
时间:2019-09-01 07:26:32
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以感动为题的英语作文 篇一

Title: A Touching Gesture


Last week, I witnessed a heartwarming incident that touched my heart deeply. It was a typical Monday morning rush hour when I saw an elderly man struggling to carry a heavy bag up the stairs at the subway station. His face was filled with exhaustion and despair as he tried to lift the bag onto his shoulders.

Suddenly, a young woman who was also waiting for the subway approached the elderly man. Without hesitation, she offered to carry the bag for him. Her kindness caught the attention of several other commuters who stopped to watch the scene unfold. Together, they helped the elderly man carry his bag up the stairs and onto the platform.

The sight of strangers coming together to help someone in need was truly touching. It reminded me of the power of compassion and the impact a simple act of kindness can have on someone's life. In that moment, I realized that we are all capable of making a difference, no matter how small it may seem.

This incident also made me reflect on the importance of empathy and understanding in our society. Often, we are so caught up in our own lives and problems that we forget to look out for others. However, this young woman's selfless act served as a reminder that we should always be willing to lend a helping hand to those around us, regardless of their age or background.

As I boarded the subway that day, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for witnessing such a touching gesture. It restored my faith in humanity and reminded me of the goodness that exists in the world. I hope that this incident serves as a reminder to all of us to be more compassionate and understanding towards others, and to never underestimate the impact of a small act of kindness.


以感动为题的英语作文 篇二

Title: The Power of a Hug


A few months ago, I experienced a truly touching moment that reaffirmed my belief in the power of human connection. It was a cold winter evening, and I was walking home after a long day at work. As I passed by a park, I noticed a homeless man sitting alone on a bench, shivering in the freezing temperature.

Unable to ignore his suffering, I approached him and offered him my coat. He gratefully accepted it, and we started talking. He shared with me his struggles and the hardships he had faced. Listening to his story, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of empathy for him.

Without thinking, I instinctively reached out and gave him a hug. In that moment, I felt a connection between us that transcended our differences. It was a simple gesture, but it conveyed a message of compassion and understanding that words alone could not express.

As we hugged, I could feel the warmth of our embrace spreading through both of us. It was as if, for a brief moment, the weight of the world was lifted off his shoulders. The homeless man looked at me with tears in his eyes and thanked me for showing him kindness and treating him like a human being.

That encounter taught me that sometimes all it takes is a small act of kindness to make a significant impact on someone's life. A simple hug can provide comfort, solace, and a sense of belonging. It reminded me that we all crave human connection and that our actions, no matter how small, can have a profound effect on others.

From that day on, I made a pledge to myself to be more aware of those around me and to offer support and kindness whenever possible. The power of a hug taught me that we all have the ability to make a difference in someone's life, and it starts with genuine human connection.

In conclusion, these two incidents serve as a reminder of the importance of empathy, compassion, and human connection in our lives. Whether it is helping a stranger carry a heavy bag or offering a hug to someone in need, these acts of kindness have the power to touch hearts and inspire positive change. Let us remember to always be open to the needs of others and to never underestimate the impact of a simple act of kindness.

以感动为题的英语作文 篇三

  Person's life, will encounter a lot of people. Some of them will make you good with education. Once upon a time, there was a dustman education to me.

  A summer of last year, a heavy rain just in the past, the dark clouds in the sky hasn't cleared. Because I promised to the partner to her house to play, so have to come out. Deep water on the road, I carefully from low water slowly moving forward. Suddenly, I saw a dustman bent down to doing, approached a look, see his hair disheveled, small without god's eyes, flat nose, disproportionately in a wrinkled face. He is wearing a yellow short on existing, dressed in a gray pants. He rolled up his sleeves and are stretched out his hand to pay with garbage. Water is very dirty, the sewer has a terrible smell, but I don't know, he is altogether clear low head carefully. A respect from my heart arises spontaneously, so I slowed his steps, walked slowly from him.

  I walked to the crossroads, look to the cleaners could not help but look back, only to see a angry sight: a high school student looking boy, wearing new clothes, carrying bag, riding a bicycle from cleaner quickly the rushing water, splashed all over the cleaner water. The dustman stood up, with tiny eyes looked at the high school has gone, blank face the inexplicable look - is angry? But soon he smiled again, seems to understand the mood of the high school students are eager to go to school. He didn't say any words, bent down and continue to clean up the garbage.

  See these, I can't help but think: in some people's eyes dustman working very lowly, they very don't respect to cleaners. However, I think that cleaners work as well as worke

rs, farmers, the teacher is noble, their obscurity, selfless dedication, misunderstood and injustice, without complaining.

  Cleaners education me, let me know how to be in the future.

以感动为题的英语作文 篇四

  People often say: "a rain of a cold", accompanied by crisp school bell clouds is more and more deep, press the person breathe to, a sudden wind hit. In an instant, whip like rain poured down and under.

  I stood on the balcony, looking out at the sheeting rain, some at a loss, in I turned to leave when the street lights lit, in the night, a tree of golden brilliant into my sight, it is so bright; so bright, that moment, I stay, watching the fairy tale of the golden tree, rushing quivered leaves, I suddenly have a kind of impulse to teaI always thought that autumn, leaves, only represents the desolate and the vicissitudes of life; die and desolate; exhausted and helpless. Today, this bright suddenly gave me a strong feeling. I drunk in her elegant, refined; I'm addicted to the luxury of autumn.

  Every day in the future, I will leave a little time for the tree, regardless of how the weather, the weather, I will be with it to a heart, until one day, I saw a middle-aged man wearing blue clothes with a pair of scissors in the tree, I will go over and asked: "what are you doing, you can not be wasted.A tree and a man, dedicated almost stubbornly station in there, with a full branch of golden, strong in the wind stand. Wind, showers, snowstorm, exposure, they with their share of the persistent we display the brilliance of life. Often so, my heart will have a surge of heat flowing through.

以感动为题的英语作文 篇五

  Open the gate of memory, there is always one thing that moves me for a long time.

  It was last summer vacation. My mother and I went back to Weifang from Beijing by train. It was more than ten o'clock in the evening when I got on the bus. We soon found our seats. I sit by the window and enjoy the beautiful night scene. Looking at this prosperous city, I have a trace of nostalgia in my heart.

  My eyes gradually turned to the inside of the car. At this time, I saw a big sister walking around in the train, constantly asking others what. I asked the people around me to know that the old sister would vomit when she was in the opposite seat of the train, but this one was left when she bought the ticket, and because there was something urgent at home, she had to go back tomorrow, so she bought it. But she didn't expect the seat to be in the opposite direction of travel, so she wanted to change seats with others.

  My mother and I will not change because our seats are in the same direction as hers. At that time, an uncle opposite us stood up and said to the elder sister, "Alas! Come to me! " The elder sister even said thank you, so she sat there, and the uncle also sat in her seat.

  I stayed up late because I was excited. The big sister on the other side has slept. She sleeps very sweet. While the uncle was drinking a kind of medicine, I couldn't help glancing at it - "carsickness medicine"! I was very strange, so I asked: "uncle, why do you drink medicine when you are not carsick?" The uncle smiled: "in fact, I am the same as the girl, but I also have carsickness medicine. I originally bought a seat in the same direction as the train to prevent myself from suffering, but it's hard to see the child, young... "

  As Ji Xianlin wrote: "everyone for me, I for everyone. I think it's quite intriguing. " There is a feeling in my heart, which is moving.

以感动为题的英语作文 篇六

  My childhood life records many things that moved me. I was touched by passers-by's behavior, by my classmates and friends, by my relatives In the ocean of my memory, there is only one touching sweet feeling in my heart.

  Ice hockey is my favorite sport. I am now the main player of the sunshine ice hockey team. Every time I enter the ice rink, I am very excited. I can feel the infinite passion of the whole ice rink.

  Our ice hockey training is very hard. When I am tired, I always slide back to the lounge quickly and sit on the chair. At this time, my mother will help me wipe sweat naturally and hand me a water cup. I drink it with a big mouth. Most of the bottles of water will be gone in a short time. When the coach's bugle rang, I grabbed my mother's helmet, put it on my head and galloped to the ice rink Every time, I take it for granted.

  This Sunday, I went to ice hockey training as usual. When I succeeded in attacking and defending a key goal and turned my head to show off to my mother, I found that my mother was curling up with her hands crossed in front of her chest and walking back and forth At that time, I was shocked. Was my mother curled up in the cold? At this time, my mother and I ran into each other's eyes. I found that my mother straightened up again, pretended to be OK, and gave me a brilliant smile, so I also responded to my thoughtful smile. At this time, the whistle sounded and the intermission was over I slowly slid out of the ice rink. My mother took off the ice hockey cap and handed me a towel according to the usual skillful way. The dry towel was wet after several times. Then a glass of water was sent to me. I held my mother's hand and was surprised to find that it was colder than the water. I smiled bravely and wanted to cry I have been holding my mother's hand without loosening. I hope my warm little hand can quickly warm my mother's cold hands and convey my moving mood to my mother. At this time, I think of the scene when we just entered the ice field. My mother stooped and struggled to carry my big and heavy ice hockey equipment bag step by step. I tried to help my mother several times, but my mother always found an excuse to say, save some energy to play ice hockey, and I will not insist. Now in retrospect, my mother has paid so much for me, but I have never noticed it. I am very ashamed

  I think the unselfish love my mother gave me is the touch that I will always remember.


