
时间:2019-09-07 05:34:48
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描写春天的英语作文 篇一

Spring is a season full of life and vitality. It is a time when nature awakens from its long winter sleep. As the cold weather melts away, the world is transformed into a colorful and vibrant place once again.

One of the most prominent features of spring is the blooming of flowers. Everywhere you look, you can see fields and gardens filled with a variety of beautiful flowers. Cherry blossoms, tulips, daffodils, and many other types of flowers add splashes of color to the landscape. The sweet fragrance of these blossoms fills the air, creating a pleasant and refreshing atmosphere.

In addition to the blooming flowers, spring is also a time for new life to emerge. Animals that have been hibernating during the winter start to come out of their hiding places. Birds return from their long migration and chirp happily in the trees. It is a joy to witness the birth of baby animals, such as lambs, chicks, and ducklings. The sight of these adorable creatures brings a sense of warmth and happiness to our hearts.

Another aspect of spring that brings delight is the changing weather. The days become longer, and the temperature starts to rise. People can finally shed their heavy winter coats and enjoy the gentle warmth of the sun. It is the perfect time to engage in outdoor activities, such as picnics, hiking, and cycling. The sound of laughter and the sight of people enjoying themselves can be seen everywhere, creating a lively and cheerful atmosphere.

Spring is also a season of renewal and growth. It is a time for people to set new goals and make positive changes in their lives. Just like the flowers that bloom and the animals that come out of hibernation, spring inspires us to embrace new beginnings and seize opportunities for personal growth.

In conclusion, spring is a magical season that brings life, color, and joy to the world. It is a time to appreciate the beauty of nature, the birth of new life, and the renewal of our own spirits. Let us embrace the arrival of spring with open arms and cherish the wonders it brings.

描写春天的英语作文 篇二

Spring, the most beautiful season of the year, is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. It is a season that brings hope and optimism to people's hearts.

One of the most noticeable changes that occur in spring is the blooming of flowers. From cherry blossoms to daisies, the world becomes a colorful and enchanting place. The vibrant hues of pink, yellow, and purple fill the landscape, creating a feast for the eyes. The sweet scent of flowers fills the air, adding a touch of fragrance to the surroundings. Walking through a flower-filled park or garden can be a truly mesmerizing experience.

Spring is also a time for animals to come out of hibernation and enjoy the warmth of the sun. Birds can be seen flying in the sky, chirping happily as they build their nests. Squirrels and rabbits come out to play, hopping and scampering around, bringing liveliness to the surroundings. The sight of these animals enjoying the new season reminds us of the joy that comes with the arrival of spring.

In addition to the natural beauty and animal activities, spring is also a time for people to engage in outdoor activities. After being cooped up indoors during the winter months, people are eager to venture outside and enjoy the pleasant weather. It is a season for picnics in the park, bike rides along scenic trails, and hikes in the mountains. The feeling of the warm sun on our skin and the gentle breeze in our hair is invigorating and revitalizing.

Furthermore, spring is a season of growth and renewal. It is a time for us to reflect on our lives and make positive changes. Just as nature comes alive with new blooms and fresh green leaves, we can also take this opportunity to rejuvenate ourselves. It is a time to set new goals, learn new skills, and embrace new possibilities.

In conclusion, spring is a season that brings joy, beauty, and hope. It is a time to appreciate the wonders of nature, the beauty of flowers, and the joy of new beginnings. Let us welcome the arrival of spring with open arms and embrace the opportunities it brings.

描写春天的英语作文 篇三




  Winter is gone, people have to take off the thick cotton-padded jacket, put on a comfortable spring clothing. This Sunday, we three are no exception, are put on the light fields of spring came to feel the breath of spring.

  Along the way, through the window, I saw many roadside trees grew pale green leaves, they are in the spring breeze blowing in under the bobbing like green elf dance, as if to enjoy the touch of spring again.

  Came to the field, we are deeply attracted by the scene before: golden rape flower clusters, each stone in a yellow star, shine with the light of gold; The grass also leaned out of the little head, looked at the scenery around curiously; Some unknown bugs have also been the arrival of I frighten of running around. At this time, the ground a piece of small white flowers blooming before attracted me, although they are stars, but the wind, so beautiful, as if each white little stars in the sky on earth. Dad told me, this is the people of the legendary star grass. Continue to go forward, as if I came to the white fairy tale world, a look at carefully, turned out to be a piece of pear trees, pear flower of the bloom is so pure white and flawless, our feet, is fall into the spring breeze blows of pear flower petals, like is the fairy from falling, evenly on the ground, emitting bursts scent. Unconsciously, we came to a piece of peach, peach blossom has not opened, the branches are covered with a bud huaguduo, like a shy little girl attractive. Look, through the Chen, green wheat fields like a huge green carpet, industrious farmer uncle is watering for wheat seeding fertilizer.

  I look at the beauty of the eyes and can't help but sigh: isn't that what a beautiful picture of spring? Spring is beautiful!

  Let me find the scenery pleasing to both the nature of the spring, linger, I wish the beauty of the spring stay in people around you forever!







  Spring is changed into the new green clothes, the willows dance their graceful dance in the wind; Spring is a few light the swallow flew over the bridge and they sang together spring; Spring is under the grass in the wind is the swing. Calendar, one turn, the footsteps of spring is getting closer and closer to us, also do not know when, spring has quietly came to our side.

  Walking in the street, a breeze stroke face, let a person feel blast blast warm meaning, warm hearts, the sunshine shone on the face, have a kind of comfortable feeling, everything is shining golden light around, as if led me into the dream. Tree also sent out new bud, green, green transparent, that is not vigorous green, nor dense green, but a vibrant green. The grass also wake up, it gently rubbed his eyes and a good spirit, ready for it and a spring.

  The sky is so blue, looked up at day, the sky is blue, give a person a kind of infinite pure and fresh feeling, but if only the sky will feel drab, so we have the white cloud. The shape of the cloud millions, sometimes like pieces of fish scales, sometimes like a little sweet scents of cotton candy. Pure sky and white clouds collocation are together, constitute a beautiful picture scroll, occasionally passing one or two swallows, make this picture shows dynamic beauty. Such a beautiful picture, in addition to the spring, and when can I see?

  The spring with her unique characteristics, to please the eye. Spring is a vibrant season, lived in front of everything, everything in the world is full of new hope, coruscate gives the infinite vitality.

  I love the spring rain, it is neither like summer rain, also don't like autumn lingering, it is warm, fu

ll of vitality, such as their needles stuck in the ground. To sit by the window watching the rain, is not to have some kind of emotional appeal, watching the rain fall to the ground, listening to the sound of raindrops hitting, inner world become more quiet, so I have to go for a walk in the rain, and suddenly I smelled the air mixed with the fragrance of almond flowers, it is "last night listening to the rain, the Ming dynasty deep sell apricot flowers"!

  Spring is so beautiful, affectionate, memorable, but after the spring, in the next year, it is a different kind of spring, so, now let's heart, with love to feel the beautiful spring!








