my family rules英语作文带翻译(通用3篇)

时间:2019-01-01 04:42:35
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篇一:My Family Rules


In my family, we have several rules that we follow to maintain a harmonious and loving environment. These rules help us to respect and care for each other, and they play an important role in shaping our character and values. Here are some of the rules that my family abides by:

1. Respect and kindness: We believe in treating everyone with respect and kindness, regardless of their age or relationship to us. We use polite language and show appreciation for each other's efforts.

2. Open communication: We encourage open and honest communication in our family. We listen to each other’s opinions and concerns without judgment and try to find solutions together.

3. Responsibility and accountability: Each member of our family has their own responsibilities and chores. We take ownership of our tasks and complete them to the best of our abilities. We also hold ourselves accountable for our actions and apologize when we make mistakes.

4. Quality time together: We value spending quality time together as a family. This could be through family dinners, game nights, or even just having conversations. We prioritize this time and make an effort to bond and connect with each other.

5. Education and personal growth: We believe in the importance of education and personal growth. We encourage each other to pursue our interests and goals, and we support each other in our endeavors.

6. Healthy lifestyle: We prioritize our physical and mental well-being. We encourage regular exercise, healthy eating habits, and enough sleep. We also promote a positive mindset and provide support during challenging times.

These family rules have helped us to create a loving and supportive environment. They have taught us important values such as respect, responsibility, and the importance of communication. By following these rules, we have built strong relationships and have become a close-knit family.


1. 尊重和友善:我们相信要以尊重和友善的方式对待每个人,无论他们的年龄或与我们的关系如何。我们用礼貌的语言对待对方,并对彼此的努力表示赞赏。

2. 开放沟通:我们鼓励家庭内的开放和诚实的沟通。我们倾听彼此的意见和关切,不加以评判,并努力寻找解决办法。

3. 责任和承诺:我们家庭的每个成员都有自己的责任和家务事。我们对自己的任务负责,并尽力完成。我们也对自己的行为负责,并在犯错时道歉。

4. 共度美好时光:我们重视家人共度美好时光。这可以通过家庭晚餐、游戏之夜,甚至仅仅是交谈来实现。我们优先考虑这段时间,并努力建立联系和亲密关系。

5. 教育和个人成长:我们相信教育和个人成长的重要性。我们鼓励彼此追求自己的兴趣和目标,并在努力中互相支持。

6. 健康生活方式:我们优先考虑身心健康。我们鼓励定期锻炼、健康的饮食习惯和充足的睡眠。我们也倡导积极的心态,并在困难时期提供支持。


篇二:My Family Rules


In my family, we have established a set of rules that guide our behavior and interactions with each other. These rules help to maintain a positive and harmonious atmosphere within our household. Here are some of the rules that my family follows:

1. Respect for each other: We believe in treating every family member with respect and consideration. We listen to each other's opinions and value each other's perspectives.

2. No yelling or name-calling: We have a rule against raising our voices or using derogatory language towards one another. We believe in resolving conflicts through calm and respectful communication.

3. Sharing responsibilities: Each member of our family has their own responsibilities and chores. We believe in sharing the workload and helping each other out. This teaches us the importance of teamwork and cooperation.

4. Honesty and trust: We value honesty and trust within our family. We encourage open and transparent communication, and we trust each other to be truthful and reliable.

5. Quality time together: We make it a priority to spend quality time together as a family. This could be through family outings, movie nights, or simply sitting down for a meal together. We cherish these moments and use them to strengthen our bonds.

6. Support and encouragement: We support and encourage each other in our individual pursuits and endeavors. We celebrate each other's achievements and provide comfort and guidance during difficult times.

These family rules have helped us to create a loving and nurturing environment. They promote respect, open communication, and a sense of unity within our family. By following these rules, we have built a strong foundation of trust and mutual support.


1. 相互尊重:我们相信要以尊重和体贴的方式对待每个家庭成员。我们倾听彼此的意见,重视对方的观点。

2. 不大声喊叫或辱骂:我们有一个规定,禁止彼此高声喊叫或使用侮辱性语言。我们相信通过冷静和尊重的沟通来解决冲突。

3. 分担责任:我们家庭的每个成员都有自己的责任和家务事。我们相信分享工作负担,互相帮助。这教会了我们团队合作和互助的重要性。

4. 诚实和信任:我们重视家庭内的诚实和信任。我们鼓励开放和透明的沟通,并且相信彼此的真实和可靠。

5. 共度美好时光:我们优先考虑一起度过美好时光。这可以通过家庭外出活动、看电影之夜,或者仅仅是坐下来一起进餐来实现。我们珍惜这些时刻,并用它们来加强我们之间的纽带。

6. 支持和鼓励:我们在个人追求和努力中相互支持和鼓励。我们庆祝彼此的成就,并在困难时期提供安慰和指导。


my family rules英语作文带翻译 篇三


  my family rules英语作文_第1篇:

  Now I am facing trouble just set rules, well my life is how the bitter wow. House rules you want to know what kind is it?

  House rules are rules are as follows: 1, the TV time can't exceed 1 hour, 2, study time more than 2 hours, (here I feel unfair, why should study time so long, really tired.) 3 not watch TV, eat dinner time... More than 20, rule applies only to currently in school. (why these rules as long as a man I know observed, unfair, I am opposed to, but what's the use of opposition, they are all against me, so I can only be appointed, alas......).

  Poor on the first day, today I got home, then open the TV up, haven't seen my parents took me back to the room to study a few minutes, the bitter wow (true) I learned more than 20 minutes to go out to play, just out of the door mother will come home to me, (I organize a big against work, well, come on.)

  Today, I got home, he said to mom and dad: "why, the house rules, as long as I a person do adhere to keep with what." "With you are a student, you will graduate this year and you want to go to good to follow." ...... (alas, he forgave you mouth, a mouth, to me is not fair.) Seems I am not, my fate.

  This year I have hard, come on!






  my family rules英语作文_第2篇:

  "You want to speak out, we can help you!" Simple in a word, this is my family's house rules, no matter what happened, all want to speak out, especially will let you in a bad mood, you said, you may be able to help you, give you advice, comfort you. However, if you don't speak, we don't know what you are born what spirit, it will lead to greater conflict, and family is what all can speak.

  Rule # 2, it is absolutely can't lie, dare to challenge the house rules, it is made in our house of the god forbid, consequence will be unimaginable, be careful what you fart fart is to bloom. Mom and dad always said, to be honest, will make mistakes, and would rather you admit a mistake, don't we be a lovely child, on the surface of the because of doing wrong, but it is good, next time it's not a very shameful.

  In addition, the rules in our house, is the rule in daily life, more can't knock bowls while eating, you can't fight. Teachers to be polite to your elders, attitude to appropriate, these rules, since the childhood education I be a rule of their children, with family members can speak without reservation things, she didn't love lie, these family precepts had a great influence on me.

  I can't sleep a lot of house rules very troublesome, is "home", is a kind of happiness, such growth is worth to cherish.






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my family rules英语作文带翻译(通用3篇)

