
时间:2017-09-03 07:32:28
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Heartfelt Wisdom in English Short Sentences - Part One

In life, there are moments that touch our hearts and make us reflect on the deeper meaning of our existence. These profound experiences often leave us with a sense of wisdom and a new perspective on life. Here, I have compiled a collection of heartfelt and philosophical English short sentences that encapsulate the essence of these moments. Each sentence carries its own unique message, offering insights into the complexities of human emotions and the beauty of life itself.

1. "Sometimes, the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life."

This sentence reminds us that even the tiniest actions we take can have a significant impact on our lives. It encourages us to embrace change and take those small steps towards a better future.

2. "Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present."

This sentence emphasizes the importance of living in the present moment and actively creating our own happiness. It reminds us that happiness is not a destination but rather a state of mind that we have the power to cultivate.

3. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do."

This sentence highlights the significance of passion and love in our work. It reminds us that when we are genuinely passionate about what we do, we are more likely to excel and find fulfillment in our endeavors.

4. "Sometimes, you need to step outside, get some fresh air, and remind yourself who you are and who you want to be."

This sentence speaks to the importance of self-reflection and self-care. It encourages us to take breaks from our busy lives, reconnect with ourselves, and realign our actions with our goals and aspirations.

5. "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

This sentence reminds us that failure is an inevitable part of life. It encourages us to embrace our failures, learn from them, and keep pushing forward. True glory lies not in avoiding failure but in our ability to rise again after each fall.

6. "Don't let yesterday take up too much of today."

This sentence reminds us to let go of the past and focus on the present. It encourages us to learn from past experiences but not to dwell on them, as they can hinder our progress and happiness in the present moment.

7. "The best way to predict the future is to create it."

This sentence highlights the importance of taking control of our own destiny. It reminds us that we have the power to shape our future through our thoughts, actions, and choices.

These heartfelt and philosophical English short sentences serve as reminders of the wisdom and insights we gain from our experiences. They inspire us to live fully, embrace change, and pursue our passions. By reflecting on these timeless words, we can find solace, motivation, and a renewed sense of purpose in our lives.

Heartfelt Wisdom in English Short Sentences - Part Two

Continuing from the previous article, here are more profound and thought-provoking English short sentences that capture the essence of our emotions and provide us with valuable insights into life's complexities. Each sentence carries its own unique message, allowing us to delve deeper into the depths of our hearts and minds.

1. "Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it."

This sentence reminds us that our reactions and attitudes play a crucial role in shaping our experiences. It encourages us to focus on our response to life's challenges rather than dwelling on the challenges themselves.

2. "The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday."

This sentence emphasizes the importance of personal growth and self-improvement. It reminds us that true success lies in becoming a better version of ourselves, rather than comparing ourselves to others.

3. "The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away."

This sentence speaks to the significance of discovering our talents and using them to make a positive impact on the world. It reminds us that our purpose in life is not solely about personal achievements but also about contributing to the greater good.

4. "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."

This sentence highlights the transformative power of selflessness and compassion. It reminds us that by helping others and putting their needs before our own, we can discover our true selves and experience a profound sense of fulfillment.

5. "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life."

This sentence serves as a reminder to live authentically and true to ourselves. It encourages us to pursue our own dreams and passions instead of conforming to societal expectations or trying to please others.

6. "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful."

This sentence challenges the conventional notion of success and happiness. It suggests that true success stems from finding joy in our pursuits and aligning our actions with our passions.

7. "Believe you can, and you're halfway there."

This sentence instills the power of self-belief and positive thinking. It reminds us that our mindset and attitude can greatly influence the outcomes we achieve in life.

These heartfelt and philosophical English short sentences continue to provide us with wisdom and inspiration. They encourage us to live authentically, pursue our passions, and make a positive impact on the world. By reflecting on these profound words, we can navigate through life's complexities with a renewed sense of purpose and clarity.

心情哲理英文短句子 篇三

1. 知道自己可以做些什么,表明你在不断地成长英文哲理句子简短;知道自己不能够做些什么,表明你在不断地成熟。

2. 没有哪件事,不动手就可以实现。

3. 科学是永无止境的,它是一个永恒之谜。

4. Right don39;t have to steal,leave room for three points with people,leave some width and with yourself.

5. What time do you put down,when there is no trouble.

6. 平生不会相思,才会相思,便害相思。

7. 不要随意发脾气,谁都不欠你的。

8. 不要经常感到不幸,世界上比我们更痛苦。

9. 探索的旅程不在于发现新大陆,而在于培养新视角。

10. 更持青灯看花殇,一曲独奏冷月牙,满目狼籍,刹那芳华,遗失埋葬在梧桐雨下,悸动的花样年华,痴恋着君的三千青丝华发。

11. 你什么时候放下,什么时候就没有烦恼。

12. Do not forgive not forgive to be enlightened,is suffer yourself.

13. 只有了解自己,降伏自己,改变自己,才能改变别人。

14. 把秘密当做星星,把真心喜欢的人当成月亮,全都藏在心里,心中便成了一个发光发亮的夜空。

15. 当海水变成盐巴,冬雪埋葬春华,君会爱上臣妾吗。

16. 房子解决了,但心情还是挺沉重的。

17. 看清眼前的,关注背后的。过好每一天!

18. 经历了一些事,才知道自己真的好傻。

19. 中规中矩,赢得尊重。赢得尊重,也赢得信赖。

20. 三分忙,七分瞎忙,总算把生活凑满了十分。

21. 即使是在人群中,也会感到不安。

22. Entertains the highest hope,do our best,make the worst plan.

23. 爱情的悲剧在于它无法逃脱时间的维度。

24. 友谊是两个平等者之间的无私交往。

25. 对于别人的事情,一向不要过多关心,别人的交际圈容不得你说三道四!这个社会就是这样,做好自己的事情,管好自己的嘴,其他的人和事都淡然处之。

26. Know themselves,yield themselves,change yourself to change others.

27. 只有使自己懦弱的体魄健壮起来,束缚的脚步才能迈开。

28. 懦夫不敢生气,智者不生气。

29. Never waste your minutes,to think of anyone who you don39;t like.

30. 最美的时刻,源于想起朋友。

31. Ten thousand beautiful future,does not a warm now.

32. 人生无需后悔,逝去的事就像一阵风;人生不需要遗憾,该来的终究还是要来;人生不需要懊恼,愁白的头发难以再黑;人生不需要哀叹,丧失自信就将失去一切!

33. 总望着曾经的空间发呆,那些说好不分开的人不在了,转身,陌路。

34. 拥有无私的爱,就拥有一切。

35. 这世上没有人可以带走你的痛苦,所以,也别让任何人带走你的幸福。

36. 要让别人感激自己,就得先学会感激别人。

37. Don39;t waste your life,in a place you would be sorry for it.

38. 得理不必抢尽,留三分与人,留一些宽和与自己。

39. 然后,我越过忘川水找到你。

40. Rather than others make you pain,as their own self-cultivation is not enough.

41. 花落水流红,闲愁万种,无语怨东风。

42. 祝愿你心中常有快乐涌现。

43. 不要浪费你的生命,在你会后悔的地方。

44. Wait on security,make a past,endure a endure is harmonious.

45. 无论自己身处何种状态,都不要放弃和忘记学习,人最可怕的就是满足,请继续保持野心,有野心理想不一定实现,但是有野心你才会前进,才会不堕落。

46. 若想快乐,学会随和,若想幸福,学会随缘。

47. 善恶到头终有报,举头三尺有神灵。

48. 宁不知倾城与倾国?佳人难再得。

49. 不原谅众生,不原谅众生,就是苦了自己。

50. 等待的日子,一抹浅浅的忧伤,透过天光云影,绕过漫天的凄凉,冷了一怀幽幽的旖旎心梦,在万丈红尘中遗落一地的疼。

51. 在可以牵手的时候要记得珍惜,在需要分手的时候也不要犹豫。

52. 任何外在力量的辅助终究只是暂时的,真正掌握在自己手上的东西才会成为你强大的依靠和资本,愿你的每天都在成长。

53. 真正的朋友,不是整天在一起玩,不是只知道称兄道弟,不是劝你喝酒的人,不是你找他他就推三阻四的。

54. 叹气是最浪费时间的事情,哭泣是最浪费力气的行径。

55. 看淡世事沧桑,内心安然无恙。

56. 千难万险中得来的东西最为珍贵,患难与共中结下的友谊必将长驻你我的心间。

57. 你硬要把单纯的事情看得很严重,那样子你会很痛苦。

58. 想你,在风霜雪雨的四季!◆遇上一个人要一分钟的时间,喜欢一个人只需一小时的时间,爱上一个人要一天的时间,可要我忘记你却要用上一生的时间。

59. 站得高才是能看得远,看得淡才是能放得下。背负太多,那么也就是会活得很累,放下即是解脱。

60. 不虚此行,无悔今生!一直以为理想中的爱情或友情都应该是“花开相惜,花落不弃。

61. 积极态度是生活的一味良药,伤心的时候乐观一点儿,孤独的时候去寻找快乐,热情而积极地拥抱生活,那么幸福就会像天使一般无声地降临到每个人的身边。

62. 思念是一首皎洁的诗。

63. 用勤奋实现梦想,用智慧成就人生。

64. 把不忙不闲的工作做的出色,把不咸不淡的生活过得精彩。

65. 幸福不会遗漏任何人,迟早有一天它会找到你。

66. 在怀抱中抚慰,在感激中成长。

67. 最美的是,阳光总在风雨后,天空如洗,彩练当空,蓝天指派白云俯身来触摸青山,白云绕着碧山转,天地之间手牵手,由浅入深的色彩,虚无飘渺的意境,美美钩织着夏天的生机。

68. 生活没有低谷,只有蓄势待发,当你储备好能量,准备迎接一切的时候,无论是风是雨都没关系,因为你早已做足了准备。

69. Unsurprisingly,things don39;t happen,unexpected things,but often appear.

70. 麻烦你坚强点,你的软弱真的没人看。

71. 更想无数因果后,这爱仍有盈余。

72. 与其排斥它已成的事实,不如接受它。

73. 有时候沉默,就是最好的诉说。

74. 学会坚强,做一只沙漠中永不哭泣的骆驼!

75. 从外入者不是家珍,从内发者,方谓真慧。

76. 生命本没有意义,你要能给它什么意义,他就有什么意义。与其终日冥想人生有何意义,不如试用此生做点有意义的事。

77. 10岁女人乖巧,是梨花,纯真洁白。

78. 时间总会过去,让时间流走你的烦恼吧!

79. 他可能不会从不和你吵架,但是却会在每次吵架后主动找你和好。

80. You take a simple things seriously,that way you will be very painful.

81. 生活不要安排得太满,人生不要设计得太挤。

82. 知道看人背后是君子;知道背后是恶棍。

83. It takes one day to defeat the enemy,and the rest of my life to overcome ourselves.

84. No.73早上好。

85. 它溺过了所有的故事,却找不到逃生的方向。

86. 人生中,总有一些挫折,让我们情绪低落。

87. Instead very try our best to find the truth,to the surface.

88. 指间失去的青春,记忆中的不老年华。

89. 那个花一般的季节,昏睡的脸庞,没有细节。

心情哲理英文短句子 篇四

1. 情侣间最矛盾的地方就是幻想彼此的未来,却惦记着对方的过去。

2. 如果从小不说话,跟自己交往的很少。

3. 无法改变所处的环境,但是可以坚强地活着。

4. 与其说别人让你痛苦,不如说自己的修养不够。

5. 生活就是一场逃亡,不能坐以待毙。

6. 与其煞费苦心地寻找真相,不如让真相浮出水面。

7. 努力向上的开拓,才使弯曲的竹鞭化作了笔直的毛竹。

8. 过于自信的人,应该多听听别人的声音。

9. 出去玩吧,给你的心情放个假。

10. 承认你的伟大就是承认你的愚蠢。

11. 予友人诚心,给己真心,生活便可安心;予仇人宽心,给己静心,做事便可放心;予爱人专心,给己恒心,感情生活便可甜蜜清心。

12. 高兴起来歌声飘,生气起来脾气闹。

13. 女人如花,愿每个女人像花一样绽放。

14. 人们总是在最深的绝望里,看见最美的风景。

15. 不要凡事都依靠别人,在这个世界上,最能让你依靠的人是自己,能拯救你的人也只能是自己。

16. 宠辱不惊,看透人间百态。

17. 让我们抽出空闲四处看看,不为谁奔波,不为谁停留,放松下自己紧绷的神经。

18. 我曾给过你闭上眼睛捂起耳朵的信任,就算全世界都说你有错,只要你否认,我就相信。

19. 要么就闭嘴接受现实,要么就证明自己的能力。

20. 读书,是为了远离渣货垃圾人。

21. 存乎臣妾者,于人无与也。

22. 不属于自己的,看一眼都会觉得累。

23. 抱着最大的希望,尽最大的努力,制定最坏的计划。

24. Say a lie,want to make ten lies to make up for,why bother?

25. 怕苦的人苦一辈子,不怕苦的人苦一阵子。

26. 是不是只要勾搭上了孟婆,就可以忘了所有悲伤。

27. 迩总是这样在怀念过去,让珴怎么舍得放下。

28. You become the owner of the mentality,will inevitably turned out to be the slave of the mood.

29. 如果有一天我消失了,你是否记得这位生命中的过客。

30. ——《红豆词》梧桐叶上三更雨,叶叶声声是别离。

31. 爱自己多一点吧,睁开眼又是崭新的一天。

32. To admit his greatness,is agree with their own folly.

33. Fingers lost youth,memories of the old time.

34. 你不懂,我上线看到你不在时我有多失落。

35. 存平等心,行方便事,则天下无事。怀慈悲心,做慈悲事,则心中太平。

36. Don39;t often feel very unfortunate,in the world than we pain more people.

37. 你必须认真对待简单的事情,这样你就会很痛苦。


