勇敢的小英雄杰克寓言故事 篇一
Once upon a time in a faraway land, there was a little village called Meadowbrook. In this village, there lived a courageous young boy named Jack. Jack was known for his bravery and fearlessness, and he was always ready to help those in need.
One sunny morning, a terrible storm hit Meadowbrook. The wind was howling, and the rain was pouring down heavily. The villagers were scared and sought shelter in their homes. But as the storm grew stronger, they realized that their little village was in danger of being flooded.
Without hesitation, Jack sprang into action. He put on his raincoat and boots and grabbed a sturdy rope. With the rope in hand, he started running towards the nearby forest, where a river flowed through. Jack knew that if he could divert the water from the river, he could save Meadowbrook from flooding.
As Jack reached the river, he saw that it was overflowing and rushing towards the village. He quickly tied one end of the rope to a tree and jumped into the raging water, holding onto the other end of the rope tightly. With all his strength, Jack pulled the rope, creating a makeshift dam to redirect the water away from the village.
The villagers watched in awe as Jack fought against the powerful current. They were amazed at his bravery and determination. Despite the danger, Jack never gave up. He kept pulling and tugging, inch by inch, until finally, the water began to recede.
The storm eventually passed, and the villagers came out of their homes to thank Jack. They praised him for his bravery and named him the hero of Meadowbrook. Jack blushed with pride but remained humble. He knew that it was the courage and unity of the villagers that helped them overcome the disaster.
From that day on, Jack became a symbol of bravery in Meadowbrook. Children aspired to be like him, and the villagers looked up to him for guidance and inspiration. But Jack never let the fame get to his head. He continued to help others and protect his village whenever they were in need.
The story of Jack's bravery and selflessness spread far and wide. People from neighboring villages came to hear his tale, and he became a legend in the land. But Jack's heart remained in Meadowbrook, where he would forever be remembered as the little hero who saved the village from the flood.
And so, the courageous young boy, Jack, became a symbol of hope and bravery, reminding everyone that even the smallest of heroes can make a big difference.
勇敢的小英雄杰克寓言故事 篇二
Deep in the heart of the enchanted forest, there lived a young boy named Jack. Jack was no ordinary boy. He possessed the power to communicate with animals and had a special bond with the creatures of the forest.
One day, as Jack was exploring the forest, he came across a wounded deer. The poor creature had fallen into a trap set by hunters and was in great pain. Jack could feel the deer's distress and knew he had to help.
Using his gentle touch, Jack freed the deer from the trap and nursed its wounds. He spoke softly to the deer, comforting it with his words. The deer looked into Jack's eyes and seemed to understand his every word.
As Jack cared for the deer, he noticed a group of animals gathering around them. There was a wise old owl, a playful squirrel, a curious fox, and many more. They had all witnessed Jack's act of kindness and wanted to show their gratitude.
The animals decided to hold a meeting to discuss how they could repay Jack for his selfless deed. The wise old owl suggested that they grant Jack a special power, a power that would enable him to protect the forest from any harm.
And so, it was decided. Each animal contributed a part of their essence to create a pendant, which they presented to Jack. The pendant glowed with a magical aura, signifying the power it held. From that day on, Jack became the guardian of the enchanted forest.
With his newfound power, Jack was able to protect the forest from any danger that came its way. He could summon the animals of the forest to aid him in times of need. Together, they ensured the safety of the trees, the rivers, and all the creatures that called the forest their home.
Word of Jack's powers spread throughout the land, and people came from far and wide to seek his help. But Jack remained humble and only used his powers for the greater good of the forest. He taught others the importance of respecting nature and living in harmony with all living beings.
As the years went by, Jack grew older, but his love for the forest never wavered. He continued to protect and care for the enchanted forest, passing on his wisdom to the younger generation.
And so, the story of the brave young boy, Jack, became a legend. His name was spoken with reverence, and his deeds were celebrated by all. But Jack remained a humble guardian, forever grateful for the bond he shared with the animals and the enchanted forest.
For as long as the forest thrived, Jack's spirit would live on, a testament to the power of love, kindness, and the unbreakable bond between humans and nature.
勇敢的小英雄杰克寓言故事 篇三
在一个美丽富饶的乡村里,人们一直过着幸福平静的生活。可是,不久 前突然来了一个可怕的巨人——柯尔莫伦。他就住在村外不远的一个山洞 里。他又凶狠又贪心,每天一清早,就到路上找东西吃,人、羊、鹅、猪、 狗,他都吃。
有一天,一个村民赶着一车蘑菇,想拉到市场去卖,当他走过山洞附近 的时候,巨人一把抓起他,连同马一起吞了下去,甚至连赶车的鞭子也没留 下。他就是这样一个贪得无厌的魔鬼。 这里的村民们非常胆小,自从这件事发生以后,他们经常给他送去许多 鸡和猪,并且还请求似地说: “柯尔莫伦先生,请您吃吧!”
柯尔莫伦现在胖得像干草垛那样,他已经用不着到路边去拿吃的了,他 现在整天躺在山洞里,要吃什么,只要吼叫一声就可以了:“喂,老头,你快过来,我现在要吃掉你!”
要是柯尔莫伦活上一千年,就要把我、你、我们大家全部吃光。幸好这 里有一个叫做杰克的孩子。杰克人虽小,但很勇敢,他天不怕地不怕。他决 心要惩罚巨人,要吹掉他的头。
有一天清晨,当村民们还在睡梦中的时候,杰克就悄悄地起床了。他扛 着父亲用的铁铲,轻轻地向巨人柯尔莫伦住的山洞走去,来到山洞口就开始 掘一个坑。柯尔莫伦听见洞口有声音,就大声 嚷道: “外面是什么人?!在干什么?”
杰克不回答,他藏进了灌木丛里,耐心地等待巨人再次入睡后,他再干。 巨人没发现什么动静,就在草垫上翻了个身又睡着了。杰克便又开始了他的 工作。巨人柯尔莫伦非常地贪睡,而且根本 不会想到有人敢在他的洞穴外给 他挖坟墓。所以杰克挖了整整一天他都没发觉。杰克将坑挖好,已是深夜了。 他拿来了树枝铺在上面,然后盖上一层雪,把挖好的坑伪装得像平地一般。 杰克完工后,就开始准备把巨人柯尔莫伦骗出洞来,好让他自己掉入陷阱。 他来到洞口边大声喊道: “喂!该死的柯尔莫伦,你该起来了!”
他还拾了一块大石头,朝巨人的额头上扔去。巨人大怒,从洞里跳了出 来,他看见杰克,恨不得立刻把他撕成碎块吞了。但他怎么也没有想到,会 掉进一个不知几时才能出来的坑里!
柯尔莫伦暴跳如雷,企图想从坑里跳出来,但这是不可能的了,杰克把 坑挖得很深,很深。他每跳一次都要跌得头破血流。他起先还会叫骂,用拳 头威胁杰克。但杰克根本不理睬它。后来,巨人哭了,苦苦哀求杰克放他出 来!
“我不相信!”杰克回答,“你是一个又凶狠又贪婪的吃人魔鬼,这就 是对你罪恶的报答!”
接着,杰克砍下了他的头。这个消息一会儿就传遍了整个山村。村民都 非常高兴。
“谢谢你,勇敢的杰克,谢谢你救了我们!”村里的男女老少是多么的 感激他呵!他们拥抱他,吻他。姑娘们把自己的绸腰带送给他,上面还绣着:“献给战胜巨人柯尔莫伦、最有力量、最勇敢的.英雄——杰克。”
但杰克并没有力这而满足,他还要去战胜一切欺侮人、折磨人的巨人。 杰克把腰带系在腰上,磨快了刀,就出发了。他决定先去消灭巨人中最凶恶、 最残忍的勃林捷尔波尔。
杰克想:现在必须快去战胜勃林捷尔波尔。因为勃林捷尔波尔在去年, 抢走了邻村铁匠家的独生女儿、金发姑娘杰妮,并且把她藏在自己城堡下的 一个地窖里。必须杀死勃林捷尔波尔,才能解救出不幸的杰妮。
但是春天过去了,夏天已来临,而杰克还是没有遇到勃林捷尔波尔。杰 克焦急地到处寻找:在森林,在山岗,在田野,但无论哪里都没有找到。有 一天,天气特别的炎热,杰克经过艰难的路程后,非常疲劳了,就躺在一条 凉快的小溪边睡着了。正好在这时,巨人勃林捷尔波尔也想到小溪边来凉快 凉快!他突然看见杰克睡在那里,心里高兴地想:这真是送上门来的点心。 勃林捷尔波尔正要俯身去捉杰克,突然看见杰克腰带上绣的字。
勃林捷尔波尔不是一般的巨人,他有两个头,一个大,一个小,一个年 轻,一个年老。这两个头老是相争相闹,当看见杰克时,一个头就叫了起来, 说是把他煮熟吃;另一个头却吵着要烤着吃,最后两个头相互撞了起来。
吵着争着,它们看杰克被吵醒了,马上住了嘴,装出一副善良的样子, 唱起了动听的歌来:
其实杰克明白这双头恶魔就是勃林捷尔波尔,他是想把自己骗到城堡里 当点心吃。这时杰克想试着逃跑,但已经不可能了,巨人已把他抓了起来, 塞进了袋里,带进了城堡,然后装出抚爱的样子,将杰克放到了床上。
“祝你晚安!”一个头说。另一个头也假装礼貌地说:“祝你做个愉快 的梦!”
两个头都客客气气地向杰克行了礼,就到外面去了。其实它们是出去商 量,怎样吃掉杰克。但杰克并没有睡,他躲在门后听到那个年老的头说:
杰克现在已经很危险了,他必须马上逃跑。但怎么能够出去呢?门是锁 着的,窗上有铁栅。他在屋里来回地走着,想办法离开这里。他终于想出了 一个好办法:他从炉子上拿了一根大木头,放在了床上,然后用被子盖上,自己躲在 炉子后面等着。他没等多久,就听见外面响起了沉重的脚步声,整个房子都 被这脚步声震动了。不一会儿,门开了,巨人拿着一根棍子,直朝床边走去。 来到床前,巨人就举起了手中的棍子,狠狠地向床上的木头打去。
“这孩子终于被我结果了,让我先美美地睡上一觉,再来吃他。”巨人 高兴他说着,转身就走了,连门也没关。
杰克乐得差点笑出声来。巨人回到了自己的房间,倒在床上睡着了。杰 克悄悄地溜进了巨人的房间,在他的枕头下搜寻地窖的钥匙。他找到了一把 奇大的钥匙,这就是禁闭铁匠的女儿——金发美女杰妮那个地窖的钥匙。杰 克立刻跑到地窖里,放走了不幸的姑娘。自己回到房里后,他想:让我先美 美地睡上一觉,明天再去收拾魔鬼勃林捷尔波尔。
早晨,杰克醒来后就去找巨人,当他来到巨人面前,巨人的两个头都惊 得发愣了。呆了很久,两个头同时用颤抖的声音问:“你还活着?你没有死?”
一个头说:“夜里有人用棍子打你的。”另一个头说:“你已经被打死 了!”
杰克哈哈大笑起来:“我被打死了?哈!哈!晚上我只感到一条老鼠尾 巴在我身上碰了一下。哈,哈,哈!”
勃林捷尔波尔这下可吓坏了,他想:“这下我可完了,我的棍子在他看 来,不过是老鼠尾巴!必须赶快逃走,不能白白送死。可是逃到哪里去呢?”
两个头争吵着,巨人拿不定主意了!这个时候杰克趁机跳上椅子,举起 刀砍下了巨人的两个头来。两个头滚到地上还在叫道:“不,到阁楼上去!” “不,到地窖里去!” 杰克除掉了双头巨人勃林捷尔波尔后,急忙赶回了故乡,全村的人都知 道他又战胜了一个魔鬼,大家向他热烈的欢呼:“勇敢的杰克万岁!”
金发姑娘杰妮的父亲格外高兴,他送给杰克一匹骏马,杰克立即骑上马, 告别了村里的人们,到遥远的地方又去同各种害人的巨人和各种恶魔斗争去 了。