
时间:2017-09-01 08:18:19
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描写助人为乐的英语作文 篇一

Title: The Joy of Helping Others

In today's fast-paced society, it is easy to get caught up in our own lives and forget about the needs of others. However, there is immeasurable joy in lending a helping hand to those in need. Not only does it benefit the recipients, but it also brings a sense of fulfillment and happiness to the ones offering their assistance. This essay will discuss the importance of helping others and the positive impact it can have on both individuals and society.

Firstly, helping others allows us to connect with our fellow human beings on a deeper level. It reminds us that we are all part of a larger community and that we have a responsibility to support and care for one another. Through acts of kindness, such as volunteering at a local shelter or donating to a charity, we can build meaningful relationships and foster a sense of unity and compassion within our society.

Secondly, assisting those in need provides a sense of purpose and fulfillment. When we help others, we are able to see the direct impact of our actions and witness the positive change we can bring about. This not only boosts our self-esteem but also gives us a greater sense of meaning and happiness in our own lives. It is often said that the greatest joy comes from giving, and helping others allows us to experience this firsthand.

Furthermore, helping others can have a ripple effect on society as a whole. When individuals engage in acts of kindness, it inspires others to do the same. This creates a cycle of generosity and compassion that spreads throughout communities, leading to a more harmonious and supportive society. By being role models and actively participating in acts of service, we can inspire others to follow suit and make a difference in the lives of those around them.

In conclusion, helping others is a fundamental aspect of being a compassionate and responsible human being. It not only benefits the recipients but also brings a sense of joy and fulfillment to those offering their assistance. By connecting with others, finding purpose, and inspiring positive change, we can create a more compassionate and supportive society for all. Let us remember the importance of helping others and strive to make a difference in the lives of those in need.

描写助人为乐的英语作文 篇二

Title: The Power of Helping Others

Helping others is a selfless act that has the power to transform both the recipient and the giver. It has the ability to bring about positive change in society and create a more compassionate and empathetic world. In this essay, we will explore the significance of helping others and the far-reaching impact it can have.

Firstly, helping others enables us to make a difference in someone's life. Whether it is providing food and shelter to the homeless or offering emotional support to a friend in need, these acts of kindness can have a profound impact on individuals. It can give them hope, inspire them to overcome challenges, and improve their overall well-being. By reaching out and extending a helping hand, we have the power to change someone's life for the better.

Secondly, helping others allows us to develop empathy and understanding. When we step outside of our own needs and focus on the needs of others, we gain a deeper understanding of the struggles and challenges they face. This empathy helps to break down barriers and foster a more inclusive and compassionate society. It allows us to see beyond differences and connect with others on a human level, creating a sense of unity and shared experiences.

Furthermore, helping others can lead to personal growth and self-discovery. By engaging in acts of service, we learn more about ourselves and our values. It allows us to tap into our strengths and contribute to something greater than ourselves. Through these experiences, we develop a sense of purpose and fulfillment, knowing that our actions have made a positive impact on the lives of others.

In addition, helping others can inspire a ripple effect of kindness and compassion. When we help someone, it often inspires them to pay it forward and help others in return. This creates a chain reaction of goodwill that spreads throughout communities and has the potential to bring about significant positive change. By being proactive in our efforts to help others, we can create a domino effect of kindness that can transform society.

In conclusion, helping others is a powerful act that has the ability to transform lives and create a more compassionate world. By making a difference in someone's life, developing empathy and understanding, experiencing personal growth, and inspiring a ripple effect of kindness, we can contribute to a more harmonious and empathetic society. Let us embrace the power of helping others and strive to make a meaningful impact in the lives of those around us.

描写助人为乐的英语作文 篇三

  Like seven color glass reflects the colorful sun, every one of us has different advantages. Some students talent wise, among the best learning; Some students practical and versatile; And I? I have a kind heart, because I am ready to help others. Remember one day a year ago, I came home from school, it is near dusk. Just as I was in a hurry hurry when, suddenly, I found in front of a white-haired, face wrinkled granny, huh? This is not the 13th floor Yang grandma? She labored to carrying a basket of vegetables, go very slow and difficult, and waist are about to bend down, and in her face with one another shower sweat. When I saw this scene, Im very sympathetic to granny, and thought: "if help grandma carry food back to home day will be black to opaque; besides, I have a lot of homework to do tonight. But, if I didnt help, Yang grandma will be very hard, very tired, may be a few more steps will walk her." Finally, I decided to help grandma Yang.

  Regardless of the its getting late, so I ran to the grandmas side, Yang said: "Yang grandma, how do you carry such heavy food, there are long distances before got home, let me help you with food!" Yang grandma after hearing, gentle and with a smile said to me: "jia jia, thank you, you are too kind. It was dark, you still go home, mom is waiting for you." "It doesnt matter, let me help you carry back!" So I hold the Yang grandma side, the side took the CaiKuang go up.

  After a while, I felt my arm began to ache, his feet were like lead, I really want to put down CaiKuang, rest for a while, but in order not to let Yang grandma worry, I pretended to easily keep going up. After more than ten minutes, I was carrying CaiKuang then finally he delivered the Yang grandma home. When he left, Yang grandma keep me and said, "later." I saw Yang grandmother holding a flashlight, "the child, the way black, so use it as your way home, be careful on the way. Thank you, jia jia." "Yang grandma, goodbye!" On the way home it was already very dark, but, Yang grandmas flashlight light let me on a bright, her concern to disperse the darkness around, let my heart warm; Also, because feel did a good thing, crossed my mind, like to eat a piece of candy. I am such a helpful child. I like to help others, when I saw in his own, with the assistance of others very smoothly through their difficulties, I will from the heart poured out of a sense of pride and happiness of words, because I feel the value of the oneself to others. And help, let us walk c

lose together, let us become like family. Its good to help others! I would like to continue to help those who need help, let our life full of colorful sunshine!




描写助人为乐的英语作文 篇四

  One day, I went to help my mother to buy things.

  On the road, he saw an old woman sitting on the ground moan of pain. Beside her, there is a broken piece of tofu, cucumber and cabbage have been scattered. I had meant to go detours in the past, but that because the ground, groaning in pain,

  Like YiDaoDao cut pain in my heart. I the farther from the grandma, in my heart the knife cut the deeper. Are you going? It is not to go? I hesitate, the voice is still continued.

  It was more than I could bear, hurriedly ran past, concerns of ask: "grandma, whats wrong with you?"

  "Lovely children, grandma ok! Its grandma had accidentally stumbled over a stone, all right!" Grandma in a faint voice said to me, "grandma myself rub!"

  "Grandma, you cant sit on the ground! I helped you stand up, please?" I said, the grandma hold up from the ground.


  "Grandma! Where are you hurt?"

  "Whew!" Grandma gasped, "nothing!"

  And a moan, grandmother at this time to tell me involuntarily "leg... leg pain!"

  Upon hearing this, I will slowly grandmother took to the road of the bench, "grandma, you sit! I see!"

  I rolled up my grandmothers legs and leg has been broken skin, bleeding. "Grandma, you wait a moment, Ill be back in a minute!"

  I bought a bottle of mineral water with money and a band-aid. Dip in with the grandma with toilet paper and some a little mineral water, gently wipe the grandmas wound, and skillfully to grandma with a dressing.

  "Grandma, how do you do?" I asked concerned

  "Lovely children, grandma!"

  After I heard, smiled. Then the grandma that pick up your food scattered on the ground.

  "Thank you, darling!"

  Yeah! The bird needs the help of the blue sky, let it fly higher and further. Flowers need bees help, let it become more and more graceful; The fish need help from the river, let it swim more comfortable... Your help will get others shane dade, even a small action, isnt it?



















描写助人为乐的英语作文 篇五

  My classmate Wei Huagot a high feverlast week. He had to be in hospital.

  Yesterday was Saturday. My classmates and I went to see him together. We met at the school gate at 9 :00 in the morning. Then wewent to the hospital by bus. I thought we should get him some flowers, because fresh and beautiful flowers couldmakehimfeel good and happy.What’s more, Wei Huawasworriedabouthis study. So I brought him my notebooks andtried my best toanswer his questions. I hope Wei Hua can be better soon.

  If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your path. So,take action tohelp others, because it willnot onlymake you happybutalsobring you others’help.

描写助人为乐的英语作文 篇六

  It is often said that helping others will be rewarded. However, I think should not only help others.

  I remember going to Haier square with Guo Xinyu once. I suddenly had a stomachache. I told Guo Xinyu that I would go to the bathroom and let her wait for me in the woods. After that, I ran to public toilet with thunderbolt. When I went to the bathroom and was ready to cross the road, I saw a man run to a small bike and to the side of the bike. Look, look west, see no one next to it, and move the car away.




