
时间:2018-07-07 09:30:11
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克服困难的英语作文 篇一

Facing Challenges: My Journey of Learning English

Learning a new language can be a challenging and daunting task. As an international student, I have experienced numerous obstacles in my journey of learning English. However, through perseverance and determination, I have managed to overcome these difficulties and improve my language skills.

One of the biggest challenges I faced was the language barrier. When I first arrived in an English-speaking country, I found it extremely difficult to communicate with others. Simple tasks like ordering food or asking for directions became overwhelming and frustrating. I often felt embarrassed and discouraged, but I refused to give up. Instead, I sought out opportunities to practice speaking English, such as joining conversation clubs and participating in language exchange programs. By immersing myself in English-speaking environments and constantly practicing, I gradually gained confidence in my ability to communicate effectively.

Another obstacle I encountered was the complexity of English grammar. English grammar rules seemed like a never-ending maze, and it was easy to get lost in the sea of tenses, verb forms, and sentence structures. To overcome this difficulty, I adopted a systematic approach to studying grammar. I dedicated time each day to review grammar rules, complete exercises, and seek clarification from teachers or peers. I also utilized online resources and language learning apps to reinforce my understanding. Slowly but surely, I began to grasp the intricacies of English grammar and apply them correctly in my writing and speaking.

In addition to the language barrier and grammar challenges, I also struggled with building vocabulary. English has a vast vocabulary, and it often felt overwhelming to memorize and comprehend new words. To tackle this obstacle, I developed a habit of reading extensively in English. I read a variety of materials, such as novels, newspapers, and academic articles, to expose myself to different styles and contexts. I also made use of vocabulary-building techniques, such as creating flashcards, using mnemonic devices, and practicing word associations. Gradually, my vocabulary expanded, enabling me to express myself more precisely and comprehend complex texts.

Through my journey of learning English, I have come to realize that perseverance and a positive mindset are key to overcoming difficulties. It is important to view challenges as opportunities for growth and to embrace the process of learning. By actively seeking out resources, practicing consistently, and remaining resilient, I have been able to make significant progress in my English language skills. While there may still be obstacles ahead, I am confident that I will continue to overcome them and achieve my goals.

克服困难的英语作文 篇二

Conquering the Fear: Overcoming the Stage Fright

Public speaking is a skill that many find terrifying and challenging. I, too, used to suffer from stage fright and struggled to overcome this fear. However, through persistence and various strategies, I have managed to conquer my stage fright and improve my public speaking abilities.

The first step in overcoming stage fright was to understand the root causes of my fear. I realized that my fear stemmed from a fear of judgment and failure. I was afraid of making mistakes, being ridiculed, or being seen as incompetent in front of others. To address this, I began to change my mindset and reframe my thoughts. Instead of viewing public speaking as a potential source of embarrassment, I started to see it as an opportunity for personal growth and self-expression.

Another strategy that helped me overcome stage fright was thorough preparation and practice. By thoroughly researching and organizing my content, I gained confidence in my knowledge and expertise on the topic. I also practiced my speeches multiple times, both alone and in front of friends or family. This allowed me to become familiar with the flow of my speech, build muscle memory, and reduce anxiety. The more I practiced, the more comfortable and confident I felt on stage.

Additionally, I found that visualization techniques helped alleviate my stage fright. Before each presentation, I would imagine myself delivering the speech confidently and successfully. I would picture the audience engaged and responsive, and I would visualize myself maintaining a calm and composed demeanor. This mental rehearsal helped me to build a positive and confident mindset, enabling me to perform better on stage.

Furthermore, seeking opportunities for public speaking and gradually exposing myself to larger audiences played a significant role in overcoming my fear. I joined public speaking clubs and participated in various events or competitions that required me to speak in front of others. Each time, I pushed myself to step outside my comfort zone and face my fear head-on. With each successful experience, my confidence grew, and my fear diminished.

In conclusion, conquering stage fright requires a combination of mindset reframing, thorough preparation, visualization, and gradual exposure. It is important to remember that stage fright is a common fear and that even the most experienced speakers have experienced it at some point. By recognizing and addressing the root causes of our fear, adopting effective strategies, and embracing opportunities for growth, we can overcome stage fright and become more confident and effective public speakers.

克服困难的英语作文 篇三

  When it comes to the difficulties of learning English, different people have different opinions, such as hard of hearing, less word, confusion of grammar, even poor writing skills etc. As for me, I believe that, in addition to what is mentioned, I don't have enough time and energy to learning, as a full-time job and a lot of housework.

  How to solve these problems? I think a strong will is the key to success. Therefore, some measures must be taken as follows.

  First, I make full use of all available time. I usually study English until 11 o 'clock at night. Then I made records the new words and MP3 player, so I can participate in the way of new words, both from

home and from unit to unit at home. In addition, the most important thing is, I always in the classroom, good notes and review again and again carefully after class. In the end, I do some simulation component through the translation of English composition into Chinese and then translate it into English and imitate it again and again.

  As the proverb goes "slow and steady will win the game. Finally, I have a great progress in learning English. Of course, progress is limited. So I still eager to achieve available Suggestions of teachers and students.








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