
时间:2018-04-03 02:42:19
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寒假计划英语范文初一 篇一:我的寒假计划

As the winter break approaches, I have made a plan for my holiday. I believe that a well-organized schedule will help me make the most of my time and ensure that I have a fulfilling and enjoyable vacation.

Firstly, I plan to spend some quality time with my family. During the busy school year, I have limited time to communicate with my parents and siblings. Therefore, I want to make use of the holiday to strengthen our bond. We will have meals together, watch movies, and play games. Moreover, I will help my parents with household chores, such as cleaning and cooking. By doing so, I can not only show my gratitude but also learn some practical skills.

Secondly, I aim to improve my academic performance during the winter break. I will review the subjects that I find challenging and seek additional help if needed. In particular, I want to focus on my English skills. I plan to read English books, watch English movies, and practice speaking with my classmates who are also interested in improving their English. These activities will not only enhance my language proficiency but also broaden my horizons.

Furthermore, I want to engage in some physical activities to stay fit and healthy. I will go for a jog every morning and participate in outdoor sports with my friends, such as basketball and badminton. Besides, I plan to try some new activities like ice skating and skiing. These activities will not only keep me physically active but also bring me joy and excitement.

Lastly, I want to use my free time to pursue my hobbies and interests. I enjoy drawing and painting, so I will spend some time practicing my artistic skills. I will also try some DIY projects and create handmade crafts. Additionally, I want to learn to play a musical instrument. I have always been fascinated by the piano, so I plan to take some online lessons to get started.

In conclusion, my winter break plan includes spending time with family, improving my academic performance, engaging in physical activities, and pursuing my hobbies. I believe that by following this plan, I will have a meaningful and rewarding vacation. I am excited to embark on this journey and make the most of my time off.

寒假计划英语范文初一 篇二:我的寒假旅行计划

Winter break is just around the corner, and I have been looking forward to it for a long time. This year, I have planned an exciting trip with my family, which I believe will be an unforgettable experience.

We have decided to visit a famous tourist destination in our country – the Great Wall. It is an iconic landmark that represents the history and culture of China. We will spend a few days exploring different sections of the Great Wall, taking in the breathtaking views and learning about its significance. I am particularly excited about hiking along the wall and capturing beautiful photos of the scenery.

After visiting the Great Wall, we will travel to another city known for its rich history and cultural heritage – Xi'an. Xi'an is home to the Terracotta Army, an archaeological site consisting of thousands of life-sized statues. We will have the opportunity to witness this incredible historical site and learn about the ancient civilization that created it. In addition, we will visit other famous attractions in Xi'an, such as the Big Wild Goose Pagoda and the Muslim Quarter.

Apart from visiting historical sites, we also plan to immerse ourselves in the local culture. We will try traditional Chinese cuisine, such as dumplings and hot pot, and participate in cultural activities, such as paper cutting and calligraphy. I am excited to learn more about the customs and traditions of different regions in our country.

During our trip, we will stay in comfortable hotels and enjoy the local hospitality. We will also take the opportunity to relax and rejuvenate ourselves after a busy school semester. I am looking forward to spending quality time with my family, creating lasting memories together.

In conclusion, my winter break travel plan includes visiting the Great Wall, exploring the historical sites in Xi'an, and immersing ourselves in the local culture. I am excited about this adventure and the opportunity to learn and explore. I believe that this trip will not only be a fun and enjoyable experience but also an educational one. I can't wait to embark on this journey with my family and make the most of my winter break.

寒假计划英语范文初一 篇三

How time flies(时间过得真快),unconsciously(不知不觉地) the next winter vacation (寒假)will soon order to improve(提高) myself as well as enjoy a happy holiday,I made the winter vacation plan.

Firstly i want to continue with my study,i think study is a life process,so no matter what the situation I am in,i will look for chances to continue have bought several new books ,including those books on my major(专业)and some novels ,I will try to finish reading them in the holiday and write notes.

Secondly,since it is the holiday,I will share it with my family and friends .You know the spring festival will soon come, I believe I would chatting and play games with my friends and family .I think I will enjoy the vacation.

寒假计划英语范文初一 篇四

Read a lot. Reading breaks thousands of volumes, and writing is like God. Good writing is inseparable from a lot of reading. In view of the fact that I feel my knowledge is not rich enough this semester, I plan to xxxrechargexxx myself by reading a lot during the winter vacation. I plan to read several famous Chinese works completely, such as outlaws of the marsh, journey to the West and so on. Although these masterpieces are relatively thick, I want to try to read them. It's best to read them with picture plates to understand the basic contents of the masterpieces. In addition, I also plan to make good use of the practical digest I subscribe to and strive to read all the good articles above. Through reading, I can enrich my knowledge, vocabulary and vision.

Write actively. Teachers and parents often tell me that if I want to write a good composition, I can't just read, nor can I just copy and write good words and sentences. Only a lot of xxxpractical combatxxx can I gain more experience. Therefore, I want to write more articles and keep a diary during the winter vacation. In my father's words, I want to manage my school ICT blog and increase the number of blog posts.

Proper entertainment. I think we primary school students should pay attention to the combination of work and rest. Just doing homework is not enough. We should appropriately relax ourselves, watch TV, surf the Internet and chat with friends. We should ensure that we go out for exercise and activities for more than an hour every day.

These three things I think should be completed. Finally, I need to finish my homework carefully. Of course, I dare not forget this. We must reasonably arrange the time and strive to complete the winter vacation homework assigned by the teacher in advance.

How about my plan!

寒假计划英语范文初一 篇五

My winter vacation plan, my winter vacation plan, my English study, I will study English hard, insist on listening to English for half an hour every day, I will finish the best school homework arranged by the teacher at the fastest speed. Of course, I will not forget to exercise. I can take part in the fitness exercise on time every day to spare time.

I can play a computer to make sure I can spare a short period of time and watch a conference call It only takes an hour, of course. This is my winter vacation plan.



寒假计划英语范文初一 篇六

The winter vacation lasted more than half a month, and the time was not very long, so I decided to hurry up to do my homework. Usually, I plan to have a composition class in the morning, rest at noon, get up in the afternoon, write 1-2 test papers, and then do xxxhappy winter vacationxxx and other holiday homework. If I have more time, I will read extra-curricular books, newspapers and magazines, and watch news broadcast in the evening, and then my father will take me home to have a rest. In the past few days of the Chinese new year, I'm going to my mother-in-law's house on New Year's Eve, first day and second day. On the third day of junior high school, our family went to Yangzhou, and on the fifth day, we went to Yizheng to buy some clothes. I think this year's winter vacation is not as long as the summer vacation. We need to pay close attention to it. Otherwise, I'm afraid the holidays are over and there are a lot of homework. I hope this kind of thing will not happen. In addition, because I pay close attention to my homework, I also combine work and rest. Don't just do my homework.

In addition, there is the safety problem of shooting. In recent years, many people have been injured by shooting. For some reasons, if I shoot during the new year, I must be careful and be careful. Don't be bombed. I take the injury to school at the beginning of school. I hope I can have a good winter vacation and welcome the arrival of the new semester.


