
时间:2013-05-05 02:16:35
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篇一:The Harmful Effects of Discrimination

Discrimination is a prevalent issue that exists in societies all around the world. It occurs when individuals or groups are treated unfairly or unjustly based on certain characteristics such as race, gender, religion, or disabilities. Discrimination not only causes harm to the victims, but it also creates division and leads to social inequality.

One of the most common forms of discrimination is racial discrimination. It is deeply rooted in history and continues to be a major problem today. Racial discrimination can manifest in various ways, such as racial slurs, hate crimes, and unequal opportunities. This form of discrimination not only undermines the dignity and worth of individuals but also perpetuates stereotypes and prejudices.

Gender discrimination is another prevalent issue that persists in many societies. Women often face discrimination in the workplace, where they are paid less than their male counterparts for doing the same job. They are also underrepresented in leadership positions and face barriers in career advancement. Such discrimination not only limits women's potential but also reinforces gender stereotypes and inequality.

Religious discrimination is yet another form of discrimination that has far-reaching consequences. It occurs when individuals are treated differently based on their religious beliefs or practices. This can lead to exclusion from certain social groups, denial of educational opportunities, and even violence. Religious discrimination not only infringes upon one's freedom of religion but also hinders social cohesion and understanding among different religious communities.

Discrimination against individuals with disabilities is also a significant problem. People with disabilities often face barriers in accessing education, employment, and public services. They may also experience social isolation and stigma. Such discrimination not only denies individuals with disabilities their basic rights but also limits their full participation in society.

The harmful effects of discrimination are widespread. Victims of discrimination often suffer from low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. Discrimination also leads to social division and tension, as it fosters a sense of "us versus them" mentality. Moreover, discrimination perpetuates social inequality and prevents individuals from reaching their full potential.

It is crucial for societies to address and eradicate discrimination in all its forms. Education plays a vital role in raising awareness and promoting tolerance and acceptance. Laws and policies should be implemented to protect individuals from discrimination and provide equal opportunities for all. In addition, fostering a culture of inclusivity and respect can help create a society where discrimination is no longer tolerated.

In conclusion, discrimination is a harmful practice that causes immense harm to individuals and societies as a whole. It is essential to recognize and challenge discrimination in all its forms to create a more inclusive and equal world.

篇二:The Importance of Promoting Equality and Inclusion

Discrimination is a social issue that continues to plague societies worldwide. It is crucial to recognize the harmful effects of discrimination and take steps to promote equality and inclusion. By doing so, we can create a society that values diversity and ensures equal opportunities for all.

Promoting equality is essential to building a fair and just society. It involves treating individuals and groups fairly, regardless of their race, gender, religion, or disabilities. Equality means providing equal access to education, healthcare, employment, and other basic rights and opportunities. By promoting equality, we can break down barriers and create a level playing field for everyone.

Inclusion is equally important in creating a harmonious and inclusive society. Inclusion means embracing and valuing diversity in all its forms. It involves creating a sense of belonging, where individuals feel accepted and respected for who they are. Inclusive societies celebrate differences and recognize the unique contributions that each individual can make.

Promoting equality and inclusion has numerous benefits for individuals and society as a whole. It fosters social cohesion and harmony by reducing social divisions and tensions. It also leads to increased productivity and innovation, as diverse perspectives and talents are valued and utilized. Moreover, promoting equality and inclusion is a fundamental human right, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to live a fulfilling life.

Education plays a crucial role in promoting equality and inclusion. By teaching tolerance, acceptance, and respect for diversity, we can instill these values in future generations. Schools should provide inclusive curriculums that reflect the diversity of society and promote understanding among different cultures and backgrounds. Educating individuals about the harmful effects of discrimination can help create a more empathetic and inclusive society.

Legislation and policies are also necessary to promote equality and inclusion. Laws should be enacted to protect individuals from discrimination and ensure equal rights and opportunities. Affirmative action policies can help address historical inequalities and provide opportunities for marginalized groups. Government initiatives and programs can also play a significant role in promoting equality and inclusion.

In conclusion, promoting equality and inclusion is essential for creating a just and inclusive society. By valuing diversity and providing equal opportunities for all, we can break down barriers and foster social cohesion. Education, legislation, and government initiatives are key to achieving equality and inclusion. It is our collective responsibility to challenge discrimination and create a world where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.

歧视的英语作文「附翻译」 篇三




  In the life most not poor people saddened with unbearable pain, is not time-consuming but discrimination.

  This reminds me of the winter of 2007, with a top student at the same time I am late, a teache

r care for top students enthusiastically don't tired out body, by learning is, in turn, laughing at me sleep late in the morning. From then on, I really three to four hours every day, I achieved good results, the next year's final exam also was named "miyoshi students'.

  Whether a person is strong, the key lies in whether he can bear the pressure of the outside world, which often contain the discrimination. Discrimination is half angel, half is the devil. It is easy to make a person's belief, also often can provoke the heart the most strong power! Practice stone, it is a very beautiful also very cruel. If you want to be successful, it must be difficult to tolerate others with your discrimination, intentionally or unintentionally.

  A few months ago, the editor of a journal at me said: your level is far less than the level of my publications. "He even said:" as long as I make up, you won't get your article "then please remember my name and my name sooner or later one day will appear in the journal.

  Money we can not, colorful we may refuse to honor, only dignity lost. One's life, with dignity must be a duel with discrimination. So, let's cherish so far suffered or suffer discrimination, regard it as the most precious in our lives a scenery, then with hard heavy metal into a heavy axe, smashing discrimination.

  This process is very difficult and very long, but if the lack of such a process, your life will be worth nothing, you will is not the quality of life.

  Therefore, fighting for it, in the heart of a strong betting and conviction to break through the difficulties.

  Now I have grade, hard to avoid in study or work, intentionally or not hear some discrimination, but it does not matter, have to do is put it into her forward power.










