
时间:2016-08-03 02:24:34
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关于要用水的英语作文 篇一

Water: A Precious Resource

Water is an essential resource for all living beings on Earth. It plays a vital role in our daily lives, from drinking and cooking to bathing and cleaning. However, despite its importance, water is often taken for granted. In this article, we will explore why water is so important and how we can use it wisely.

Firstly, water is crucial for our survival. Our bodies are made up of about 60% water, and we need to drink an adequate amount of water every day to stay hydrated and healthy. Water helps to regulate our body temperature, transport nutrients, and flush out waste products. Without enough water, we can become dehydrated, which can lead to various health problems.

Secondly, water is essential for agriculture. It is used for irrigation to grow crops and raise livestock. Without water, farmers would not be able to produce enough food to feed the growing population. However, excessive water usage in agriculture can also lead to water scarcity and environmental degradation. Therefore, it is important for farmers to adopt sustainable farming practices and use water efficiently.

Furthermore, water is used in industries for manufacturing and cooling purposes. Many industries rely heavily on water for their production processes. However, the improper disposal of industrial waste can contaminate water sources and harm the environment. It is crucial for industries to implement proper wastewater treatment systems to protect our water resources.

Lastly, water is important for maintaining a clean and hygienic environment. It is used for sanitation and hygiene purposes, such as washing our hands, cleaning our homes, and maintaining proper sanitation in public areas. Access to clean water and proper sanitation facilities is essential for preventing the spread of diseases and promoting public health.

In conclusion, water is a precious resource that is essential for our survival and well-being. It is important for us to recognize the significance of water and use it wisely. We should conserve water by fixing leaky faucets, taking shorter showers, and using water-efficient appliances. By practicing responsible water usage, we can ensure that water remains available for future generations.

关于要用水的英语作文 篇二

Water Conservation: A Collective Responsibility

Water is a finite resource that is essential for all forms of life. However, due to factors such as population growth, climate change, and pollution, water scarcity has become a global issue. In this article, we will discuss the importance of water conservation and how each individual can contribute to preserving this precious resource.

Firstly, water conservation is crucial for ensuring a sustainable future. With the world's population projected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, the demand for water will continue to increase. By conserving water, we can ensure that there is enough water to meet the needs of present and future generations. This can be achieved through simple actions such as turning off the tap while brushing our teeth, fixing leaky pipes, and using water-efficient appliances.

Secondly, water conservation is essential for protecting ecosystems and biodiversity. Many aquatic ecosystems are being degraded due to excessive water extraction, pollution, and habitat destruction. This not only threatens the survival of various plant and animal species but also disrupts the balance of ecosystems. By conserving water, we can help maintain healthy ecosystems and preserve the biodiversity that relies on them.

Furthermore, water conservation is crucial for mitigating the impacts of climate change. Climate change is causing shifts in rainfall patterns, leading to droughts in some regions and heavy rainfall in others. By conserving water, we can help to reduce the strain on water sources and ensure their availability during times of drought. Additionally, reducing water usage can also help to reduce energy consumption, as a significant amount of energy is required for water treatment and transportation.

Lastly, water conservation is a collective responsibility that requires the participation of individuals, communities, and governments. Individuals can conserve water by adopting water-saving habits and spreading awareness about the importance of water conservation. Communities can implement water conservation initiatives, such as rainwater harvesting and water recycling systems. Governments can play a crucial role by implementing policies and regulations to promote water conservation, investing in water infrastructure, and promoting water-efficient technologies.

In conclusion, water conservation is a pressing issue that requires the collective efforts of individuals, communities, and governments. By conserving water, we can ensure a sustainable future, protect ecosystems and biodiversity, and mitigate the impacts of climate change. Let us all take responsibility for preserving this precious resource and make a positive impact on the world.

关于要用水的英语作文 篇三

Saving water

As we all know water plays an important part in people's daily lives. More and more water is needed in the modern society. So we should try to save it.


Now many places are short of water. For example, a big drought hit the Southwest of China at the beginning of this year. especially Yunnan province, milions of people has not got enough water for common life. A lot of rivers and lakes are polluted. What's worse, many people are wasting water seriously.


In order to protect water, let's do something to fight against all kinds of pollution and waste of water.


关于要用水的英语作文 篇四

Water is precious,so we have to protect the water start from the day-to-day things,such as water conservation,water use,water clearance in addition,we see other people wasting water,we must stop,and told them to save water,and only in this way can we protect the water resources is very important for must drink water can't live without water.

Water is everywhere around home,we use water to wash clothes,to wash dishes,to cook rice,to clean the flat,to have showers,to make drinks,to clean our teeth,to have a bath and so work,people use water to put out fires,to grow vegetables,to make things in factories and so also can swim in the is important for us,isn't it?。

关于要用水的英语作文 篇五

xxxTick, tick...xxx Listen, the water is groaning in pain, the voice is low and heavy, the water will not use the language to express his inner sadness, but the water drops always remember how much harm human beings have on themselves. They mourn for what mankind has done, and sigh for the shameful way of human beings.

In all the resources of the world, water is invaluable, because human existence can not live without water, 70% of the human body is water, and once the water is left, the possibility of human survival is 0%. Seven days without food can survive, but not for seven days, that is to the point of death.

In my memory, there was a scene that made me close to my heart. I went to my mother's unit and went into a water room on the way. I was silent. The floor is full of water, clear water for being ruthless trample became black mud. I raise my head to a row of stiff, taps are uniform open, empty house...... The roaring waves of animals are splashing and noisy. I walked quickly rushed to step off the tap. I was deeply absorbed in my meditation: if mankind doesn't save water from now on, the last drop of water that human beings will see is their tears. I can't help but feel a bit of fear and dread. Everyone knows that water is an irreplaceable valuable resource. Everyone can put this phrase on the lips, not really put water saving consciousness in his mind.

I saw how many heartbreaking pictures in the Internet, how poor people in those serious water scarcity areas, and in their eyes I saw their desire for pure water, and I saw all this in tears...

Saving water and benefiting mankind is of great progress in the contemporary era. We should set up a good fashion for saving water, and let's start from now on.

关于要用水的英语作文 篇六

How to save water is very important in our life. We drink it every day and use it to cook and wash things that we can't do without water. But there are several ways to save water.

First of all, we can save water by shortening the shower time without using water. The most important way to save water is to recycle Water. We should not pollute the water so that we can have fresh water year after year.

If we don't save water, the last drop of water will be a tear. Protecting water is to protect our lives. Some people think that there is a lot of water on the earth.

In fact, there is only a little water we need now. If we don't save it, we will run out one day. So what should we do? After washing the clothes, we can wash the floor with water.

Second, if we see a dripping tap, we should repair it as soon as possible. We can use shower instead of bathing, because Bathing will waste a lot of water. Through these methods, we can not only save a lot of water, but also save ourselves.






