
时间:2013-04-06 03:46:21
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大熊猫英语作文 篇一:The Giant Panda

The giant panda, also known as Ailuropoda melanoleuca, is a fascinating and beloved creature native to the mountains of central China. With its distinctive black and white fur, the giant panda has become an iconic symbol of wildlife conservation and is adored by people all around the world.

The giant panda is primarily herbivorous, with bamboo making up the majority of its diet. It has a unique adaptation in its wrist bones, which function like a thumb, allowing it to grasp bamboo shoots and leaves with ease. Adult pandas can consume up to 12-38 kilograms of bamboo each day to meet their dietary needs. Despite their carnivorous ancestry, pandas have evolved to rely almost exclusively on bamboo, making them one of the few animals with such a specialized diet.

In addition to their dietary habits, the giant panda's physical appearance is also distinctive. They have large, round heads with black patches around their eyes and ears. Their bodies are covered in thick, woolly fur, which helps to keep them warm in the cold mountainous regions where they live. The panda's black and white coat serves as camouflage in their natural habitat, enabling them to blend in with the snowy surroundings and avoid predators.

Unfortunately, the giant panda is currently listed as a vulnerable species due to habitat loss and low birth rates. Human activities such as deforestation and urbanization have greatly reduced the panda's natural habitat, forcing them to live in fragmented areas. This, coupled with their low reproductive rates, has resulted in a declining population. Efforts are being made to conserve and protect the giant panda, including the establishment of protected areas and breeding centers.

Moreover, the giant panda has also become a symbol of wildlife conservation and environmental awareness. Many organizations and individuals are actively involved in raising awareness and supporting conservation efforts for these beloved creatures. Through education and advocacy, it is hoped that more people will understand the importance of preserving the natural habitat of the giant panda and other endangered species.

In conclusion, the giant panda is a remarkable creature that captivates the hearts of people worldwide. With its unique physical features and specialized diet, the panda has become an iconic symbol of wildlife conservation. While facing various challenges, efforts are being made to protect and preserve this beloved species. By raising awareness and supporting conservation initiatives, we can ensure the survival of the giant panda for future generations to appreciate and admire.

大熊猫英语作文 篇二:The Importance of Giant Panda Conservation

The giant panda, native to China, is not only an adorable creature but also an important indicator species for the health of ecosystems. As such, the conservation of giant pandas is crucial not only for their own survival but also for the preservation of biodiversity and the overall ecological balance.

Firstly, the giant panda plays a vital role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem. As herbivores, pandas mainly feed on bamboo, which helps to control the growth of bamboo forests. Without the presence of pandas, the bamboo population would grow rapidly, leading to the depletion of resources for other species. By consuming bamboo, pandas prevent overgrowth and ensure the sustainability of the ecosystem.

Secondly, the conservation of giant pandas helps protect their habitat and the biodiversity found within it. The areas where pandas reside are rich in diverse plant and animal species. By conserving their habitat, we are also conserving the homes of numerous other species that depend on the same ecosystem. By protecting pandas, we are indirectly protecting the entire ecosystem and the delicate balance that exists within it.

Furthermore, the giant panda has become an important flagship species for conservation efforts. Their popularity and iconic status have helped to raise awareness and generate support for wildlife conservation and environmental protection. By focusing on the preservation of giant pandas, conservation organizations and governments can also address broader conservation issues, such as habitat destruction and climate change, which threaten numerous species and ecosystems worldwide.

In recent years, significant efforts have been made to conserve giant pandas and their habitats. Protected areas have been established, and breeding programs have been implemented to increase their population. These initiatives have shown positive results, as the number of giant pandas in the wild has been steadily increasing. However, there is still much work to be done to ensure the long-term survival of this beloved species.

In conclusion, the conservation of giant pandas is of utmost importance for the preservation of biodiversity and the overall health of ecosystems. By protecting pandas and their habitats, we are safeguarding the delicate balance of nature and ensuring the survival of numerous other species. Moreover, the conservation of giant pandas serves as a powerful reminder of the need to protect and preserve our natural environment. Through collective efforts and continued support, we can secure a brighter future for giant pandas and the ecosystems they inhabit.

大熊猫英语作文 篇三



  Every day, pandas eat bamboo in bamboo forests. The panda is the national treasure of our country, its whole body of fur is black and white, long and honest, very lovely. It likes to eat tender and delicious bamboo leaves, and the thick bamboo forest is the home of the panda.

  We must cherish pandas, protect bamboo forests and give pandas a safe and beautiful home forever!

大熊猫英语作文 篇四


  My name is panda, and I can say with pleasure that I am a national protected animal. My body is fat, my eyes, ears and claws are black, and the rest are white. I often roll when I get up. My favorite food is bamboo and bamboo leaves. You said I was cute and not cute.

大熊猫英语作文 篇五




  I like pandas best.

  The panda's eyes are big and round and black and white. Its color is very beautiful and white and black. It has a chubby, start way and a big watermelon is cute. Its head is big like a brown bear's head, but it's not the same color. Its belly was also black and white, like a big windbreaker. It likes to eat bamboo and roll on the ground.

  I like pandas because it is a national animal protection.

大熊猫英语作文 篇六

  Needless to say that pandas are not only a kind of rare animals of China but also the world, and all the people is undoubtedly crazy about them.

  These lovely and smart guys live in mountains, and its are fond of bamboo. Unfortunately, bamboo has been damaging recently, so it is more and more difficult for pandas to find food. What’s worse, its are in endangered.

  However, our country had set up a host of nature researches. Nevertheless, we still cannot help all of its because we don’t have enough money.

  Above all, I wish you, the kind teenagers come to join us. Only in this way can our planet be flooded with endless harmony and happiness.


