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英文句子感情 篇一

Love and Longing in English Sentences

In the realm of language, few things can evoke emotions as powerfully as a well-crafted sentence. English, with its rich vocabulary and expressive syntax, provides a plethora of opportunities to convey feelings of love and longing. From classic literature to modern poetry, here are a few examples of English sentences that capture the essence of these emotions.

1. "I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you." - Roy Croft

This sentence beautifully encapsulates the depth of love and the transformative power it holds. It expresses the idea that love goes beyond superficial qualities and embraces the profound connection and personal growth experienced in a relationship.

2. "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways." - Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Taken from Sonnet 43, this line reflects the yearning and devotion one feels towards their beloved. It suggests an infinite love that cannot be contained or measured, emphasizing the intensity and depth of emotions.

3. "Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind." - William Shakespeare

Shakespeare, known for his profound understanding of human emotions, highlights the idea that love transcends physical appearances. By suggesting that love is blind, he implies that it is a force that operates beyond the realm of sight, emphasizing the power of emotional connection.

4. "Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs." - William Shakespeare

In this sentence, Shakespeare uses vivid imagery to describe the ethereal nature of love. By comparing love to smoke, he suggests that it is intangible and elusive, often accompanied by longing and yearning.

5. "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud." - 1 Corinthians 13:4

This sentence, taken from the Bible, presents a timeless definition of love. It portrays love as a virtue that encompasses patience, kindness, and humility. It captures the essence of selfless and unconditional love.

English sentences have the power to evoke a wide range of emotions, and when it comes to love and longing, the possibilities are endless. Whether found in literature, poetry, or everyday conversations, these sentences have the ability to resonate with readers and listeners, stirring up their own emotions and experiences.

英文句子感情 篇二

Hope and Despair in English Sentences

In the realm of language, emotions of hope and despair find their expression through well-crafted sentences. English, with its diverse vocabulary and nuanced grammar, offers a multitude of ways to convey these contrasting feelings. From famous speeches to poignant quotes, here are a few examples of English sentences that encapsulate the essence of hope and despair.

1. "Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul." - Emily Dickinson

This line from Emily Dickinson's poem portrays hope as a delicate creature that resides within the depths of one's soul. It suggests that hope is an ever-present force that can uplift and guide individuals even in the darkest of times.

2. "It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness." - Eleanor Roosevelt

This sentence, often attributed to Eleanor Roosevelt, reflects the power of hope in the face of despair. It encourages individuals to take action and bring about positive change rather than succumbing to negativity and pessimism.

3. "The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places." - Ernest Hemingway

Hemingway's sentence captures the resilience of the human spirit amidst despair. It suggests that even in moments of profound brokenness, individuals have the capacity to heal and emerge stronger than before.

4. "The darkest hour is just before the dawn." - Thomas Fuller

This quote conveys the idea that even in the midst of despair, there is always the potential for hope and a brighter future. It serves as a reminder to hold on during difficult times, as a new beginning may be just around the corner.

5. "There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in." - Leonard Cohen

Cohen's sentence suggests that even in the most broken and imperfect aspects of life, there is still room for hope and redemption. It highlights the transformative power of hope, which has the ability to bring light into the darkest of places.

English sentences have the ability to evoke profound emotions, and when it comes to hope and despair, their impact is undeniable. Whether found in literature, speeches, or everyday conversations, these sentences have the power to resonate with individuals and provide solace or inspiration in times of need.

英文句子感情 篇三

1. 总有那么一些人,那么犀利的说出我从不敢言的痛。

2. 最困惑人心的,是感情。最感动人生的,是感情。

3. 孤单身旁还有寂寞相陪,我的旁边始终空如从前。

4. 我们最大的错,就是相遇的那一刻、没有擦肩而过。

5. 这些年,那些事,如今,我始终一个人,独自行走。

6. 有些痛,说不出来,只能忍着,直到能够慢慢淡忘。

7. 在我最需要你们的帮助时候,没有一个人在身边。

8. 我不想逃,平静就好,我知道你的味道抹也抹不失。

9. 我喜欢你,没有什么特别的理由,就是喜欢。

10. 很多事情就是这样,只要它存在,就永远都避不去。

11. 距离,产生的不是美,而是诠释了不堪一击的爱情。

12. 所有爱着的人,爱过的人,都做着同一件事,犯贱。

13. 爱情就像一部影片,影片结束时,所以人都会散去。

14. 不是所有都可以问为什么,不是所有都可以说对不起。

15. 原来我的愿望就那么少,醒来时候有你撒娇。

16. 下次可不可以换你褪去一身骄傲,喜欢我到疯掉。

17. 我说那是情绪的宣泄,你们却说那是无知的表现。

18. 突然就难过了,不知道是为了从前,还是因为现在!

19. 除了眼泪,我们还剩下什么,一堆惨不忍睹的残骸。

20. 出现第三者的爱情,说明那一段爱情应该结束了。

21. 我又不缺朋友,不是男朋友什么都别做了。

22. 最深最重的爱,必须和时日一起成长。

23. 没有完全合适的两个人,只有互相迁就的两颗心。

24. 当现实抬手给你一巴掌的时候你应该和他击个掌。

25. 从此他夺走了我的一切,而我却是那么的心甘情愿。

26. 你的过去,我真的放不下,我恨自己遇见你太晚。

27. 有时候,我们不要想太多,顺着自己的心意就好了。

28. 有些话别烂在心里,趁我还在,趁我还爱,说出口吧。

29. 只是想你了、只是想抱你了、只是却是你不在了。

30. 无条件的付出,没前提的信任,我所理解的深爱。

31. 有一种人:上午是包公,中午是关公,下午是济公。

32. 如果,你给我的和给别人的一样,那我宁愿不要了。

33. 女人喜欢长得坏坏的男人,不是喜欢长坏了的男人。

34. 一种游戏,一种规则。玩得起,继续;玩不起,出局。

35. 我怀念的是无话不说,我怀念的是曾经美好的时光。

36. 姑娘你是否昂首挺胸不低头,不轻易把眼里流给狗。

37. 大家好,我是xxx。我的爱好和特长有很多,本人擅长Ai、Fw、Fl、Br、Ae、Pr、Id、Ps等软件的安装与卸载,精通CSS、JavaScript、PHP、ASP、C、C++、C#、Java、Ruby、Perl、Lisp、python、Objective-C、ActionScript、Pasc...

38. 如果不要我,请离开我,留下,只是继续令我难过。

39. 多想有一个人,就算把命丢了,也不会把我丢了。

40. 如果有一天我们变陌生了,那么我就重新认识你。


