
时间:2018-08-02 07:11:32
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Skating Essay in English - Part 1

Title: The Joy of Skating

Skating is a popular recreational activity that brings immense joy and excitement. Whether it's gliding smoothly on an ice rink or gracefully performing intricate moves, the experience of skating is truly exhilarating. In this essay, I will share my personal experience and the reasons why skating is such a beloved pastime.

The first time I stepped onto an ice rink, I was both nervous and excited. As I laced up my skates and took my first hesitant steps, the cold ice beneath my feet sent shivers down my spine. However, as I gained confidence and began to glide across the ice, a sense of freedom washed over me. The feeling of speed and the wind against my face were invigorating, and I couldn't help but smile.

Skating offers a unique blend of physical exercise and artistic expression. The physical demands of skating help to strengthen muscles, improve balance, and enhance cardiovascular health. As I practiced more, I found myself becoming more agile and flexible. Skating also requires mental focus and concentration, as I had to constantly analyze my movements and adjust accordingly. The combination of physical and mental exertion makes skating a great way to stay fit and improve overall well-being.

Beyond the physical benefits, skating allows for artistic expression and creativity. Figure skating, for example, is a beautiful display of grace and elegance. The skaters effortlessly glide across the ice, performing intricate spins, jumps, and footwork. The combination of music and choreography adds another layer of artistry to the performance. Skating not only challenges the body but also nurtures the soul through the expression of emotions and storytelling.

Moreover, skating is a social activity that brings people together. Whether it's skating with friends or participating in group lessons, the ice rink becomes a place for connection and camaraderie. I have made many new friends through skating, and we often enjoy the thrill of gliding together or challenging each other to try new moves. Skating also provides opportunities for competition, fostering a sense of sportsmanship and teamwork.

In conclusion, skating is a truly wonderful activity that combines physical exercise, artistic expression, and social interaction. The joy and freedom experienced while gliding on the ice are unparalleled. Skating has enriched my life in numerous ways, both physically and emotionally. I encourage everyone to give it a try and discover the enchantment of skating for themselves.

Skating Essay in English - Part 2

Title: Overcoming Challenges on Ice

Skating is not just a leisurely activity; it is also a sport that demands dedication, perseverance, and the ability to overcome challenges. In this essay, I will share my personal journey of overcoming obstacles while skating and the valuable life lessons I have learned along the way.

When I first started skating, I quickly realized that it was not as easy as it looked. Balancing on the thin blades and maneuvering on ice proved to be a daunting task. I stumbled and fell countless times, often feeling frustrated and discouraged. However, with each fall, I learned to pick myself up and try again. Skating taught me the importance of resilience and determination. It taught me that failure is not a sign of weakness but an opportunity for growth.

One of the biggest challenges I faced while skating was learning jumps and spins. These intricate moves require not only physical strength but also mental focus and precision. I spent hours practicing the techniques, falling repeatedly in the process. However, with the guidance of my coach and the support of my fellow skaters, I gradually improved. Skating taught me the value of patience and perseverance. It taught me that success is not achieved overnight but through consistent effort and a willingness to learn from mistakes.

Skating also taught me the importance of embracing fear and taking risks. The first time I attempted a double jump, I was filled with fear and doubt. The thought of failing or injuring myself was overwhelming. However, I reminded myself that growth and progress come from stepping out of my comfort zone. I took a deep breath, visualized success, and went for it. Though I fell several times before landing the jump, the feeling of accomplishment and the rush of adrenaline were worth it. Skating taught me that fear should not hold me back, but rather, it should be a catalyst for personal growth and self-discovery.

Moreover, skating taught me the value of discipline and time management. Balancing school, training, and other commitments required careful planning and prioritization. Skating taught me the importance of setting goals, creating a schedule, and staying committed to my aspirations. It taught me the significance of hard work and dedication in achieving success, both on and off the ice.

In conclusion, skating is not just about gliding on ice; it is about overcoming challenges and learning valuable life lessons along the way. Skating has taught me the importance of resilience, perseverance, courage, and discipline. It has shaped me into a stronger and more determined individual. Skating is not just a sport but a transformative journey that has enriched my life in countless ways.

滑冰作文的英文 篇三




  I like skating, but I am in the south. It's very rare to see ice and snow. It makes me very sorry for the ice skating composition. But the smart people invented the dry ice, which made me and the skaters like them. On TV, seeing those skaters who are free to gallop on the skating field, their graceful movements are more envied. So I decided to learn skating!

  I told my father what I thought, and Dad agreed with it. On a Sunday afternoon, my father took me to the rink, see others slide so I want to skate a leisurely and carefree, very easy! So I put on my skating shoes. I was confident that I was ready to make a good performance. My grade five composition, "ice skating composition". Unexpectedly, just stand up my feet butingshihuan, not a half step reel right and left, I fell on the ground, the pain I want to cry alone. Ice skating is so hard! After falling down, I began to lose confidence. But with my dad's help and encouragement, I stood up slowly and slipped step by step, for fear that I would fall again. In this way, I began to slowly and skillfully, and gradually learned some skills. I thought I was skating well, so I let go of my father's hands, and learned to skate like a skater in TV. But I didn't listen to my pulley when I was on the TV. I fell again. "Pay attention to the balance of gravity, the main action. If your center of gravity is not balanced, you wrestle, and you will lose balance when the action is not correct. Don't worry, take your time. " Dad said anxiously, watching dad look more anxious than me! After listening, I clapped the dust on my body and stood up again bravely. This time I convergence of their psychological more carefully big with pride, learning, and gradually mastered the action of balance and coordination, so I finally learned to skate.

  Through this experience of learning skating, I understand that no matter what we do, we must persevere and face it in an open mind and bold in our mind, so that we can learn better and faster. At the same time, I have learned from it that learning is difficult, but it is also full of happiness.

滑冰作文的英文 篇四





  That year, I just seven especially vigorous. One day, I watched my little buddy skate around with me wearing cool skates and skating, like a light swallow, and he came to me again. How lively and I loved the ice skating. I begged my mother to buy me a pair of skating shoes. In the evening, I pestered my father to take me to the square and skate.

  The spring breeze gently blowing, with fresh, warm fragrance, the little gold in the new branches out of the buds, flashing white light, the square is bathed in the atmosphere in spring, I can't wait for the sliding shoe soldiers. I thought that skating is a very easy thing, just keep your feet slip forward on the line, did I just draw a few steps then fell wrestle, this fall is not very painful, a post I will help the next, slowly climb up, although this is not fall but after all the pain, does not necessarily mean a fall does not hurt, so I carefully balance, feet slightly apart, due to maintain body balance. Well! It's wonderful. I can skate in a moment. I'm not so proud. The slippery, the faster.

  At this time, the moon rises, the lights of the square are also bright, the stars glow, and our children are like happy small fish in the square. My skating more skillful, I close my eyes, feel free as a bird, fly up as high as. Suddenly, I realized by intuition that there was something in front of me. I suddenly opened my eyes and found that it was railing in front of me. But I couldn't keep my pace. "Bang", I bumped into the rod and fell to the ground, and I cried. Dad heard ran painfully stretched over, immediately go back, after a moment, he said firmly: "you must stand up for yourself, I will pick you up! "I raised my eyes at my father, my father stood there motionless, so I cried, dad said that I never did, and after a while, the father said:" you don't get up again, I can go! "I was crying all the time, and my father turned away. I was frightened. I hurried up to my feet. Dad saw it, and there was a smile on his austere face.

  In the twinkling of an eye, three years passed. Now, I have never cried like that night. But in these three years, I encountered more than one encounter of frustrations like moonlight and water. Because, my father's words will let me win the courage and strength to defeat the setback. At the same time, I also understand the truth of a life: where to fall, where to climb!

滑冰作文的英文 篇五





  In the skating rink, my mind clearly revealed that Helen's favorite saying, if I lack the obstacles to overcome, will lose some joy in various life experiences. If there is no black valley that needs to be trudged, the time of the top of the mountain is only less than half the beauty. Indeed, in the ice, I deeply appreciate the.

  A chance this year summer vacation I come into contact with the ice rink, I began my journey of skating. This is the first time I have been exposed to ice skating. When I put on the snow-white ice skates, I immediately lost my sense of balance, not to say it was on the ice, and even on the flat ground. I finally walked into leaning on the railing

of the rink. However, at the foot of the ice skates seems to be not satisfied with my little master, wished me fall down, so I had to pull the railing tightly hold hands from strength to pull a little forward, carefully every step. However, when I went to the half of the focus of instability, accidentally fell back, just listen to "bang" a sound, I fell headlong". It's not a light hand, but it hurts me for three days. Look at the ice rink in those with a good figure and I was jealous and dispirited. But I still give myself the courage, is this the first time I skating, and did not everyone else walk in step by step? Once again, I stood up hard, barely standing on the ice. Soon I was learning the posture of others trying to practice on one side of the corner. Although the distance from others is far away, but after all, I gradually have some ice skating feeling. Second ice skating, I gave myself a bit more air than the last time. For this, I practiced on the ground. At last I could succeed in letting go, but it was not called skating at all. Once again, I was disheartened. "Should I give up?" I ask myself. Finally, I still firmly tell myself, "no!" I should stick to it. "

  When the third time I stand on the ice, at the foot of the shining blade seems to have become my partner to work with me. I simply opened the railing to learn to skate as soon as possible, but at first I planted a somersault. The ice on the ground was cold and harsh, but it could not hit my heart that decided to go on. I flapped the pieces of ice on me and stood up again... At last, when I slid again, the ice seemed to be as normal as usual. Yes, as I told myself, I can also skate very well one day.

  In fact, to do anything, as long as the first step, and then work step by step, will gradually close to my destination. Failure is not frightening, and the success of the effort again after a failure is nothing else.


