
时间:2011-06-05 09:16:44
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皇帝的新装英语作文带翻译 篇一

The Emperor's New Clothes

Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived an emperor who loved new clothes. He would spend hours every day trying on different outfits and admiring himself in the mirror. The emperor was so obsessed with his appearance that he would often neglect his duties as a ruler.

One day, two cunning weavers arrived in the kingdom and claimed to be able to make the finest clothes in the world. They told the emperor that their fabric was not only beautiful but also magical. They said that only wise and intelligent people could see the fabric, while fools would not be able to see it at all.

The emperor, intrigued by the weavers' claims, decided to commission them to make him a new set of clothes. He thought that by wearing these clothes, he would be able to determine who among his subjects were wise and who were fools.

The weavers began their work, but in reality, they were not weaving anything at all. They pretended to work on their invisible looms, while the emperor and his ministers watched in anticipation. They didn't want to admit that they couldn't see the fabric because they feared being seen as fools.

Finally, the weavers announced that the clothes were ready. The emperor and his ministers went to see the finished product. When they saw the empty looms, they all pretended to admire the fabric, afraid of being labeled as fools. The emperor even put on the invisible clothes and paraded through the streets, with his subjects applauding and complimenting his attire.

However, a young child in the crowd spoke up and said, "But the emperor is naked!" Slowly, the truth began to spread, and soon everyone was laughing at the emperor's foolishness. The emperor realized that he had been deceived and that his obsession with appearances had made him blind to the truth.

From that day on, the emperor learned the importance of honesty and humility. He realized that true power came from being a wise and fair ruler, not from wearing fancy clothes.









皇帝的新装英语作文带翻译 篇二

The Emperor's New Clothes: A Tale of Deception

In a kingdom far away, there lived an emperor who was known for his extravagant lifestyle and love for fashion. He would spend enormous amounts of money on the most luxurious clothes, always seeking to outshine everyone else in the kingdom.

One day, two cunning weavers arrived at the palace and claimed to have the ability to weave a fabric that was so extraordinary, it could only be seen by those who were truly intelligent and competent. The weavers convinced the emperor that the fabric they were about to create was not only exquisite but also possessed the magical power of being invisible to anyone who was unfit for their position or exceptionally stupid.

Intrigued by the weavers' promises, the emperor agreed to commission them to make him a new set of clothes. He believed that by wearing these clothes, he would be able to identify those in his court who were unworthy of their positions.

The weavers began their work, but in reality, they were just pretending to weave. They fooled the emperor and his ministers into believing that they were creating the finest fabric ever made. The emperor's ministers, afraid of being seen as incompetent, praised the weavers' work and claimed to see the magnificent fabric taking shape.

Finally, the weavers announced that the clothes were ready. The emperor and his ministers were led to a room where the weavers presented the invisible clothes. They pretended to help the emperor put on the clothes, describing the intricate details and vibrant colors that only the wise could see.

The emperor, not wanting to appear foolish, pretended to admire his new attire and walked through the palace halls wearing nothing but his underwear. His ministers, also fearing the consequences of appearing incompetent, praised the emperor's new clothes and complimented his appearance.

It was not until a young child shouted, "But the emperor is naked!" that the truth was revealed. The entire kingdom erupted in laughter, realizing that they had been deceived by the weavers' clever scheme. The emperor, embarrassed and ashamed, quickly retreated to his chambers.

This tale serves as a reminder that appearances can be deceiving and that one should not be too quick to judge others based on their outward appearance. The emperor's obsession with his own image and the fear of being seen as a fool led to his downfall. In the end, he learned a valuable lesson about the importance of honesty and humility.










皇帝的新装英语作文带翻译 篇三



  In the past one emperor, has a rage for love to wear new clothes, a set of clothes you want to change every hour.

  One day, to the two self-proclaimed weavers, and said that they "can weave human can think of the most beautiful cloth", also claimed that this kind of cloth of clothes is "any incompetent or stupid hopeless person all can't see". The emperor after listen to very happy, give them two many treasure, let they start

immediately. They are busy on the empty machine, pretend the appearance of the fabric. The emperor want to know what happened to the material formed woven, just sent before a minister to look. The secretary zheng big eyes, what also didn't see it, and don't want to let people know you are a fool, said: "how beautiful the dress!!!" And reported to the emperor said that he very satisfied, two swindlers have been more money. Before long, the emperor sent another official. The official also said clothes are very beautiful, the emperor gave them a lot of money.

  The emperor decided to go to take a look at the beautiful clothes,. He took a number of officials, came to the two cheats the empty loom. An official thought someone must see clothes, to the emperor. The emperor saw nothing, afraid of being said he is not a good emperor, said: "I am very satisfied!"

  Parade ceremony on the previous night, two swindlers ten candles lit for the emperor's new clothes nap... After sewing on the two cheats had their emperors clothes off entirely, the invisible clothes to wear in the body.

  The naked emperor parade in the streets, the emperor parade and said: "only clever people can see!"

  "Really! How great the emperor's clothes ah..." People cheered. The emperor heard very satisfied. Suddenly, there was a child, said: "look, he has nothing on!" The emperor heard people said he didn't wear clothes, back to the palace.

  From then on, emperor self-care country heart and soul, no longer to worry about clothes!


  一天,来了两个自称是织工的骗子,说他们“能够织出人类所能想到的最美的布”,还宣称这种布缝出来的衣服是“任何不称职的或愚蠢得不可救药得人都看不见” 的。皇上听后非常高兴,给了他们两个许多金银财宝,让他们马上开始。他们在空机器上忙碌,装作织布的样子。皇上想知道衣料织得怎么样了,就派了一位大臣前 去察看。那位大臣睁大了眼睛,什么也没看见,又不想让人知道自己是一个笨蛋,就说:“这件衣服多么美丽呀!”并呈报皇上说他非常满意,两个骗子有得到了更 多的钱。不久,皇上又派了一名官员。那名官员也说衣服很漂亮,皇上又给了他们许多的钱。







  Once there was an emperor, love to wear new clothes and other things he doesn't.

  One day, two swindlers. Those who said they could do a invisible clothes. Love to wear new clothes of the emperor cheated, of course, is both a liar from morning till night in front of the loom can be above that what also have no. And asked the emperor for a lot of gold. Some time later, the emperor of the greatest minds of let a person to see how the cloth, the man went to the later because don't want to let others know his stupid incompetent, so come back later, the emperor said that cloth. Again a few days later, the emperor again called for a man to see, that man is the first man. Later, the emperor decided to see himself. But the emperor saw nothing, he didn't want to let others think he is a fool. And he said he is very beautiful. All of them echoed, some of them told the emperor put on new clothes to parade, the emperor delighted. Into the street, people all say good, only a child to tell you the truth, then, everybody says, but he still continue to move forward.




