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优美的表白英文句子带翻译 篇一

Love is a journey that starts with a smile and ends with a lifetime commitment. - Unknown


You are the missing piece to my puzzle. Without you, my life is incomplete. - Unknown


When I am with you, the world feels right. You bring happiness and love into my life. - Unknown


I have never felt this way before. You have touched my heart and soul in ways I never thought possible. - Unknown


You are the reason why I smile every day. Your love brightens up my world. - Unknown


My love for you is like a river that flows endlessly. It is deep, strong, and forever. - Unknown


You are my sunshine on a cloudy day. Your love brings warmth and light into my life. - Unknown


Every moment with you is a treasure. I cherish the love we share and the memories we make together. - Unknown


I love you more than words can express. You are my everything. - Unknown


You are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. You complete me in every way possible. - Unknown


优美的表白英文句子带翻译 篇二

You are the reason why I believe in love. Your love has transformed my life in ways I never thought possible. - Unknown


Every time I see you, my heart skips a beat. You have a way of making me feel alive and loved. - Unknown


I am grateful for every moment we spend together. Your presence brings joy and happiness into my life. - Unknown


You are the most beautiful person I have ever met, both inside and out. I am lucky to have you in my life. - Unknown


I never believed in soulmates until I met you. You are the missing piece to my puzzle, the one who completes me. - Unknown


I love you more than words can describe. You are my rock, my anchor in the stormy sea of life. - Unknown


You have a way of making me feel special and loved. Your love has filled my life with happiness and contentment. - Unknown


I am grateful for the love we share. You have brought so much joy and meaning into my life. - Unknown


You are the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. With you by my side, I know that anything is possible. - Unknown


优美的表白英文句子带翻译 篇三

1. If I forget you, you will not feel hard to breathe.如果我就此忘了你,你会不会觉得难呼吸。

2. 拾尽春花,皆是你。

3. The only present love demands is love. 爱所祈求的唯一礼物就是爱。

4. 别人欺负我,你要第一时间出来帮我,我开心,你要陪我开心,我不开心,你要哄我开心,永远觉得我最漂亮,做梦也要梦到我,在你的心里只有我。

5. You light up my life.你照亮我的生命。

6. 一定会让你感动的)淑桦—笑红尘,梦醒时分(又是一个才女,这两首比较不错,应该算经典吧)岚—夏天的风,热浪(一首安静的,一首动感的,都不错)郁-—天死去一点(总是在夜里听它,总感觉越来越耐听,她的歌我都喜欢,但这一首是最爱)肩而过-宇桐非(一支深情的悲伤情歌。

7. I'm sorry to put all the gentle and like to hit you.不好意思,把所有的温柔和喜欢都砸到你身上了。

8. I don\'t like the world at all. I just like you我一点都不喜欢这个世界我只喜欢你

9. You're my baby.

10. 在这思念的季节总会想起你这位好朋友不知你近来可好深深祝福你快乐如意。

11. 你晶亮的眼睛,引燃了我青春的热情。

12. The most romantic and selfish thing in the world is: you are one of me世上最浪漫和最自私的话就是:你是我一个人的

13. 夜也念,无时不想念。

14. 看见你痛苦的脸庞,我的爱比大海还宽广。

15. 我觉得我有点花心,你每天的样子我都好喜欢。

16. Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be.执子之手,与子偕老。

17. Being with you is like walking on a very clear morning. 和你在一起就像在一个清爽的早晨漫步。

18. You're my goddess.

19. 佛说:前世的五百次回眸,才换来今生的擦肩而过。

20. you are my only love.你是我的最爱。

21. “Want to say too much to say to him\xxx“想说的话太多 一辈子慢慢给他说”

22. 事空空业空空想来想去就发疯。

23. You’re mine.

24. 七夕到了,祝情人节幸福快乐。

25. 有一些人,这一辈子都不会在一起,但是有一种感觉却可以藏在心里守一辈子。

26. 冬天,我愿意化作一个火炉,整天围绕你身旁,为你带去一丝温暖。

27. Let’s make a plan. Ten years from tonight, we’ll tell our kids the story of how I proposed to you. So will you take my hand and be my wife?

28. 因为你相信人生中有些机会只有一次,错过了的话,自己想要的东西就可能变成别人的了。

29. 有一种感觉总在失眠时,才承认是“相思”。

30. xxxI'm fond of you.xxx我喜欢你。

31. You’re my Prince Charming.

32. Love warms more than a thousand fires. 爱情的炽热胜过千万团的火。

33. You make my heart smile. 我的心因你而笑。

34. 花儿朵朵开,朵朵有人爱,要爱爱一朵,不要朵朵爱,实在朵朵爱,只好躲着爱,不能朵朵躲,只需躲一朵,实在没得躲,多朵就多朵。

35. I’ve had a crush on you for a long time.

36. You’re my everything.

37. 即使不然,那么我的心肝,我就吻你践踏过的泥土和灰尘。

38. 如果天有情,如果梦会灵,就让我的心爱到彻底,我对你的爱已无法说明,就象风吹不息,雨打不停,此情不渝。

39. 我难道的时候你在哪里?心痛的感觉令我麻痹,痛得我难以呼吸,却不敢告诉你。

40. xxxI'm rather partial to you.xxx我还蛮喜欢你的。

41. 当你看到这条短信的时候,我已经不再是你的男朋友了。

42. 一千次的激情,一千次莫名的承诺,一千次漂移的浪漫诗篇,是我对你一千次的表白,千回百度,依旧爱你。

43. How long will you love me?你会爱我多久?I did ,do and will love you.我的过去现在以及未来都是爱你的。

44. I’m addicted to you.

45. “我觉得以你现在的发展还有你的实力,应该可以找到更好的人,而我并不是那个对的人。

46. The man you can think of when you open your eyes must be in love.睁开眼就能想到的人一定是爱到骨子里了

47. 爱你旋风掀起层层“心浪”,爱你之情不必满天“搜索”,爱你今天发出我的“疼讯”:520,我爱你,给你把甜蜜“附加”,邀你把幸福“新建”。

48. There is no other.

49. 有情就去守,终究会相守。

50. Passionate love is a quenchless thirst. 热烈的爱情是不可抑制的渴望。

51. I’ve got a thing for you.

52. 不一定要日日相见,永存的是心心挂念:亲爱的,照顾好自己。

53. I can’t imagine growing old with anyone else, nor do I want to. Baby, I love you so much. Will you marry me?

54. You’re my baby.

55. 如果可以,我宁愿是个乞丐,从你的门前走过,我渴望,我的空碗能盛上你的爱。

56. xxxI kinda like you.xxx我挺喜欢你。

57. You've put a spell alt=xxxxxx/>

58. 一天我i不爱你死了,还剩谁?女:我爱你啊男:我也爱你真的爱你4在一个用洞洞组成心形的卡片上,用我们的针和线加上平常绣十字绣的针法,像绣十字绣一样绣X。

59. (三)你知道吗?我能从容的面对我的过去,是因为我的这个春天有你,所以现在我不再感到孤独了,我的心因为有了牵挂,有了让我思念的你,也不寂寞了,因为你使我感觉到了爱情的魅力。

60. We’re perfect for each other.

61. Shall we dance? At our wedding?

62. I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone.— The Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring

63. 我是喜欢你,可是我希望你可不可以不要把我当猴耍。

64. 故事简单,遇见的你,我刚好喜欢。

65. You’re my goddess.

66. 你为什么那么喜欢玩神庙逃亡xxxxxx因为我喜欢被人追xxxxxx可是追你的那些都是禽兽阿xxx心中的情感在泛滥,爱你在心口要开。

67. If I know what love is, it is because of you. 因为你,我懂得了爱。

68. You’re my sunshine.

69. Where there is great love, there are always miracles. 哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。

70. 嫁给我,风雨我陪,苦病我在,困难我来,有你有我,此生无悔。

71. You can’t deny what’s between us.

72. 孤寂,是无语在枕畔。

73. I can't imagine growing old with anyone else, nor do I want to. Baby, I love you so much. Will you marry me?

74. 情人节到了,陪你一直到老。

75. 是我去到世界尽头也想回来的地方。

76. Let's make a plan. Ten years from tonight, we'll tell our kids the story of how I proposed to you. So will you take my hand and be my wife?

77. We complete each other.

78. I\'m different from others. I\'m yours“ 别人再好都是别人的 我不一样 我是你的 ”

79. 我们的距离,只有一颗心的距离,你中有我,我中有你。

80. You will never age for me, nor fade, nor die.— Shakespeare in Love

81. 我自是年少,韶华倾负。

82. I can’t live without you.

83. 火拥抱了木头,木头微笑着化为灰烬。

84. Theworldisfullofflavors.Thankyouforthesweetness.两室两厅都是你的,你在我心里没有邻居。

85. xxxYou're not ba


86. When love is not madness, it is not love. 如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。

87. You're my everything.

88. I'm addicted to you.

89. 因为有爱,才会有期待,所以纵使失望,也是一种幸福,虽然这种幸福有点痛。

90. 我只要你,疼我、爱我、永恒的疼爱。

91. 我自私的爱你,但我不会靠近你,更不能依偎你。

92. 你是温馨的梦境,每晚拥我眠。

93. Jules, will you marry me?

94. You mean the world to me.

95. 你听着,从现在起,你就是我的专属了。

96. Handsomeman,letmepretendtobeforcedbyashoulder.爱你就是一颗心装两扇门,一个你一个我。

97. You are my sweet-heart.你是我的宝贝。

98. For you, a thousand times over.为你,千千万万遍。

99. You're my angel.


