
时间:2013-07-01 05:18:49
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Childhood Memories

Essay One:

Childhood is a precious time in our lives, filled with innocent joy and unforgettable memories. Looking back, I can vividly recall the carefree days of my childhood, filled with laughter and adventure.

One of my fondest memories from my childhood is playing in the park with my friends. We would spend hours on the swings, soaring high into the sky, feeling the wind rush past our faces. The sound of our laughter would echo through the park, creating a symphony of joy. We would also chase each other around the playground, our little feet pitter-pattering on the ground. It was a time of pure happiness, where the only worries were who would be "it" in our games of tag.

Another cherished memory from my childhood is the annual family vacation. Every summer, my parents would take me to a different destination, and each trip was filled with excitement and discovery. Whether it was building sandcastles on the beach or exploring ancient ruins, these vacations allowed me to experience new cultures and broaden my horizons. The memories made during these trips will forever hold a special place in my heart.

Furthermore, my childhood memories are also intertwined with the flavors and aromas of my favorite foods. I can still remember the taste of my grandmother's homemade cookies, warm from the oven and filled with love. The scent of freshly baked bread wafting through the house on Sunday mornings is a memory that brings a smile to my face. These simple pleasures of childhood still bring me comfort and warmth to this day.

In conclusion, my childhood memories are a treasure trove of joy and happiness. From playing in the park with friends to embarking on family vacations, these experiences shaped me into the person I am today. The sights, sounds, and flavors of my childhood continue to bring a sense of nostalgia and remind me of the carefree days of youth.

Essay Two:

Childhood is a time of innocence and wonder, where every day is filled with new discoveries and adventures. As I reflect on my own childhood memories, one particular experience stands out in my mind - my love for reading.

From a young age, I was drawn to the magical world of books. I would spend hours at the local library, eagerly flipping through the pages of various novels and picture books. The stories transported me to different worlds and allowed me to experience the lives of fascinating characters. I would become so engrossed in the stories that I could almost feel the wind in my hair as I flew alongside the characters on their adventures.

One of my favorite childhood books was "The Secret Garden" by Frances Hodgson Burnett. The tale of a hidden garden and the transformative power of nature captivated my imagination. I would spend hours pretending to be Mary Lennox, the protagonist of the story, exploring my own imaginary secret garden in the backyard. The book not only sparked my love for reading but also ignited a passion for nature and the beauty it holds.

Furthermore, reading also helped me develop empathy and understanding. Through the pages of books, I was able to step into the shoes of characters from different cultures and backgrounds, gaining insight into their experiences and emotions. This broadened my worldview, fostering a sense of compassion and tolerance that still guides me today.

In conclusion, my love for reading during my childhood opened up a world of imagination and knowledge. The stories I devoured and the characters I encountered shaped my identity and instilled in me a lifelong passion for learning. The memories of curling up with a good book on a rainy day or losing myself in the pages of an enchanting tale are some of the most treasured moments of my childhood.

童年的回忆英文作文 篇三










  "I love my home, my brother and mother..." Whenever I hear this song, I always burst into tears, memories of childhood _. Recollection of childhood, how many of the bitter experience of the past.

  When I was ignorant of things, I knew the difference between me and other small partners - I didn't have a mother! I asked my father many times, "Dad, where is my mother?" "You don't have a mother, * * * * * mom's dead!" Dad always responded to me angrily. Sometimes I even hit me. I knew my father would hate his mother very much, and I didn't know the reason for that.

  I was in a dream once dreamed of a woman holding a child, to teach children to learn. When I saw the dream of a child, I was shocked, this is my child, and every time when the woman turned around, there will be a bunch of strong light to stab my eyes, I will wake up immediately, I know that woman is my mother, I always want to see her look. In this way, a dream in the search of a figure, the idea of looking for a mother planted a seed in the bottom of my heart, and the seed is also slowly sprouting.

  "Where are you, mom?" Mom, I really want you, do you know? " Many times in the air and the mountains, I called to the sky and called to the mountain. I just wanted to see my mother.

  There is a lake in the US there, called "heart lake" legend has a boundless supernatural power at the bottom of the lake. She will help people realize their desire. As long as your heart's desire to write in a paper boat, and the boat on the lake, the wish will come true one day. I will ship boat into the lake, said "I hope to see my mother," I know it's just a legend, but I will wait.

  One day, my wish came true.

  It was in August 4, 2006, under the guidance of my uncle, I met my mother in front of the train station in Jixi. I cry, cry to cry, the mother broke down in tears, I wish.

  Now, my mother and I can get in touch at any time. And there are some orphans? I hope that all the people in the world can pity those orphans. They are really poor, and they want to have a complete home.

  "I love my home, my brother and mother..."

童年的回忆英文作文 篇四






  Childhood is like a colorful box, filled with candy, full of joy, full of laughter, in retrospect, everything is like a sparkling pearl, together like a beautiful dazzling necklace, shining in my memory.

  I remember that it was a sunny day. I went to the street with my mother-in-law to buy things. Buy Goubuli slightly! Four yuan a cage, come to buy! It was another piercing cry in my ear. Mother-in-law, mother-in-law, I want to try it, OK? I pulled her clothes, looking forward to see her face. Mother promised without demur. After I bought it, I was far away from the bun. God knows, I bought it for the dog. I returned home in a gleam of gleam, pretending to say, well stinky! No wonder it is called the dog!

  In fact, I have, but also good! I said: happy Laner dog, I bought you a steamed bun, oh, come and get it! I thought it would smell away and ignore the bun. But the result was much more than I had expected. Happy all over my face excitedly, shook his little tail, like an arrow flew to the front of the steamed stuffed bun, ate hungrily.

  I didn't understand it, I said angrily, "hum!" Deceive me! What Goubuli! Gou Mingming will eat, what is it! Why did the mother-in-law listen to it? Why did it happen? It was originally for the buns, and quickly explained to me: OK, OK, that is not a real dog, but it is a name. My face was red and suddenly realized.

  Childhood, like sand on the beach. Just pick up a grain, there is a story, happy, angry, sad, happy every time, all feel new.

童年的回忆英文作文 篇五





  Childhood is my treasure box, memory is its key, every time I open my hundred treasure box, I will harvest a lot of happiness, cherish our childhood! There is little snow in Kunming in winter, but one morning this year. I woke up and opened the curtains, the garden has been covered with a thick layer of snow in the sky is fluttering snow, snow in Kunming.

  I rushed out of the room. In the white world, those once rushing grass were hibernating. It was hard to see their tracks under the thick blanket of snow and white. I picked up a handful of snow white fat, let it fly fly, fly to me, become a prey of cool water, the fluttering snowflakes, like a feather shop in the mountains, like the dandelion to be thrown into the earth, and like countless young indescribable life, in the boundless sky the ups and downs, trembling, rippling.

  How beautiful the small snowflakes are! Then I called my friends to play together. I grabbed a piece of snow, pinched it into a circle, threw it on a friend, and immediately opened a white flower on his back, and he grabbed a bunch of snow and threw it. I flicker to the left and dodged his attack. After we had finished the snow war, we came to the snowman and saw him rolling a small snowball into a big snowball.

  We use this to do it himself, then I learned his movements roll a small snowball, made its head, I'm from home that came a carrot when its nose, and then picked up two pebbles as its eyes, the snowman finished, we turn it around. Turn, jump, seem to regard it as our friend. The snow left a good memory for my childhood.

童年的回忆英文作文 篇六








  Everyone has a good memory in the golden childhood. I also have a beautiful childhood, childhood and sweet, sweet and bitter, more profound than anyone.

  I remember when I was a child, once, when I was eating, I took the job, holding his head with a spoon to hand in the meal, aunt rushed, said: "Oh, quick to eat fast food."

  I had to grudgingly stuffed myself with a few mouthfuls, and I had a full mouth to eat, and the aunt coaxed me to say, "eat quickly, and I'll eat you to eat McDonald's, OK?" What, my aunt told me not how to see the effect, I just have a few mouths together into my mouth, chewing a few mouths, reluctantly swallowed, alas!

  The feeling was really hard at that time, "aunt, I don't want this bowl, give me a bowl, OK?" I was spoiled to say to my aunt. The aunt stopped for a stop and immediately said, "OK, good!" I saw my aunt pick up my bowl and went to the kitchen. But after a while, he came out and said, "come, the meal is coming."

  I said, "aunt, are you feeding me?" "Yes." My aunt gave me a few mouthfuls, and I said to my aunt, "aunt, I don't want this bowl!" The aunt went back to the kitchen and fed me to dinner.

  So back and forth three times at the fourth time, I quietly with my aunt back to the kitchen, to scare her, which know, aunt saw the bowl on the table, and then filled a little food, no rice to fall down, but I eat a bowl of it a bowl. Hum! How angry it was! But, I think, I don't seem to be right.


