
时间:2015-08-01 03:44:11
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描写蝴蝶的英语作文 篇一

Butterflies are beautiful creatures that captivate the hearts of many. They are delicate and graceful, with vibrant colors that make them stand out. From their remarkable life cycle to their unique physical features, butterflies are truly a wonder of nature.

One of the most fascinating aspects of butterflies is their transformation from a caterpillar to a butterfly. This process, known as metamorphosis, is truly remarkable. It begins when a female butterfly lays eggs on a leaf. These eggs hatch into tiny caterpillars, which then start to eat and grow. As they continue to eat, they shed their skin several times. After a few weeks, the caterpillar forms a chrysalis, where it undergoes a complete transformation. Inside the chrysalis, the caterpillar's body liquefies and rearranges itself into a butterfly. Finally, the adult butterfly emerges from the chrysalis, ready to spread its wings and explore the world.

Butterflies have a unique physical appearance that sets them apart from other insects. Their wings are covered in small, colorful scales, giving them their distinctive patterns. These scales not only provide them with vibrant colors but also help protect their delicate wings. Butterflies have long, thin antennae that they use to sense their surroundings. They have a proboscis, a long tube-like mouthpart, which they use to suck nectar from flowers. This feeding behavior also serves an important purpose for the plants, as butterflies help in pollination.

Butterflies are known for their ability to fly gracefully through the air. They have large, strong wings that allow them to glide and hover effortlessly. Their wings beat in a unique motion, creating the mesmerizing fluttering effect. Butterflies are also adept at navigating long distances, using a combination of visual cues and the Earth's magnetic field.

In addition to their beauty and grace, butterflies play a crucial role in the ecosystem. As pollinators, they help in the reproduction of plants by transferring pollen from one flower to another. This process allows for the production of fruits and seeds, which are essential for the survival of many plant species. Butterflies also serve as a food source for other animals, including birds and reptiles. They are an important part of the food chain and contribute to the overall balance of the ecosystem.

In conclusion, butterflies are truly fascinating creatures. From their incredible life cycle to their unique physical features, they never cease to amaze us. Their beauty and grace bring joy to our lives, while their role as pollinators and contributors to the ecosystem highlights their importance in nature. Next time you see a butterfly, take a moment to appreciate its beauty and the wonders of the natural world.

描写蝴蝶的英语作文 篇三

  Most of these butterflies are a race,their wings on the back of a tender green,well above the beautiful patterns that make them not move when docked like the green grass,they are the front wings are golden yellow,making them flutter in the Wings acquired when the golden flowers but like a blossoming in the middle of their team-intensive,sometimes flying a few huge body with a black ribbon of the large red flowers butterflies,as if intended as a cosmetic afterthought.

  Butterfly body shining,there are two small wings on the circle.Red,yellow,green,purple,black and other colors symmetrically awarded on the wing,like a colorful flower.

  When flocks of butterflies scattered when the poly,colorful wings in the sunshine like a very beautiful silk.

  This exotic butterflies,far from looking like a dead leaf on the tree upside down,if you hand pick the piece of leaf,it flew up.

  There are few flowers with purple spots in the big butterfly,floating in the air while dancing,while they put wings fall to spend,simply tell the butterflies into a flower decorated in the branches,or flowers to give birth to wings up.

  Butterfly's mouth is also very chic,like clockwork like clockwork,usually rolled up,ed into the flower to go straight to use when smoking inside the honey.

  Two white butterflies with black spots,whipped up and down,flashing a beautiful wings,like two cute little white flowers.

  Exquisite elegance of the butterflies,among the flowers in pairs can not afford to fly-by-light,tail length,such as ribbon,Wind flowing,graceful dance is really cool great.

  Butterflies rest in a cluster of flowers,the two spotted flapping their wings from time to time,such as the network that context shining gold,the pair of light blue tentacles,slender like brocade.

  Vegetable garden,flower garden,the flocks of butterflies,such as spreading down from the sky like colorful pieces of paper,wind-borne,and the wind journeyman.

  Colorful butterflies,light attitude,in the blooming flowers in the shuttle,flocked to early autumn hills dotted with even more enchanting,beautiful.

描写蝴蝶的英语作文 篇四

  Butterflies are one of the most beautiful of all insects. There are

  about 15,000 to 20,000 species. The word butterfly comes from the Old

  English word butterfleoge, meaning butter and flying creature. Buter

  probably referred to the butter-yellow color of some European

  butterflies. Butter flies and moths make up a group of insects called

  Lepidoptera. Most butterflies fly during the day.

  Most butterflies have knobs at the end of their antennae. In addition, many

  butterflies have slender, hairless bodies. Butterflies rest

  their wings held upright over their bodies.

描写蝴蝶的英语作文 篇五

  Butterflies are a special group of insects that arouses visions of bright color fluttering amidst sun-drenched flowering meadows. Their color emanates from thousands of tiny, shinglelike scales in rows delicately attached by twin stalks to a parchmentlike wing membrane. If you gently rub your finger across a butterfly wing, these stalks break and the scales brush off like dust.

  Two types of color arise from the wing-pigmented and structural or iridescent hues. Pigmented colors such as red, orange, yellow and brown come from the actual color pigment of each scale. In contrast, the iridescent, metallic colors such as blue, green, violet, silver and gold are created by minute structures on the scale surface that bend light and reflect it.

  To further understand what makes butterflies unique, you might consider the miracle of metamorphosis. The four stages in butterfly metamorphosis are egg, larva (caterpillar), pupa (chrysalis) and adult. In the spirit of the Ugly Duckling, metamorphosis begins when the fertilized egg hatches into a small caterpillar. The caterpillar becomes an undulating eating machine, continually searching for food and appearing to grow larger by the hour. After finally getting its fill or devouring all available food in the area, the caterpillar slowly molts into an inactive, mummy-like stage called the chrysalis. Within this waxy pupal case, the mystical transformation into adulthood occurs. As the chrysalis case splits, the wrinkled-winged adult butterfly emerges. After stretching and drying, the butterfly takes to the air in search of a mate so the cycle can be repeated. The miracle is complete; the ugly caterpillar has become a beautiful airborne ambassador of nature.

描写蝴蝶的英语作文 篇六

  Most varieties of butterflies will also need some sort of shelter from wind.Although they really like open areas with a lot of sun,you'll probably need to provide some sort of windbreak to protect them from high winds that can disturb them.

  Butterflies often congregate by the edges of mud puddles.You've probably seen this before.It isn't known exactly why butterflies enjoy mud puddles so much,but it's thought that it may be certain minerals that are present in the muddy water.If you want to attract a lot of butterflies,you might consider keeping some damp areas in your garden.

  Female butterflies need plants that can be eaten by the caterpillars that hatch from their eggs.Black swallowtails prefer dill and parsley,for example.Monarch butterflies typically only lay their eggs on milkweed.Female butterflies spend a lot of time searching for these plants to lay their eggs on.

  Adult butterflies eat nectars from various flowers.Flowers that contain a lot of nectar are especially attractive to butterflies.These flowers are usually brightly colored and sweetly scented.Some species of butterflies feed on the honeydew produced by aphids.Some even feed on plant spa,bird feces,or rotting fruit!

  Your butterfly garden should contain at least one big patch of flowers that will attract butterflies.You may want to get flowers that bloom in sequence,because this will keep butterflies visiting your garden more often.

  You should bear in mind that many flowers that are preferred by butterflies are considered weeds.For example,dandelion is very attractive to several types of butterflies.Thistle is another weed that many types of butterflies enjoy.

  If you have an herb garden or vegetable garden,you may notice some butterflies congregating on some of your plants there.The European cabbage butterfly enjoys broccoli,cabbage,and other cruciferous vegetables.The black swallowtail often frequents herbs such as dill and parsley.

  Don't use insecticides in your garden unless absolutely necessary,because they can kill caterpillars.Some insecticides can also kill the adult butterflies if they light on plants that have been treated,or if they drink nectar that was polluted by poison.

  Some flowers you should plant if you like to attract butterflies include cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cabbage,herbs like parsley and dill,and many types of flowers.Some great flowers for butterfly gardens include asters,lilacs,verbena,zinnias,cosmos,marigolds,sunflowers,thistles,butterfly bush,bee balm,and sweet pea.

  Making your garden hospitable for butterflies doesn't take a lot of extra work.Simply keeping a small wet area for them and planting a few plants that they'll enjoy is often enough to attract a number of butterflies.


