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小学英语话剧宣传文案范文 篇一

标题:《The Magic Adventure》小学英语话剧宣传文案


大家好!我们很高兴地宣布,XX小学将于本月底隆重推出一场精彩的小学英语话剧《The Magic Adventure》。这部话剧由我校五年级的学生们精心排练和演绎,将为大家带来一场奇幻的英语之旅。




让我们一起为这场小学英语话剧《The Magic Adventure》点赞!相信通过这场精彩的演出,我们的学生们将展示出他们的才华和自信,同时也让我们感受到英语学习的乐趣。




小学英语话剧宣传文案范文 篇二

标题:《The Lost Treasure》小学英语话剧宣传文案


大家好!XX小学很荣幸地宣布,我们将于本月举办一场精彩的小学英语话剧《The Lost Treasure》。这部话剧由我校四年级的学生们精心排练和演绎,将为大家带来一场关于寻宝的冒险历程。




让我们一起为这场小学英语话剧《The Lost Treasure》加油!相信通过这场精彩的演出,我们的学生们将展示出他们的才华和自信,同时也让我们感受到英语学习的乐趣。




小学英语话剧宣传文案范文 篇三


Mr. Shi, Xiaofu, Dabao

Mr. Shi: Tax is the major source of the fiscal revenue. There is an evident change about the relationship between the tax collector and taxpayer in the past 20 years. Now, the tax collector, Xiaofu, and the tax payer Dabao, a vendor selling Yangrouchuan will show you the very change. The first Act happened in 1980s.

Act I

(in Bazaar of Beijing, sanlihe, 1980s)

Dabao: Yangrouchuan , yangrouchuan, eaten one ,want nine, eaten one, want nine.

Hi, Take my yangrouchuan.(slipped, take it up, )

Xiaofu: Tax! Pay the tax!

Dabao: (change faces)

Taxi? Where is the taxi? Here’s no taxi.

Xiaofu: Tax! T---A ---X!

Dabao: What’s the tax? I just know taxi! Do you want me to call a taxi for you?

Taxi----! Taxi----!

Xiaofu: Enough! Are you the vendor?

Dabao: No , No, No, no! I m just have a look. The vendor has gone to the toilet.

Xiaofu: Not the vendor ? Impossible! you ve been here for 2 hours.

Dabao: Really ? (Xiaofu: Yes, of course.)

How do you know it?

Xiaofu: The window of my office is open to here and I ve been looking at you for two hours.

Dabao: It’s a big bug!

Xiaofu: Oh. Don’t waste my time! Please pay the tax---- 10 Yuan!

Dabao: 10 yuan?! My god. I had just earned 20 Yuan one day! 5 Yuan, ok?

Xiaofu: Dont cheat me, youve sold more than 2 hundred ones.

Dabao: 6yuan, my dear sisiter.

7Yuan, my lovely beauty.

Dabao: Not for you ,not for me, lets split the difference. 8 yuan ,ok ?

Xiaofu: (looking around) All right ,a deal. But no receipt.

(Dabao payed 8 yuan and Xiaofu left)

Dabao: What a smart woman! Bad luck! I’m bankrupt. I have to change my place.

Hope I would not meet her any more! Let’s go!

Act II

Mr. Shi: The next scene happened in new century. China had been marching in the way of the market economy for twenty years more, in the new era of building the well-off society in an all-round way, how do the vendor regard tax as and how is the tax collected? The scene will tell you.

Let’s enjoy it!

(In the market; Dabao in white clothes ,a board with "NO SARS")

Dabao:: Yangrouchuan, yangrouchuan. Eaten one, want nine. Eaten one, want nine.

Xiaofu: Hi,

Dabao: Hi.

Two: What a familiar face.

Two: It’s you!

Dabao: 10 years past, you are a still a tax collector.

Xiaofu: 10 years past, you still sell Yangrouchuan.

How is your business?

Dabao: Everything is OK!

10 years past, you are still beautiful lady in Sanlihe of Beijing.

Xiaofu: 10 years past, you and your Yangrouchuan look more clean than 20 years before.

Dabao: Thank you. No SARS, no dirtiness; Serve people, serve me.

Xiaofu: Great! Have you……

Dabao: Married? I ‘m not married; I’m still single.

Xiaofu: Have you claimed your tax this month?

Dabao: What? Taxi? Oh, tax! Of course. I should pay the tax of 50 Yuan this month and I have claimed at the begin of this month.

Xioafu: Your receipt, please.

Dabao: (shows the receipt )

Here you are, I have paid my tax in the tax service center by computer.

Xiaofu: Great! What a good taxpayer you are.

Dabao: Thank you. It is my duty. I’m proud of myself to pay the tax for our country.

Xiaofu: Yeah! The tax you paid is a share of our country’s economy, and you do a lot for Olympics of Beijing!

Dabao: Let’s do it together! . It’s said that, Dont ask what your country can do for you but ask what you can do for your country. Just like me, sell Yangrouchuan, and pay the Tax for ten years more.

Xiaofu: You re the loveliest people in new century!

Dabao: Thank you! And you re the loveliest tax collector in new era!

X: Excuse me, and I have to go now. Bye-bye.

D: A moment, are you free tomorrow evening? Could I have a dinner with you?

Xiaofu: Well, may I have the company of my husband?

Dabao: No, no, no problem. 6 o’clock in the evening, Beichuanyuan, ok?

Xiaofu: just a kidding. I have to go home now.(leaves)

Dabao, See you tomorrow.

Dabao: Hope to see you everyday.

小学英语话剧宣传文案范文 篇四















































学 习 部

小学英语话剧宣传文案范文 篇五

little red riding hood

第一场:little red riding hood家

mum: (妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里)

little red riding hood:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)hi,mummy, what are you doing?

mum: (一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)grandma is ill. here are some apples and bananas for grandma. take them to grandma.

little red riding hood:(边提起篮子,边点头说)ok!

mum: (亲切地看着little red riding hood说) be good. be careful.

little red riding hood: yes ,mummy.goodbye, mummy.

mum: bye-bye. darling.


(一阵轻快的音乐由远而近,little red riding hood挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁)

little red riding hood: wow!flowers, how beautiful! (放下篮子采花)one flower ,two flowers, three flowers.

wolf:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,wolf大步地走上台)i am wolf. i am hungry. (做找东西状,东张西望) here is a little red riding hood. hi! little red riding hood. where are you going? (做狡猾的样子和little red riding hood打招呼)

little red riding hood:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)to grandma’s.grandma is ill.

wolf:(自言自语)i’ ll eat grandma. but……(对little red riding hood说)hey, look! 6 little baby ducks.

little red riding hood:(和6只鸭子随着音乐翩翩起舞)


little red riding hood:(停止跳舞)hello! baby ducks,how are you?

six ducks:we’ re fine.thank you. where are you going?

little red riding hood:to grandma’s.oh, i must go, bye.

six ducks:goodbye.


grandma: (喘着气出场,颤颤悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床边,喘了几口,打几个哈欠,慢吞吞地躺倒在床上。)

wolf:(从树后出来,边走边说)i am very hungry now. (做找寻的样子)where is grandma’ s house? (高兴地对观众说)aha , it’s here.(敲门)bang, bang, bang.

grandma: who is it?

wolf:(装出little red riding hood的声音,一边得意地摇动尾巴,一边说)it’s me. little red riding hood.

grandma: (边说边起床) come in, come in.

wolf:(得意洋洋地走到床边) grandma , i’ll eat you.

grandma: (惊慌失措地抓紧衣服,瞪着眼睛,边叫迫从床上滚到地上)


wolf:(得意地拍拍肚子,翘起大拇指)yummy!i’ll sleep.

little red riding hood:(高兴地敲门)grandma.grandma.

wolf:(装扮成grandma的声音) who is it?

little red riding hood:it’s me。little red riding hood. what a strange noise!

wolf:come in, come in.

little red riding hood:(蹦跳着进来,把篮子放在桌子上,走到床前一看,跳回几步)oh! what are big ears!

wolf:i can listen to your sweet voice.

little red riding hood:wow! what a big eyes!

wolf:i can see you pretty face.

little red riding hood:oh! what a big hand.

wolf:i can hug you.

little red riding hood:(跪在床前,拉起wolf的手,边摸边说)look! what a big hands?

wolf:(从床上跳起来说)i can eat you!

little red riding hood:(拼命地跑)oh!no! no!

wolf:(追到little red riding hood,做吃状,拍拍肚子说)it’s delicious. i still sleep. i like sleeping.

hunter: (一边拿着枪,一边做寻找状出场)where’s the wolf? look! a door.(推门)the wolf is sleeping.


hunter: (端起枪想打,又放下)what a big stomach! (摸摸wolf的肚子)grandma and little red riding hood are inside .i must be hurry.(从桌子上拿起剪刀,举起) look! scissors. (做剪wolf的肚子)cut, cut, cut.

little red riding hood/grandma:thank you.

hunter: grandma ,give me some needles and thread. little riding hood ,give me some stones.

grandma: (从桌子上拿来针线)

little red riding hood:(搬来几个石头)one, two, three.

hunter: (把小石头装进wolf的衣服里)

grandma: i’ll thread it.

hunter: (拿起枪)woke up!

wolf:(起床,两手托着大肚子)my stomach is so heavy.

hunter: you big bad wolf, raise your arms!

wolf:(边跑边说) help! don’t shot me!

hunter: (开枪)bang, bang!

wolf: (应声倒下)

hunter: the bad wolf is dead.

little red riding hood和grandma:yeah! thank you.

little red riding hood、grandma、hunter(一起鞠躬): thank you

小学英语话剧宣传文案范文 篇六



人物:(先上)蒙太诺Montano;罗德利哥Roderigo,苔丝狄蒙娜Desdemona, 爱米利娅Emilia。军官甲 First Gentleman,

(后上)奥瑟罗Othello伊阿古Iago, 卡西奥Cassio,军官乙Second Gentleman



Aside: The former governor Montano, Lieutenant [lef'tennt] Cassio, Desdemona and her servant Emilia, and soldiers and local residents on the island are gathering on the harbour of Cyprus to wait and welcome their general Othello who just fought a battle on the sea. It is at dusk, there are lightning accompanied by claps of thunder on the sea. Everyone is worried and praying for their general.

蒙太诺Montano :Can you see any ship at sea?

罗德利哥Roderigo:Nothing, sir! What a heavy fog! I can’t see anything.

苔丝狄蒙娜Desdemona:I hope every thing goes well, god blesses my lord.——Othello.

爱米利娅Emilia:Oh, Lady, don’t worry, god blesses good man.

罗德利哥Roderigo : Look! A ship.

爱米利娅Emilia:Look, that is Othello! Our new governor——Thank goodness!

(奥瑟罗Othello伊阿古Iago, 卡西奥Cassio,军官乙Second Gentleman上)


奥瑟罗Othello: Ha ha ha ha! Good News, Gentlemen! The war is over. The Turks had to give up their attacking plan; their ships were destroyed by the storm.

蒙太诺Montano: I am glad to hear that, it is a worthy governor.

奥瑟罗Othello: Oh! My deer!

苔丝狄蒙娜Desdemona:Oh! My lord!

奥瑟罗Othello: Wine! Let’s have a drink.



伊阿古Iago: My deer friend Rodrigo, what are you thinking about?

罗德利哥Rodrigo: I want to drown myself.

伊阿古Iago: Stupid, you want to kill yourself just for a woman.

罗德利哥Rodrigo: I don’t care about anything, even my life.

伊阿古Iago: I know you love Desdemona; I’m your honest friend. I will help you with my wisdom. I promise this woman will be yours. I hate Othello, do you know why? Look, there, that handsome gentlemen, he took my place, I should be assistant general, but he is.


伊阿古Iago: Hi, Cassio, come, have a drink.

卡西奥Cassio: Sorry, man, I can not drink any more.

伊阿古Iago : Come on, just a cup.

卡西奥Cassio : No, I have drunk a lot.

伊阿古Iago : Please, for Othello and Desdemona.

伊阿古Iago (to Rodrigo) let him drink as much as he can, then he will be dazed.

罗德利哥Rodrigo: Why?

伊阿古Iago : Just do it, ok? Trust me, I’m helping you.

(To Cassio) Come on, my friend; moisten ['moisn] your throat, and drink it with the songs.

卡西奥Cassio : Oh, it tastes not too bad, it make me dazed.

伊阿古Iago (to Rodrigo) He is deeply drunk, now, inflame his anger, you know how to do it.


罗德利哥Rodrigo: Man, get out of my way.


罗德利哥Rodrigo : I said you are a fool.

卡西奥Cassio: Can you say it again?

罗德利哥Rodrigo :You are a rogue! You are a rascal!

(At that time, Montano is coming)

蒙太诺Montano :What’s up? Gentlemen, calm down.

卡西奥Cassio: No one can stop me, sir. ( 拔剑,蒙太诺赶紧上前阻拦,卡斯奥把剑一挥,伤了蒙太诺的胳膊。蒙太诺亦拔剑,二人打了起来)

伊阿古Iago :Oh, blood, help, they are fighting. General, come on.

(To Rodrigo) Away, I say; go out.

奥瑟罗Othello: What is the matter here? Hold, for your lives!

蒙太诺Montano :O, I bleed still; I am hurt to the death.

奥瑟罗Othello: Why, Turks didn’t beat us, but you beat each other, why? Honest Iago, look at your gray faces. Speak, who began this?

伊阿古Iago : I do not know, just now they are good friends, and they look like bride and groom; but now— I don’t know why, they beat each other.

奥瑟罗Othello: Cassio, you have forgot your duty, you make me so disappointed.

卡西奥Cassio: I pray you, pardon me; I cannot speak.

奥瑟罗Othello: My respected Montano, I know you are a stable man, and you always have a good fame, but why you spent your fame to do that? Can you give me answer to it?

蒙太诺Montano :Othello, I am hurt to danger, Your officer, Iago, can inform you, actually, I don’t know what mistake I have made tonight.

奥瑟罗Othello: I know, Cassio, I love you but you are not my officer any more. [To Desdemona,]

Look, you scared my wife! I'll make you an example.

苔丝狄蒙娜Desdemona: What's the matter?

奥瑟罗Othello: All is well now. Let’s go back.


伊阿古Iago :Are you hurt?

卡西奥Cassio: Fame, fame, fame! O, I have lost my fame! My fame, Iago, my fame!

伊阿古Iago : As I am an honest man, I think the fame is not important. And what’s more important is you can recover the general again.

卡西奥Cassio: I really don’t know what I have done.

Iago: You are drunk! Man. I'll tell you what you shall do. Our general's wife is now the real general, If you beg her, and let she says something to her husband, everything will be ok. Don’t you think so?

卡西奥Cassio: That’s great. Desdemona,she is a kindhearted woman. Iago, thank you, you are my honest friend. Good night!

伊阿古Iago :Who said that I am a bad man? What a good idea I give him. Yes, it’s the best way to win Othello again. Because he loves his wife so much that he can do anything she wants. But when he goes to Desdemona, I will say something to Othello, a man and a woman; it’s not a right relationship.


Aside: Cassio believes Iago, whom he thinks is his friend, and tries to get back into Othello's favor through Desdemona. However, After Cassio leave, Iago goes to work on Othello again, suggesting that Cassio and Desdemona have betrayed Othello.


伊阿古Iago :Emilia, my good wife, do me a favor please, Cassio want to say something about his punishment to lady, you take him to see her, Ok?

爱米利娅Emilia :Good morning, good Lieutenant. I am sorry for your displeasure, Follow me, please.

卡西奥Cassio: Thank you.

My respected Lady: help me, please, you know I made a mistake…

苔丝狄蒙娜Desdemona: Yes, I knew it, good Cassio; I will do my best to help you.

爱米利娅Emilia: Good madam, to be frankly, my husband also helps him with all his efforts.

苔丝狄蒙娜Desdemona. O, that's an honest fellow. Do not doubt, Cassio, I will have my lord and you again as friendly as you were.

卡西奥Cassio. Good madam, whatever happened to Michael Cassio, I will be your true servant.


爱米利娅Emilia: Madam, here comes my lord.

卡西奥Cassio: Madam, I have to leave.

苔丝狄蒙娜Desdemona: Why, stay, and hear me speak.

卡西奥Cassio: Madam, not now, I don’t know what I should say to general, let me go.

苔丝狄蒙娜Desdemona: Ok, do as you like.

伊阿古Iago: Ha! I don’t like that.

奥瑟罗Othello: What did you say?

伊阿古Iago: Nothing, my lord: or if—I don’t know.

奥瑟罗Othello: Wasn’t that Cassio parted from my wife?

伊阿古Iago: Cassio, my lord! No, I cannot think it, Cassio wouldn’t steal away so guilty-like after seeing you coming.

奥瑟罗Othello: I do believe it was he.

伊阿古Iago: My noble lord— Did Michael Cassio Know of your lover when you proposed marriage to her.

奥瑟罗Othello. He did, from first to last: why did you ask?

伊阿古Iago. Something in my mind is not very clear; No further harm.

奥瑟罗Othello. What’s that?

伊阿古Iago: He always admires your wife, and he says she is very beautiful and charming.

奥瑟罗Othello: What do you mean? He is unfaithful?

伊阿古Iago: No, I promise no one is honest than him. (下)


苔丝狄蒙娜Desdemona: My lord, I have been talking with a suitor here, a man that lost your confidence. My good lord, if I have any grace or power to move you, please call him back and recover his place.

奥瑟罗Othello: Not now. Sweet Desdemona, some other time.

苔丝狄蒙娜Desdemona. But shall it be shortly? How abut tonight at supper?

奥瑟罗Othello. No, not tonight.

苔丝狄蒙娜Desdemona. Tomorrow dinner?

奥瑟罗Othello. I shall not have dinner at home, why are you in such a hurry?

苔丝狄蒙娜Desdemona. What’s wrong with you? Don’t you fell well?

奥瑟罗Othello. I have a pain upon my forehead here.

苔丝狄蒙娜 Desdemona: You must sleep not very well last night. It will be well. (掏出手帕帮他擦脸)

奥瑟罗Othello:No, I need have a rest. (苔丝狄蒙娜手帕坠地)

苔丝狄蒙娜 Desdemona: I'll go in with you.(同下)

爱米利娅Emilia. I am glad I have found this handkerchief: This was lady’s first present from the Othello, My husband asked me to steal it a hundred times, I don’t know why, but for his pleasure…(伊阿古重上)

伊阿古Iago: What are you doing here?

爱米利娅Emilia. Do not blame me; I have a thing for you.

伊阿古Iago. A thing for me? It is a common thing— God, I have a foolish wife.

爱米利娅Emilia. O, is that all? Ok, the handkerchief is mine.

伊阿古Iago. What handkerchief?

爱米利娅Emilia. What handkerchief? The one general gave to Desdemona at first time; and the one you asked me to steal.

伊阿古Iago. You did it?

爱米利娅Emilia. No, she dropped it accidentally. And I picked it up.

伊阿古Iago. My good wife; give it me.

爱米利娅Emilia. What will you do with it?

伊阿古Iago. [Snatching it] Not your business

爱米利娅Emilia. Poor lady, she'll run mad When she find she have lost it.

伊阿古Iago :I have use for it. Go, leave me.

Ha! Ha! Ha! it will be a good evidence, I will give it to Cassio secretly. Oh, Look, where he comes! (奥瑟罗重上。)

奥瑟罗Othello: Ha! ha! My wife is not faithful to me?

伊阿古Iago. Why, general! No more of that.

奥瑟罗Othello. No, don’t I believe that. If you dare to say bad words to her, I promise I won’t let you off.

伊阿古 Iago. O god! O! heaven forgive me! I am a fool! to be direct and honest is not safe. I'll love no friend from now.

奥瑟罗Othello. Make me to see it, or, at the least, prove it, or I will kill you.

伊阿古Iago. It was difficulty; and I do not like the job. But, a matter reminds me. I lay with Cassio one night; And, I could not sleep because of toothache. Suddenly, I heard he said “Sweet Desdemona, we must carefully, don’t let that stupid and……”

奥瑟罗 Othello: Go on.

伊阿古Iago. “Don’t let that stupid and black moor find us”, and then, and then turned round and kissed me hardly.

奥瑟罗 Othello: Oh, it’s really a bad dream.

伊阿古: It’s just a dream. What’s more, did you remember the first gift you gave her?

奥瑟罗 Othello: Yes, of cause.

伊阿古Iago: but such a handkerchief—I am sure it was your wife's—today I Saw Cassio wipe his beard with it.

奥瑟罗 Othello: If it is that—

伊阿古Iago: If it is that, it is another evidence.

calm down, just calm down.

奥瑟罗 Othello: O (气得吐血)

伊阿古Iago: Calm down, just calm down, and Come here, general, take a rest. Look, here Cassio comes! My lord, just stay here and look him. (卡西奥上)

伊阿古Iago: Hello, Cassio, how is your progress?

卡西奥Cassio: Iago,(摇头)

伊阿古Iago: Don’t lose hope, you must trust Desdemona, she never make you disappointed. ( 伊阿古将手帕偷偷地塞进了卡西奥的口袋)

卡西奥Cassio: Thank you, I hope so.

伊阿古Iago: (装作眼睛疼)Oh, something wrong with my eyes, can you give me something to wipe it?(卡西奥翻了翻口袋,发现了手帕)

(奥瑟罗 Othello: My god, that should be my handkerchief!)

卡西奥Cassio: Whose handkerchief? It should be someone else. Are you ok?

伊阿古Iago: Oh yes. It is ok. Thank you.

卡西奥Cassio: Iago, Sorry, I have to go. See you!

奥瑟罗 Othello: (趋前)How shall I kill him, Iago?

伊阿古Iago: Are you sure?

奥瑟罗 Othello: No one can betray me?

伊阿古Iago: But don’t kill your wife; she just made a small mistake.

奥瑟罗 Othello: No, get me some poison, Iago; tonight, I'll kill them.

伊阿古Iago: Do not do it with poison, but in her bed, where she made mistakes.

奥瑟罗 Othello: Good place.

伊阿古Iago: And for Cassio, let me kill him.

奥瑟罗 Othello: OK!


Aside: Othello is in the bedroom with Desdemona as he prepares to kill her. Desdemona protests her innocence, but Othello does not believe her. He kills her by smothering her with a pillow.


艾米丽亚Emilia: (苔丝狄蒙娜坐在床边表情痛苦) What’s wrong with you, madam?

苔丝狄蒙娜Desdemona: I am half asleep. It’s a dream? He has changed, changed.

艾米丽亚Emilia: Sorry, madam, I can’t flower you. Who?

苔丝狄蒙娜Desdemona: My lord, my husband. Othello.


奥瑟罗 Othello: Emilia,you have finished your work, you can go now.

艾米丽亚Emilia: Yes, sir.

奥瑟罗 Othello: Don’t forget to close he door.

苔丝狄蒙娜Desdemona: My lord. Do you remember your promise?

奥瑟罗 Othello: What promise?

苔丝狄蒙娜Desdemona: You promised that you will recover Cassio’ place.

奥瑟罗 Othello: Oh, a sand in my eyes. Lend me your handkerchief.

苔丝狄蒙娜Desdemona: Here, my lord.

奥瑟罗 Othello:. That which I gave you.

苔丝狄蒙娜Desdemona: Sorry, I have it not about me

奥瑟罗 Othello:. Not.

苔丝狄蒙娜Desdemona: No, indeed, my lord.

奥瑟罗 Othello: That handkerchief did an Egyptian give to my mother, and my mother gave it to me.

苔丝狄蒙娜Desdemona: Oh, really, I hope I had never seen it!

奥瑟罗 Othello: Why? You have lost it. Show it to me, please!

苔丝狄蒙娜Desdemona: Why are you so angry?

奥瑟罗 Othello: Let me see the handkerchief!

苔丝狄蒙娜Desdemona: Ok, but not now. Oh, I see. This is a trick to put me from my suit: Pray you, let Cassio be received again.

奥瑟罗Othello: The handkerchief!

苔丝狄蒙娜Desdemona: Come, come; you’ll never meet a more sufficient man.

奥瑟罗Othello: The handkerchief!

苔丝狄蒙娜Desdemona. I pray, talk me of Cassio.

奥瑟罗Othello. Shut up, don’t talk abut Cassio, I am sick of that, don’t pretend anymore.

苔丝狄蒙娜Desdemona: What?

奥瑟罗Othello : That handkerchief which I so loved but you gave it to Cassio. (把苔丝推到在床上)

苔丝狄蒙娜Desdemona: No, by my life and soul!

奥瑟罗Othello : Your life and soul are nothing to me, now.(开始掐妻子的脖子)

苔丝狄蒙娜Desdemona: My load, let me go, but don’t kill me.

奥瑟罗Othello : No, I’m sorry, but I can’t forgive you. (杀死妻子)


艾米丽亚:My lord, there was a murder. ——A young man called Roderigo wanted to kill Cassio, but he was killed by Cassio.—— And Cassio injured too. General, General, Madam, (见没有声音,推门进入) Oh, my poor lady. Help! Help, ho! Help! Murder! Murder!


蒙太诺Montano :What is the matter? General!

奥瑟罗Othello : I killed her.

蒙太诺Montano :Oh, my god. Why you did it?

奥瑟罗Othello: I have to do it, she is a bad woman, and she betrayed me.

艾米丽亚:No, General, I got it. Iago, you did everything.

伊阿古 Iago: What? Are you crazy? Go home.

艾米丽亚:Iago, I will never go home. Good gentlemen, let me leave to speak.

My lord, how can you prove that your wife have betrayed you?

奥瑟罗Othello: She did many shame things with Cassio, and she gave the handkerchief to him which I first gave her. If you don’t believe it, you can ask Iago, he knows everything,

艾米丽亚:Yes, he knows everything, he asked me to steal Desdemona’s handkerchief, that day, she lost it unconsciously, I picked it up and gave it to Iago, I don’t know why at that time. But now, I got it.

伊阿古 Iago: Filth, shut up. (拔剑刺艾米丽亚,然后逃跑)

奥瑟罗Othello: Oh, deathful man, catch him.(除了奥赛罗,所有人都跑去追伊阿古)

Deathful Iago, why did I believe you? O God, I made the biggest mistake in my life. My sweet Desdemona, I lost you, which means I lost every thing in this world. I can’t live any more, even a minute, my sweet, I’m coming.(然后拔剑自刎)

Aside: Othello tells Emilia that he has killed Desdemona and says that Desdemona was false. Emilia contradicts him and offers proof that it was Iago who set all of the plots. Othello finally understands that he has killed the innocent Desdemona. However it is too late to repent, Othello kills himself in grief.



