
时间:2017-08-06 02:39:13
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英语作文书信类格式 篇一

Dear Mr. Smith,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to express my gratitude for the wonderful experience I had during my recent visit to your country.

As an exchange student from China, I had the opportunity to spend a semester studying at a university in the United States. It was a truly eye-opening and enriching experience for me. I was able to immerse myself in a different culture, improve my language skills, and make lifelong friends from all over the world.

During my time in the United States, I was amazed by the warmth and friendliness of the people I met. Whether it was my classmates, professors, or the locals, everyone was always willing to help and make me feel welcome. I was able to engage in meaningful conversations and learn about different perspectives, which broadened my horizons and deepened my understanding of the world.

Moreover, the educational system in the United States is truly commendable. The emphasis on critical thinking, creativity, and independent learning has greatly influenced my own approach to education. The classes I took were challenging yet stimulating, and the resources available to students were abundant. I had the opportunity to participate in various extracurricular activities, which further enhanced my learning experience.

I also had the chance to explore the natural beauty of your country. From the breathtaking landscapes of the Grand Canyon to the vibrant city life of New York, every place I visited left a lasting impression on me. I was able to appreciate the diverse geography and rich history of the United States.

Overall, my time in your country has been incredibly rewarding. I have grown both personally and academically, and I am truly grateful for the opportunity to have experienced a different culture. I will cherish the memories and friendships I have made during this unforgettable journey.

Once again, thank you for making my visit to your country such a memorable one. I hope that one day I will have the chance to welcome you to China and show you the same hospitality that I received.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

英语作文书信类格式 篇二

Dear Mrs. Johnson,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to express my concerns about the recent increase in air pollution levels in our city and to propose some potential solutions.

Over the past few months, I have noticed a significant deterioration in the air quality, with smog and haze becoming a common occurrence. This not only poses a threat to our physical health but also has a negative impact on our environment and quality of life.

One of the main causes of air pollution in our city is the excessive emissions from vehicles. The number of cars on the road has been increasing rapidly, leading to congestion and higher levels of pollution. I believe that promoting the use of public transportation and encouraging people to carpool can help alleviate this problem. Additionally, stricter emissions standards for vehicles and the promotion of electric cars can significantly reduce air pollution.

Another major contributor to air pollution is the burning of fossil fuels for energy production. As a concerned citizen, I believe it is essential to invest in renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. Not only will this reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, but it will also promote sustainable development and create job opportunities.

Furthermore, I believe that educating the public about the importance of reducing air pollution is crucial. By raising awareness and providing information on the detrimental effects of air pollution on our health and environment, we can encourage individuals to take action and make more environmentally friendly choices in their daily lives.

In conclusion, it is evident that air pollution is a pressing issue that requires immediate attention. By implementing measures such as promoting public transportation, investing in renewable energy sources, and educating the public, we can work towards improving the air quality in our city and safeguarding the health of our citizens.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I hope that together, we can make a positive difference and create a cleaner and healthier environment for future generations.

Yours sincerely,

John Smith

英语作文书信类格式 篇三






  顺序:门牌号, 街号,街名,城市名;国名


  Room 432

  Dormitory Building 3

  Shanghai International Studies University

  Hong Kong Strict, Shanghai 20070


  室/房 Room

  *** *** 村(乡)

  *** Village

  *** 号 No.

  *** *** 号宿舍 *** Dormitory

  *** 楼/层 ***/F

  *** 住宅区/小区 *** Residential Quarter

  *** 巷 / 弄 *** Lane

  *** 单元 Unit ***

  *** 号楼/幢 *** Building

  *** 公司 用拼音拼写

  *** 厂 *** Factory

  *** 酒楼/酒店 *** Hotel

  *** 路 *** Road

  *** 花园 *** Garden

  *** 街 *** Street

  *** 县 *** County

  *** 镇 *** Town

  *** 市 *** City

  *** 区 *** District

  *** 信箱 Mailbox ***

  *** 省 *** Prov.


  Room 201,No.34,Lane 125, XiKang Road (South),HongKou District


  No.42, Zhongzhou Road,Nanyang City, Henan Prov.


  Hongyuan Hotel, Jingzhou city, Hubei Prov.


  Room 702, 7th Building, Hengda Garden, East District, Zhongshan


  Room 601, No.34 Long Chang L

i, Xiamen , Fujian


  NO. 204, Building NO. 1, The 2nd Dormitory of the NO. 4 State-owned Textile Factory, 53 Kaiping Road , Qingdao , Shandong


   写在信纸的左上角,从信纸的左边顶格开始写,低于写信人地址和发信日期一二行,先写收信人姓名、头衔和单位名称,然后写地址;收信人名前加尊称,Mr. Miss Mrs,头衔Dr. prof。 Sir,不知姓名,写职位或职称。

   Ms. Joanna Kerry

  Peking University

  Haidian District, 100871






  ① 年份应完全写出,不能简写。

  ② 月份要用英文名称,不要用数字代替。

  ③ 月份名称多用公认的缩写式。但 May, June, July, 因为较短,不可缩写。

  ④ 写日期时,可用基数词1,2,3,4,5,……28,29,30,31等,也可用序数词 lst, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, …… 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st等。但最好用基数词,简单明了。

  2). 日期可有下列几种写法:

  ① Oct. 20, 2004

  ② 10 May., 2004

  ③ 3rd June, 2004

  ④ Sept. 16th, 2004














  4、salutation 称呼

   从信纸的左边顶格开始写,每个词的开头字母要大写,至于末尾处的符号,英国人用逗号,但美国和加拿大英语则多用冒号,但我们常用逗号。

   先生(男人)Mr。Mr. 用在姓氏之前或姓氏和名字之前,不可只用在名字之前如对的称呼,应该是:Mr. 或 Mr. White, 不可是:Mr. Tom。

   夫人(已婚)Mrs, 小姐(未婚)Miss,夫人、小姐统称Ms或Madam.

   夫妇俩人Mr.and Mrs.

   头衔或职称(不分性别):教授Professor,博士Doctor(Dr.,Ph.D.),总统或校长

  President, 主席或董事长Chairman,副主席或副董事长Vice Chairman,首相Prime

  Minister, 总理Premier,省长或州长Governor 市长Mayor参议员Senator 大使

  Ambassador,秘书长Secretary General, 院长Director,Dean,副院长Vice Director,

  系主任Dean,Head,Chair ,馆长Chief Librarian,Curator

   称呼的具体方式视双方的熟知程度而定。对有一定社会距离,不熟悉的人:Dear Sir;

  Dear Madam; Dear President; Dear Mr. Smith

   对相识的人:Dear Shirley; Dear Smith

   对亲近的人或家人:Dear Mom; Dear Dad; Dear Mary, 甚至没有dear 也可以

  5、正文 (body)

   即信件内的主要内容。正文第一句句子一般和称呼之间空一至二行或右缩进约四五

  个字母 。

  内容要简单明了,一般不用同汉语信一样的'“你好(how are you?)”之类的词。一般要开门见山,表明你写这封信的意图。


   即写信人表示自己对收信人的一种谦称,在信的右(或左)下角,写上表示自己对

  收 信人一种礼貌客气的谦称。

   和正文隔开1-2行书写

   位置中偏右

   后加逗号

   礼貌尊重程度依社会距离而定:

   正式的、尊称:Faithfully yours, Respectfully yours, Sincerely yours, Truly yours,Yours


   一般情况可用:Yours

   熟悉或亲近的人可直接用自己的名字 如Mary, Jane

  7、签名 (signature),

   即亲笔签上写信人自己的姓名。



   称呼后面一定要有标点, 一般用逗号,或冒号

   结尾客套话后面,一定要有标点,只能是逗号

   署名后面,一定不能有标点

   月份缩写后面用点号

   日子后接年份时,日子后要使用逗号隔开


   英语书信的款式一般有两种:齐头式 (Block Style) 和折衷式 (Semi-Block Style)。头式常常在商贸、官方以及一些正式的信件中使用,以显示信件内容的严肃性,真实性, 可靠性。而折衷式则显的比较随便,主要用于家人、朋友、私人之间来往的


   用齐头式信件写信,其正文与称呼之间空一至二行。每段的第一句句子不需要空 格,但段与段之间需要空一至二行。齐头式信件的信尾客套话和签名可以有两种款第一种写在左下方,这是最常用也是最正式的。另外也可以写在右下方,这种形式则表示写信人与收信人之间的关系比较熟悉随便。



  Nov. 30, 2008

  Dear Jane,

  I heard you want to subscribe to an English–language newspaper. Here I’d like torecommend one to you. Personally, I suggest 21st Century as my favorite, which isdesigned especially for college students to study English. The topics discussed areclose to college life and could arouse our attention. Besides, the new wordsand expressions are marked, which makes it easier for us to memorize and takenotes. I’ve benefited a lot from reading this newspaper and I believe it can alsohelp you improve your English.

  Sincerely yours,



  Nov. 30, 2008

  Dear Jane,

  I heard you want to subscribe to an English–language newspaper. Here I’d like torecommend one to you. Personally, I suggest 21st Century as my favorite, which isdesigned especially for college students to study English. The topics discussed arclose to college life and could arouse our attention. Besides, the new wordsand expressions are marked, which makes it easier for us to memorize and takenotes. I’ve benefited a lot from reading this newspaper and I believe it can alsohelp you improve your English.Sincerely yours,



