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking." - This quote encourages individuality and independent thinking. It highlights the importance of exploring diverse perspectives and ideas.

7. "Don't feel sorry for yourself. Only assholes do that." - This quote emphasizes the importance of resilience and self-reliance. It suggests that wallowing in self-pity is unproductive and unbecoming.

These quotes from Norwegian Wood offer glimpses into the complex emotions and philosophical musings that permeate the novel. They serve as poignant reminders of the universal human experiences of love, loss, and self-discovery.

Norwegian Wood Classic Quotes (English Version) Part 2

Continuing our exploration of the classic quotes from Haruki Murakami's Norwegian Wood, we delve further into the profound and introspective themes that the novel touches upon.

1. "You can't please everyone, and you can't make everyone like you." - This quote speaks to the protagonist's struggle with the expectations and judgments of others. It highlights the futility of trying to please everyone and the importance of staying true to oneself.

2. "No matter how far you travel, you can never get away from yourself." - This quote reflects the novel's exploration of self-discovery and personal growth. It suggests that true transformation comes from within and cannot be escaped or evaded.

3. "What happens when people open their hearts? They get better." - This quote emphasizes the transformative power of vulnerability and emotional openness. It suggests that by allowing ourselves to be vulnerable, we can heal and grow.

4. "The most important thing is to be able to enjoy your life without hurting other people." - This quote encapsulates the novel's moral compass. It highlights the importance of leading a fulfilling life while being mindful of the impact our actions have on others.

5. "I had nothing to look forward to. The only thing I could do was to wander aimlessly." - This quote captures the protagonist's sense of aimlessness and uncertainty. It reflects the universal experience of feeling lost and searching for meaning.

6. "If you remember me, then I don't care if everyone else forgets." - This quote explores the enduring power of connection and the significance of being remembered by someone. It suggests that the impact we have on others is more important than our public recognition.

7. "What a terrible thing it is to wound someone you really care for and to do it so unconsciously." - This quote delves into the complexities of human relationships and the unintentional harm we can cause to those we love. It serves as a reminder to be mindful of our words and actions.

These quotes from Norwegian Wood offer profound insights into the human condition and the intricacies of love, loss, and self-discovery. They serve as reminders of the universal experiences we all share and the importance of navigating them with empathy and introspection.

挪威的森林经典句子英文版 篇三

1. 记忆这东西总有些不可思议。实际身临其境的时候,几乎未曾意识到那片风景,未曾觉得它有什么撩人情怀之处,更没想到十八年后仍历历在目。

2. The so-called effort refers to active and purposeful activities.

3. 我们在应该支付代价的时候没有支付,那笔账便转到了今天。

4. 世上没有喜欢孤独的人,我只是不想勉强交朋友,这最终只会落得失望。

5. 我俩就像在无人岛长大的光**孩子,肚子饿了吃香蕉,寂寞了就相抱而眠。

6. 你的人生,应该由你决定。

7. 那是他可怜巴巴的人生中的一点可怜巴巴的追求,谁有资格来加以嘲笑呢!

8. It drizzled outside the window, and the interior was as cool as an aquarium.

9. Fragments of words seemed to float in the air as if they had been torn apart.

10. We will die one way or another, you or I.我们总要这样或那样死去的,你也好我也好。

11. 信终归不过是信,即使烧了,该留在心里的自然留下,就算保存在那里,留不下的照样留不下。

12. We will die one way or another, you or I.

13. 做菜的人,光做,肚子就已经饱了。

14. 我想起自己在过去的人生旅途中失却的许多东西——蹉跎的岁月,死去或离去的人们,无可追回的懊悔。

15. If it is dark around, you can only wait for your eyes to get used to the darkness.

16. 其实她是个非常温柔的女孩,只是那时我将那种温柔视为理所当然的东西,丝毫未加珍惜。

17. 死不是生的对立,而是它的一部分。

18. Once you get lost in something, you turn a blind eye to everything around you.

19. Well, the funeral was really dreary. People shouldn't die like that.

20. Our normality lies in our understanding of our own abnormality.

21. 没有人喜欢孤独,只是不愿失望。

22. 甚至神也不愿听不幸者的表白。

23. 哪里有人喜欢孤独,只不过不乱交朋友罢了,那样只能落得失望。

24. 每个人的心里都有一片属于自己的森林,迷失的人迷失了,相遇的人会再相遇。

25. 人理解某人是水到渠成的事,并非某人希望对方理解所使然。

26. 喜欢到全世界森林里的老虎都融化成黄油。

27. 就日常生活这点来说,右翼也罢左翼也罢,伪善也罢伪恶也罢,并无多大区别。

28. 世界上有什么不会失去的东西吗?我相信有,你也最好相信。《一九七三的弹珠玩具》

29. If you smile, the sun shines.

30. I close my eyes and immerse myself in the shadow of memory for a long time.

31. 我一直以为人是慢慢变老的,其实不是,人是一瞬间变老的。选自《舞·舞·舞》

32. 将自己说成普通人的人,是很难叫人对他信任的,对吧?

33. Those who are lost are lost, and those who meet again will meet again.

34. All I ask is to allow me to be willful, 100% willful.

35. When you are a stranger, others will be strangers.

36. 人与人可以爱的那么深,实在很美妙。

37. 他有那么一种能力,可以准确无误地捕捉气氛的变化,从而挥洒自如因势利导。另外他还有一种颇为可贵的才能,可以从对方不甚有趣的谈话中抓出有趣的部分来。

38. 四季更迭,我与死者的距离亦随之渐渐拉开,木月照旧十七,直子依然二十一,永远的。

39. When it rains, it's like there are only three of us left in the world.

40. 即使是你最心爱的人,心中都会有一片你无法到达的森林。

41. 我时不时向空间漂浮的光粒子伸出手去,但指尖什么也触不到。

42. 你选择了绿子,而直子选择了死,我们每个人都要对自己的选择负责不是吗?

43. Seeing you, I am more or less adapted to the world.

挪威的森林经典句子英文版 篇四

1. The world is changing day by day, in a time I don't know.

2. 有时我环顾世人就气不打一处来--这些家伙为什么不知道努力呢?不努力何必还牢骚满腹呢?

3. 希望你可以记住我,记住我这样活过,这样在你身边待过。

4. 我们是生活在不健全世界上的不健全的人,不可能用尺子测量长度或用分度器测量角度,如同银行存款那样毫厘不爽地生活。

5. It is as beautiful as a little angel, and it is almost transparent.

6. Death does not exist in the opposite form of life, but as a part of life.

7. 有时也对人生怀有恐怖感,这也是理所当然!只是,我并不将他作为,前提条件来加以承认。我要百分之百地发挥自己的能力,不达到极限决不罢休。

8. Only the inferior will sympathize with themselves.

9. 他说我们到这里来不是矫正扭曲的,而是要来学习适应那种扭曲的。他又说我们的问题之一,就是无法承认并接受那种扭曲。就像每一个人都有他独特的走路方式一样,感觉、思考和看法也都有不同的地方,即使想改正也不是一蹴可及的,如果勉强修正,恐怕别的地方又会变得很奇怪。

10. 任凭怎么解释,世人也只能相信自己愿意相信的事情。越是拼命争扎,我们的处境越是狼狈。

11. It is wonderful that people can love each other so deeply.

12. 如果你掉进了黑暗里,你能做的,不过是静心等待,直到你的双眼适应黑暗。

13. 我几次朝夜幕伸出手去,指尖毫无所触,那小小的光点总是同指尖保持一点点不可触及的距离。

14. “我不愿情感被某种东西束缚住。”

15. In this world, I want nothing but you.

16. 少年时我们追求激情,成熟后却迷恋平庸,在我们寻找,伤害,背离之后,还能一如既往的相信爱情,这是一种勇气。

17. 希望你能记住我,记住我曾这样存在过。

18. 我判断不出我位于何处,也不具有自己是在朝正确方向前进的信心。我之所以一步步挪动步履,只是因为我必须挪动,而无论去哪里。

19. 不会忘记的永远不会忘记,会忘记的留着也没有用!

20. 绿子在电话的另一头久久默然不语,如同全世界的细雨落在全世界所有”的草坪上一般的沉默在持续。

21. 我不是个头脑机灵的人,理解一件事需要有个过程,但你得给我时间,到时总会完全理解你的,而且比世上任何人都理解得透彻。

22. “我们的正常之处,”玲子说,“就在于自己懂得自己的不正常。”

23. 随着冬日的延伸,我感到她的眼睛比以前更加透明了。那是一种没有任何归宿的透明。

24. I waited for a long time.

25. 映现在我眼前的只有永无尽头的泥沼。右脚往前踏出一步。举起左脚,然后又是右脚。我无法找到自己的定位。也无法确信是否往正确的方向前进。只知道必须往前走,于是一步一步地往前。


