
时间:2012-06-01 02:25:38
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我年少的梦想英语作文 篇一

My Childhood Dream

When I was young, I had a dream – to become a professional dancer. I was deeply fascinated by the graceful movements and the beauty of dance. Every time I watched a ballet performance, I was captivated by the dancers' elegance and flexibility. I would often imagine myself being on stage, performing with passion and grace. This dream ignited a fire within me and pushed me to work hard and pursue my passion.

I started taking dance lessons at a local dance academy when I was just seven years old. My parents were very supportive and encouraged me to follow my dreams. I practiced for hours every day, perfecting my technique and learning new choreographies. I attended various dance workshops and competitions to further enhance my skills and gain exposure.

As the years went by, my love for dance grew stronger. I was fortunate enough to be accepted into a prestigious ballet school, where I received professional training from experienced instructors. The demanding schedule and rigorous training were challenging, but I was determined to succeed. I pushed myself to the limit, always striving for perfection.

With each performance, I gained more confidence and became more connected to the art of dance. I felt a sense of liberation and expression whenever I danced. It was my way of communicating with the world, expressing my emotions, and telling stories without uttering a single word. The stage became my sanctuary, and the applause from the audience fueled my passion even more.

However, as I grew older, reality started to set in. I realized that pursuing a career in dance would be challenging and uncertain. The competition in the dance industry is fierce, and only a few make it to the top. I began to question whether my dream was realistic or if it was just a childish fantasy.

Despite the doubts and uncertainties, I couldn't let go of my dream. Dance had become an integral part of my identity, and giving up on it would mean giving up on a part of myself. I knew that even if I didn't become a professional dancer, I would always find joy and fulfillment in expressing myself through movement.

Today, I am still pursuing my dream of becoming a professional dancer. I have learned to embrace the challenges and setbacks that come along the way. I believe that as long as I continue to work hard, stay dedicated, and never lose sight of my passion, I can make my childhood dream a reality.

My childhood dream of becoming a dancer has shaped me into the person I am today. It has taught me the value of perseverance, discipline, and self-expression. No matter where my journey takes me, I will always cherish the memories of my childhood dream and the lessons it has taught me.


我年少的梦想英语作文 篇二

My Childhood Dream: To be a Writer

From a very young age, I had a dream – to become a writer. I was always captivated by the power of words and the ability to create worlds and characters through storytelling. I would spend hours immersed in books, letting my imagination run wild. The idea of being able to create my own stories and share them with others filled me with excitement and inspiration.

As I grew older, my love for writing only intensified. I started keeping a journal and writing short stories in my free time. I would often enter writing competitions and eagerly await the results, hoping to see my name in print. The joy and satisfaction that came from seeing my words come to life on paper were indescribable.

In school, I excelled in English and literature classes. I would eagerly participate in writing assignments, pouring my heart and soul into every word. My teachers recognized my passion and talent for writing and encouraged me to pursue it further. Their words of encouragement fueled my determination to make my childhood dream a reality.

I enrolled in creative writing courses and joined writing clubs to further develop my skills. I would spend countless hours honing my craft, seeking feedback from others, and constantly striving to improve. Writing became not just a hobby but a way of life for me.

As I embarked on my journey to become a writer, I faced many challenges and obstacles. The road to success in the writing industry is not an easy one. Rejection letters became a regular occurrence, and self-doubt crept in from time to time. However, I refused to let these setbacks deter me. I knew that every great writer faced rejection and criticism at some point, and I was determined to persevere.

Through hard work, dedication, and a never-ending passion for writing, I started to see my dreams come true. I had my first short story published in a literary magazine, and gradually, more of my work found its way into publications. The positive feedback and encouragement from readers further fueled my determination to succeed.

Today, I am proud to call myself a writer. I have published several short stories and articles, and I continue to work on my first novel. Writing has become not just a dream but a part of who I am. It allows me to express myself, share my thoughts and experiences, and connect with others on a deeper level.

My childhood dream of becoming a writer has taught me the importance of perseverance, self-expression, and the power of dreams. It has shown me that with passion, dedication, and hard work, anything is possible. I am grateful for the opportunities that writing has brought into my life and excited to see where this journey will take me.

In conclusion, our childhood dreams have a significant impact on our lives. They shape our aspirations, drive us to work harder, and bring us joy and fulfillment. Whether we achieve them or not, our dreams remind us of the power of imagination and the limitless possibilities that lie within us.

我年少的梦想英语作文 篇三

  People, always have to learn to look at something, always can't have been sitting back, kind like animals look for food.

  According to your agreement, I set foot on his journey, the road for me, is the most beautiful one, I won't regret my choice, I would never regret. I firmly believe that no matter what difficulties I will overcome.

  The exam, I am very failure, I really suffered a big blow, but I believe I still have my dream, I will get up again. From long time ago there was a firm belief in the support me, just because the belief, so I'll be strong.

  Everyone is a dream, what's your dream? The doctor, civilian politicians and rich... No matter what the dream, that is the source of power to each of us. Maybe now we dream is very far away, but I still believe that there will be a realization of that day of, for that we are in different places, different jobs.

  The power of a dream is like the morning sun, warm, calm and serene. The sun is beautiful is far-fetched, but the sun is truly, truly, we feel, based on the pursuit of light, to the dream, we in the journey of life left many beautiful memories, that is worth collect carefully of the treasure.

  Out of our own road, this is a best way.

我年少的梦想英语作文 篇四

  That's one thing when I was in fifth grade, I went to my good friend's home. My good friend said: "you take cosmetics?" I pick up what they brought and said: "of course! What time I don't take something." My best friend (friend) eyes are quick narrowed into a crack, say again: "good and pleased, you help me to make-up bai, my mom said you give me picture looks very nice. The last time that sootiness makeup, my mother look at the picture you gave me, said still want you to give her picture!" I'm just shy, didn't say half sentence. I see I said no girlfriends, and show MOE, said: "good, your picture for me." I really have no way, said 1: "good good, give you a picture, okay? And besides, what time I can't give you up?" 1 then we all laughed.

我年少的梦想英语作文 篇五

  To realize my dream, there must be: the wings of the imagination, fly me to the imaginary space, search what you want; Sufficient sunshine, the sun of knowledge of his own dreams. Iron will to have a dream go to oneself, the will to go forward; Ten very passion, with passion will do better...

  I want for my dream to open a road, no matter how tornadoes, still have the storm, I will go forward. If, on the road have a handicap stone, tripped me, I also want to endure pain, walking through the road. I want to learn the reds lawn, climbing snow-capped mountains that the spirit of courage.

  Dream, let the earth; Dream, let the plateau becomes shorter; Dream, let skyscrapers; Travel dream, let a person be in sky... Change everything, dream, dream all achievement, all beautiful...

我年少的梦想英语作文 篇六

  The New Year is coming and I have good wishes for the coming year.Firstly, I hope my families will be happy and in good health. I want my father has more free time to company my mother and I. I don’t want him work so hard all the time.Secondly, I wish myself can have a good year and do well in my study.Study is my priority now and I hope I can work hard and make progress.Finally, I want a new computer for my study and enjoyment.As I learn more in school, a computer is necessary.When I am free, I want to play computer games or search the Internet.I think my father would buy it for me.What are your wishes for next year?


